Chapter 32: Talking with a Shinobi

Chapter 32: Talking with a Shinobi

With the meeting taking place in Celadon, it was no surprise that the walk Koga and I found ourselves on went through a rather picturesque garden. The flowers that were currently blooming were particularly suitable for the winter season that always matched up with the off-circuit period.

The pokemon world mindset might be very lax with the idea of child endangerment by giving them access to powerful monsters, but it wasnt so wrong-headed as to send children out into the wilderness during winter. Some areas of Johto, such as Route forty-four and the Ice Path through to Blackthorn, saw a year-round Ranger posting of three platoons due to the hazardous and inhospitable nature. There, the Rangers were constantly fighting trainers seeking to move off the path lest they have to retrieve their corpses.

Still, the garden was nice. Celadon being close to the large bay that made up a large feature of Kantos geography resulted in it being more temperate than Pewter, Cerulean and Viridian. Snow was starting to fall in a few spots and the city had fire-type pokemon marching about the streets openly.

Celadon was known as the Flower City, and it showed. The trees, mostly evergreens, only added to the gardens beauty

The setting made the scene I found myself in that much stranger. I was walking along the garden path with a ninja. I tilted my head and strained my ears only to realise that yes, when Koga walks he doesnt make any noise on the gravel pathway. I had so many questions.

Your victory over Lance was well fought, young Brock. Koga got things started as we walked. His eyes roamed the area occasionally, assessing a particularly dangerous-looking shrub or a large enough tree. Then again, remembering how he had suddenly appeared, he might have a point to be so watchful. If he could do it, didnt that mean so could others?

Thank you, I said with a slight bow of the head. I could say a lot more but didnt feel it appropriate. Perhaps I was still running off my previous behaviour high with Giovanni but I didnt want to seem like I was seeking his approval. I didnt need it.

I must admit that I was surprised when you didnt press your claim for one of the missing Elite Four positions.

Heh, that wasnt actually me ever making that claim. That was just the reporters fishing for something. Ive never been officially offered the position but I think my answer would have to be the same regardless.

We walked around a corner and looked over some nice white roses that bracket the path. Small plaques stood before each different bush or plant notifying me of their name, their botanical name and if there was any medical use of each plant. The contemplation was broken when Koga chose to speak once more, You had the backing of the crowd. You underestimate the importance of striking at the opportune moment. You are still a hot topic, he said as if quoting something he had heard. If you desired, you could retract your statement. Lance would have to seriously consider you.

I again felt the temptation creep up on me but I shook it off. No, I can admit the appeal of the position but it would cause too much disruption all around. It also wouldnt be the right way to go about doing it.

If your father were to return, would you My fathers already back in Pewter, I said over the top of Koga. I glanced away, feeling oddly strange. I hadnt been expecting to be talking about Flint, now I found myself in the awkward position of having to do so. I really didnt want him to become Gym Leader once again. My ideal situation would be Forrest stepping up if I left.

It still left Flint, or Forrest, looking after my siblings. I glared at the flowers now. Koga chose to ignore my behaviour and instead observed me I apologise, I see that your father is a sore topic.

I shouldnt be surprised by it, but I do find that I am. Ive been aware of his return to Pewter, but Im not sure what to make of him.

Ah, I suppose he must be in much the same situation. I gave Koga a questioning look. I suspect that your father has been away from society for a good while. Pewter City is close to the borders of Kanto. The Silver range is nearby, along with the northern mountains. If Flint did take a job to investigate possible routes through to any other regions still as yet unfound he would not have been aware of your tremendous efforts to raise up your familys gym.

We continued to walk along. I hadnt thought of what Flint had been up to but that did potentially fit. I seemed to recall him offering Ash different types of rocks in the anime. Unless he had been seriously just trying to scam him, he would have known what type of rocks would be worth lots to the right sorts of people. Heading into the wilds of the mountains might have helped him secure a good source of rare rocks much like I had found during my own forays into Mt. Moon.

I reached into my pocket and felt the small pebbles I had taken to keep on hand. With the discussion focusing on my father I was becoming agitated. I turned the pebbles over in my pocket and let the motion lull me as I touched on my rock-type energy. Calmness swept through me.

He expected to come back to the gym as it was, with you in a tough situation. Koga stopped on the path to turn and fully face me. Instead of merely treading water, or struggling to stay afloat, you are soaring high upon a mountain of your own creation. The Pewter City gym is in the strongest position it has ever been. You are to be commended. Koga let his lips turn upwards as he nodded once at me. I scratched my nose and nodded my thanks. Feeling very self-conscious.

I had to remind myself that I didnt need his praise.

It was still damn nice to be acknowledged for the work Id put in.

Now he is the one floundering. It will be interesting to see what solution you both eventually come to. He turned, continuing to walk down the path. For all the good work and success you have had, I do however have to offer a warning.

I stiffened before I registered the sentiment behind his words. He wasnt threatening me. At least, it didnt seem that way. He was being far too mild-mannered. For him, this was a nice walk through the gardens of Celadon. I didnt doubt that he could offer a threat with the same expression as one would request a glass of water from a waiter but I didnt get that impression right now.

During the meeting, you called out Giovanni on his behaviour. Giovanni is a dangerous man that has held his position for a long number of years. He is second in his seated Gym Leader duration only to myself.

Hes of an age with you? I asked thoughtfully.

Koga merely nodded. He has been on the scene for many decades. He has never sought to become an Elite Four member, which I find notable. Despite not becoming an Elite Four member, he has still consolidated his power through other means. He works in many circles and has many options available to him. Koga fixed a look at me. You were right to call him on his actions, but standing opposite him is a dangerous position to be in. Be careful of being antagonistic with him in future, lest you find more than audits.

I rolled my jaw wondering how much I should say regarding Giovanni. His actions today were just a bit too shady for me not to call him out. It seemed all too innocent and I dont want to let things like that merely slide by.

Koga gave me another searching look. His actions are typically shady, as you say. Koga stopped again to turn fully towards me. Do not go looking into him further. You would not be able to handle what you would find.

Koga held my gaze. I tilted my head. And if I had an idea of the issue already?

You would not even have scratched the surface. Giovanni is being investigated by organisations other than the League. The issue is not that he is shady. It is that toppling him would cause untold fallout.

I frown at that. Other than League? I thought the League was the governing body that could hold him accountable ?

Koga raised his hand and swiped it through the air. I have said enough. My warning is delivered. Do not be too antagonistic against Giovanni. He is being investigated, and I expect you to be wise enough to not seek out more information against him lest you risk all you have gained.

I offered back a tight nod, lips pursed. Koga returned this with a curt nod of his own.

I did have something else to talk with you as well, if you are still amenable to listening to an old man such as myself? Koga didnt make a move to walk off. I tilted my head and gestured down the lane to continue our walk.

Koga shook his head. No, this is not something so serious we must remain on the move. I would be happy to let people know that I made this offer. He held still. As I stated earlier, the development of your Gym into a strength of Kanto is something to be commended. For that purpose, I would like to take you into my confidence. I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

I have been offered a place on Lances Elite Four and I mean to take it. It is an honour for my efforts. However, I would be remiss if I do not ascertain my own Gyms future. For that purpose, I have a trainer that I would like to foster at your Gym for part of the next circuit so she may gain experience.

My mind turned that over. Id known he had the best chance of any of the Gym Leaders canonically. He took up the mantle with Agatha and Lorelei being dropped from the first to second generations. This game knowledge was supported by the current Gym Leader standings. Blaine and Pryce were out of consideration, having previously been Elite Four or even Champion themselves. That left fourteen of the sixteen Gyms to look to first and foremost as the strongest trainers around. And that number dropped when Giovannis reluctance to enter the limelight came into consideration, as did the Cerulean Sisters weakness. Claire appearing in the League would only be a mirror of Pryces previous misstep. So that left ten people on the list.

From this, the only notable name that stood out to me would be Sabrina, but she didnt have a strong enough personality that let people know just how strong she was, for all that people understood she was a hard Gym to get a badge from.

Therefore Koga could only be offering Janine, his daughter.

Oh? I have to say Im surprised by the offer.

You have a lot that I think my successor would benefit from learning. Your organisation is solid and your trainers strong. I would like to allow her more experience with how another Gym operates to let her broaden her horizons. In the olden times, when the gateways were in place, the families or Lords of the towns would offer fosterings to develop good relations. I would like to enact this for our arrangement.

I thought for a moment. It was a good opportunity, but Would it be possible to meet her first?

Koga nodded once and, with a gesture towards a nearby tree, a lithe-looking young woman darted forth. While I hadnt detected her, after Kogas appearance at the meeting, her own entrance left something to be desired. If anything it actually seemed kind of cute how she was obviously trying but still falling short from her fathers terrifying mastery of stealth.

Brock I would like to introduce to you my daughter, and successor, Janine.

A pleasure, I said with a smile. She had a rather intense expression but she was actually quite pretty. At least if you ignored the glare she was sporting. Her brows were set in a harsh line, as if annoyed at the world at large for some reason.

Well met! I am Janine! I look forward to learning from you in the future, Gym Leader Brock! She offered me a bow before repeating the gesture to Koga.

Thank you, dear, if you want you can Hap! Before Koga could say anything more, Janine threw a small dark object. It exploded and smoke burst out, obscuring her from sight but oddly I could feel the direction she shifted. Was this an aspect of my aura that I hadnt been aware of? What was going on? I turn my head slightly in the direction she left and wait for the smoke to clear.

When it does Koga is observing me with a thoughtful look before glancing after where his daughter ran. She still has much to improve on, be patient with her. She is very eager to learn, however. You would be good for her to work with.

Well send her over when the circuit starts. Ill get in contact for further details later on but I shouldnt have any issues with letting her take a room at the Gym with the other trainers that we keep rooms for. Even as I agreed I was aware that this could possibly be a method of Koga making sure I didnt go digging into Giovanni. Then again, I didnt think Id know if they were watching me. Janine, for all that she was a cheaper version of Koga, had still been able to hide until she chose to reveal herself.

Thank you for accepting. As you said, I will be in touch. He then offered another shallow bow. I offered back my own only to rise and see that hes gone.

Not gonna lie, if youre still nearby that disappearing act is terrifying. I swallowed. Maybe this is how people feel when Batman does that to them? Wonder if Koga has a butler.

I licked my dry lips and made my way out of the garden, only to find Sabrina sitting with Erika in a gazebo enjoying some tea. Erika was shooting Sabrina furtive glances while otherwise appearing to be at ease. Sabrina merely sat stiffly and took her time with sampling her drink.

I waved at them, unsure if I should approach. Sabrina perked up, as good an invitation as any. I gave Erika a quick look. Sabrina paused for a moment and on anyone else a questioning frown would appear. She merely remained still. Then she turned to Erika to say something.

Erika perked up like a Bellosom at a flower nursery that had been asleep only to have someone sprinkle some water on it in the morning. She turned and offered me a welcoming smile.

Brock, would you like to join us?

I was about to accept only to feel someone step out from behind me. I whipped around to find a stoic-looking Janine staring at me. She coughed and flicked her eyes toward the gazebo.

Father suggested that I socialise with you and your friends, she said. I nodded.

Why did I get the feeling that Janine was someone that didnt enjoy socialising, and this was Kogas equivalent of me prodding my little sister to go introduce herself to the other kids on the swings?

Sure, let me just check. I turned back to find Erika and Sabrina both standing and watching Janine very carefully. Sabrina looked annoyed while Erika merely looked cautious. Hey girls mind if my new friend at this Janine twitched her head around to stare at me. Why did I get the impression she didnt do friends so casually as a normal person. But then again, pokemon world. joined us?

What is your friends name? Sabrina said, as if challenging the basis of my friendship on this. Janine twisted in place, her heels clicking together as she shot into an at attention stance. Then she bowed from the hips.

Greetings, I am Janine from Fuschia. She glanced at me. Brock and my father have come to an agreement about my fostering at the Pewter Gym.

Sabrina did not relax at this, if anything, her scrutiny increased. Janine narrowed her own eyes back. You will find I am not so lax in my arts, Gym Leader Sabrina.

Sabrina clicked her tongue in annoyance before looking at Erika. Is she welcome? She said as if some stray Growlithe pup had just wandered in rather than another person.

Erika offered a gracious bow that had her opening her hands towards the small table she had been sitting at prior. We have enough tea and snacks I had planned on spending time with the Cerulean Sisters but none of them could stay. Sabrina was thankfully interested and now we are back to four! Please, more company always makes the tea taste better I find!

Sabrina very nearly perked up. Was she pleased with herself? Honestly, I was as well. That had to have been at her own initiative to spend time with Erika. It looked like Erika was becoming someone Sabrina considered herself friends with.

Well, that sounds wonderful. I approached and sat down.

Janine darted forward only to trip over something I couldnt quite see. When she recovered, she glanced down before giving us all a harsh stare. I am well.

Erika, whod been half-ready to stand and offer assistance, settled back down. Oh, thats good! Please take a seat.

And mind the ledge, Sabrina said conversationally. I glanced at her as a suspicion formed in my mind. Had she tapped Janine telekinetically to stumble? Janine sat and glowered at Sabrina. Erika smiled graciously but I could see her hands fidgeting nervously through her long sleeves.

I took up my teacup and bowed to the grass specialist. What tea are we enjoying today?

And so I found myself going from tip-toeing through the tulips with Koga to sitting and sampling snacks and tea with three Elite women.

Moments like this made me want to look back and wonder how Id gotten to where I was in life.

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