Chapter 462 - An Explosive Reaction

Chapter 462: An Explosive Reaction

A victory.

Faced with the surprise attack by the allied Tonghuang and Mugu clans, the Chen family had won the perfect victory at a low cost.

Witnessing their splendid, great victory, even the previously estimated 50/50 chance of winning seemed to be conservative. This should be described as a surprise ending.

The Chen family had easily survived the crisis of being devoured and divvied up.


Looking at the tens of thousands of bodies that continued to pile up and the many Protoss masters who had died with great distress.

The top decision-makers of the Chen family knew that this was just the beginning of their challenge.

They had gleefully won this battle. But the issue of how to wrap this up would be the most headache-inducing question.

“The Tonghuang and Mugu clans suffered such heavy losses. I’m certain that once the news reaches them, they would not be willing to resign themselves and let this drop. After roiling in anger and vomiting blood, they would try their best and think of all sorts of ways to attack our Chen family in retaliation; this would create an endless situation where they will fight to their last breath.”

“Of course, now that the two clans have suffered such heavy casualties, they are not powerful enough to fear. They do not have the power to present a huge threat to our family. Moreover, after their power has been seriously weakened, the interests that they hold as the top and second most powerful Protoss clans will become a target for the lesser ranked clans, who will attack them. In a world where only the strong are respected, only the strong are qualified to occupy more resources. So, the main efforts of the two clans after this is to consider how they can best hold onto their interests.”

“It’s just that our family’s performance is too strong and exaggerated this time around. Those Protoss with their arrogant characters have always looked down on humans; they are likely to feel greatly provoked. One possibility is that they will frantically spread doubts and skepticism about the fortress. The second possibility is to approach our homes and provoke us. They would aim to suppress our momentum and to restore the image and dignity of the Protoss.”

“So what the Chen family will be facing next may be the pressure exerted by the entire Protoss society.”

This was very easy to understand.

The Chen family’s performance was outstanding this time around. They had made full use of their advantages and strategies to eliminate the joint army of the top and second ranked clans. It could be said that they had rewritten the negative impressions of humans, such as human beings are weak and humans cannot withstand a single blow, and others.

It was like delivering a harsh slap to their faces; they gave a stinging slap to the faces of those Protoss who despised humanity.

However, the experience of being “slapped” was unpleasant, the feeling of suffering a counter-attack was hard to take and embarrassing. Those with a stronger ego might even want to give a slap in return immediately.

They would want to immediately suppress the arrogance and self-congratulatory attitude of humanity!

And so…the questions of how they should deal with the attack as experienced by the majority of the Protoss and how they should stop the Protoss society from launching the next wave of counterattacks were presented to the Chen family. These were issues that must be solved.

“Grandpa, what are we going to do next?”

Chen Junfeng looked at Chen Jin. He really couldn’t think of a very reliable method. He hoped that Chen Jin would give them some ideas.


For a while, Chen Jin was lost in thought. Then, he immediately thought of a way and said, “All of the allied forces of the Tonghuang and Mugu’s clans were destroyed inside our fortress, where there are many electromagnetic disruptors. For the time being, the results of this battle will not spread to the outside world.”

“The first-hand information is still within our hands.”

“So, instead of a passive response, it is better to take the initiative to disclose the information. We’ll clearly explain and ascertain the clear-cut position of our family, to create the image of a helpless victim that saw no way out so that we can win some sympathy.”

“Also, announce the cause and effect of everything, pointing out that the Tonghuang and Mugu clans were arrogant and overbearing. Faced with the villains who had come knocking on our door, our family, which includes millions of people, do not wish to be sitting ducks. To survive, we could only resist with all our might. It was only by luck that we managed to survive.”

“In short, everything happened because we were forced into a corner. Resistance is our only choice when placed in a desperate situation. If the public was to put themselves in our shoes and think about the scene from our perspective, they will know that to kill all the Protoss who invaded the Chen family’s fortress will be the last choice of any power who was in a similar situation.”

Chen Jin’s method could be summarised in four words–act pitiful, win sympathy.

They had to gain a moral advantage in the public’s opinion.

“I understand, Grandpa!”

Chen Junfeng nodded, he immediately knew what he had to do.

It happened that after Xing Hai Entertainment was sold, several media outlets and organizations that had separated from the company remained in the control of the Chen family. These outlets’ influence and ability to disseminate information were not small.

Hence, a few hours later, the news outlet under the banner of the Chen family produced many eye-catching news reports that were published on various social platforms.

The title of the news reports was explosive.

“Joint forces from Tonghuang and Mugu clans slashed their way into the Chen’s fortress in broad daylight. Their purpose was to eliminate the Chen family branch; the use of violent means to plunder the Chen’s interests and profits.”

“Where did the Chen family fail? 60% of annual profits were served up, but we still have to suffer this sort of treatment?”

“Besides resistance, there is no road for us to choose!”

“Death is better than dishonor, Chen family swear on our lives that we will never become servants to another.”

“After a fierce battle lasting one whole day, the Chen family paid the price of sacrificing millions and won the battle of self-defense, killing all evil invaders.”

“We have won; a difficult and tragic victory. Don’t invade our Chen family’s fortress ever again!”

News articles were pumped out non-stop.

There were even some short videos showing the live battle. Through these videos, people could feel the desperation and the intensity during the battle.

The most shocking were the images of corpses piled high as a mountain and blood flowing like rivers. The degree of shock and impact on audiences was through the roof.

When these explosive news reports came out and were seen by the vast numbers of the Protoss, there was an overwhelming tide of impassioned reactions and chaos.

They immediately discussed the topic enthusiastically.

“The Tonghuang and Mugu clans went to attack the Chen family’s fortress?”

“The Chen family is sheltered by the two major clans. Each year, 60% of the profits are distributed to the two clans equally. But the two clans are still not satisfied, and they want to devour the Chen family?”

“Greed knows no bounds. Since they have taken the biggest chunks of profits, there’s no need to take a mile when the other party gives an inch.”

“They should have given those below their power an out to survive.”

“This is not a problem. The Chen’s counterattack is not too big a problem. If it was any other family in their position, they could only choose to resist too.”

“Sss~ This battle was fierce. The few photos of the blood-soaked event were full of corpses. It simply makes me sick. Fortunately, they have been marked with mosaics after being reported. Otherwise, these photos will leave shadows on the psyches of many Protoss.”

“Millions from the Chen family are dead or injured and they have destroyed all invading enemies? This can be considered a situation where both sides lost? If my Tengshe Clan was to make a move at this time, wouldn’t there be hope that we can devour the three major forces consecutively?” These internet communities were very excited.

“Hey, stop contributing to old traditions and stereotypes. We, as Protoss, have survived for millions of years, but have always been described as ‘barbarians’ and ‘powerful but unethical’ by the weak humans. Although this statement is somewhat biased, we have also entered the information age. We have indeed taken on the ideas of a somewhat civilized race.”

Following which, this Protoss netizen was harshly scolded. “Where did this Virgin Mary of the Protoss come from? Run as far as you can!”

Thus, the mud-slinging battle in the comments area began and the atmosphere soon became foul.

Following the situation that was announced by the Chen family, it was also reported through the news media.

On the side of the Tonghuang and Mugu clans, they were immediately shocked and they howled and screamed.

“Six ancestors of the Shenguang order, thousands of strong practitioners and tens of thousands of regiments, but the whole army was annihilated with no survivors in the rebellion of the Chen family’s fortress. This… How is this possible? How is it possible?!”

“Fake news, this must be fake news. It’s only a fortress, how can it withstand the masters from our families.”

But even if they strongly denied it verbally and found it difficult to accept this information.

It was an indisputable fact that the legion made up of tens of thousands of practitioners had never returned and no news had been sent back. This was an indisputable truth.

Even if they struggled with and denied the facts with their words, an endless amount of worry and fear welled up in their hearts.

After half a day had passed, through third-party logistics agencies, tens of thousands of corpses were shipped from the Chen family’s fortress back to the two major clans.

Looking at those cold bodies that were familiar yet strange.

The members of Tonghuang and Mugu clans felt as though they had fallen into an ice hole, their expressions were one of stupefaction.

Following which was a torrent of rage and fear.

“Father, brother, grandfather! Wake up!” Tonghuang Moshan’s sister, Tonghuang Feixue, an extremely beautiful woman, was crying to the point where she nearly passed out.

“The Chen family, the damned Chens! How dare you do this? How dare you?”

“Die! Everyone in the Chen family must die! We must get revenge!”

“Kill them. Organize the second batch of masters right now, they must kill everyone in the Chen family! Then extract their souls for burning and refining all day and night. We’ll let them understand the price of pissing off the Tonghuang clan!”

Shouts and screams to kill the Chen family rang out. The members of the two clans were red in their eyes and they clamored to take revenge on the Chen family immediately to leave not even a chicken alive.


No matter how powerful were the screams coming from their mouths, there was not a single one who could move their feet and take action.

“Our Tonghuang clan had suffered heavy losses. The family’s interests would immediately become the target of other clans. We can no longer afford to suffer any losses, no matter how small.”

“The grudge against the Chen family has to be put aside. We have to be on guard against the other clans immediately to prevent them from taking action on my clan’s territory and interests. None of the masters from my clan can leave,” The Mugu clan held the same view.

After all, when their strategy to annihilate the Chen family had failed, the two clans had lost more than 60% of their powerful practitioners. Originally, they ranked as the top and second strongest major clans in terms of strength, but after suffering such heavy losses, their rankings would have fallen by at least a dozen places.

They couldn’t guard the huge interests and profits that they possessed.

With the Protoss’ traditional culture of “only the strong are respected,” the probability that other clans would not kick them when they were down was essentially zero.

Therefore, “holding onto the clan interests” became their priority ahead of “revenge.”

Even so, the two clans still did not want to let the Chen family have an easy time.

Hence, they also published a lot of articles in the media that frantically attacked the Chen family.

“The Chen family is treacherous and wicked, they are subservient on the surface, but in fact, they had the intention to rebel against the Protoss for a long time.”

“Everyone, look at the Chen family’s fortress, with those sorts of additions to their military equipment, are they not guarding against the Protoss? Their surrender is superficial and false, their conspiracy to oppose us is true.

“Nonsense! The Chen family claim to be paying 60% of their profits, but there are no books to check whether the sum paid was more or less. In reality, it is far less than 60%. It is because we knew the deception that we had to take punitive action using our military strength.”

“The Chen family is lying. Their losses did not number in the millions at all. The photos of the bodies were all composites. On the contrary, most of the masters from our clans who had died were cut down in one stroke. Traces of struggle were rare…The wicked Chen family must have developed some kind of powerful weapon.”

“We are the Protoss. How can we be deceived and bewitched by mere humans? Regardless of how the Chen family explains it, slaughtering the Protoss is a heinous crime! The Chen family must die!”

“The Chen family has inflicted serious damage on the Tonghuang and Mugu clans today. The next time, they will be inflicting serious damages on the entire Protoss race. To all my compatriots, please take off your rose-colored lenses and see the true face of the Chen family. We cannot allow any more deception from this sort of cunning humans. Our only option is to kill every last one of them.”

Towards the latter part of the public opinion war, the Tonghuang and Mugu clans were very clever in putting their focus on the conflict on the racial tensions between the Protoss and humans.

In reality, after years of fermentation, the tensions and cracks in the relations between the Protoss and humans had grown increasingly severe.

More and more, they had become a thorn in each other’s side.

The Protoss thought that human beings were timid, small, and weak, but they were also cunning and exceptionally shrewd. They often had many schemes, and their behaviors were erratic and all over the place. Moreover, the Protoss just could not seem to exterminate every single one of them.

In the eyes of the humans, the Protoss were even more unbearable. They were barbaric, brutal, totally unreasonable, and had no morals… They were simply a scourge in the solar system.

The conflicts between the two sides were rapidly increasing with each passing year.

And now the Chen family had taken away the lives of tens of thousands of Protoss in a day, including many strong practitioners of the Shenguang order.

This caused many Protoss to frown in resentment.

“How could we let the Chen family freely take away the noble lives of the Protoss?”

“Chens, how did you kill the ancestors from the Shenguang order? Have you developed a weapon with great destructive powers? Hand it over now or die!”

“How dare the Chen family resist when the Protoss wanted to destroy them! Why don’t you stay down obediently and wait for death? Are you looking down on the Protoss? Had you been thinking about rebelling for a long time? This Chen family really can’t be left alive, we must remove them!”

“That’s right! You’re despicable and wretched human beings. Killing you will be a reward bestowed by the Protoss. You should just die with a grateful heart. How dare you resist! Perhaps, you dare to go against the natural order of things?”

“It is better to eliminate the Chen family. This cancer can not be left alone anymore, otherwise, there will be hidden dangers!”

“On this earth, everything is determined by the Protoss. The Chen family and the rest of the human beings have no right to resist. Anyone who resists must die!”


After a few days of fermentation.

In the public’s opinion, voices calling for the Chen family to be killed increased. Many conspiracy theories emerged, targeting and describing the family as harboring malicious intentions; accusing them of terrifying schemes. In any case, the Chen family had to be destroyed.

It was to the extent that public opinion had turned against them. The number of Protoss who sympathized with the Chen family or took a neutral stance was getting smaller and smaller.

In the villa, sweat beaded on Chen Junfeng’s forehead. He had no idea why the public opinion turned out like this. How did the voices calling for the demise of the Chen family increase practically overnight? This opinion had become mainstream.

“This is normal and has nothing to do with morality. It’s just like humans fighting with wild boars. Although human beings are the hunters and want to kill the boars, the boars win in the end and the humans are killed. Then, other humans will not sympathize with the wild boars that they struggled so they could survive. Instead, the humans would feel that wild boars are dangerous and should be removed.”

Chen Jin shook his head and smiled, “Compared to racism, it is even easier for this kind of matter to lead to factionalism. After all, the Protoss and humans are not the same species.”

Even if both species had high intelligence and could communicate.

The existence of other ethnic groups besides one’s own would always be perceived as the wild boars.”

“Then… what should I do? Grandpa, since public opinion does not side with reason, there will be some clans who are gunning for us next.

They could even join efforts to encircle and attack us. No matter how powerful we are, there is no way that we can stop a never-ending wave of attacks.”

“No need to worry about it~”

Chen Jin smiled at him, “The second step of our plans can be implemented. The secret weapon that the Chen family has been developing for decades – the naga bio-mecha that can surpass the ranks of practitioners to strike them down can be released to the public. Elaborate on the reasons behind our victory and signal that the naga bio-mecha can be sold externally. Interested parties can apply to purchase!”

To release a new model of weapon.

To sell the naga bio-mecha?

Chen Junfeng’s eyes brightened. This was a brilliant move. Although this would be another bomb for the public opinion, there was hope that it could turn the current unfavorable situation around.

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