Chapter 153 Head of Augustus

  Chapter 153 The Head of Augustus


   Drowning is of course an exaggeration.

   But when the things from the crack were poured out, there was indeed a large pile of gold coins and miscellaneous things gathered on the ground.

  Matthew lost a detection spell, and estimated it with the naked eye.

  The gold coins here are about 200,000.

  Gold coins are small gold coins issued by the alliance. This kind of gold coin is actually not very heavy. In fact, it only has a surface layer of gold mixed with other metals, and the inside is hollow.

  You can judge the quality of small gold coins by lightly flicking the echo produced on the surface of the gold coin.

  Theoretically, the value of this small alliance gold coin should be much lower than the normal weight of pure gold coins.

  However, in the continent of Aindor, at least in the south, this kind of small gold coins are as unhindered as pure gold coins.

  Because behind it represents the credibility and authority of the Seven Saints Alliance.

  So even though these small gold coins look very plastic, it doesn't prevent Matthew from liking them at all.

  The only regret is.

  According to the principle that those who see each other get a share, he and Rhaegar will be half of each other.

  Thinking so.

   Matthew's heart seemed to be bleeding, and before he knew it, his eyes looking at Rhaegar became unfriendly.

   However, Rhaegar didn't notice this at all.

  He excitedly circled the pile of gold coins twice.

   Then he raised a handful of gold coins and splashed them on the ground.

  Rega happily said to Matthew:

   "I take back what I just said. This lady zombie is our lucky girl. Next time something like this happens, please let her do it."

   "It just so happens that Sif's coming-of-age ceremony is coming soon. This money can be used as pocket money for her. After all, his father got it through a difficult adventure. This gift must be very meaningful to her."

   Listen to this.

  Matthew's eyes suddenly softened.

  He didn't mean anything else.

  I feel that the relationship between father and daughter is very warm.

  Next is the time to count the props.

  Spencer left behind a lot of things, most of which are magic materials, magic scrolls, and some weird items.

  Matthew quickly sifted through and found a few magic items with high value.

  First is a purple metal-wrapped pendant that he hangs on his chest and stores next to his body.

  The metal shell of the pendant is so big that it almost reaches Matthew's palm.

  Through the hollow gap of the metal shell, Matthew could see a yellow gemstone inside.

  Obviously, this gem is the haste gem that Spencer stole from the Union Vault.

   It is said that it can break the limit on the number of spells cast per day, quickly refresh the cooldown time, and allow a mage to cast a large number of spells multiple times in a day.

   Of course, doing so is not without cost.

  According to the news that Rega saw, Spencer and the others had already suffered from spell-casting addiction.

  For mages, this symptom is very fatal. Even if Matthew didn't kill him, he is actually not far from death.

   Therefore, the haste gem is listed as a taboo item by the alliance, and usually only mages who have applied for it and obtained permission can borrow it.

  Matthew held the pendant in his hand and looked closely, and found a secret lock on it.

  This secret lock is very deep. The keyhole is a brown gemstone, and there is a lot of milk-colored liquid flowing in the gemstone. Matthew glanced at it for a while, and felt that his body was sucked in by a milky white vortex.

  He quickly looked away.

   But even so, he still felt the veins on his forehead twitching, which was a manifestation of a large amount of mental energy being consumed.

   "It's the alliance's secret magic lock. It's a very high level. It needs at least a fifth-level mage to decipher it. Once the above illusion is trapped, it may not be able to recover for ten days and a half months."

  Matthew put away the purple pendant with lingering fear.

  It seems that although Spencer stole the haste gem, he didn't have time to use it. I don't know what he thought at the time, but he defected to the alliance for a thing that won't be used for a while.

  There must be a reason for this.

  It's a pity that Spencer is too serious to keep a diary, and it's hard for Matthew to see the whole picture of the incident.

  About Arcane Lock and Haste Gem.

   Matthew is going to study on his own for a period of time. If he really can’t get it out, he will find a mage in the alliance in the name of entering the water. It is not impossible to simply return it. Then we have to test whether the alliance is willing to increase the reward of the arrest warrant.

   Next are three items from Spencer's body.


  「Hard Shell Robe: Under normal conditions, it looks like an ordinary robe, providing 1 point of armor and a small amount of stamina recovery.

   In the activated state or when the caster is in danger, the hard-shell robe will swell rapidly, forming a ball, which will tightly protect all parts except the head.

  At this time, the armor provided by the hard shell robe is 13 points (equivalent to the defense of the heavy armor level).

  Note: Why not protect the head? Because the mage who placed the order didn't give enough money, it's that simple.

  —a well-known alliance alchemist”


  「Dragon Leather Belt: Power +1; Slowly increase the recovery speed of mana;

  Specially, the dragon skin belt can greatly enhance the strength between the waist and abdomen.

   Note: Originally, I made this belt just to win a sit-up contest.

   Unexpectedly, it made me a generation of duck king known as the city of flowers.

  —a well-known alliance alchemist”


  「Fairy Necklace: Charm +1; Slightly increases the success rate of divination.

   When you wear this necklace, it's easy to be overly optimistic.

   Regarding everything in the future, you feel that your wishes will come true.

  This kind of optimism will infect the people around you to a certain extent, making you more attractive and easier to get things done.

Remarks: It is suitable for people in desperation. For example, I am now. I lost my fortune because of gambling a few days ago. After wearing this necklace, I immediately became optimistic, so I found a necromancer to sell it. I bought my own corpse, and used the corpse deposit in my hand to enter the casino again. This time I will definitely be able to make money, for sure.

  —Well-known but not well-known”


  These three pieces of magic equipment have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  Although the fact that the hard-shell magic robe can't protect the head is a bit tasteless, but the armor up to 13 points and the usual light clothing are enough to make countless soldiers cry silently.

   To put it on, you only need to add a piece of magic armor above the neck.

   Needless to say, the dragon leather belt is a prop worth wearing without thinking.

  Only the fairy necklace, Matthew frowned.

  Although the improvement of Charisma and the increase in the success rate of divination spells are also excellent, overly optimistic emotions may often lead to overturning.

  He classified the necklace as "a prop that may come in handy under certain circumstances", and then threw it into the spare compartment of the magic bag.

   Compared with its attributes, Matthew is more curious about the alchemist who left a note.

  Being able to produce three magic items of this level at the same time, the level of the alchemist naturally needless to say.

   Just looking at the tone of the note, the dragon leather belt and fairy necklace were all used by him, but now they are in Spencer's hands.

  Matthew guessed that his ending might not be very good.

   And among all the magic props.

   Recently, what Matthew is excited about is a crystal clear skull.

   It is also the most valuable thing on Spencer.


"Skull of Augustus (Necromancer's Exclusive Weapon/Tier 5 Casting Medium): After the great Necromancer Augustus became a Lich, he trained his own head into a weapon. After a long period of tempering, it has retreated a lot of spirituality, but it is still a sharp weapon of the Necromancer.

  Basic effect: Every 30 seconds, you can control the head of Augustus to shoot a ball of undead fire or a negative energy missile (no consumption) towards a target within 30 meters.

  Attributes: Intellect +1/Perception+1/Legendary and below spell casting speed +100%


  1. Wrath of the Necromancers: The effect of spells in the Necromancer Domain has been greatly improved

  2. Double casting: When you cast negative energy-related spells, there will be a 50% chance of double casting effects.

  3. Soul of the Lich: A small amount of Augustus's soul is sealed in this head. You can ask him three questions every week, but he may not answer you directly.

  4. Frozen Thousand Miles (Legendary Spell/Descent): Every month, you can activate the legendary spell "Frozen Thousand Miles", and the singing time is shortened to 6 seconds. Due to the spiritual retreat, the spell effect is reduced to level 5.

  5. Feeding (passive effect): You can feed food into the skull of Augustus, and different foods will bring different passive effects.

   During this period, it will surround you, resisting a small amount of flow arrows for you, and providing you with different buffs.

  Requirements for use: Tier 4 necromancer or Tier 3 necromancer who has mastered the relevant magic field.

  Usage method: coherent. "


   There is no doubt that this is a necromancer's best weapon!

  It can perfectly replace the role of a staff or spell book.

   Matthew had longed for such a weapon for far too long.

  He has seen similar items in the Alliance Mall, but the prices are ridiculously high.

   As a non-consumable magic weapon, even if it is a fifth-tier magic weapon, the price is more expensive than the legendary props that Matthew has seen as consumables.

  Matthew even speculated that the head of Augustus was the root cause of the alliance's eagerness to arrest Spencer.

  He felt a strong breath of necromancer magic from above his head.


  The current Matthew is not qualified to be co-tuned with the head of Augustus.

  His level is only the third level, and he has not mastered the field of necromancy for the time being.

   Strange to say.

   It stands to reason that Matthew also often uses necromancy, so he must have accumulated a lot of relevant elements, but he has never mastered the field of necromancy.

   On the contrary, it was the transformation spell that he had just practiced for a short time, but he succeeded in breaking the door.

   This made Matthew inevitably doubtful.

   "Could it be Rhaegar's problem?"

  Unfortunately, this conjecture cannot be tested.

   After all, Rhaegar is still alive and well.

  He can't think about how to turn him into a Darth Vader now, can he?

  That's too inhumane.


  At the moment, the two quickly divided up the loot, and Rhaegar still acted like a lord's elder brother.

  He claimed that he did not contribute much, only half of the gold coins, and nothing else.

  Matthew fully demonstrated the temperament of geese plucking hair.

  Not only did he put Spencer's body in a body bag for Renee Smee to carry, but he also picked and picked some usable Blighter corpses.

   After that, the two checked the situation on the platform again, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, they walked up the stairs to the upper floor.

  As Matthew saw before, the Cloud Hotel is in the shape of a spindle, and the third-to-last floor is the middle floor.

   Going further up is a slightly narrower platform.

  The difference is that there are some dead trees planted here, and their shape is very similar to the ominous tree underneath.

  Matthew guessed that this was a ritual of the Blighter.

   These should be the stronger ones among the trees whose lives were robbed by them.

  He felt the dilapidated breath from these trees.

  Even if you stay by their side.

  He also seemed to feel that his life was passing faster.

   This is the origin of the ritual field of winter of all things.

  Blighter uses this ritual to spread the power of withering, restlessness, and destruction through the medium of hot and humid snowflakes.

  They encourage all life to self-destruct and wither quickly, so as to absorb the power of nature, and then maintain and even improve their own power.

  All things will wither eventually, let others wither as soon as possible, and because you are the spokesperson of wither, you can wither later.

   This is the teaching of the Blight Order.

  Matthew and Rhaegar quickly destroyed the trees here.

  The ceremony field was broken.


  「Reminder: You destroyed the ritual field "Winter of All Things" of the Blighter, and you got an extra 100 points of enhanced experience!"


   “Destruction is always easier than creation and maintenance.”

  Feeling the collapse of the ritual field.

   Matthew was quite emotional.

  The buildings on this floor are exactly the same as those below, except for the camps built by the Blighters themselves, they are all tree houses or mud buildings left by some cloud elves.

  These buildings are far from beautiful, but they are closely arranged on the sky platform, and they have an independent beauty.


  The two reached the top floor.

  Here stands a pointed tree tower, and to the east of the tree tower, stands a huge tent. Beside the tent is full of spell traps, which should belong to Spencer.

  Maxiu and A Bing spent a lot of effort to open a way out of the trap.

   They went to the tent.

   What came into view was a hammock, and the space behind the hammock was isolated, and the sound of crying could be faintly heard inside.

  Rega stepped forward, and lifted the curtain for isolation, but saw that the room was full of animal cages, and more than 30 bully frog larvae were crying uneasily inside.

   There is also an experimental bench in the middle.

  The corpses of two bully frog larvae are placed next to the experimental table.

  There is also a cut heart on the board on the stage.

   and an experiment log with a purple cover.

   Matthew frowned and opened the experiment log. There were not many words in it, so he glanced at it casually.


  「I heard that before the Tianlun Palace was ascended, the bully frogmen were the family members of a certain **** in charge of the time domain.

  So the royal family of bully frogmen have a lifespan comparable to wood elves.

  Different from other races, the royal blood of the bully frogs is evenly distributed on each hatchling.

  In the process of growing up, they may awaken the blood of the royal family and become an upper caste with golden skin.

  The above materials are from the Union Library.

  I think it's all bullshit.

  I cut up three hatchlings today, and even in their hearts, I didn't find a single drop of blood belonging to the royal family.

   It can be seen that the alliance itself is bullshit. "


   "Working with the Blight is really stupid.

   These people are poor and smelly.

  A role like Kunna, even if it was given to me before the change, I would not play it.

   But since leaving the league, such opportunities have become rare.

  I had to take every opportunity to vent.

   Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to restrain my urge to cast spells again.

  Damn it, it's so itchy, I really want to cast a spell, even if I throw a flame!

  It turns out that the reason why the Blighters are willing to help me steal the cubs of the frogmen is because they hope that this action will make the bully frogmen angry, so that they will fall into the realm of the wither.

   What a bunch of lunatics.

   What a good wither field!

  I have decided that no matter how much Kunna tempts me, I will reject her tonight. "


  「I couldn't refuse Kunna.

  Because the urge to cast spells is getting worse.

  I can feel it gnawing at my bones.

   That is no hallucination.

   Bore worms are real.

   I'm running out of time.

  I must do enough for that lord.

   will have a chance to get a chance.

  Damn it, ordinary bully frogs can't do it at all, what I want is the blood of the real bully frogs! "


  「I played some new tricks with Kunna today.

   Now my **** hurts a bit.

   I must tell the kitchen to put less chili.


   My lower back hurts too.

   Fortunately, the symptoms of the urge to cast spells have been greatly reduced today.

  I will have the energy to cut a few more baby frogmen, and also speed up the pace of deciphering the secret door.

   Miss the Union.

   After deciphering the secret door, maybe I should go back and surrender.

   Even staying in the prison on Hesuo Mountain is better than staying in this ghost place.

  Well, that's it. "


  After reading it, Matthew's expression was a little rich.

   Unexpectedly, although this buddy didn't keep a diary, he wrote his thoughts in the experiment diary.

  There isn't much in the journal about the experiment.

   There are a lot of complaints.


  Spencer has no chance to turn himself in.

  At the moment Matthew and Rhaegar together, the two decided to notify the bully frog tribe to rescue their child.

  Matthew handed this matter over to Rhaegar.

  The bully frogmen have always respected the alliance mages, and Matthew will not benefit more from coming forward in person.

   But if it's Rhaegar, then it means that there will be an opportunity for more friendship between Rolling Stone and the bully frog tribe.

  Anyway, it is a favor, and Matthew is naturally willing to give it to him.

  At present, the two soldiers are divided into two groups.

   Rhaegar went down to find the bully frogger's village.

  Matthew came to the tree tower outside the tent.

  The center of the tree tower is the secret door mentioned by Spencer in the experiment log.

  Matthew walked over.

   Put both hands on the secret door.


  「Hint: You found the portal to the ruins on the cloud (abandoned/encrypted)!

   Try to decipher? "


  (end of this chapter)

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