Chapter 464 - Reward System

Chapter 464: Reward System

They had safely pulled through a crisis.

However, Chen Junfeng still felt rather puzzled about one aspect.

“Grandpa, a deadly hatred has been kindled between our family and the Tonghuang and Mugu clans. There is no possibility that this enmity will ease, why do we give the sales priority of the naga bio-mecha to these two clans? What if they recover their strength and keep thinking of old feuds; what if they paint a target on us?”

Without a doubt, Tonghuang and Mugu clans hated their guts. After their strength has been restored, they would consider retaliation. They could even take direct action, using the blood of the Chen family to wash away the shame brought onto them.


They were, in fact, the enemy from each other’s perspective.

But at the moment, the Chen family chose to help its two great enemies by strengthening their ability to take revenge.

Not only was this difficult to understand, but one would also think that perhaps the leader of the Chen family wasn’t thinking clearly. Was it not the best choice to kill every last one of them?

How could they do something as dumb as helping the enemy?

“Heh heh!”

Chen Jin smiled indifferently, “If they were to use our family’s technological products, there would be no possibility of them turning the muzzle towards us to kill our descendants. With robot products invented by the Chen family, the muzzle might even turn back towards them. The only people the robots will never target are people from our family.”

“Is it… the back door?”

Chen Junfeng became excited, “All the naga bio-mechas that will be sold will have a back door installed. There is no possibility of them becoming an enemy of our family?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

He laughed heartily, “Doesn’t this mean that the number of naga bio-mechas sold by our family is vaguely related to how much assistance we’ll have? This is equivalent to spending their money to strengthen our potential power.”

“Good, it’s just great to have a back door. You can do whatever you want if you have the technology.” He was reminded of that long-standing and well-known saying in the family.

Chen Jin did not say anything. Everything from the beginning to the present was within his control and expectations. He also got the results he wanted.

In this way, the Chen family had gained another valuable period to develop.

Initial estimations predict that this period would last at least 10 years or more.

Moreover, the Chen family did not need to pay those “protection fees” now.

The sales of the naga bio-mecha would bring about considerable benefits. They could also be recovered at the crucial moment through the back doors.

Things were stable now.

The affairs on earth could be summarized in one word–stable.


Crater City.

Chen Jin’s primary attention returned here.

The large scale nuclear fusion reactor mentioned by Nuwa had been completed some time ago. The engine and power generation had started.

The crystal of the primordial chaos was put into the reactor and the power generated was increased.

Fission occurred during the violent collision of primordial particles and many varieties of celestial particles were dispelled.”read comics on our”

The spiritual energy among the celestial particles that were continuously created was gathered together after purification. It was then compressed and synthesized.

Pieces of the top-grade, lustrous blue-colored spirit stones were manufactured.

“What’s the quantity of the spirit stones produced? How many pieces are manufactured every day?” Chen Jin asked.

“Master, the current fusion reactor’s operations has not reached its full power. So there are only about 300 top-grade spirit stones synthesized every day. If we can employ some methods in the future to use up the excess resources for power generation and achieve full-power operation, the spirit stones produced each day can reach about 1,000.”

Daily spirit stones production of three hundred.

All of which were highly valuable top-grade stones.

Suddenly, Chen Jin got a little excited.

Because these spirit stones were enough for his cultivation needs. It would be enough even for ten practitioners of the Jiedan order or below.

Also, because there were no veins of spirit stones available for mining on Earth, the existence of natural spirit stones were extremely rare. They were like an endangered type of mineral. The more that was used, the less that existed. Spirit stones tended towards total depletion.

However, due to their wide-ranging uses, the market demand for spirit stones was huge.

A piece of low-grade spirit stone holding a quantity of one unit of spiritual

energy would be selling for about $100,000.

A medium-grade spirit stone holding a quantity of 10 units of spiritual energy would be selling for about $1 million.

The typical quantity of spiritual energy in a top-grade spirit stone was about 100 units or more. There was a price but no buyers. It would be difficult to even buy a piece with just $10 million.

In other words, just three hundred pieces of spirit stones every day could bring in billions of income to the Chen family.

With full power output from the reactor, the value of the spirit stones produced every day would be worth tens of billions.

But Nuwa had an even crazier plan, “Master, after the SS-class warship was completed, I’d immediately launched a mini fixed star plan to create a device with a power output of one trillion megawatts, which is equivalent to that of a small fixed star. As the power output is sufficient, the isomerization efficiency of the primordial crystals will also be raised by multiple levels. We’ll achieve the goal of producing more than 10,000 spirit stones per day.”

Ten thousand spirit stones every day.

If these were brought to earth, it would become an important good that would make all the different powers jealous and crazy.

It could enable countless practitioners to accelerate their pace of cultivation.

This was equivalent to getting a short-cut that accelerated one’s rate of cultivation.

If such a huge quantity of spirit stones were supplied for use by the practitioners in the Chen family’s fortress, a large number of masters could be produced in a few years.

And then after ten, twenty, thirty years…

In the infinite universe, the spiritual energy was diffusing non-stop and becoming more diluted. The concentration of spiritual energy would drop to ten percent or even one percent.

An era of high martial arts mixed with fantasy, where one had the power to change or destroy the universe, would descend into an era of middle and low martial arts.

One could already imagine the extent that the Chen family could grow to, with the huge sources of spirit stones that had been in their possession all along.

Time was on Chen Jin’s side; this was not a false statement at all.

Even the few Sages, with their lofty status, had a greater possibility of seeing the boundaries of their ranks shrink. There would be a slight possibility of killing them.

“We still need to accumulate our hard work while waiting patiently, appear to develop in a wretched manner and be as low-key as possible. After a few decades, everything on earth would belong to the Chen family.”

With plenty of spirit stones in his possession.

Chen Jin spent three or four hours a day to cultivate and to delve into the path of cultivation.

His talent could only be said to be ordinary. His natural aptitude was average. Overall, in terms of cultivation, he could be classified as having zero talent. However, he had plenty of spirit stones at hand and he was not stingy about using it. In terms of cultivation exercises, there was a set of advanced exercises simulated and derived from “Galaxy Era 2.0” that was very suitable for him. The effects on his cultivation were not too bad.

He also took magical elixirs and miracle remedies regularly.

If this was a game, he would be a boss-level player, who had paid for and downloaded all the available in-game cheat-codes and weapons. As a result of all this combined effort, the speed of his cultivation was very rapid.

Before long, he would be a strong practitioner in the Jiedan phase.

Guo Yan had followed him into cultivation, exchanging their learned experiences. They had even combined to practice a set of dual cultivation exercises that was said to be very magical. They wanted to see if this exercise would lead to comparatively larger effects in their cultivation.

However, the results were not ideal, and it was rather damaging to the kidneys. Gradually, they gave up on it halfway.

Guo Yan flattened her lips and said, “I think that the set of dual cultivation exercises is very good; the cultivation process is very comfortable, much better than cultivating individually.” She did not understand why Chen Jin wanted to give up.

“Except for people with ten kidneys, others would die from the toil and exhaustion from this type of cultivation exercise before they can become a Sage.”

Chen Jin shook his head, the so-called dual cultivation exercises were perhaps more suitable for female practitioners. It was unsuitable for male practitioners due to the strain it placed on the kidneys.

Life was dull as dishwater. The simple daily routines made up the infinite loop of each passing day.

With Haierfa as the node.

The tensions between humans and Protoss were still mounting. The “War of the Races” was unable to resolve their deep-seated tensions, and small-scale wars had begun in reality.

In Haierfa’s universe, the All-Stars Federation led by Mu Yunhua was struggling with one difficult battle after another to stop the enemy’s progress in their resistance against the large-scale invasion of the Lanyi civilization.

On this day.

Chen Jin took the initiative to send a communication application, he wanted to get an understanding of the latest situation from Mu Yunhua.

“Yun, the war has been going for more than three years. Are you able to hold on over there?” Chen Jin asked.

“There are no big issues, we can hold them off!”

Mu Yunhua introduced the situation, “We may have significantly overestimated the strength of the Lanyi civilization at the beginning.”

Although their fleet is large enough to block out all the stars, their quality is indeed, only so-so. They employ only the lowest level of naval tactics.

They’ve drowned one civilization after another using their advantage of numbers.”

“But they don’t know much about our strength. And they have an even poorer understanding of the A-class and S-class warships that you’ve rented us. They don’t know how powerful they are,” she had easily and nonchalantly toadied to Chen Jin.

“Although we have the same A-class warships, the combat indicators for our A-class warships are at least three times of theirs. One of our A-class warships can directly and openly destroy three of theirs.”

“In terms of quality, we have the advantage of being ahead of them by at least half a generation or more.”

“In just two years, our counter-attack fleet has destroyed 33 of the Lanyi civilization’s sub-fleets. We’ve destroyed more than 30,000 enemy ships, and eliminated one-third of the invading forces.”

“But, seeing that we are not a pushover, the remaining Lanyi sub-fleets have begun to gather together to form groups of three or five teams to avoid being split up and destroyed.”

“This has made our recent campaign rather rocky. Although we’ve used the tactics of harassment to annihilate a fleet of 3,000 warships two months ago, we were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers as they had six times more warships than us. This had offset the advantage of quality that we possessed. We’ve suffered losses for the first time in that battle; we lost ten A-class warships.”

“I’m afraid that the rest of the campaigns will not be easy. I estimate that the most difficult moment will be coming soon. I am very confident that we will be victorious, but the Lanyi civilization cannot be underestimated. Their fighting style and the character of their ethnicity are very similar to the former Red Empire. They like to engage in tactics of overwhelming numbers and naval tactics. Moreover, their generals and soldiers are ferocious and not afraid of death. Even in desperate circumstances, few chose to surrender. I find this hard to believe–Even as invading forces, they have such a strong will to fight.”

“They’re simple like…a stubborn beast.”

“I estimate that it’ll be hard to annihilate them if we don’t pay a certain price.” Mu Yunhua said in a gloomy tone of voice. Faced with such an opponent, she should mentally prep herself to give a good response to the situation. She must not make mistakes that would result in unexpected losses.

“Then employ more harassment tactics, don’t fight them head-on.”

Chen Jin thought for a moment and said, “To be able to hold off the Lanyi civilization fleet and delay their attacks; it is enough to achieve this goal. On my side, I’m speeding up the construction of a secret weapon. It will make its debut probably after another six or seven years. At that time, all these problems that you are facing will be easily solved.”

“Thank you~”

She knew that Jin was giving her words of assurance and was suggesting to her to adopt a conservative strategy in her resistance, but…

“We can’t be coddled by the nanny all the time. We should also show the skills that we possess to prove our ability.”

After more than a dozen destructive wars that brought optimistic news, their confidence and ease of mind had grown significantly. Mu Yunhua and her military advice department came up with a plan. With their 501 main battleships as the primary force, they would split up and encircle the invading fleets, then they would destroy them one by one.

They would strive to annihilate all 100,000 invading warships in a decade!

In other words, they would not need the “higher civilization” represented by Chen Jin. They would win the entire war and overcome this crisis with the small number of assets that they had right now.

“How can this be possible?”

Upon understanding the thoughts of Mu Yunhua, Chen Jin was so surprised that he shook his head repeatedly. Over 500 warships to PK against 100,000 invading warships. They were facing 20 times the odds. They wanted to realize the idiom of “using the few to defeat the many.” This was simply an impossible task.

“Yun, please, don’t try to be brave. Do whatever you can according to your skills and capacity. With the power that you have in your hands, protecting yourself is enough. To realize a counter attack is not possible, please, don’t have the misconception that you can win!”

“I will try my best to speed things up here. The support force will reach you soon. Choose to act steadily in your battles. Don’t rock the boat! In short, listen to my suggestion, this crisis will end soon.”

Chen Jin persuaded her many times, hoping that Mu Yunhua would follow the guidelines he had laid out.

“I got it, Jin. I will learn and know my limits well. If the strength of my forces is insufficient, I will reassess my capabilities and act accordingly. Please believe that I will do a good job,” Mu Yunhua said.

This let Chen Jin feel a little more at ease. After all, she was an adult. Whether she should not take a risk, whether she had the confidence; Mu Yunhua should be clear regarding these as the leader. There was no need for him excessive reminders on his part.

For the next few years, the war between the All-Stars Federation and the Lanyi Civilization had become more intense.

Mu Yunhua and her military advisors still chose a riskier strategy. They adopted the tactical strategy of “the quick fish will eat the slow fish” and frantically attacked the fleets of the Lanyi civilization who huddled together in groups.

Less than 500 ships harassed enemy ships of 3,000.

By deploying space minefields, superluminal ambushes, drilling by the S-class warships, and a large number of outrageous tactics. They used all available advantages to divide, encircle, and eliminate the enormous enemy fleet.


The first 3,000 warships of the Lanyi civilization’s fleets were destroyed.

The All-Stars Federation’s ambush fleet had lost less than ten ships. After this, it was a different battlefield and a simple repetition.

The war was at the beginning of its ninth year.

After losing 90,000 warships, the Lanyi people, who had always been ferocious and unafraid of death, finally had a nervous breakdown.

They simply chose to escape, which evolved into a rout, fleeing pell-mell, and surrender.

In the end, there were less than 5,000 ships in working condition that returned to the Lanyi civilization.

Mu Yunhua realized the goal of destroying 100,000 of the invading enemy ships with just the power of over 500 warships in her possession.

Seeing how powerful the Federation was, all of the Selains who betrayed them surrendered. The land that the Federation lost was all recovered, and the situation quickly stabilized.

Seeing such a strong performance.

Chen Jin could only exclaim “Fuck!” in secret. He felt as if he had been slapped.

He sent a dispatch to Mu Yunhua. He gave a reluctant smile and said, “Yun, you’ve won. You can win even without my support. I admit that I’ve underestimated you. What rewards do you want? Feel free to say it. As long as you say it and it’s within my abilities, I’ll agree.”


Mu Yunhua thought about as she rested her chin in her palm. She suddenly said, “I want to go home. Is that ok?”

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