Chapter 85: Deathbed (3)

Chapter 85: Deathbed (3)

Qi Building Method.

Among cultivators, the basic Qi Refining Method is easily accessible if one has enough spirit stones, but the difficulty of obtaining a Qi Building Method, which is typically mastered by elders of a cultivator clan, is significantly higher.

Not to mention the more advanced Core Formation Methods, which is beyond the Qi Building Method.

For instance, in the case of the Qi Refining basic method, I know of the five methods recorded in the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation and a sixth from the Earth Dwelling Method of the Cheongmun Clan.

It’s even possible for other cultivators to purchase additional Qi Refining basic methods.

However, the only Qi Building Method I currently know is a wood attribute method that my master had imparted to me as knowledge.

Wood attribute method, Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea.

In theory, this method could advance one from Qi Building through Core Formation to the Nascent Soul stage.

Naturally, it's focused on Understanding before Breakthrough and is difficult to master and understand, making it a rare method in the Cheongmun Clan, with no one other than my master having practiced it.

'Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea is excellent, but to have any method I desire...'

Especially since Black Ghost Valley has a long history and is said to lack no attribute methods.

'First, it wouldn't hurt to gather as many Qi Building Methods as possible. Plus, I can prepare methods for Core Formation and Nascent Soul stages in advance...'

It’s an appealing offer.


"How can I trust that the methods you provide will be genuine?"

Having been tricked by Seo Hweol into using Summoning Wind, Dragon Transformation, I can't help but be skeptical about his offer of freely giving methods.

[How dare you, questioning me, an elder of the great Azure Ghost Valley?]

"Elder or not, you're just a ghost now, but I have too much at stake."

[Hmph, insolent... Fine, I'll make a vow.]

He places his hand on the wall of the Nether Crossing Ship and begins to speak.

[Here in front of the Nether Crossing Ship, I, Song Jin, once an elder of the Azure Ghost Valley, swear by the honor of the Azure Ghost Valley's name not to lie about the cultivation methods.]

The wall of the Nether Crossing Ship vibrates faintly, and a mystical connection seems to form between the ghost spirit, Song Jin, and the ship.

I peer into his heart essence and intent to judge the truth.

Sure enough, he has some ulterior motives, but at least he intends not to play tricks with the cultivation methods.

'Well, a small ulterior motive is fine...'

Kim Yeong-hoon also reads his heart essence and sends me heart message asking if it’s okay.

I send back a heart message affirming it’s fine.

"Alright, then let's hear your request. If it's unreasonable, I won't grant it."

[It's nothing unreasonable. I'll teach you how to operate the Nether Crossing Ship, so take it to the sea.]

"Just that?"

[Just that.]

Seo Ran asks with a puzzled look.

"Isn't the Nether Crossing Ship no longer able to move?"

[Hmph, it's lost most of its main functions and power source, but there's still enough residual soul power for a few more voyages. It's broken, but one more trip is no big deal.]

Song Jin caresss the Nether Crossing Ship with a bittersweet expression.

[The Nether Crossing Ship... can still sail.]

Reading Song Jin's heart essence, it seems he wants to meet his end with the ship.

'Wanting to meet your end at the desired place, at the desired time...'

Feeling a strange empathy for him, I look around.

"I'm willing to fulfill this ghost's request. What about you, Kim Hyung?"

"Do as you please. But I can't operate the Nether Crossing Ship or anything like that."

"What about you, Daoist Seo?"


Seo Ran hesitates for a moment, then looks at Song Jin and speaks.

"I would like the elder of the Black Ghost Valley to help me find something left by my mother."

At Seo Ran's words, Song Jin frowns deeply.

[I've been bothered by you since earlier. So it’s you, the disgrace of the valley, a half-blooded demi-human. Hmph, I heard you were of demi-human lineage but too deeply rooted in the demon race to use the Seven Stars Ritual and was shunned in your clan.]

Song Jin glares at Seo Ran.

[Your mother was a promising disciple of the Black Ghost Valley. If only she hadn't given birth to you, she could have received enough support to become a Nascent Soul elder.

A blemish like you appeared, leading to the cut-off of support, and you committed the disgrace of siding with the Sea Dragon Tribe, demoting her status to that of an ordinary disciple!

How dare you now ask me to find your mother's heirloom?]


Song Jin looks at Seo Ran with great displeasure and continues,

[If you want to find it, search for it yourself. I will not help with such things.]

I think about pressuring Song Jin to help Seo Ran, but seeing his obstinate heart essence, I give up.

No matter the pressure, he seems unwilling to compromise on this matter, directly linked to the honor of Black Ghost Valley.

"Daoist Seo, I will assist you in your search. Together, we can find it faster. That aside... is it really just about taking the Nether Crossing Ship out to sea?"

[Yes, that's all I need. I will teach you how to operate the Nether Crossing Ship, so follow me.]

I follow Song Jin to the upper deck of the Nether Crossing Ship.

[The Nether Crossing Ship originally moves using the soul and spiritual energy stored within the ship itself. Before the Mad Lord took its power source, the soul and spiritual energy was almost boundless, but now it may run out after a few uses.]

He teaches me how to operate the Nether Crossing Ship.

I instruct Seo Ran to search the lower decks of the Nether Crossing Ship while I will search the upper decks.

In my past life, I had already searched the upper decks of the Nether Crossing Ship and found nothing, so this is a gesture to save his time.

For several days, I learn how to operate the Nether Crossing Ship from Song Jin, while Seo Ran thoroughly searches its lower decks.

Kim Young-hoon practices the Surpassing Radiant Saber.

About a fortnight passes.

[You seem to have gotten the hang of it.]

Song Jin observes as I attach my consciousness to various parts of the Nether Crossing Ship, controlling it.

Originally, it’s said that tens of people were needed to operate this impossibly large space-compressed ship, but it seems that I alone am enough to clumsily operate this ruined ship.

In fact, for cultivators, it’s possible for one person's consciousness to do the work of dozens, so clumsily operating it isn't too difficult.

Around this time...

Seo Ran's search in the lower decks is nearing its end.

"Only three more rooms to search. Hopefully, one of them contains my mother's heirloom."

Seo Ran speaks with a trembling voice.

Song Jin looks at Seo Ran with a complex expression.

Two days later, Seo Ran finds his mother's heirloom.

"Did you find it?"

"Yes, senior. Thanks to you, I was able to find my mother's heirloom."

In Seo Ran's hand is a jade slip.

"Have you read it?"

"Not yet. I plan to go back to my quarters, prepare myself mentally, and then read it."

"I see."

Then, Song Jin, who is watching us, speaks.

[Now that you seem to have finished your business on the Nether Crossing Ship, it might be time to fulfill my request.]

"Well, let's do that. I'll operate the Nether Crossing Ship and set out."

I ascend to the top deck of the Nether Crossing Ship where the steering wheel is located.

I breathe consciousness into the steering wheel.

The structure and system of the Nether Crossing Ship is completely different from ordinary ships.


[Now send your consciousness to various auxiliary power parts of the Nether Crossing Ship.]


The current state and structure of the Nether Crossing Ship appears in my mind.

I send my consciousness to various parts of the schematic, stimulating them.

The Nether Crossing Ship then begins to tremble, emitting more spiritual energy.

[Nether Crossing Ship, activation!]

"Nether Crossing Ship, activation!"


Yin wind blows from beneath the Nether Crossing Ship.

Simultaneously, the Nether Crossing Ship begins to ascend.


Kim Young-hoon watches from the edge of the deck, looking down, while Seo Ran looks around with a mix of tension and anticipation.



The Nether Crossing Ship rises into the air and begins to move forward, following my will and manipulation.

Following Song Jin's advice, I distribute spiritual energy here and there, controlling the Nether Crossing Ship.

[Damn, why is the operation speed only this fast? Aren't you at the Core Formation stage? With Core Formation cultivation, the output of Pure Spiritual Force should be overwhelmingly higher, making the operation speed much faster...]

He looks at me with an annoyed expression and continues.

However, I ignore him and silently steer the Nether Crossing Ship.

Splash, splash!

Pieces and debris from the damaged Nether Crossing Ship fall downwards.

Given the ship's considerable damage, a large amount of debris is falling off.


The Nether Crossing Ship penetrates the barrier and formation laid out in the sea.

As the central Nether Crossing Ship leaves its position, the barrier begins to collapse.


Wells filled with seawater.


[It's the Nether Crossing Ship!]

[Run! We'll be devoured by the ship!]

The ghosts in the mist barrier beyond shrieks at the sight of the Nether Crossing Ship and make way for it.

As we pass the middle of the sea mist barrier, it collapses, and all the ghosts within ascend to heaven.



We shatter the illusion barrier and enter the proper sea area.


As the ghosts are released, the yin energy and ghostly energy boiling over the entire sea area begin to dissipate.

Dark clouds melt away, and sunlight stream through the gaps.


The Nether Crossing Ship, which has been flying in the air for a while, falls into the sea.

The decadent Nether Crossing Ship barely floats and glides over the sea.

Song Jin silently watches this scene.

After a while, he turns to look at me.

[If you have any questions, ask them now. I think I'm about to attain Nirvana. I'll answer everything you ask now.]

"Does it include questions not about cultivation methods?"


Pondering for a moment, I ask a question.

"I know the name of the valley as Black Ghost Valley, but why do you call it Azure Ghost Valley?"

[That's simple. The main method of our valley is of the Ghost Path, dealing with ghosts. Fundamentally, this method exhibits a black energy.

However, it is said that those who master the Ghost Path exhibit a blue (azure) energy.]

I recall the blue light in his ghostly transformation and the explosive skull in blue-white skull he summoned.

[Even I, having reached the Heavenly Being stage and understanding some principles of the Ghost Path, could turn part of my energy blue.

But those who truly enter the extremes of the Ghost Path are said to be enveloped in blue energy.

Azure Ghost Valley is the ideal our Black Ghost Valley aspires to.

I and some elders firmly believe that Black Ghost Valley will one day reach this ideal, so we use the name Azure Ghost Valley.]

I nod at his answer and ask my next question.

"It's said that the Ascension Gate opens once every 1000 years. Does it always cause all the sects of every continent to ascend en masse like this?"

Song Jin shakes his head at my question.

[It does, but this period is peculiar.]


[During this period, when the Ascension Gate was about to open, the entire continent was overheated, like a powder keg about to explode.

There has never been a time with so many Heavenly Being cultivators in any generation.

Not just Heavenly Being cultivators but also Nascent Soul cultivators.]

Song Jin continues his explanation.

[Among those many cultivators, the Grand Elder of our valley’s Elder Council, the previous Sect Master of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, the founder of the Heaven Creation Sect, the leaders of the Righteous and Devil Path Alliances, and the representatives of the Demon Tribes: Holy Peng King, Sea Dragon King, and Mighty Tiger King, all gathered for a meeting.

Sea Dragon King Seo Hweol led the meeting, and the result was a prediction that if things continue as they are, the dragon veins of the entire continent and seas will be completely exhausted due to the cultivation and competition of numerous large forces.]

He seems to recall the past as he speaks.

[To prevent the depletion of dragon veins and the continent from being engulfed in disaster, it was proposed that all Heavenly Being cultivators join forces to ascend together during this opening of the Ascension Gate, along with their sects and forces.

Ascending together would support each other against spatial pressure, increasing the probability of successful ascension. Furthermore, ascending alone means starting from scratch, while ascending with a sect means having a strong supporting force.

For the disciples of these sects, it also means an opportunity to cultivate in a vastly superior world, so it was a good proposal for everyone.]

"Is that why so many Heavenly Being cultivators ascended this time?"

[Yes. In addition, this ascension required all beings Nascent Soul and above, and those with the potential to reach Nascent Soul, to be taken.

With large sects and Heavenly Being cultivators gone, it’s clear that Nascent Soul cultivators would cause chaos, trying to take control of the legacies and forces left behind.

Therefore, even the Nascent Soul cultivators, whether willing or not, were all forcibly involved in this ascension.

Black Ghost Valley, Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, Heaven Creation Sect, Righteous and Devil Path Alliances, and the Three Great Demon Tribes joined hands to eliminate those who refused to ascend. They also captured talented Core Formation cultivators with the potential to reach Nascent Soul, incorporating them into their forces.]

Song Jin chuckles.

[So, after the Ascension Gate closed, the continent is left only with those like myself, essentially a Core Formation wandering ghost awaiting death, and other Core Formation cultivators who have no prospect of reaching the Nascent Soul stage.

Or those who are Core Formation but have almost no life left, just old people groaning on their deathbeds. It will take at least 600 to 700 years for a Nascent Soul cultivator to appear on the continent again. Haha...]

After hearing his explanation, I finally understand the circumstances surrounding the ascension.

'Didn’t the Makli Clan start producing more elixirs after the Ascension Gate closed to extend the life of their late-stage Core Formation cultivators?'

It’s all to buy time for those Core Formation cultivators to reach Nascent Soul.

The Jin Clan attacked the Makli Clan's elixir workshops to prevent the emergence of Nascent Soul cultivators from the Makli Clan.

Since all the young Core Formation cultivators with the potential or already at Nascent Soul ascended, it’s the old ones, who couldn't reach Nascent Soul even in their old age, that struggles to extend their lives.

As soon as they reach Nascent Soul, given the surrounding circumstances of only having Core Formation cultivators, their forces will become the strongest in the vicinity.

I finally understand the interests of the forces and clans entangled with the Ascension Gate.

Gradually, Song Jin's figure becomes more transparent.

[Do you have any more questions?]

"Well, that's about it for now. Can I ask for the method I want?"

[Hmm, alright. But wait a moment...]

Song Jin looks at Seo Ran and speaks.

[You, the half-blooded dragon. Bring the jade slip you found on your mother's heirloom.]

"Yes, what?"

[I need to see its contents too. I must know why your mother, bearing the disgrace of Black Ghost Valley, married that beast and gave birth to you.]

Seo Ran hesitates for a moment, then brings over the jade slip.

Song Jin moves behind Seo Ran and reads the contents of the slip together with him.

After a while,

Tears flow from Seo Ran's eyes.

"...Mother, Father..."

Song Jin, who is reading the jade slip with Seo Ran, closes his eyes with a complicated expression.

[...Had I been at full strength, I would not have forgiven you, the disgrace of our valley]

Song Jin speaks to Seo Ran.

[Your mother, that child. I saw her born on the Nether Crossing Ship, babbling, learning to speak, and growing up.

She wasn't my disciple or kin, but she often came to me, the keeper of the archives, asking many questions about cultivation. She was a commendable child.]

Song Jin continues while looking at the jade slip.

[I hated that Sea Dragon who ruined the life of our valley's disciple, and you, the disgrace of our valley.

But to your mother, it seems you were her proud child.]

Song Jin turns his back to Seo Ran and walks towards me again.

[...Are you infusing consciousness into the Nether Crossing Ship's third auxiliary power source?]

"That's right."

[Stop infusing it. If the third auxiliary power source is stimulated too much, the Nether Crossing Ship is set to self-destruct.]


I quickly stop infusing my consciousness and glare at him.

Song Jin grins and says,

[I originally planned to take all of you with me as companions. I wanted to meet my end with the Nether Crossing Ship, and as a dead body, I have nothing to lose.

You all should be grateful for the mercy of our valley's disciple. She wanted her son to live... That's why I changed my mind to go alone.]


I almost got caught up in the self-destruction of the Nether Crossing Ship.

I glare at this wretched ghost.

[Don't worry. There are no more tricks or secrets now. Tell me the cultivation method you want. I plan to give it to you before I attain Nirvana, so speak quickly.]


I hold back the irritation rising in me while looking at Song Jin.

I need to acquire a cultivation method, regardless.

"Firstly, I want a Qi Building cultivation method. Not a devilish art. Based on the principle of Understanding before Breakthrough. Something that doesn't require precious materials, elixirs, or special spiritual root qualities."

[Oh, why are you so picky? Requesting a non-devilish cultivation method from our devil path sect? Based on the principle of Understanding before Breakthrough? Who even practices such an outdated principle? And a technique that doesn't require precious materials or special spiritual root qualities?]

His face scrunches up in annoyance.

[Such demanding requests you make. If it's not a devilish method, does that mean it shouldn't use devil energy, evil energy, or ghostly energy?]

I shake my head.

"Please exclude any cultivation methods that require the sacrifice of others."

[That's a broad range. Damn...]

He seems annoyed and ponders before speaking to me.

[There are three cultivation methods that meet your demanding criteria: Yin Soul Ghost Incantation, Devil Legion Terracotta Scroll, and Silica Earth Great Wall Practice. Which one will you choose?]

"...The names of two of them sound like devilish cultivation methods."

Yin Soul and Devil Legion.

They sound inherently evil, don't they?

Song Jin explains the cultivation methods.

[Heh, you'd think that, but no.

Yin Soul Ghost Incantation is a method where the practitioner understands their own pain and resentment. It's not about cultivating evil energy, and as you understand your pain, the faster your cultivation progresses. It's not of the devil path but rather the essence of Understanding before Breakthrough.

Devil Legion Terracotta Scroll, despite its name, is best for cultivators who possess a dharma treasure. The more you understand the nature of the dharma treasure, the more it's integrated into your practice, speeding up your cultivation.

Silica Earth Great Wall Practice speeds up cultivation the more you understand the dragon veins of the earth. The longer you stay in one place, understanding the earth, the faster your cultivation progresses.]

After explaining the cultivation methods, Song Jin looks at me.

[To be honest, I recommend the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation the most.]

"Why is that?"

[Isn't it obvious? Have you forgotten that I peeked into your heart essence? How many understand 'pain' as well as you do? If you practice Yin Soul Ghost Incantation, you'll be able to cultivate at an incredibly fast rate.]



I ponder internally.

'The Devil Legion Terracotta Scroll isn’t suitable for me as I lack even a magic artifact, let alone a dharma treasure. The Silica Earth Great Wall Practice is useless unless I stay in one place, and there's no guarantee I can do that...'

But still, the Silica Earth Great Wall Practice is tempting.

However, if Yin Soul Ghost Incantation indeed speeds up with understanding of pain, it seems like a good choice too.

Of course, it seems the most dangerous just by the name.

'Well, there's always the next life...'

"Give me the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation ."

If I'll eventually get my hands on all three, I might as well start with the most dangerous one and choose better next time.

[A good choice. With your state of mind, you'll achieve great mastery quickly.]

After speaking, Song Jin engraves his consciousness into the remnants of the Nether Crossing Ship nearby.

Intricate patterns form densely over the debris.

[I didn't play tricks with the name Azure Ghost Valley. Cultivate it to your heart's content...]

After speaking, he turns around.

He heads towards the prow of the Nether Crossing Ship.

[Over sixty percent of Azure Ghost Valley's practitioners are both born and meet their end on the Nether Crossing Ship. Similarly, my own birth and demise occurred while safeguarding this very ship.]

His figure gradually becomes more transparent.

[Listen well, half-dragon. You are indeed a 'blemish' of our valley, but you're still 'our' blemish. So grow and survive in a way that you won't become a disgrace to your mother and our valley anymore.]


[Half of your blood is from a disciple of Azure Ghost Valley. It may only be half, but as a senior of the sect, I cannot leave without giving something to my disciple's child.]


New characters are added to the jade slip in Seo Ran's hand.

[You'll understand its value. I don't like you. But as a senior of the sect, it's my last duty for our disciple who loved you enough to bear disgrace. Be thankful to your mother and live well!]

Song Jin climbs onto the prow of the Nether Crossing Ship, looking back at the blue sea gliding under the ship.

He slowly turns back to us, giving Seo Ran one last look.

It seems like he’s overlapping someone else's image through Seo Ran.

[...And, thank you for witnessing my last moments.]

With those words, Song Jin scatters into the sea breeze.

Seo Ran, with a complex expression, looks at where he had been and bows.

I, too, briefly pray for the peace of the deceased, regardless of the circumstances.

After witnessing Song Jin's final moments,

I turn the steering wheel, setting a course towards Seo Ran's dwelling.

Seo Ran begins to interpret what Song Jin left him, while I sit down and start comparing and reading the techniques from the Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea given by my master and the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation bestowed by Song Jin.

With all the ties that needed resolution now settled, it’s time to properly learn the Qi Building cultivation method.

"The cultivation method of Yin Soul Ghost Incantation is..."

Knowledge about the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation begins to enter my mind.

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