Chapter 472 - A Portable Portal

Chapter 472: A Portable Portal

The Sages were so terrified that they had given in.

It was impossible to believe this if it was made known, but it was true.

Because the power of the weapons that the Chen family had come up with, was too shocking.

The anti-matter bombs with a yield of 10 billion tons. Even a Sage could be destroyed by that.

Even if the Sages could not be killed, as long as a few of those bombs were distributed evenly across the earth and detonated at the same time, the billions of Protoss representing the foundation of their race would be instantly destroyed.

The Protoss… would be declared extinct.

Indeed, the powerful Sages could regard all the common people in the world as insignificant beings. But if the Protoss were annihilated, and there were only the three Sages left as the Protoss?

The Sages could still survive after losing their roots and live a life as long as the universe. But they would only be three lonely people.

Moreover, without the fate of the Protoss as a group, with the loss of the support from the fate flowing through an entire race, even a Sage would not be able to carry on for long. They would be riddled with various disasters, inexplicably struck with bad luck, and their opportunities and destinies would even be plundered by those with greater luck.

Therefore, even the Sages must make certain compromises on the safety of the tribes… The two are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.

The humans were victorious.

The Protoss were forced to integrate.

The war on earth finally ended with peace and they entered a new era.

Everything would develop towards the bright side, at least for a while. There was no need to no be too worried.

Therefore, Chen Jin put a lot of time and energy into cultivation.

As a legendary player who spent a lot of money to buy all the cheat codes and extra weapons, his cultivation could be described as having all the advantages that others did not have.

Such as the best of cultivation exercises.

Inexhaustible spirit stones.

All kinds of supplementary magical elixirs and treasures.

Each element of cultivation was flooded with as many supplementary materials and actions that money could buy.

But even so, his achievements through the decades of cultivation were only comparable to that of an ordinary genius.

It took more than 40 years for his cultivation level to reach the middle of the Yuanying phase.

Until the last ten years, when he took a genetic evolution drug with a safety factor of 99.99%. After more than 30 rounds of continuous evolution, he had the body of a Sage; the aptitudes of this ‘body’ went against all natural order.

Then again, what were the uses of such a body?

Based on the most direct observation of its uses, one could see that the efficiency of one’s cultivation increased by five times on the spot.

After the genetic upgrades were completed, the efficiency of one’s cultivation improved tenfold.

These aptitudes and qualities that went against the natural order made Chen Jin somewhat speechless. He keenly felt the many resources that he had invested in cultivation previously; those had turned out to be a waste. Comparing those with the body of a Sage and those who did not, these were completely two sets of different configurations.

When the effects of the cultivation supplements were added to the body of a Sage, it could be described as going against all natural orders.

In the middle of the Jushen phase, less than five years after transforming his body into that which was qualified to be a Sage’s, Chen Jin had risen through several cultivation levels in a row.

When one arrived at the Jushen phase, the practitioner’s consciousness would skyrocket and his soul would expand. He would undergo tremendous changes on the spiritual level.

At this stage, as long as one’s aptitude and qualifications were good enough, one could start to gain enlightenment regarding some of the laws of the universe and understand the deeper mysteries to a certain extent.

Say, what was the law that Chen Jin wanted to know the most?

Time and space.

There was no doubt that it was the law of time and space.

Because the space portal located in his old villa where he had stayed for more than a hundred years had still not been moved.

Until today, it remained a hidden danger that faced the threat of discovery.

In the past 100 plus years, not a year went by where Chen Jin did not think about how to solve this major potential pitfall.

However, due to insufficient technical capabilities, no significant progress had been made.

However, things had changed a bit recently.

It was possible he could move the portal elsewhere, even carry it on him.

Then again, how was this possible? The idea that the portal could change.

This was natural.

Fortunately, Nuwa and Alice had been researching the subject of space technology for more than 150 years, and they had achieved countless vital results long ago.

They even produced space technology by themselves. Amongst all the original technologies in Haierfa, the space technology was the one with the highest standard and the most advanced. It was the original technology that generated the most pride in him…With this technology, Haierfa was much more advanced than many higher civilizations.

If the cost factor was ignored, currently Haierfa could create the warp engine, the bi-directional portal, an intergalactic highway… There was a way to compress an area with a radius of hundreds of light-years into a one-year life circle.

Besides, they had the most advanced space leap technology that enabled a spacecraft to arrive somewhere that was 50 light-years away.

The above space technologies were only space technologies developed based on the aspect of science and technology.

After the Heavenly Realm was integrated with earth, the space technologies brought by the Protoss practitioners, such as the space storage ring, conveyance formation method, instant transfer, and other space technologies, represented different ways of using space.

Also, with Chen Jin’s current ability, with just the space technology that was purely based on the material aspect of science and tech, it would be very hard to understand the workings of the portal. He might even damage the stability of the portal and cause some malfunctions.

What if it space technologies based on the aspect of cultivation was added to the mix?

Combining the two technological systems and then deducing the essence of the law of space to achieve better uses, to the extent that he could manipulate the portal… Was there such a possibility?

Of course, the theory was only a theory. In the end, as to whether it would work, it still had to be put into practice.

Chen Jin spent a lot of time on experimentation.

With more trials that were conducted, he achieved some amazing results!

Chen Jin divided the operation of the portal into these categories. From the easiest operation to put into practice to the most difficult: shrinking and enlarging the portal, moving the portal, fixing the portal to one location, and the creation of the portal.

The first was to attempt compressing the portal. He wanted to see if he could carry out some works on the edges of the portal and slightly reduce its size.

He reduced the original diameter of about one meter to about 80 to 90 centimeters.

There was a saying that everything was difficult at the beginning. There had been ten years of research. Chen Jin used a special method to remove a corner of the portal. The area of the portal was suddenly reduced by the size of a one yuan coin.

But this was still very heartening progress!

It was not excessive to describe this as a major milestone.

Because the portal had been shrunk slightly – this was the truth. He made a crucial step.

However, changing the size of the portal should not only be a one-off thing, such as only shrinking but not able to enlarge it. He must be able to shrink and enlarge it as and when he liked

However, in the course of the experiment, he found that it was much harder to enlarge the edges of the portal than to shrink it.

After all, barriers of space were not that easy to manipulate. If each time that the portal was shrunk meant that the barriers would be fused, then when the portal was expanded, it would be equivalent to tearing apart the barriers.

The energy needed in the two situations was on totally different levels.

It would only be possible to tear open the barriers of space to expand the portal’s area if Chen Jin possessed tremendous mental strength coupled with the enlightenment of the law of space.

Hence, to solve this problem, Nuwa spent many years to create an amplifier for mental energy that had a state-of-the-art biochip embedded in it… This amplifier employed a large number of Protoss souls. When the amplifier was used, the intensity of one’s output of mental energy could be increased by more than 100 times. This was comparable to what the strongest practitioners in the latter phase of the Shenguang order could do.

The only shortcomings were its short effective time (only three or five minutes), it consumed a large amount of power (the ordinary practitioner would not be able to bear this kind of power drain), the effective scope of action was small (adjustment range could not exceed the area of a one yuan coin each time). The advantages were its accurate operation, low consumption of mental energy as measured in units and its high efficiency.

There was a sense of deja vu that one was making the idea of skipping over step-by-step operations into a reality with the help of props.

In short, with the help of the mental energy amplifier, he could break the space barriers and expand the area of the portal… But the efficiency of such a task was somewhat low.

The first stage of manipulating the portal was thus achieved.

Then there was the “moving” of the portal.

How to make space flow?

Naturally, the answer was warp.

Space warp.

He would be able to move the portal as long as a space warp machine was created.

However, if this machine was made according to the principles of the science and technology side, its size might be bigger than a villa. There was no way it could be operated or manipulated. It could not be kept secret either.

It was best if the space warp machine was the size of a suitcase.

Only the space technologies based on cultivation principles could be employed.

Hence, the machine to move the portal had been built after a few years. It was slightly larger than a suitcase. After inputting the user’s divine sense and the machine began operating, it could move the portal, which had been compressed till its diameter was 30 cm, to a position equal to or less than 500 meters away.

As Chen Jin strengthened his cultivation and expanded his divine sense, this moving distance could be extended.

Just like this, the problem of moving the portal that he most wanted to solve had been solved.

In addition!

What Chen Jin wanted, even more, was to affix the portal to a certain tool or machine such that he would be able to move the portal anywhere together with the tool. He could bring the portal with him wherever he went. When he wanted to use the portal, he could open it with his divine sense, set it in a safe place, and then squeeze into it to cross over into the other universe.

This sort of attachment was not impossible. For example, there was a rare mineral ore called the “void rock,” which was an important tool for the creation of magical storage items. If the void rock was of high quality, it could even open up an independent space inside of itself. Pour some laws into it, and it could be made into multiple sub-dimensional secret spaces…

This was what Chen Jin was considering–he wanted to inject the portal into the void rock, then open a small secret space in the rock where the portal would be installed. He would achieve what could be described as “interior crossover.” With an added layer of “insurance” on the outside, the entire process would feel safer.

Moreover, it would be more convenient and useful.

It was just that Chen Jin did not have such a high-quality void rock in his hands yet. He was trying to purchase it from everywhere.

The final option was to split and duplicate the portal.

A universe that corresponded to only one portal; obviously, this was not enough. This was not too safe or secure.

If something went wrong and that one portal was destroyed, it would be equivalent to losing the entire universe.

The best way was to have more than one entrance to the universe by getting a few more backup portals.

Then again, how to create those back-up portals?

Naturally, that would be done using the original, only portal as a basis. A portion of the portal would be “deducted” and stabilized. Then, he would carry out the works to enlarge that portion to get a brand new portal.

This was a bit like cell division. No, it should be compared to the propagation of spores…He would make a brand new portal using a small amount of space from the original.

In theory, this should be achievable as long as the space was strong and stable enough.

But space barriers were not as stable as imagined. Once they leave the original framework, they immediately become unstable and would even dissipate in an instant.

To solve the problem of stability, Chen Jin and the AIs spent a decade before they finally solved this difficult problem and achieved the backups or the copies of the portal.

It took a few years of effort, but they created ten backup portals.

At this time, they also managed to buy a high-quality void rock at a high price and a small secret space was opened inside the rock. Then the portal was put inside the secret space. Finally, space was solidified and sealed.

After a series of operations, a magic weapon called the shuttle device in a palm landed in Chen Jin’s hands.

Not only was it portable, but it also had a built-in large capacity storage space of more than 10,000 cubic meters. After entering the shuttle device in a palm and stepping into the portal inside. The other universe would be waiting for Chen Jin with open arms.

Thus far, the problem of the portal had been completely solved.

Chen Jin would be able to go wherever he wanted on earth. His flexibility, in terms of freedom of movement, had been greatly increased.


He sighed in relief and opened his arms wide as if he had gotten rid of his bindings. He felt that the world was a really big place where he could freely use his talents to the fullest. He could go anywhere in this big world.

Of course, the portal in Haierfa remained fixed to one location. If he wanted to make adjustments, he would have to buy another high-quality void rock and proceed with injecting the portal into the rock and sealing it from the other end at Haierfa. His flexibility of movement was only half of what it could be.

But for the moment, this was enough.


Someday in a certain year.

The All-Stars Federation had sent out a huge fleet to swallow up the Lanyi civilization. After this, they found a mysterious ruin on a strange planet, attracting Chen Jin’s attention.

“An ancient transmission array that is more than one billion years old?”

“A star formation with the centers of eight stars facing each other?”

“If this array is activated, it’s possible that it would lead to another universe?”

Chen Jin was extremely surprised. How did the universe where Haierfa was located come to have such strange things?

Looking at the mysterious ruin on the projection screen, the vast stone building, the precise drawing and form of the array, and some pictographs that seemed similar to oracle bone inscriptions… The traces of a mysterious civilization were presented to him.

As it was a ruin that had been slightly damaged, it made one feel a strong urge to explore its mysteries.

It was filled with a strange sense of attractiveness.

Moreover, the data detected showed that there was a definite spatial fluctuation located in the center of the huge eight-pointed star array.

Once this array was activated, the spatial fluctuation would increase, opening a passage to a strange area.

“Nuwa, what do you think of the situation? Why does this a kind of array exist here too, isn’t it a universe that is still leaning purely on science and tech?” Chen Jin was very puzzled.

“Master, according to the symmetry and relations of the multiverse, if there is a Heavenly Realm associated with Earth in the other universe, then there is a high probability that there is also a related plane in this universe here… It’s just that the related plane has not found itself in a difficult situation and is very stable. There has been nothing similar to the return of the Protoss in a billion years. The so-called ‘Revival of Magical Powers’ will not happen here. Only some transmission arrays have been left as a sign of its association to this universe.”

“So what you mean is… as long as you the array is activated, I can go to that mysterious world?”

“Yes master, and there is a greater possibility that is a high-energy universe based on cultivation.”

“A world based on cultivation? A world where one could cultivation to become an immortal? Another Heavenly Realm?”

“Almost, its nature should be similar.”

Chen Jin’s eyes slightly brightened. He secretly reckoned, the Heavenly Realm that was associated with Earth is beyond repair, it has completely collapsed. Not even a high-quality void rock can be found. I wonder if the mysterious cultivation world associated with this universe here would have some resources that I want?

Besides, staying at home was so boring. Shouldn’t find somewhere where he could play and let go?

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