Chapter 473 - The Mysterious World of Immortals

Chapter 473: The Mysterious World of Immortals


Crater City–inside the villa in the center of the urban district.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Chen Jin expressed his thoughts – he wanted to go outside of Haierfa and make his way.

“It’s a great wide world, and the universe is boundless. It’ll be very exciting, I want to go out and see,” he crossed his legs and said calmly.

“You mean… an adventure?”

Guo Yan, who was sitting across from him, looked at him. She was quite surprised, “You don’t want to stay home anymore? You want to go out and have fun?”

“It’s not really about having fun, I just want to see some different sceneries, moreover…”

Chen Jin twisted his neck and shoulders, causing his joints to crack. He said in a low voice, “I’ve stayed home for more than a hundred years, it’s about time that I got sick of this lifestyle. You wouldn’t want to live such a boring life too, right?”

“I don’t feel it’s boring.”

Guo Yan blinked and said, “There’s internet, games, delicious food, and you at home. How could I be bored? If the days could remain like this, I could stay home for a thousand years.”

“A….. A thousand years?”

Chen Jin put his leg down. He nearly spilled all the air in his lungs. Someone who did not even want to go out of her home for a thousand years; she must be the ultimate king of all homebodies. And with the way she was playing it down, did it mean that she could stay home and be a homebody for ten thousand years, a million years, or forever? Maybe she could even stay home till the apocalypse arrived? Such a thing would not be difficult for her at all?

“When you feel bored and want to go out and have a look at the outside world, breathe the fresh air outside, feel the beautiful world, see the different people outside, taste some food that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy at home, make some new friends…After such a day has ended and you return home, you will feel that it’s still better to squirrel yourself at home.”

He heard this. Guo Yan told him a dialogue that sounded as if it could come straight out of a theater sketch.


Chen Jin spewed and looked at Guo Yan incredulously. This woman, who was always gentle and considerate, actually had such a cheeky side to her.

“Cough cough~”

He coughed twice and adjusted his composure. Chen Jin put on a serious face and said, “Wife, I am serious this time, we need to go out for a short trip, I’ve found that I am not that kind of homebody who can squirrel himself at home until he dies. My mind is filled with thoughts of going out and making my way in this universe…I must go.”

Chen Jin’s attitude was quite firm and his stance could be changed.

Guo Yan’s eyes fell on his face and she looked deeply at him for a while.

After a long time, she said a little helplessly, “If you want to go, then go, but…”

Her gaze bore holes into him, “Mu Yunhua can’t go with you, only the two of us can go on this trip.”


Chen Jin opened his mouth wide, “I have already talked about this with Yunhua. She has also agreed. Everyone is still together for this.”

“I say no means no!”

The voice of the woman became sharp. Her beautiful facial expression suddenly became somewhat fierce and malevolent. Was she the leaves in the background that acted as a foil for the flowers? To be honest, she had done enough. She would no longer be the foil to that woman… Even if the other party had no intention of putting her in such a position.

But she really couldn’t stand it anymore! This was not jealousy in any form, but simply, an intolerance, a refusal to accept that had no reasons or origins!

Her life was not about being the leaves in the background.

“Wife, Yunhua didn’t do anything bad. You know that we are purely friends and have always keep a polite distance. Why did you suddenly become so stingy?” Chen Jin asked.

All of a sudden, he felt that women were somewhat impervious to reason.

“No, absolutely not! Only the two of us go or we don’t go at all!” Everyone would just stay at home.

The woman said wilfully. She was completely different from her gentle and rational personality in the past. Now, she was like an angry girl in her adolescence.


Chen Jin was blank. His head was full of questions. Just what was going on, how did Guo Yan suddenly become like this?

Looking at her state again, Chen tactfully backed down from quarreling. He was not a young man anymore. Quarreling could not solve the problem, instead, they would only intensify the tensions. The most urgent task was to find the reasons for her state, calm her emotions, and try to convince her.

“It’s very simple. The reason why the Mistress is angry is because she is jealous.” Chen Jin approached Nuwa to analyze the situation and she quickly found the reason.


Chen Jin smiled. He was so mad that he smiled, “But that level of jealousy? Now I can’t even have an ordinary female friend?”

“There is no friendship between men and women. Master, are you still deceiving yourself?” Nuwa blinked.

“You…” Chen Jin smiled bitterly and looked at her, “Even you are making a joke of me.”

“It’s probably because your mentality towards her is one of compensation so you have been too good to the Mistress all these years. Because of your attitude, she has gotten to a place where it’s hard for her to relinquish her position or your attention. She has developed a strong possessiveness. Moreover, Queen Yunhua is so outstanding that she blocks the light of the Mistress. So in addition to the possessiveness, there is an aspect of jealousy. Hence, she cannot tolerate three people going together.”

Chen Jin shook his head. Jealousy? When the two women were together, they looked like the best girlfriends in the world. They talked and laughed, twittering non-stop. Sometimes, even he felt gratified and happy. But she was secretly jealous of Yuhua?

Ah, women were too complicated.

However, he did not want to continue digging deep into women’s psychology. He did not have the time to study that topic either. He just hoped that Nuwa could help to come out with some ideas and think of a way to convince Guo Yan.

Three months later.

After persuading Guo Yan with sex, working so hard that his back ached and he couldn’t walk, she agreed to take Mu Yunhua on their adventure.

Recalling how, for three months, he worked like a robot to please his wife to the extent that she was disgusted with him. Chen Jin understood that women were not that difficult to deal with.

After all, because of her, a man was willing to do her to the point that there was no sperm left in him. Did this not prove that this man loved her?

Chen Jin’s love was so long-lasting and tenacious, it was even to a point where he had nearly given his life away and made his partner feel that she could not take it anymore. If Guo Yan remained that possessive, it would be way past one’s limits.

The consequences of greed were very tragic.

With this in mind, Guo Yan sensibly compromised.

After everything was ready, on this day, it was the day of their departure.

In a huge spaceport in the universe, three people stood on the platform of the spaceport and looked straight ahead.

An ellipsoidal giant spacecraft with a maximum diameter of more than one hundred kilometers presented itself in front of them.

The surface of the spacecraft was painted a silver-gray, which was quite conspicuous. The abdomen bulged like a bucket, and the lines were smooth but not elegant enough. The changes in the undulations were not significant.

It was like a fat spaceship; it felt a bit bloated and fat.

But this spacecraft was the extremely terrifying SS interstellar warship… It looked a little bloated because it held an extremely large nuclear fusion reactor inside.

Invincible Little Fatty was the name that Guo Yan gave to this warship. It was quite the image and was adopted.

“Let’s go in.”

The hatch was opened and the access bridge started building itself.

Chen Jin took two silver suitcases and took the lead, taking large strides into the warship.

Guo Yan and Mu Yunhua looked at each other and followed behind him.

“Warp engine is starting up, the current warp is one.”

“Increase power, starting to accelerate.”

“We are expecting to enter the superluminal state after 160 seconds.”

Invincible Little Fatty had a somewhat clumsy and awkward body, but it had the best acceleration.

In the control room of the bridge.

Chen Jin and others saw the lines of light lengthening and flowing backward.

In the main screen, the dark blue planet of Haierfa gradually blurred and stretched, turning into a small dot.

“I want to go out and play. I want to go to that mysterious world and have my fun. But I’ll probably think about coming back after a few years.”

After all, it was a place where they had led happy lives for more than a hundred years.

But life was like this, there were separations, reunions, comings, and goings. One yearned for peace of mind but also yearned for the wonders and excitement of the outside world. One was bound to experience the crazy times at least once.

In space, the Invincible Little Fatty sailed for nearly two years.

Eight space leaps were made in the course of their travel.

They finally arrived at the Qila Galaxy, which was 850 light-years away… The ancient and mysterious transmission array was found on the fourth planet of this galaxy.

At the outer space orbit of the fourth planet.

The Invincible Little Fatty remained relatively stationary to the planet below it.

Dozens of unmanned space fighter jet were released. They dispersed themselves around the planet, drawing a map of the entire fourth planet and scanning all the geographic information.

After they determined that it was an uninhabited planet and that it was very safe, Chen Jin, Guo Yan, and Mu Yunhua boarded a medium-sized aircraft and flew straight towards the mysterious transmission array.

In the remaining vestiges of the mysterious transmission array.

“There are eight stars and each star has three notches. A spirit stone has to be placed in each notch to activate the spell formation.”

A total of 24 spirit stones.

Chen Jin nodded. He had no lack of spirit stones. He had so many spirit stones that it was impossible to use up all of them. A few robots were dispatched immediately, and a piece of top-grade spirit stone was placed in each notch until all the notches were filled with spirit stones.

Bursts of fluctuations in the spiritual energy were generated.

A tiny vortex began to form in the center of the array, seemingly without any wind. The vortex slowly expanded, its shape became clearer and it stabilized. It was a “mouth” that was just of the right size to accommodate an adult.

The space transmission array was successfully activated.

“I didn’t expect that spirit stones can be used to activate this large array too.”

Chen Jin was quite excited. This indicated that the cultivation system used in the high energy plane behind the transmission array was more or less based on spirit stones too.

The two sets of cultivation systems could be said to be similar and roughly compatible.

This would a natural advantage, meaning that if he crossed over into the other plane, his cultivation would remain, his strength would still exist in him. He would not be back to square one in terms of cultivation.

With his cultivation in the middle of the Jushen phase and order, he could personally destroy meteorites measuring several tens of kilometers in diameter with ease. As long as he did not meet with the ultimate, most powerful figure that existed in that plane the moment he crossed over, he should not have any big problems wandering about and having fun in that mysterious plane.

Chen Jin was confident about this.

However, to guarantee his safety, he did not test the risks using his own body. Instead, he first sent 10 human replica robots with a certain level of cultivation over there.

The robots would find some facts and get a clear view of the situation!

They took cameras, video recorders and paper, and pen for quick sketches. They would get some photos or videos for Nuwa and Alice to analyze.

Ten human replica robots disappeared into the transmission array.

Three days later.

According to the agreed time, the transmission array was turned on again, and the ten human replica robots returned one after another without any incident.

They brought with them the first batch of intelligence.

“Master, these pictures were all drawn by hand. The cameras and video recorders can’t be used there. We can only draw some of the things we saw by hand. We can’t guarantee that the color is accurate, but there is no problem with the overall outline.”

Chen Jin nodded. He immediately took the paper drawings proffered to him and put them on the table to look at them.

The two women, Guo Yan and Mu Yunhua leaned closer to observe the drawings together.

“Its a forest. The other end of the transmission array seemed to be located in a forest. There are no traces of other human activities around.”

“Wow, those trees are too tall, they are piercing straight into the sky. I think ten people can encircle those trunks with their arms. The height of those trees should be hundreds of meters?”

“Those flowers and plants are quite pretty too. Hey, look at that shrub that is about half a meter high, it has many bright red fruits. There is even a black snake beside the shrub, guarding it. Could that be a legendary magical elixir of immortals? It is said that there is always a spirit beast guarding the fruits of the elixir.”

“Now that you say it, I’m noticing it too. Look at this picture, it’s a nocturnal shrub with two sets of six greenish hues, red flowers are growing at the top of the shrub. The roots have some white nodules, it looks a little like the roots of some grass plants. There is nothing remarkable about it, but a leopard is guarding its surroundings… This should be a better elixir.”

The two women looked and checked through the drawings continuously.

After a while, among the hundreds of pictures, they found 30 to 40 plants that had a guardian spirit beast around it.

The human replica robots said that they did not venture far in the past few days and only roughly probed the surrounding area, up to one or one and a half kilometers.

The density of the elixir plants was beyond their expectations.

And based on the density of the spirit beasts, they were able to derive a lot of key information.

Nuwa said, “Master, the concentration of that world’s spiritual energy varies extremely. The concentration should be at least a hundred times that of earth. Moreover, the fog in the woods is strong, and visibility is poor, indicating that it is somewhat like those paradises that have an extremely high level of spiritual energy. It is only in a paradise that you can see the kind of fog that is called immortal clouds.”

A high concentration of spiritual energy!

This was the first important piece of information.

Then, according to the hundreds of hand-drawn drawings, the distribution of the stars in the sky, the scene of the sunrise, as well as the gravity parameters and the curvature of the ground, some important pieces of information were derived.

For example, the land on the other side should not be a sphere, like earth, but a flat plane that was spread out.

The area was much larger than the earth!

The virgin forest with no indication of human development stretched across a large area. It was estimated that it would take more than a few days for one to walk out of this forest.

Besides, due to the high density of the spirit beasts in the forest, the level of danger when venturing into the forest was high. Without definite skills, one would only end up in the stomachs of the various spirit beasts.

And some other information, etc.

“Nuwa, do you think that I should go to the other world or send robots to explore for a few months? The robots can help to determine that it’s safe, and then we can crossover,” Chen Jin inquired.

“There is no need to be so cautious, Master.”

Nvwa said, “I assessed the level of danger to be in the C-class. Moreover, the cultivation of Master and Mistress is enough to deal with the dangers of the S-class, so there is no need to waste a lot of time to probing the environment. Let the robots find out the situation within a radius of five kilometers, after which, Master, you, can crossover.”

Chen Jin nodded. With his strength, there was no need to be overly cautious. He said, “Okay, I’ll let the robots scout out the land for a little longer and then we’ll go over.”

Another three days passed.

All preparations were done.

Looking at the portal in front of them, Chen Jin, Guo Yan, and Mu Yunhua first took a deep breath, prepped themselves mentally, and immediately stepped towards the portal.

“The mysterious world of cultivation, here we come!”

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