Chapter 465 - Meeting In Person

Chapter 465: Meeting In Person

“Go back home?”

Chen Jin understood what she meant, “You want to come back to Haierfa, is that right?”

“Yes,” Mu Yunhua nodded. “I want to go back and take a look around.

This my strongest desire. Can you help me achieve it?”

“But we’ve promised that you can’t return to Haierfa before the All-Stars Federation conquer a million stars…You have not reached this goal yet.”

“I know, but I can’t wait that long. I want to go back earlier just to see it. Even if it’s only for a short time, I still want to see how’s my hometown now.”

At this point in the conversation, a sheen of tears had appeared in her eyes.

It had been too long.

It had been too long a time since they left.

It had been so long that a lot of familiar memories had gradually disappeared. Memories had faded and many continued to disappear. That restraining rope that was tightly tied would soon be unable to bind her soul.

There was only one obsession in her heart that was constantly deepening–to see her home.



Chen Jin was silent for a while.

He fully understood the yearning and feelings of Mu Yunhua. He knew that the only worry she could not let go of was the place where she was born and raised–Haierfa.

Because it was her home, there were many happy memories as well as sorrowful events that she had experienced there. But whether they were good or bad, whether they were satisfactory or regrettable… she had left many memories in Haierfa.

The fetters of memories, even if one’s memory had seriously worsened or even if one had forgotten everything, would always stop there.

It was difficult to obstruct such yearning.

Chen Jin took a deep breath and said, “If I tell you that the planet of Haierfa had been destroyed, with no survivors left and everything related to civilization was buried in the soil underground, would you believe me?”

The ending was somewhat sad and regrettable. He had to give her some warning in advance.

“I…believe,” Mu Yunhua said after a pause. She took a long breath. The trace of hope and luck in her heart disappeared. It was as if she had been mentally prepared.

“Also, I am in Haierfa….. I have transformed this planet. It is my personal property now,” Chen Jin revealed another important information.

“Oh, Jin, you are in Haierfa?”

Mu Yunhua had a happy expression, “I didn’t expect that I could see you too. This is good!”

“You don’t think that it’s strange?”

Chen Jin was very surprised, “You should have a lot of questions in your mind. For example, why would I be in Haierfa? Why I am so helpful towards you? Is my assistance a conspiracy? Am I a good person? You must have these doubts in your mind?”

“They’re not important.”

Mu Yunhua breathed a long sigh of relief and said calmly, “I believe you. Through the help that you’ve provided me for so many years, besides proving that you are a good person, I really can’t find any other reasons why you would do it… Ah, I’m already very tired and I don’t want to work my brain too much.”

Unconditional trust.

She did not have the energy to doubt and question Chen Jin. To do that would kill countless brain cells. It was enough for her to set her mind on the fact that Jin was a major support and then brainlessly ask for and accept the help that he provided.

It had been decades. Her body was still young, but her soul had aged a long time ago. She had less anxiety now than in the past. Even if she was entrusted with the life and death of the human race, she did not want to carry this burden anymore… She had already completed her mission long ago.

To go back home was her last wish.

As long as this wish could be realized, she could accept death.

Feeling the attitude and willpower of this woman.

“Ok, you can make a trip here, alone. I will arrange a spaceship for you and approve the flight route.”

Chen Jin nodded in agreement…Even if the spaceship that he had previously leased to the All-Stars Federation, could fly to at a hundred times the speed of light and arrive at Haierfa from Walf within two months, but without his consent, the smart brain of the spaceship would lock in its route, and navigation to anywhere else would be banned.

Only after approval could the spaceship carry humans from the planet of Walf to Haierfa.

Now, Chen Jin had made a special exception for Mu Yunhua.

“Thank you, Jin.”

Mu Yunhua smiled. A happy smile blossomed on her beautiful face.

She could return to her mother planet.

One and a half months later.

At a spaceport on the planet of Walf.

A small, streamlined luxury spaceship docked quietly in the port.

This spaceship was dispatched by Chen Jin and it was equipped with the most advanced warp engine. The engine’s maximum speed was as high 120 times the speed of light.

Mu Yunhua had prepared her luggage and was about to enter the spaceship.

A group of aristocrats and officials who were sending her off urged continuously, “Your Majesty, You must come back, the Federation can’t do without you even for a single day.”

“Your Majesty, please reconsider. It’s not appropriate to go alone. Perhaps, there is a conspiracy by an alien civilization.”

“Since Haierfa has been destroyed, there is no need to go back. Your Majesty, the subjects here are more important. If you want to go back to the mother planet for a look around, it is enough to send a representative there.”

“Your Majesty…”

Many voices were discouraging her from making this trip.

Most of the new generation of subjects who had no memories and feelings for Haierfa did not want the Queen to go.

They thought about the mysterious higher civilization, which provided a great amount of assistance to the Federation over several years but to allow the Queen to go alone was inappropriate. They simply did not know if there was any hidden conspiracy. Some of those with greater imagination had already thought of many bad things that could be related to this trip. After all, Her Majesty was also a goddess in many peoples’ hearts. She could just protect the Walf galaxy forever, without doing anything risky.

“Don’t persuade me against this anymore. I have decided. There’s no need for more words.”

Mu Yunhua flung her arms away and strode into the cabin before closing the hatch.

The warp engine at the tail of the spaceship was activated.

In the distorted and formless space.

The spaceship ferrying her quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

The Queen of the Federation was gone.

In the boundless and vast emptiness of the universe’ space.

A small luxury spacecraft seemed to be surfing on a seabed as it left behind a track that was reminiscent of a long strip of bubbles in the formless time and space.

The starlight outside the window turned into elongated lines.

In the silent and tranquil cabin, the woman’s eyes were half-closed and her mind was empty.

Then she went deep into her mind and began to recall some of the past episodes in her memory.

Many fragments of memory, broken scenes, and some short videos that were linked played in her brain.

There was a dazzling and magnificent palace.

There was a pair of dignified and awe-inspiring middle-aged couples who guided her on all the little details in her life.

She recalled her interest in science and her ambition to become a great scientist.

She thought about the colleagues in the lab who worshiped and yearned for her.

She remembered the negative comments and insufficient understanding that society had regarding works undertaken in the scientific sphere.

There was also a private episode where she had felt extremely defeated.

There was also the helplessness that she felt about the scheming behavior and infighting among the royal family.

After hearing the news that her father and mother had died in the rebellion, she was a little stunned and was immediately surprised that she did not experience much sorrow.

And then her thoughts turned to the ninth princess who had often hung around her feet. The rumors that she had become a victim in the chaos of the war saddened her for an entire night.

And this state of recall lasted for two months.

She had more or less dug out every memory that she could recall.

There were many areas of confusion and errors; the memories were not accurate enough.

But…They represented the fetters deep in her memories that she could not give up on.

So much so that after each revival and sorting out of her memories, she would unconsciously cry her eyes out.

“I…. am back.”


As Chen Jin was preparing to welcome her.

He was also having a headache over another matter and thinking about how to solve it.

Guo Yan.

He would have to tell Guo Yan the news that Mu Yunhua would be arriving so that she could prepare herself mentally.

However… Chen Jin was a little afraid to speak.

Because certain changes have taken place in Guo Yan’s temper and character in recent years.

In the past, she was born in a remote county to an impoverished family and her educational background was poor. Her status was plebeian and she had very low self-esteem. Hence, she was willing to become that ordinary flower in Chen Jin’s harem even if she did not receive any official status by his side.

She willingly dedicated her youth.

For decades, the number of times that he had kept her company in a year hardly ever exceeded ten times.

However, she gladly endured the hardship and her face was filled with happiness.

Chen Jin felt very guilty towards her; he felt that he owed her something.

Therefore, the moment when he saw how she ignored the dangers and willingly stayed on earth to be by his side, his heart was finally moved. He revealed all the secrets to her.

They came together to Haierfa and lived together, becoming the only one for each other.

Their relationship was so pure to the extent that they were the only two people in the entire galaxy and no one would disturb them.

They were so happy it was like a fairytale.

“I can live like this for a thousand years, no, forever.”

Guo Yan had said this more than once. She was very satisfied and contented in her present life.

This was also the compensation that Chen Jin gave her.

But…Maybe it was a little of going beyond the limit is as bad as falling short.

Over-compensation had led to a little problem in her mentality.

To be more straightforward–she had become possessive and greedy.

Moreover, the more interactions that two people had with each other, the stronger their possessiveness.

Therefore, Guo Yan’s character was no longer as gentle and considerate as before.

Instead, she had become a little sensitive and would often emit a dark aura.

Furthermore, her sixth sense had become extremely sensitive.

She was very concerned, especially towards the interaction between him and Mu Yunhua. She had asked a lot of questions.

Even though Chen Jin had said multiple times that “it’s pure friendship,” Guo Yan’s eyes still shone with a dubious light.

Fortunately, Mu Yunhua would not come here. No matter how good their relationship was, and it was only a “kindred souls sort of relationship” between online friends.

Even if Guo Yan was suspicious, it was not to the point where she would become jealous, demand information from him or interrogate him. She would only occasionally make insinuations in a passive-aggressive way, which had little effect on daily life.

But this time… Mu Yunhua was coming over.

Chen Jin’s biggest headache was this–how to talk to Guo Yan about this matter.

Would she be as gentle and generous as before?

“That’s not going to be the case,” an obnoxious part of Chen Jin said.

It stressed, “Stop deluding yourself, it’s 100% that she will not react as generously as she had in the past. You have no more chances to be a scum.”

“A scum? What are you talking about, how am I a scum?” He muttered to that obnoxious persona in his mind.


It snorted disdainfully with arms akimbo, “You know just what you are thinking. And you also know what is it that you’ve repressed and restrained. The thing that, although you long for very much, you dare not show it.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Chen Jin’s eyes became evasive. He raised his head and looked up at the sky, “I’m so old now. What I should have had possessed, I did. What more would I yearn for? Do you know?”

That vile persona continued to be disdainful, “Don’t ask me, ask your own heart.”

Chen Jin ignored him.

After sitting on the dilemma for more than ten days.

With the mentality of “there’s no way I will ever be successful in hiding things from her,” Chen Jin gathered his courage and came to the room. He spoke to Guo Yan about this.

“That… that is, wife, an old friend will come to visit me in a while and will probably stay for a few days. That… would you agree to that?”


Guo Yan’s eyes slammed open, and a beam of light seemed to have shot forth as her gaze became extremely sharp.

She scanned Chen Jin’s body with this sort of gaze and saw some slight evasion in his demeanor. Her heart jerked, but she still chose to sit tight and bide her time. She calmly asked, “Which friend, the one who lives on earth, or the universe here? ”

“The universe here,” Chen Jin said.

“Is it a male friend or a female friend?” the woman asked again.

“Uh, fe…female,” Chen Jin lowered his head slightly.

“Mu Yunhua?”

It was as if she had been expecting this. Guo Yan immediately guessed the answer. The beam from her eyes became even brighter, so bright that it stabbed painfully at one’s skin.


Chen Jin nodded in affirmation. His head lowered even further. He felt apprehensive.

“No, it’s best not to let her come,” The woman directly and firmly refused, leaving almost no room for negotiations.

“This… Why?” Chen Jin was blank. He had not finished speaking and was rejected? Wasn’t this too much.

“I don’t think it’s very good. This is our private world. It’s okay if it is a male guest. As for Mu Yunhua, forget about her coming here. I don’t welcome her.”

As she spoke, Guo Yan took his arm. She batted her eyes and said, “Husband, you still love me very much, right? Isn’t it best that our private world is not disturbed by a third party?”


Chen Jin’s forehead sweated. He was at a loss for words.


A woman could block a man’s escape route with just that one word–love. It might seem unreasonable, but it contained within it the most persuasive power.

After all, love could never tolerate being mixed with even half a grain of sand. And Mu Yunhua was that sand. Regardless of how Chen Jin guaranteed and explained, Guo Yan would stick to her position.

“The planet, Haierfa, is not mine. I merely found it and picked it up. Mu Yunhua and her people, they are the natives of this planet.”

Chen Jin said with utmost seriousness, “Mu Yunhua has been away from Haierfa for a long time. She is a little homesick and wants to come back for a look. This is human nature. As a friend, I’ve also agreed to this small request.”

“Wife, please make an exception, let her come and have a look around. She’ll leave after a few days. She is the Queen of the All-Stars Federation. She has a lot of work and missions so she’ll leave. Don’t be so sensitive. ”

Chen Jin said as he put his arms around the woman. He used a gentle tone as best as he could, and his attitude during this negotiation was very sincere.

The woman just turned her head and looked at him with a smile. But there was a trace of loss that could not be concealed in the depths of her eyes.

She was silent for a short while.

Guo Yan, who knew she could not stop the man, nodded and said, “Okay, so she’ll stay for a few days. It’ll be unreasonable if I keep opposing this, and…” She said with a serious look, “Will you promise me that you won’t fall in love with her? Let me be the last woman in your life, Ok?”

There was a trace of pleading in the woman’s tone.

What was this? Why?

Chen Jin smiled grudgingly. They were an elderly couple. Why drag in the idea of love, not love, and whatnot in the conversation? She was thinking too much. But he still raised his hand in a pledge, “Hmm, I promise you.”

More than a month later.

On this day, a breeze stirred across the blue sky and white clouds.

At the planet’s airport in the east of Crater City.

A small passenger spacecraft slowly docked.

“Zing~” The hatch opened.

“Tap tap tap~” A woman in a silver uniform carried a suitcase as she moved her steps and slowly walked out.

Standing in the ferry passage.

As he looked at the figure, Chen Jin’s pupils suddenly contracted with no clear reason and his heart suddenly throbbed.

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