Chapter 31: Meeting of Gym Leaders

Chapter 31: Meeting of Gym Leaders

I had a good sweat going on as I dodged another jostle from a Rhyhorn. Ole! I shouted while slapping the pokemons rump.

It had been a few days since talking with Surge about the Gym Leader meeting. Nothing of note had happened beyond day-to-day tasks for the Gym and family. Only now with the added spice of occasionally having some reporters tripping over themselves to snap pictures of me as there wasnt the draw of the Conference. So they sought out other stories.

The Rhyhorn that was currently serving as my sparring partner snorted. Then he gouged out some dirt as he dug his feet into the ground. I adopted a sumo stance paired with a cocky smirk.

Rhyhorn! He bellowed before charging. I shifted posture to spin away. This time I didnt slap him on the rump but rather caught him and flared my aura into my muscles. I felt energy surge through me and for a judicious application I was able to throw my weight with a tackle directly into Rhyhorns side. He buckled around my tackle and was thrown out. I released my hold on as he continued to barrel further out.

Rhyhorn skidded to a halt and blinked before groaning as the other watching pokemon slumped a little and chastised him for his hot-headedness. Rhyhorn turned Rhyhorn! He growled.

I shrugged. Learn from it buddy. You outweigh me by at least twice my weight. I have to dodge and you have to land a hit.

Rhy! Rhyhorn!

No, Im not going to stand there and take it. Just cause I can doesnt mean I should. Aura allowed for some great tricks but it wasnt worth depleting my reserves trying to tank a takedown from a Rhyhorn just to show off. This was supposed to be a workout for me. Id work on my aura as best as I could after the next match.

I glanced around the circle of pokemon. So, last match before I cool down. Whos going to try and win those treats I offered?

Sanchez vibrated in places pointing at himself while nodding vigorously. I rolled my shoulders and shook my head at him. Im not wrestling you, Sanchez. This is supposed to be possible for me to win. I had no thoughts regarding my chances if I fought one of my Elites. If I could beat them, Id be seriously reviewing their training.

To incentivise a harder training session today I had announced that if I lost Id grant everyone treats. This had resulted in multiple matches against highly motivated pokemon. They were showing good attitudes and bonding well with me as the enemy in this instance. They all cheered each other on and after each loss I handed out, there were more than a few pokemon sharing tips. Honestly, Id give them the treats anyway but for pokemon, pride was a big factor.

A Graveler stepped into the ring with her smaller arms set into karate punch positions. It made me think she was posing on me. I tilted my head as I spotted the small markings and smudges that indicated that this was the Nanny Graveler that liked to work in the house rather than fight.

I shrugged. Alright Graveler, ready to wrestle?

I got my answer when the Graveler sank into a low stance that would have made a linebacker in the NFL proud. She started things with a charge before digging her hands into the ground to adjust as I sidestepped. I got a solid shove in before she rounded on me. Her arms swung about and I swiftly dodged her pushes only for a smaller arm to swing up carrying something in it.

A Mud Shot to the eyes was enough to blind me. I usually didnt use the method, but my pokemon clearly understood that it was a valid tactic.

Graveler was on me in an instant. From there I couldnt get a leverage point, and while blinded as she held me down. Around the circle, pokemon began tapping the ground. They all chanted out in excitement. I squirmed and writhed but couldnt seem to escape the Gravelers four-armed grasp. It didnt help that she was using her smaller arms which made for less throwing points for me to exploit. Her larger arms were spread and dug into the ground and I uselessly batted at them for a moment before shifting focus.

I drew on my aura and pushed against her. She strained, her muscles bulged as I began to loosen her grip. She stared in shock but grit her teeth. She just had to last just a moment

The third tap hit the ground and I went limp, lungs burning from the harsh strain Id demanded of them to break the hold. If Id started straight off with enhancing myself further with aura, would I have been able to match her? It was something I was only just starting to work on. It showed how the moments usage was enough to have me feeling winded like a harsh sprint.

Graveler shifted off me allowing me to wipe the mud from my eyes. Nice shot, although youre really not supposed to use pokemon moves like that during our spars.

Graveler nodded but still crossed her arms with a smug look. She looked to the crowd of other pokemon and raised a fist. This got a chorus of cheers, as if she was a returning champion from some mighty conquest.

Sanchez was being his usual hammy self. He was on his knees looking betrayed at me as he handed over a few pebbles to a smug-looking Geodude.

I had no idea who taught them how to gamble, but then again pokemon are more perceptive than people understand. I was of the opinion that they worked on a scale. If something interested them, they would pick up on it but other concepts or acts would be ignored.

I was nudged a few times and had to push off a Rhyhorn. I had been too confident in myself it would seem. I adopted a fake obedient pose. Ah! I was too conceited! I could not see Mt. Moon, Fierce Lady!

Around me the pokemon cheered, feeding into the silliness of the scene. Graveler rolled her eyes at my antics before cuffing me on the leg.

I chuckled, heading towards a shed where I unlocked a few bins that contained rich minerals that are tasty for my Rock types. I began divvying up the treats to my pokemon while faking a sigh of regret at having to hand the treats over. Id have to buy another round of supplies, but honestly it didnt bother me at all. I worked through my pokemon, patting and feeding them. When some greedy types tried for more, I gently scolded them.

I made sure to toss some treats for the pokemon I had hidden in the swamp next to my sectioned-off land. A loud croak of thanks indicated that theyd been spotted. Then I turned towards the dark cave that Titan liked to inhabit. He gave me a curious look when I offered him a treat. Ty?

I offered the gang treats for everyone if they could beat me.

Ty? Ty-Ty-Ran?

Graveler did, the one that looks after my siblings.

Tarrrrrr, said the Pseudo-legendary before giving me another curious look.

Your little sibling hasnt hatched. Doesnt look to be anytime soon. Tyranitar only nodded at this. He patted the rock next to him, his pose shifting into a relaxed position that made me compare him to a Guru of my past life.

My own Guru of Darkness. Arceus, that is so edgy. I hated that I loved it a little. Titan gave me a pointed look, his own way of telling me that he was aware I was distracted. I coughed into my fist before shutting my eyes and focussing my attention on the two pools of energy that I had within me. It made me think of tales of cultivation. There was no option of developing a mixed core from my Rock and Dark energies. In truth, it was more like a pair of reservoirs that I could slowly grow. It was slow progress, but it was noticeable. It also became easier the more I worked at it.

I hadnt been taught anything formally regarding aura. There were precisely zero texts even stating that it was possible. I had looked.

There were old myths that spoke of heroes able to channel the power of their pokemon, but that was a single line of text that most people associated with training your pokemon as best you could. I hadnt started looking within from day one but I had started within the first week. Which had been around the time that I received Titan.

Its what made me so curious regarding the offer that Agatha had sent. Perhaps there was a secret society of aura users that could bolster my efforts. But the thought of having a pokemon Illuminati contact me had me checking my surroundings a lot more of late.

Ranitar! barked Titan.

Sorry! I said bowing to my Darkness Guru before beginning to channel the energies like I was supposed to be doing. I couldnt worry about Agatha. I had other issues like the coming Gym Leader meeting later today. Todays cool-down was all about getting me in the best head space possible for that.

I pushed those thoughts aside when Titan growled at me. I settled in for the moment and readied myself for the coming day by not thinking it out right now.

The meeting ended up being held in Celadon City. It had been determined as the most central location for all involved. Id mounted up on Zephyr and taken all of half an hour to get there thanks to a beneficial tailwind. This had seen me arrive among the first of the Gym Leaders of Kanto.

But not the first. Erika had the honour of hosting, but she looked very out of her depth in the conference room. Notably, she had not taken the head of the rectangular table, and instead Giovanni had laid his claim already.

He was seated looking as casual as you please, like this was merely an extension of his Gym and not another Gym Leaders City. With his slicked-back hair and his suit, he looked the part of a CEO. Or a mafia boss. I happened to know that both were true. He must have used a pokemon to teleport here or arrived the day before. He didnt have a hair out of place, or a mark on his expensive suit so I doubted he had ridden a pokemon here or even driven.

Ah, Kantos golden boy. Brock, welcome, welcome. He had a rich low baritone that made me think he spent a lot of time speaking softly with a glass of scotch close at hand. Let me offer my congratulations in person. I was quite impressed with your performance against the Champion.

I offered back a nod, noting that Giovanni did not rise from his seat. Addressing someone from a position of power somehow suited the bespoke man.

My thanks. Its a nice sentiment. Werent you there at the start of the event though? I could have sworn I saw you? I chose not to comment on the fact that he had portrayed me as subordinate, with how my having his pleasure was something of value.

I felt a little oily just talking with him. I really needed a plan for what I should do with regards to Giovanni. I hadnt yet found a good idea. Plenty of possibly terrible ideas, though. So for now, I had to endure him.

I ended up having some business to attend to, but I didnt miss your fight. In fact, I have it saved and have taken great pains to analyze it since that day.

In a way, that was both a threat and a complement. To have another trainer acknowledge that they saw worth in your strategy was a huge compliment, but it usually preceded a demand to fight with you knowing theyd seen some of your cards. The small uptick in Giovannis smile let me know he knew how his double-edged words were landing.

I decided to merely nod and move away from him for now.

I turned to the rest of the room. Giovanni had brought his signature Persian. There was also an assistant, dressed very appropriately in a smart vest. I chose not to linger on the fact that they were likely a plant from Giovanni that would offer another perspective. A small glint on the collar let me know that Giovanni also had a camera on his Persian. That or I was being paranoid and it was just a diamond, but I was confident in my observation.

I quickly checked over the rest of the room. To the side, Erika was talking with all three of the Cerulean sisters. Daisy, Violet and Rose? I think there was a flower motif, much like the Evans family from Harry oh wait, it was Lily. The three of them were all talking rapidly and the sisters were listening as Erika spoke of her own experience. Her usual style of dress saw her long sleeves flap about animatedly in her retelling. The Cerulean Sisters were all actively listening and occasionally dodging as Erika spoke. I noted the dark irises and the less than clean applications of make-up they sported. It seemed the Sisters had been caught out.

If I held the anime as canon, then perhaps they had been the least prepared for the audit. I couldnt see the other Gym Leaders being too affected. Erika turned and waved at me, much more sedately, which I returned.

Hmmm, with just the girls here I didnt feel confident on calling Giovanni out on his Persian just now. Conveniently enough, the door opened behind me and Surge entered the room. I chuckled when he had to stoop to get through the door. The man truly was huge and with his fuzzy, patch work beard he was only larger than ever. I noted that Surge had a hand on a small dark-haired man that looked troubled with the loud entrance and his position next to Surge.

Look what I found loitering around in the dumpster! Fresh meat! Surges mischievous grin was enough to inform me that this was likely Grey, the Neon City Gym Leader, and one of the minor Gym Leaders that was approved to grant accepted Indigo Conference badges.

Across the table, Erika and the Cerulean Sisters stared at Surge. The sisters all had confused expressions.

Is that Whats up with his face? Shhh! Hes very self-conscious about it! The girls whispered between each other.

Grey shot Surge a smug look. Oh? Is this rough hobo look not the norm for you Surge?

Nonsense! Good things just take time to grow. Youll understand that one day but, for now, lets talk about what you need to do to make sure youre officially recognised as Gym Leader of Neon City!

I snorted and was about to approach only for the door to open once more. Blaine stepped in with an assessing gaze. His glasses and bald head glinted in the light while he stroked his long moustache. He nodded at Giovanni, dismissed Erika and the Cerulean Sisters with a single look, and locked upon me. He stalked forward with a large smile, his lab coat opening as he marched straight up to me.

Gym Leader Brock, good fight the other day! He reached out and shook my hand, the other encircled me to clap on my shoulder. Then he leaned in as his moustache twitched upwards and the glint on his head and glasses became slightly ominous. I enjoyed watching that young whelp being smacked around. Tell me, though. Wherever did you get those ancient pokemon of yours? There was a certain tone that I couldnt quite place in his words. Like a hint of accusation? The hand resting on my shoulder felt decidedly less friendly now.

Still, I couldn't let this hinder me. I have a lab in cinnabar that is heavily invested in researching such developments and weve only just recently begun testing the technology with pokemon genetic samples. His gaze over the top of his dark sunglasses held repressed anger. We recently had a break into our lab, did you know? He said all too casually. He thought I might have stolen something from him?

I found them during my journey.

Found them, did you now? Blaine continued to smile as his gaze bore into me. Wherever did you find them?

I stared straight into his eyes. Oh, around. I didnt find them as genetic samples, but as living, breathing pokemon. Shin, Don, and Shelly were all very much active in their little part of the world. It pays to be interested in spelunking and mountain climbing, and Ill leave it at that.

He searched my expression. Eventually, he clicked his tongue. Hmmpf. if you say so. He looked aside for a moment before tilting his head, his hand came off my shoulder. Wherever did you come up with the Golem? The edge of his previous tone had been dropped and now only raw interest filled his voice.

Oh, I very much bred for him within a controlled setting, I said flippantly like it hadn't taken three years of keeping a Geodude community within a specialised cavern that had lots of electricity arcing through it.

He turned and his interest was palpable. He almost looked hungry. I swallowed, feeling at once that perhaps being so cheeky in my response had not been the best approach. Did you now? How did you come up with that idea? Have you ever considered publishing your methods and findings? Such research into variants on typings and natural developments would be something quite a few people would be interested in. It would also gain you a lot of clout in various intellectual circles.

Mostly it was something that made sense to me. There are notable differences in different pokemon depending on their environment, or the energies that theyre exposed to.

When he continued to stare without offering his own thoughts I felt I needed to reach for an example as to how I could have made such a leap in logic. Eevee of course being the prime example of this.

Ah, of course. You really should write up a paper on this. Do you have much experience in research articles?

Not as such, no. My mind cast back to a lifetime ago at a university.

Might I offer my support then? Id love to see your setup, and the scientific community would be greatly improved from your contributions!

Ill think about it, Im in talks with some people.

Oak, I should presume? Said Blaine. When I nodded he stroked his moustache. Brilliant man, dont let his affable nature fool you though. Id like you to consider myself. Im less well known with my self-imposed reclusion on Cinnabar for science, with most people only thinking of me as a former Elite Four member, but I would be greatly interested in reviewing any studies you produce.

Ill consider it, I said. I didnt really want to make an enemy of this man, but I also didnt want to draw him in. I had my suspicions, suspicions that deepened when Blaine nodded at me and marched over and sat right next to Giovanni, at his right hand.

I glanced up to find Grey still being hounded by Surge, with the much larger man talking about something with wide gestures.

Surge! Surge! Would you please explain to the sisters what you were talking to me about? Im afraid I didnt understand all of it and am doing a poor job conveying it to them! Erika said loudly, drawing Surge out of his conversation. Grey used that moment to duck away from Surge.

Surge turned to say something, only to flinch when the room filled with a flash of light.

We dont have the time for that, Erika. All of us are now here. We can discuss you and the Cerulean Gym Leaders issues as an item later. The woman paused and swept her eyes over the three girls, causing them to wilt before continuing. We should be able to resolve it easily enough.

I held in a whistle. Huh, Sabrina was being nice to them. The four other girls didnt seem to know what to think of it however. Erika bowed politely and bustled up to the table to claim a seat. I frowned and was about to ask about Koga, only for me to blink in disbelief.

Koga was already there at the table. Daisy and Lily shrieked in surprise at the mans appearance. Koga merely snorted at them before looking over the assembled group. His eyes lingered on me before he nodded once. I swallowed before returning the nod. There hadnt been any noise or even anything to indicate movement. One moment nothing, then he was seated comfortably.

How had he done that?

I glanced at Sabrina. Shed known somehow that he was here, but that was more a testament of her skills as a psychic to be able to detect the ninja. Everyone claimed a seat. Grey sat next to Giovanni and Surge grumbled before smirking and claiming the seat next to Grey. The man blanched slightly and looked to Giovanni for help only for the businessman to ignore him. Instead, Giovanni only had eyes for Koga who had set himself directly on the opposite side of the room.

The Cerulean Sisters practically claimed an entire side of the conference table for themselves while Sabrina claimed a seat to Kogas right hand. The seat between Koga and the Cerulean Sisters remained open, as did the spot between Erika and Sabrina.

Are we not Alright you punks! Im here! You all thought you were going to start without me!? Roared a man wearing a karate gi as he bashed open the door. The man was extremely muscled, beyond merely conditioning with martial arts. This man obviously sought to hone his body. His face was tensed up into a furious scowl as his dark eyes roamed.

He glared around at the room before locking onto Sabrina who ignored him. He bared his teeth at that. I watched them quietly. I didnt know much beyond what Sabrina had mentioned off-handedly years ago about her father ousting Kongs gym as the premier Gym of Saffron. When Sabrina had taken over from her father, Kong had been rather at a loss as to what to do with the pipsqueak running the Gym. Sabrina had offered him a match and hed decided to accept. I wasnt sure if hed fought half-heartedly but, even as a child, Sabrina hadnt pulled her blows. Supposedly hed been humiliated again and faced some public backlash at accepting the match in the first place.

Sabrina deigned to look at Kong when he stood in the doorway. We did not start yet. You were merely waiting outside the door for a dramatic moment to enter. Take a seat, she said.

Heya Kong! Surge said, perking up and waving at the other man. Kong grunted at him, but remained looking at Sabrina. If looks could kill which with some pokemon I was about to move up next to Sabrina before a polite cough had everyone looking to Koga.

Sit, he said simply to Kong. The man sat.

Koga turned his head and regarded me. A quirked eyebrow informed me that I too should follow suit. Instead I made use of having the group's attention on me, making a show of glancing at Persian, and sauntered over with as natural a gait as I could manage. I made to pet Giovannis Persian. It glared at my approach but I ignored their baleful eyes to rub its head, allowing my hand to turn the collar slightly. I then pointedly hum thoughtfully.

Nice cat, Giovanni. But I think you should return it before the meeting starts.

Everyone instantly looked down at the collar to see me pinching the small camera. Surges eyes widened as they landed on the collar. Giovanni didnt react beyond a small shrug.

Ah, thats just Persians tracker. I left it on for his training session earlier. I like to sometimes see matches from my pokemons perspective. Gives me a better understanding of what theyre dealing with. He lifted a pokeball and returned his Persian without any further comment but he did watch me as I moved behind Erika to claim my seat.

Blaine merely chuckled at what just happened while giving Giovanni a look.

Koga didnt move, but in some way our attention was drawn to him. He projected his voice, Young man, thank you for preparing the room for us, but I will have to ask you to depart for now. This is only for Gym Leaders, Koga said, not even looking at the assistant in the corner. The man stiffened but instead of saying anything, or looking toward anyone specifically, he bowed and departed without comment.

When the door clicked shut no one spoke for a long moment. Glances were exchanged from the people on the sides while Koga and Giovanni stared at each other. Koga snorted after a long moment and gestured to Giovanni.

The proctor of the Earth Badge smirked before nodding. Very well. Ill be chairing this meeting. No notes will be taken at this time, as this is not an officially scheduled meeting of the Gym Leaders of Kanto, which would require such an accounting. Something Im sure none of us wants to be caught out on with how weve all been audited of late.

Everyone nodded with a few agreeing murmurs from some. Everyone but Kong and Grey, who frowned. Giovanni noticed this. Not you Kong? Or you, Grey. Hmmm, it wouldnt be possible for them to audit you, Grey. Youve not even completed a circuit yet.

Grey perked up at that and relaxed. Surge elbowed him and I felt my kidneys cry out in sympathy as the smaller man hunched over.

Did none of the smaller Gyms receive audits? I asked, curious if they rated such attention.

Kong bristled. Theyre going to get to us eventually, and well have the best rating out of all of you! He shot a glare at me before turning it upon Sabrina, as if shed been the one to speak.

She pointedly didnt look at him.

Giovanni scoffed while Blaine snorted derisively. The small Gyms cant be held to the eights standards, Kong. Dont fool yourself. The agency has different standards for such.

Really? Grey said with interest. I turned to observe the new Gym Leader from Neon City. He had been happy to remain quiet prior to this.

Small Gyms are only held to the requirements of needing twenty pokemon on their roster at any time for challengers. Most of that is their elite team. Or they have trainers that serve for an extended gauntlet, Giovanni explained.

Kong twitched at this and grumbled before eyeing Sabrina. Has she got an extended gauntlet challenge!?

Yes, said Koga simply, She also has Standard four-badge challenge or more, Gauntlet, and even an Elite Challenge if people request such of her Gym.

I hummed, interested but not surprised that there was so much dismissiveness shown to the smaller Gyms.

Giovanni rapped the table in front of himself with a simple golden ring. Let us return to the issue at hand. If we pool our information, we should have the most appropriate response available to us.

I held myself still and watched as Giovanni outlined the timeline of events, with my Gym being the first to be approached by agents of the Auditing Department.

Talking with some of my friends in the agency, I have determined that most of us have passed. He then outlined how things had progressed that once they had finished auditing me they made a move on the other Gym Leaders of Kanto; or at least the major ones.

There was a pointed moment of quiet where most people didnt look at Erika and the Cerulean Sisters. Kong excitedly looked at Sabrina like a little boy hoping for his journeys start day to come early, while also hoping his rival had fallen down a set of stairs.

Giovanni inclined his head. That being said, there are some of us that have fallen short. Ladies, I feel one of the objectives of todays informal meeting is to set you all up with steps that should be taken to resolve your clerical errors.

Erika and the Cerulean Sisters eventually cracked. They bow their heads. Sorry! they all chimed.

When they straightened up, Erika slumped into her formal dress, hiding like a Victrebel waiting to pop out on its predator. The Cerulean Sisters slumped into their seats as if all the weight they had been under had been removed.

I glanced between them all, and decided to say what I could only assume most of the other gym leaders were thinking, How bad was it, if I may ask?

Erika coughed, Ahem! I made some mistakes with my finances. it seems I miscalculated, and ended up having to pay some more taxes. She then nodded toward Sabrina. Sabrina has recommended a good accountant for me to work with. I also need some more depth with my pokemon, along with some more four badges and up fighters.

A straightforward solution, said the ninja in the room. Everyone paused at the words Koga voiced before nodding along with him. Koga then turned his attention to the Cerulean Sisters. He merely emoted an eyebrow at them.

Daisy ended up being the speaker for the girls. Ah, ehehe Weve, ummm, been focussing on developing more contest styles and holding things down Our sister, our youngest, has been the one that actually wants to run the Gym, but she hasnt yet gone on her journey. Were pushing her out this year, to get her some experience in the world first, but, ummm Weve let things lapse since Mum and dad She murmured something that I couldnt hear.

Koga scoffed, If you are entrusted with your familys establishment, and plan to hand it over to your sister, you do her no favour handing it over poorly maintained and damaged. Daisy flinched as though struck. Her eyes watered for a second but she nodded tightly.

What is the extent of your failures? He continued, his words driving the dagger in and causing Lily and Violet to flinch and huddle up to each other in some perceived notion of safety.

Daisy visibly gathered herself. We dont have enough depth in our roster. Typically, we havent had to worry about middling badge challengers, so we had let this lapse apart from our own Elite teams, but the audit was very thorough and went through all of our test levels. We need to train up another thirty to forty pokemon at least.

I blinked in surprise. It might not sound like many, if you used the games as a reference, but to get the right pokemon to the right levels was actually a lot of work. You typically had to catch and check the temperaments of at least two to three pokemon for each pokemon that you eventually kept for an official team. So they actually had to catch and test, close to or over, one hundred pokemon. That initial phase would take at least a month or two depending on how skilled they were and how broad they were willing to go for their pokemon pool.

I can ask the Lapras Reserve if any of Tides mates have eggs they could give you? I offered.

Daisy glanced at me. Tide?

Ah sorry, during my journey I went to the Sevii and Orange Islands. I ended up catching a Lapras. Hes a big boy and ended up getting pretty strong, but with Pewter being landlocked, and my Gyms typing, I didnt think it was fair on him so I have him held in trust at the Lapras Reserve near Fuschia.

Koga weighed in. Tide is a powerful pokemon. I have witnessed him fighting off a pod of Gyarados. His progeny would be a strong addition if his strength breeds true.

I blinked in surprise at the praise offered from Koga. I gave him a short bow in thanks before looking to see Daisy giving me a hopeful look. Violet was giving me an assessing, albeit slightly hungry, gaze while Lily was looking more serious.

You will still need to find other pokemon, Sabrina stated pointedly. I glanced at her, but she was looking straight at the sisters with slightly narrowed eyes. I almost wanted to offer the services of another water type I owned that was closer to home, but I didnt want to reveal that pokemon with Giovanni in the room. My Shrek served as a useful hidden guard for the perimeter that most people wouldnt expect me to have.

You will need to expand your efforts. You will most likely receive a failing grade from Actually, we got the Agent to agree to give us another assessment at a later date, Lily said while not meeting anyones eyes.

Koga tilted his head, How did you secure this boon?

Violet offered him a date.

Everyone turned to give Violet a look only for the girl to shrug. Its just a date.

Giovanni rapped the desk with his ring in some kind of clear habit, Ignoring the unconventional method of avoiding a failure on your Gyms record, youll need to spend the rest of the off-circuit period picking up your Gym. I have some specialists that can assist. Do you have enough assistants for Gauntlet challenges?

Itd probably be better if they found some local trainers, or retired rangers, I quickly said to shut down Giovannis offer. It was bad enough the sisters had just handed blackmail over to Giovanni with how they had bribed an official. Suddenly, I was very glad that the Persian was not in the room and the waiter had been asked to leave. I didnt look at Koga. Had he done that deliberately in expectation? Had been acting against Giovanni?

Said man gave me a pointed look as the girls gained thoughtful expressions.

I gave Giovanni a small raised brow before directing my attention towards the sisters.

More than any Agency telling you how well youre doing, you need to get the support of your community. From what I hear, most of your support is based on your shows. If you convert that into proper contests youd probably do well. That's not something Kanto is well known for, after all.

It's not something Gyms are known for, Surge weighed in.

I wavered my hand in a gesture to indicate a maybe. Theyve already done most of the work that theyre known for in such events. Id not let that work go to waste. Focus most of your attention on fixing your faults, but you have a large advantage over everyone else here with your Gym.

The girls perked up. Our shows are that good?!

Nah, not really, Surge replied like a proverbial battle axe of truth. The sisters all slumped. I mean I hear things about people heading up your way for them, but yeah, theres not yet pull from the entire region, ya hear?

Thanks, Surge, I said, redirecting the conversation with a more positive tone. What I meant was that there are three of you. You can divide and conquer, no?

The girls gave me sheepish looks. We usually get distracted

I rubbed my forehead and sighed into my palm. Sabrina took over with a frosty glare. Get a handler if you cant focus. I suggest you follow Brocks suggestions and get yourself an old Ranger to assist your Gym.

Alright, alright! Well do that! said Violet before shivering. No need to look at us like that.

I leaned forward to see what Sabrina was directing at them. Oh, thats just her resting face actually.

Violet shook herself. Could have fooled me. I thought we were sitting across from Lorelei. RBF much? She then flinched. Ow! Daisy, don't pinch me!

I didnt though? Said her sister.

I hummed at their byplay, pointedly not looking at Sabrina as I glanced towards Koga. Any news on movements for trainers taking up the Elite four positions for Lance? He only has three right now.

Koga huffed, You rejected his offer before it could ever be made. I blinked at that. Yes, you were potentially a candidate, young Brock. He let the room contemplate that for a moment before continuing, I can announce that Agatha will be looking to retire, her position is being sought after by her apprentice.

Feh! That old woman needed to retire before I did! But she was stubborn! Always has been! Blaine said with a cackle.

Surge leaned forward. Her apprentice? Whos that?

A young Dark-type specialist by the name of Karen, Koga informed us. I glanced at Sabrina, feeling her annoyance more than seeing it. Did she know Karen?

Lance will still be scouting others. The League has stated that the audit was specifically to assist with this, Giovanni interjected. He tapped his ring on the table. I happen to know that Lance made no such order. Also of note, is that the League has not conducted any audits on the Johto side of the Silver Mountains.

Should we request that an audit occurs on the Johto side as well? Surge asked while scratching his approximation of a beard. Doesnt seem fair were getting so much attention. I doubt little Falkner would do any better than the sisters here, and while Mortys decent, I dont hear him being too consistent.

I shrugged, Might be nice, but it would seem like were just flinging dirt around if we did that.

Erika nodded along. I agree. In the end, it is for us to resolve, and not try to use it to drag others down.

Hmph, if you say so! Surge huffed.

I glanced at the others, but there didnt seem to be much else to talk about.

Giovanni chose to rise and nod to the room at large. I think this has been a very productive meeting for us all. Should an official meeting be called, I will look forward to formally hearing how things are for each of you. Not that I expect such an occurrence, usually we only have one of those every two years. But, as we all know, being a Gym Leader doesnt provide for much time to socialise. Perhaps we can change that this year? This got a round of murmurs from a few people but no large shows of support.

Kong straightened out of his perpetual glower at Sabrina to take in the room. Wait, you're all just rolling over? I thought you were coming together to solve this issue!

The issue is something that is legitimately raised and something the League is within their rights to act on. It is notable that the audit occurred for the entirety of Kanto Gyms The important ones at least, Sabrina said, cutting off Giovanni. He frowned at her but Kong reacted by shooting upright.

Screw you and your daddy! I cant believe I let that man set up his Gym all those years ago! First there was him and then you! You think Im afraid of you!?

Sabrina laced her fingers together and for a moment I saw a vision of a much different Sabrina. One far colder and so much less than she was now.

If you feel you can challenge my Gym, I welcome it. But I will not restrain my pokemon when you challenge me. I am not my father. She flicked her eyes up and down. You still have much to work on if you have failed to realize the gulf dividing us.

Consider it done then. I will be challenging you soon! He snarled, slamming his fist into the table. He gave the room at large a sneer. I see youre not going to do anything so Im out of here. Not even Kogas disapproving stare stopped him from turning and storming out of the room.

We all watched him go. I rubbed my chin. For Sabrina, that had been actually rather amicable to the challenger. Shed tried to warn him off. Kong didnt strike me as the type to understand that, however.

Surge chuckled, Nice one Sabrina, but we need to work on your smack talk.

I do not boast, Sabrina said.

Surge chuckled again and turned to grin at Grey, who swallowed loudly.

Giovanni rapped his ring once more on the table to redirect attention. Well, that was not how I wished to finish the meeting. However, Kong did raise an interesting point. I will be making a formal complaint to the League and I suggest you all do likewise. He glanced at me. While it might appear to be mud-slinging, having fair treatment for all Gyms under the Leagues purview is important. I will be applying for audits to all Gyms if this is going to be their stance.

Erika shifted and chewed her lip like she wanted to say something but she kept it to herself.

When no one offered any rebuttal of this comment Giovanni nodded once more and extended a hand to the Cerulean Sisters. Very well. Ladies, I will be giving you some contact details, otherwise, I wish you all a good day. He turned and walked out without a backwards glance.

I watched him go before nodding to Surge as he got up to depart as well.

I remained sitting. I had half a mind to stay and talk with Erika but before I could announce my intentions Koga coughed from next to my seat. Young Brock, would you escort me on a walk in the nearby gardens?

I struggled to contain my shock that he had just repeated his no-movement trick. Had I been distracted, or had he done instantaneous movement without causing a flash as Sabrina had?

I shook myself off and rose from my seat at his politely phrased order. Id be delighted to. Koga gestured to the door and walked at my side out of the meeting room, a number of eyes following after us with vague interest. Sabrina made to stand, only for Erika and the Cerulean Sisters to close in around her.

So. I was going to traipse through the tulips with Koga?

This. Was not how I was expecting my day to go.

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