Chapter 463 - Pulling Through A Crisis

Chapter 463: Pulling Through A Crisis

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Two more days passed.

The public opinion continued to ferment and the clamor to punish the Chen family increased.

There were even a small number of Protoss practitioners who had gathered near the Chen family’s fortress. They were only waiting for an opportune moment where they could have sufficient advantage to launch an attack.

They planned to take advantage of the crisis.

But on the morning of this particular day, the few media outlets under the Chen family’s control released some videos on several platforms in rapid succession.

“Our secret weapon – the weapon used to kill the strongest from the Shenguang Order effectively.”

“The naga bio-mecha, the magical object that we have refined through 30 years of hard work, the last thing the Chen family is counting on.”

“We’ll use this to talk reason. The Chen family will not be sheep to the slaughter. We want to survive.”

The style of the videos was either full of industrial style graphics, or solemn and heart-stirring. They very clearly showed the attitude of the Chen family.

That was, they had “magical and effective military weapons.” They had the right to survive and fight.

If the enemy insisted on being overbearing and aggressive; wanting to devour the Chen family, then they could only continue to battle it out.

And after these videos made apparent their stance was released.

Once again, public opinion was in a furor, eliciting countless heated debates.

Of course, most of the comments were ones expressing their dislike and discontent.

“Chens, what do you mean by this?”

“Do they plan to resist to the very end until both Protoss and humans are dead?”

“Heh, it is quite courageous. As Protoss, we respect the strong and were unreasonable. If you win the fight, we’ll respect you. If you don’t, we’ll behead all of you. But the Chen family has overestimated themselves in challenging tens of billions of Protoss. They are simply courting death!”

“Motherfucker, the Chen family is too arrogant. Everyone, let’s contribute the manpower and effort to exterminate this family!”

“The prestige and dignity of the Protoss is not something that you can trample on!”

“The naga bio-mecha that can surpass the ranks to kill practitioners from the Shenguang order, what kind of joke is this. You think you can scare us with this?”

“Even if the naga bio-mecha is somewhat powerful, there are tens of billions of Protoss. The Chen family would drown if every one of us were to spit on them. They act so recklessly!”

However, there was also a minority who wanted to understand more the naga bio-mecha.

“Is the naga bio-mecha really so powerful?”

“Their cultivation level is more or less on par with those at the Jiedan phase. With help from the celestial sniper cannons, it can kill the ancient freaks of the Shenguang order. this means that they’ve skipped over three or four major levels?”

“If your bragging is too ridiculous, you may hold your tongue. Can the masters of the Shenguang order be killed so easily? This is fake. The Chen family is deliberately scaring us! If it’s true, wouldn’t 800 units of naga bio-mechas be equivalent to 800 of the strongest practitioners from the Shenguang order? Besides the Sages, which forces can withstand this level of power?”

“The above comment speaks about the naga bio-mecha in a rather inferior way. The Chen’s propaganda may be exaggerated, but the naga bio-mecha really cannot be underestimated. Otherwise, there is no explanation for the fall of the Shenguang masters from the Tongguang and Mugu clans. Perhaps it does have a small portion of the ability shown in the propaganda videos.”

As humans only had 20 to 30 years in the field of cultivation, even the most genius of humans that would make the Heavens proud had only achieved the initial stage of the Yuanying phase. They could never be taken seriously by the Protoss.

And in the face of the strongest from the Shenguang order, those of the Yuanying order were like young and tender babies. They could kill a dozen of them easily with a lift of their fingers. No matter how far human practitioners deviate from justice and pursue evil to get more power, but they were still ants, albeit stronger ants. They were unable to cause much harm to those of the Shenguang order.

Therefore, when the Protoss who were saner reflected on the reasons why the six Shenguang practitioners died in the Chen family fortress, they would not think about the strength of the human practitioners, instead, they would think that the Chen family had scraped by their victory with the support of a powerful defensive spell formation or a mysterious magical weapon.

Contrary to expectations, the Chen family ‘s initiative to announce the naga bio-mecha was a logical answer.


If that was the case if the naga bio-mecha did have the ability to kill the strongest Shenguang practitioners…


Two days later.

Public opinion underwent tremendous change again.

“Chen family, hand over the manufacturing technology for the naga bio-mecha!”

“Although the Chen family is guilty as sin and deserves to die, we can spare your lives against our will if you hand over the mecha technology.”

“Be sensible and surrender the mecha immediately. Resistance is death.”

“Eighteen clans, including the Tianji and Xuanfei clans have officially joined forces today to go to the Chen’s fortress to crusade against these criminals. We demand that the Chen family hand over this technology that represents a great threat to the Protoss. If you don’t agree, your fortress will be reduced to powder!”

There were many voices across the various social platforms calling for the Chen family to surrender the technology.

In private, the clans saw great interests and profits to be gained. They joined forces in succession and drafted their most capable troops, gathering them under the walls of the Chen family’s fortress wall. In just one to two days, more than 100,000 practitioners had gathered.

Up in the sky, there were also several strong practitioners of the Shenguang order, who were releasing a forcefield of universal consciousness and scanning the movements inside the fortress.

If not for the defensive spell formation that was always activated, the interior of the fortress would probably have been infiltrated by the countless Protoss masters like it was transparent.

Huge pressure was exerted on the Chen family.

Perhaps as long as there was a suitable opportunity, countless greedy maws would descend to frantically tear at the Chen family.

In such a tense atmosphere, on the fifth day, the Chen family held a press conference. Invitations were issued. A group of Protoss representatives whose cultivation levels were not particularly high, but whose status were not low either, were invited into the fortress. At the venue, they participated in the introduction to the product functions and exhibition of the naga bio-mecha.

At the press conference, they witnessed the fierce and powerful performance of the Naga bio-mecha which left a deep impression on all the forces present.

Some major announcements were made at the end of the conference.

“The Chen family intends to sell the naga bio-mecha! We have no intention of ​​hoarding it all to ourselves. As long as you pay, all Protoss forces can buy this product!”

“There is no need to worry about the price. Most clans can afford it. It’s only 120 million for one unit! The manufacturing cost is more than 100 million.

It’s about small profits and large sales quantities. We do not hope to gain huge profits from this.”

“Technological upgrades, maintenance, and modification services will be provided later to ensure that the products will always be advanced and easy to use.”

“The Chen family guarantees that as long as you do not harbor the idea of damaging our family’s interests and have no intention of taking over our fortress, we are willing to be friends with all the friendly Protoss. We’ll share our interests and profits, enlarge the pie, and coexist peacefully!”

“This is the wish of the Chen family. It is an earnest wish. There is nothing to be gained from fighting, but everything to be gained for everyone from ordinary business.”


After a speech that was rather long-winded but filled with meaningful and heartfelt.

The forces that were hostile to the Chen family had been significantly reduced. Their thoughts about the Chen family had become a little gentler and more moderate.

However, the struggle for interests and profits always tended to be cold and cruel. With the Chen family’s childish declaration of their stance and their naive wishes, they suffered a warning in the form of an ultimatum from a large number of powerful clans the next day.

“No matter how cheap it is, we don’t want to pay for the naga bio-mecha! Hand over the technology right away!”

“Stop being so slippery! Don’t think that we don’t know what kind of trick you’re trying to pull. You still want to conduct business normally and maintain friendly exchanges after committing such a heinous crime? You’re daydreaming. If you’re sensible, you’ll quickly hand over the mecha technology. This is the only way to save your lives!”

“We don’t want the completed mecha, we only want the manufacturing technology!”

“This kind of technology cannot rest solely in the hands of the Chen family. We are the noble Protoss, how can we be restricted by humans?”

These Protoss forces were not fools, they knew what was more important.

The value of the manufacturing technology of the naga bio-mecha far exceeded a hundred thousand, or even one million naga bio-mechas… This was a logic that one could work out even with his toe.

The voices demanding the technology reached the Chen family.

It didn’t take long before the Chen family gave an answer that surprised all forces.


“A copy of the complete manufacturing technology of the naga bio-mecha can be given to you.”

“But I hope that you’ll consider this carefully. This technology is not the kind of simple technology that can be easily realized.”

“Without a perfect industrial system and over a thousand master refiners of magical objects, you will not be able to easily gain a thorough understanding of the technology of the naga bio-mecha.”

“Moreover, the investment for research funding will not be less than one trillion, and the development cycle will not be less than ten years. It might be even longer!”

“Most importantly, even if you meet all the conditions and build the naga bio-mecha ten years later, the comprehensive manufacturing cost will be at least 200 million, which is twice that of the Chen family’s. But the performance of the bio-mecha will be similar. ”

“As one can well imagine, this product will not have much market competitiveness. The mechas produced can only be used for yourselves. In the end, the comprehensive cost will be much higher than if you purchased it from us.”

“So, if you still want the technology and insist on autonomous production, we are willing to offer the technology for free and even provide certain technical consulting services.”

“In short, you should consider it properly and weigh the pros and cons. The Chen family will fulfill your demands.”

All the Protoss clans were stunned.

The Chen family was willing to provide the manufacturing technology for the bio-mecha.

But it would take at least ten years to “digest” that information.

And investment exceeding one trillion.

The performance would be the same, and the final selling price might not even be as good as the Chen family’s original naga bio-mecha’s.

The combined meaning was this–it was better to buy.

Therefore, should they take the free technology of the naga bio-mecha?

Was there even a need for it?

Many Protoss clans sank into deep thought.

But they replied after less than a few seconds of consideration.

“Yes! Of course, we want the technology.”

Since it was free, it would be a waste if they refused it.

In just a few hours, hundreds of copies of the manufacturing technology of the Chen’s naga bio-mecha proliferated.

If not for the warning tone of some clans reminding them not to give the technology to other clans, the Chen family even intended to upload the technological information package to the Knowledge Bank and set it to the “free download” format, so that anyone could download it for free.

Hence, at this point, skeptics and critics might arrive with their questions.

Wasn’t this kind of idiotic or silly of the Chen family?

Do they want to freely publicize such advanced technology? Just what was going through Chen Jin’s mind?

“The many high-precision parts of the naga bio-mecha are not produced on Earth, but imported from Haierfa.”

“The precision of many core parts processing has reached an astonishing level of one nanometer. This is very difficult to achieve even with the most advanced technology on earth.””Access if you like watching manga,comics.

“The Protoss has low scientific literacy. It is unlikely that they could manufacture a generation of products that is the equivalent of the naga bio-mecha in ten years, maybe not even 30 or 50 years. The performance of their products would lag by at least 10%. ”

“Besides, the most advanced biochip that is implanted in the naga bio-mecha is state-of-the-art technology. Many technological principles can’t be understood by others. They can only do a rough imitation. They would know that it is so but not why it is so. It would also be very difficult for them to discover that there is a hidden ‘back door’ and to crack it.”

Therefore, there was practically no threat or impact on the interests of Chen’s family by publicizing the technology.

As such, Chen Jin was not afraid of technological leaks at all.

“Haha, it’s a combination of the lateral plane technology, which is pure scientific tech, with the high-energy plane technology. Not to mention achieving a clone-like replication; to reach even 80% of the original’s standards for the products they manufacture would be considered pretty good. In terms of keeping our technologies under wraps confidentiality, we are in an invincible position! ”


After distributing hundreds of copies of the free mecha manufacturing technology, it did not mean that the Chen family was safe, or that they had left a favorable impression on the Protoss and completely clear of the crisis.

On the contrary, there was a sudden increase in the number of forces that wanted to exterminate the Chen family. Moreover, their operative forces and determination were stronger.

“Since the technology has been handed over, there is not much use we can get out of the Chen family. We also have to prevent the technology from becoming even more widespread. The best way is to kill everyone in the Chen family and eradicate any future problems.”

“The level of difficulty in manufacturing the naga bio-mecha is very high? That’s not an issue. Isn’t there a ready-made production line in their fortress? We can just seize the line for ourselves, then the manufacturing process wouldn’t be so difficult anymore.”

“Is there only one type of treasure like the naga bio-mecha in the fortress? As the family with the strongest technological capabilities in the human world, there must be a lot of hidden treasures?”

“It’s better for everyone to join forces and break into the Chen family’s fortress. Their interests and the bio-mecha will equally be divided; all the resources will also be divided. How about it?”

Voices of the Protoss secretly conspiring rang out in many corners of the earth.

The senior administration of the Protoss were brimming with an agitated atmosphere.

An invisible pressure continued to hang over the Chen family. There was a feeling that they had dug their graves.

But at this time, there suddenly was explosive news!

“The Chen family and the Tonghuang and Mugu clans have settled. Both sides abandon their enmity and misunderstandings to take their relationship to a new level.”

“Order for 3,000 units of naga bio-mechas; Tonghuang and Mugu clans each account for half. This is the maximum production capacity of the Chen’s fortress in the next three years, they cannot supply other users within these three years”

“After the cooperation was agreed, Tonghuang and Mugu clans will continue to fulfill their obligation to protect the Chen family and ensure the normal production of the bio-mechas.

“First come, first served; orders will be queued. We welcome other clans to issue purchase orders for the bio-mechas.”


When this news came out, all powers were stunned.

They were extremely surprised, but at the same time, it felt normal.

“This is called ‘a group hug for warmth.’ Tonghuang and Mugu clans are extremely weak now, and they will soon be replaced by other powers. They could even be annihilated by other clans. But, they did not expect the Chen family to suddenly make such a play.”

“Brilliant! To protect the clans’ interests, they’ve chosen to let go of their irreconcilable hatred. The Tonghuang and Mugu clans can restrain themselves! I have great admiration for them!”

“I’ve miscalculated, I never expect these three families to be back in the same boat again. Although their power has been seriously damaged, it remains difficult to deal with them. Rather than paying such a high price to devour the Chen family, it’s better to give up on them.”

“Hmph! The Chen family should count themselves lucky this time around and act humbly. Don’t challenge the Protoss ever again!”

After a series of breath-stopping operations, the Chen family pulled through this crisis without a glitch.

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