Chapter 84: Deathbed (2)

Chapter 84: Deathbed (2)

The sound of a loud explosion vibrates the surroundings.


As a golden ray of light flashes, the barrier trembles and shakes violently.


As the Formless Sword Gang is wielded, the quivering barrier starts to develop cracks and gradually fails to hold up.

Kim Young-hoon and I relentlessly strike the barrier with our Formless Sword and Surpassing Radiant Saber, shattering it.

Seo Ran watches us with a stunned expression.

"...But, you could have just entered and pulled out the flags.."

When you have physical prowess, there's no need to overthink.


Kim Young-hoon and I simultaneously strike down with our Formless Sword and Surpassing Radiant Saber.

Finally, the barrier cracks and completely shatters.


The formation flags inside the barrier can’t withstand our strikes and break apart.

Kim Young-hoon and I step beyond the barrier, followed by a bewildered Seo Ran.

"Is this enough?"

"Yes, yes... That's more than enough, senior. But, if you don't mind me asking..."

Seo Ran cautiously inquires, seeing me continue to respond in the language of the demon race.

"Are you also demi-human?"

The demon race's language, which only those with the ability to see the flow of Yin and Yang can learn, is entirely different from the communication structure of humans, who vibrate air to speak. Using the demon race's language is essentially the same as declaring oneself a demon.

"Hmm, not demi-human. Just think of me as a... uniquely different human. It's this uniqueness that got the Sea Dragon King's recognition to assist you."

"Ah, I see... Thank you for your help then. Now that the barrier is broken, I'll take it from here. If you come to my place later, I'll compensate you properly.."

However, I shake my head.

"No, I'll join you."

"Excuse me?"

"I've always wanted to enter the famous Nether Crossing Ship of the Black Ghost Valley."


Seo Ran looks slightly burdened by the idea of Kim Young-hoon and me, evidently powerful cultivators, accompanying him, but I pay it no mind and head with him towards the Nether Crossing Ship.

Better to be burdened than dead.

And so, Kim Young-Hoon, Seo Ran, and I approach the deck of the Nether Crossing Ship.




The ghostly and yin energy that has been pervading the deck suddenly dissipates.

The Nether Crossing Ship, known for its ghostly and yin energy, seems to have lost its ominous aura.

"What's going on...?"

Seo Ran looks around, baffled, but I have an inkling of the reason.

I send a heart message to Kim Young-Hoon, explaining the situation.

Understanding, Kim Young-Hoon tightly grips his saber.

We enter the interior of the Nether Crossing Ship.

As expected.

The inside of the Nether Crossing Ship, unlike my last life’s visit, is not as steeped in ghostly and yin energy.

"Well, that's a relief. If the ghostly and yin energy aren't too intense, exploring the inside shouldn't be too difficult."

"...Hmm. Listen, Daoist Seo"

I look at Seo Ran and speak,

"Let's head straight to the lower levels of the Nether Crossing Ship."

"Start our exploration from the bottom?"

"Yes. I have a bad feeling. The reason for the reduced ghostly energy seems to be in the lower levels."

"Hmm, if the senior says so..."

Without waiting for his response, I lead the way to the lower levels of the Nether Crossing Ship.

In my past life, the deeper we went, the denser the ghostly energy became. But today, as we descend, the ghostly energy didn’t increase but rather seems to thin out.

And soon, we reach the place I had visited in my past life.

The lowest level of the Nether Crossing Ship.

Unlike the previous levels, where there’s still some ghostly energy, this level has none at all.

However, I tense up and ready myself.

Kim Young-hoon, arriving a bit later, also heightens his alertness and begins to draw his Surpassing Radiant Saber.

"What are you doing, seniors... Huh!"

Around us, the ghostly energy is weak.

But it hasn’t just vanished into thin air.

The anchored ghost spirit attached to the lowest level of the Nether Crossing Ship had been absorbing and devouring the ghostly energy, compressing it within itself.


Above the black throne,

There sits a being, completely engulfed in darkness, almost as if it had become a shadow itself.

Unlike before, when at least the skull's outline was visible, now it is entirely shrouded in darkness.

[...I thought two Core Formation cultivators had barged in, but it's just two Qi Building and one Qi Refining? No, that can't be. Breaking the Nether Crossing Ship's protective barrier requires at least Core Formation strength. You must've mastered some unique techniques.]

From the darkness, the shadow gazes at us.


From the eye sockets of the shadow, blue ghostly flames ignite.

[...No matter who it is, it doesn't matter. Those who couldn’t even cling and follow when the Ascension Gate opened, mere trash, think they can receive the cultivation secrets of the Azure Ghost Valley?]

Zap, zap...

I swallow hard at the menacing aura emanating from the ghost spirit.

It isn't the feeble presence I had felt before.

It’s aware of our full strength and is on high alert.

[Whatever you want from the Nether Crossing Ship, you won't get anything from the Azure Ghost Valley...! I will protect it!]

Rumble, rumble!

Screech, screech...

Howl, howl...

From the body of the ghost spirit, ghostly energy boils, and from within its shadow, dozens, hundreds of ghostly wails erupts.

Then, the ghost spirit rises from its seat.

Step, step.

It completely detaches from the throne.

Simultaneously, a subtle connection between it and the throne seems to break.

'Did it cut off the supply of ghostly energy from the Nether Crossing Ship?'

In return, it seems to have absorbed all the remaining ghostly energy in the ship.

It has no more reason to receive ghostly energy, and the weakness of being passive in its attacks while seated on the throne is gone.

This time, it will be much more difficult to confront it than in my past life.

The next moment.

The ghost spirit moves its hand, and a 3 meter large ghost claw flies at us with incredible speed.


The ghost claw clashes with my Formless Sword Gang and is neutralized, then Kim Young-hoon steps forward.


A golden radiance flickers.


Kim Young-hoon's saber strikes at the neck of the ghost spirit.

With a speed that seems to pause time!

The ghost spirit couldn't respond to Kim Young-hoon's speed, but Kim Young-hoon's Surpassing Radiant Saber couldn't sever its neck either.

The ghost spirit is repelled by the Surpassing Radiant Saber.

Then, as the ghost spirit forms a hand seal, countless ghost hands erupt from it, targeting Kim Young-hoon.


Again, a golden radiance flickers, and Kim Young-hoon is beside me.

"Hmm. A few special spells are as fast as your Formless Sword, such as the ghost claw. But the ghost itself can't keep up with the speed of those spells.

In short, it's much slower than us. But the output of the Surpassing Radiant Saber isn't enough to penetrate the ghostly energy of that Core Formation ghost spirit."

He glances at me and says,

"I'll draw its attention. You confront it head-on and target it."


"I can launch an effective attack on that ghost, but I need to gather energy to do so. Please buy me some time."

Seo Ran looks at us and speaks.

Kim Young-hoon and I nod at each other, and Seo Ran, understanding our meaning, transforms from his demi-human form to his dragon form.


A golden bell shoots out from Seo Ran's mouth, and he begins to gather energy in it.


Again, several ghost claws fly towards us.

In my past life, these fearsome attacks made me desperate just to evade.

But in this life, I step forward, swirling my Formless Sword, and slice the ghost claws apart.

Boom, boom!

Light flashes as ghost claws explode, and again, a golden light flickers.


Kim Young-hoon, like a ray of light, reappears below the ghost spirit's shoulder.

He strikes the ghost spirit’s arm, disrupting the spell it was casting.



Dozens of ghost claws chase after Kim Young-hoon, but they can't catch up.


Completely enveloping himself in ghost claws, the ghost spirit begins forming a new spell.

This made it difficult for Kim Young-hoon to penetrate inside.

However, I take a stance, summoning the Formless Sword.

Severing Vein Saber Method, Mountain Wind!


Holding the Formless Sword, I accelerate my thoughts to the extreme and appear right in front of the ghost spirit.

In that state, while accelerating, I instantly switch the sword technique of the Formless Sword.

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, Flowing Ridge!

The straight-shooting Mountain Wind twists and turns, weaving through the gaps of the ghost claws.

Effortlessly avoiding all ghost claws, it accurately hits the target in the center.


A loud explosion occurs, and the ghost claws burst apart all at once, revealing the ghost spirit, pierced in the chest by my Formless Sword.

The ghost spirit looks to be in agony, but continues to form hand seals.

'Is he not dead even with this?'

It seems a hole in the heart is no issue for a ghost body, unlike a normal human body.

'I'll tear it apart then.'

Of course, tearing everything to shreds is not a hassle..

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, Layered Mountains!


The Formless Sword, stuck in the ghost spirit's chest, transforms, rapidly extending in all directions like thorns.

An invisible barbed wire envelops the space around it.

However, in the final moments, the ghost spirit completes its hand seals.

[Flying Escape.]


In that instant, the ghost spirit transforms into a beam of dark light and escapes from the transformation of the Formless Sword.


Although the Formless Sword's myriad changes didn't completely miss the ghost spirit, tearing a significant part of the ghost body, the ghost spirit ultimately manages to escape.

'This must be the Flying Escape Technique of a Core Formation cultivator.'

A Core Formation cultivator can use spells by utilizing the stars formed in the dantian, hiding in the escaping light for fast movement.

Typically, Flying Escape is used for long-distance travel, and its speed is so fast that cultivators below the level of Qi Building can’t catch up.

A long time ago.

When I was under my master's tutelage, Makli Yun-ryeon of the Makli Clan used a life-saving magical artifact that allowed him to use a Core Formation’s Flying Escape Technique several times, escaping from my and Kim Young-hoon's pursuit.

However, I retrieve the Formless Sword and hold it again, looking at the ghost spirit who is repairing its ghost body.

"Is that all?"

I smirk and accelerate my thoughts once more.

"While my speed is slightly lacking compared to the ghost claws you project..."

If it’s just that speed, I can sufficiently chase with the Formless Sword.

"To properly react, you'll have to keep using that spell."

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, Entering Mountain!

I swing the Formless Sword again.

The Formless Sword rises towards the ghost spirit in the air, targeting him.

The ghost spirit, showing signs of anger, uses the Flying Escape Technique again.


The ghost spirit narrowly avoids the Formless Sword, but in the next instant, he is unable to react to the Surpassing Radiant Saber that appears beside him.


A golden brilliance spreads out like a fan, striking the ghost spirit.


[You bastards... If only I had my dharma treasures and ghost servants intact...!]

But before he can finish speaking, Kim Young-hoon's Surpassing Radiant Saber appears again around the ghost spirit, striking him a total of thirty-six times.

"Hold on tight..!"

Severe him in one go.

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, Qi Mountain Heart Heaven!


The aura of the Formless Sword grows more ferocious, and I, combining it with the Dragon Vein sword move, slash down with the Formless Sword.

Kim Young-hoon, who has been restraining the ghost spirit, retreats at a speed akin to light and the ghost spirit, greatly infuriated, reaches out towards my towering Formless Sword.


A black ghost bone emitted from the ghost spirit's hand blocks my Formless Sword.

"Blocked this?"

As I exclaim in admiration, the ghost spirit hastily forms another hand seal.

[I'll kill you all!]


Around the ghost spirit, thousands of ghost skulls, each powerful enough to be considered a Gang Sphere, appear.

Following after, numerous ghost claws erupt, and swarms of ghost insects envelop the surroundings.

'He's stalling for time.'

I realize the ghost spirit is gathering ghostly power among these many spells, preparing an even bigger technique.


I hold the Formless Sword, transforming it constantly.

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, Transcending Peaks!

The Formless Sword, embodying the numerous martial principles of Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, swings horizontally.

One strike!


In a single blow, countless ghost skulls and swarms of ghost insects blocking my view are all swept away like a wave.

What remains are the ghost claws surrounding the ghost spirit.

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, Bouldered Cliff!

The Formless Sword envelops me.

It surrounds me from all sides, becoming a small storm, and I dive towards the ghost claws with an integrated offensive and defensive momentum.

The Formless Sword rotates, tearing through the ghost claws and penetrating inside.


Like the eye of a storm, the center of the ghost claws is calm, and the ghost spirit is completing a hand seal right there.


The blue ghost fire burning in the ghost spirit's eyes weakens considerably.

At the same time, above the ghost spirit's hand, a faint blue-white skull is floating.

The skull looks unstable, as if it could scatter into the void at any moment.

However, the power contained within is formidable, and I have a premonition that facing it will mean certain doom.

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, Layered Mountains!

The Formless Sword Gang extends in all directions, splitting apart.

Once again, an invisible barbed terrain envelops the area.


The ghost claws are all torn apart, and the ghost spirit, pierced all over by the Formless Sword, becomes a honeycomb.

However, the ghost spirit is still infusing ghostly energy into the hand seal, completing the spell.

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, Mountain Tiger!

I focus on the Formless Sword that has spread in all directions into one point, and as the thick barbed terrain retracts, the golden light of the Surpassing Radiant Saber enters from beyond.


Kim Young-hoon, manifesting the externalized Inner Core used before, swings the Surpassing Radiant Saber, and the power of my Formless Sword concentrates into one point and explodes.


A bright white light erupts, causing an explosion of ghostly energy, and I see that more than 80% of the ghost spirit's body is torn apart.


The light subsides.

And then, a blue-white glow spreads in all directions.

[It's... done.]


The ghost spirit, reduced to tatters as if he could scatter any moment, glares at us.

Now, the ghost spirit's eyes no longer burn with blue ghost fire.

They emit a red luster, like ordinary ghosts.

[Let's... go together!]

'Dying together!'

Kim Young-hoon and I read the ghost spirit's intent and harden our expressions.

The blue-white skull swells.

The formidable power of death contained within it makes the entire floor of the Nether Crossing Ship feel chillingly cold.

Then, Seo Ran's voice came.

[Avoid it, seniors.]


A glimmer of hope flickers on mine and Kim Young-hoon's faces.

Seo Ran, holding a golden bell in his mouth, has been gathering tremendous energy inside his mouth.

Seo Ran opens his jaws.


The power of the Ghost Controlling Bell mingles with Seo Ran's breath. Not blue, but a golden brilliance shoots out, flying towards our direction.



The ghost spirit, attempting to detonate the blue-white skull, gets trapped in the golden breath along with the skull.

The ghostly power is suppressed by the power of Ghost Controlling Bell, diminishing the self-destructive force. The blue explosion only exerts its power within the golden beam.

The formidable explosion that has been emanating fierce energy is gradually weakening within the golden radiance.

"Huh, is this a dragon?"

Kim Young-hoon clicks his tongue, watching Seo Ran spewing the radiance with the power of the dharma treasure.

"Can he do that attack every time? If so, I'd like to spar with him..."

"It's probably impossible. Daoist Seo has been gathering energy since earlier."


That's when it happens.


The beam of golden light begins to weaken.

Seo Ran's power is waning.

The blue explosion, while greatly diminished by Seo Ran's effort, still contains terrifying power.

"It seems Daoist Seo’s power alone is not enough. But at least the force has been greatly reduced..."

"Right, let's do it."

In moments, Seo Ran's power will be depleted, and the explosion will burst forth again.

Kim Young-hoon and I move to both sides of the ghost spirit, taking our stances.

We hold the Formless Sword and the Surpassing Radiant Saber.

The next moment.

Seo Ran's breath completely extinguishes, and he collapses to the ground, gasping.

Blue light bursts forth beyond the golden prison.

And then, the Saber and the Sword swings.

Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, First Move, Transcending Peaks

Severing Vein Saber Method, First Move, Mountain Force

Each of us uses our martial arts towards the explosion from opposite directions.

Entering Mountain, Ascending Vein, Flowing Ridge…

Mountain Spirit, Mountain Presence, Mountain Wind…

The Formless Sword undergoes myriad transformations, maximizing the power of its techniques.

The Surpassing Radiant Saber, with extreme speed, splits the instant and bursts into light.

The formless storm and the golden storm devour the blue light from both sides.


Each martial art and their profound meanings unfold.

Echoing Valley, Nine Mountains Eight Seas, Heavenly Lake...

Great Trunk, Surpassing Mountains, Returning Home...


The Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, the ultimate move.

The Severing Vein Saber Method, the ultimate move.

[Severing Mountain.]

[Saber Tomb.]

The myriad transformations of the Formless Sword concentrate in a single strike that severs the mountains.

The extreme speed of the Surpassing Radiant Saber is encapsulated in a single strike that buries even light beneath its blade.


The golden and formless forces devour the blue explosion, completely grinding down the remnants of the ghost spirit, who was sustaining the spell at the core.


After unleashing the final move, we hold the Formless Sword and Surpassing Radiant Saber, gazing through the dissipating light.

The light fades, and within, a figure stands.

"He's still not dead."

"Such a tenacious one. If he died once, he should’ve just gone peacefully to the underworld.”

Kim Young-hoon clicks his tongue, tensing up again.

However as the light dissipates and its form is revealed, we are taken aback.

Before us was not the ghastly ghost spirit from before, but a translucent middle-aged man in black robes.

The black-robed middle-aged man is lifting a dark blue ghost fire in both hands, using a spell.

Judging by the remaining ghostly energy, this spell seems like his last.

[Dark Soul Possession Great Spell!]


The dark blue ghost fire envelops the ghost spirit, and he, shrouded in the dark blue flame, charges at me.

[Know the sin of coveting the treasures of the valley!]


I try to cut him down with the Formless Sword, but somehow, even the Formless Sword passes through him, and the ghost spirit is sucked into my upper dantian.

Dark malice stains my soul.

My soul is being eroded.

The ghost spirit enters my upper dantian, touches the core of my soul, and seeps deep into it.

He penetrates into the depths of my consciousness where no one else has ever entered.

In an instant, he infiltrates the depths of myself, and his heart essence intertwines with mine.

The emotions he felt throughout his life and his consciousness enter into me, and conversely, my emotions and consciousness permeate into him."

And then.


The ghost spirit, who has entered my soul, begins to scream madly.

[Huuaah... let me out! Stop!]


[Please, please!]

But, I, in turn, constrict him even tighter with my will deep within my consciousness.

[What are you? Why does a human have such thoughts and feelings? Are you, are you…]

In a voice saturated with fear and despair, the ghost spirit weeps.

[Are you really human..?]

When the ghost spirit used the Dark Soul Possession Great Spell to infiltrate Seo Eun-hyun's consciousness, he was quite confident.

A trump card used by the cultivators of Black Ghost Valley!

A technique to wrest control of the opponent's body by directly confronting their willpower and the life they have lived.

Moreover, in the world of heart essence, he, having mastered the methods of the ghost path, had a significant advantage.

All he needed to do was suppress the core of the opponent's heart essence!

Thinking so, he touched the core of Seo Eun-hyun's soul, his heart essence.


Bright rays surrounded him, and in the next moment.

The ghost spirit found himself in a strange space.



Suddenly, the ghost spirit’s entire body turned into a honeycomb.

[Ah, aah…]

Clear and transparent swords were thrust in reverse.

Densely packed colorless swords on the ground welcomed him enthusiastically .


He screamed.

They were densely stuck in all directions.

The swords formed a gigantic mountain far away.

The Colorless Sword Mountain Hell!

That was the world of heart essence he had entered

[What is this... Can a human even have such a state of mind?]

Typically, the heart essence, whether for cultivators or demon beasts, was small.

Some people's heart essence appears as a child, some as small grass, and others as a rock.

But generally, the heart essence was an object.

An object that could be something the person is focused on or an ideal they think of, a single entity.

Typically, that was a normal heart essence.

But this was something else.

[A world...?]

The heart essence forming such a vast and distinct world was unheard of.

He had never heard or seen such a thing before.

But what was most terrifying was this:

[Even if this world is this person's heart essence, why does he possess such a painful world?]

Pierced all over by colorless swords sprouting densely from the ground, the ghost spirit couldn't move.

The colorless swords caused immense pain upon mere contact.

Constant failure after failure.

A life of only losses.

Despite all the effort, I’m always being rejected and denied.

Everything in this life eventually falls apart.

Even though I'm alive, it's as if I'm not.

The swords echoed with Seo Eun-hyun's voice.

Each one represented a part of Seo Eun-hyun's life.

[Are you really human..?]

The swords symbolized his life.

Overwhelmed by the immense pain they emitted, the ghost spirit cried out in fear.

[You are not human. No human could be like this... You are a ghost, closer to death than even me, who is already dead!

How can a human have such a heart essence!!!]


The Sword Mountain stirred.

The ghost spirit felt himself being sucked into the clear. pristine swords.

Seo Eun-hyun was manipulating his heart essence, trapping him.

The ghost spirit, facing this unbelievable sight, could only laugh madly.

"Eun-hyun, are you okay?"

"...Yes, I'm fine."

I speak, having completely confined the ghost spirit in a corner of my subconsciousness.

"I've completely subdued him. There won't be any problems."


I form a hand seal and exhale spiritual energy.

In the spiritual energy, the ghost spirit's face, trapped by my will, looks at me with a face filled with terror.

[What are you... What are you people?]

"We're just humans. What else?"

[Heh... You call yourself human.]

The ghost spirit chuckles bitterly.

"Well, it was indeed a tough fight. Now that his ghostly energy has all but depleted, he'll go to the underworld on his own if we let him go, right?"

I’m about to release the consciousness binding the ghost spirit when he speaks.

[Wait a moment...]

"Hmm? What is it?"

[...I acknowledge your strength. I realize that I can't resist, and that I have been defeated. So, as a victor's mercy, can you grant me one last request?]


The ghost spirit, who has been captured in my consciousness, changes his form.

He appears as the translucent black-robed middle-aged man I had seen before.

The middle-aged man stands there with a very bitter expression.

[...I don't mean to harm you. If I have to die like this, there's something I want to do one last time. Please, as a victor's mercy, grant me my last request.]

Kim Young-hoon and I look at him for a moment, reading his heart essence.

He’s not lying or intending to harm us.

He is genuinely asking for our mercy.

He has no more fighting spirit left.

"Well, that's fine and all, but why should we? I consider sending you peacefully to the underworld a significant act of mercy."

[...You're right. Therefore, if you grant my request, I will also reward you.]

The words that follow make me pause.

[I was killed by the Mad Lord and became a wandering soul, but originally, I was a Heavenly Being cultivator of the Black Ghost Valley and the keeper of the scriptural repository, knowledgeable in all sorts of methods.

Nascent Soul methods, Core Formation methods, Qi Building methods... Any of the Five Elements you desire, just name it.

If you grant my request, I'll give you one or two as a reward.]

We read his heart essence.

Indeed, he isn't lying.

[If you grant my dying wish, I will share all that you wish to know.]

Translator Notes: Extra chapter donated by Fugman. Thx for the support lmfao.

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