Chapter 154 Rolling Stones for us all!

  Chapter 154 Our Rolling Stone Town!


  「Reminder: The "Break the Secret Door" of defending the Psalm failed!

  You need to master higher secret door knowledge! "


   Matthew is not surprised by this.

  Guarding the Psalm can only break the secret door of the intermediate level or below, and the portal in the core of the tree tower is obviously a high-end product.

  If it were that simple.

  Spencer would have already done it.

   What puzzled him was that the ruins on the cloud were not far from the hotel in the cloud, and the cloud elves were also known for their powerful flying ability. Why did they bother to build a portal?

   "The ruins on the cloud cannot be entered except in normal ways."

  Matthew thinks this inference is more tenable.

at the same time.

  He is also full of dread and awe for the space behind the portal.

  If, as Kunna said, there is a secret treasure house behind it, why did the cloud elf give it up?

   It is not difficult to see from the posture of arresting Lorraine in Zeshui City.

  The technological strength of the cloud elves has reached a terrifying level. They must be quite a force if they can deal with sky giants and cyber dragons.

  There is a high probability that they will not voluntarily give up a valuable ruin on the cloud.

  The greater possibility is that the benefits behind this portal have been drained, and those who open the door may not get anything, and may even be harmful.

no matter what.

  If you want to explore the ruins on the cloud, you must do your homework and preparation.

   "There should be relevant information in the alliance. Although the cloud elves are very powerful, they are also subordinate forces that obey the management of the Seven Saints Alliance in name."

   "If you can get acquainted with a few cloud elves, it would be the best to ask for more detailed information."

   Matthew is not dominated by greed.

  He walked around the tree tower a few times restrainedly, studying the magic runes nearby without slowing down.

   Deciphering the secret door is just incidental.

  He was more interested in how the cloud elves fixed such a huge building in midair.

  Matthew did not find any enchantment similar to "Super Levitation" on any floor of the hostel.

  Only at the top of this tree tower.

  He sensed a little bit of solidification of the force field spell.

  At the moment, he lit a few more mage fires and studied them with relish.

  One night passed quickly.

   During this period, the frogmen went up and down, but Matthew was not disturbed.

   A certain moment after dawn.

  Matthew climbed down from the top of the core of the tree tower dejectedly.

"can't read."

   "It's too difficult, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it."

   When the book is in use, you will hate it less.

  Matthew had known for a long time that his basic skills were not solid enough, but he didn't expect that it would take so much effort to decipher a solidified force field spell.

   One night time.

  He could only barely understand the meaning of the leftovers.

   As for the core content.

   It's a heavenly book!

   "Forget it, I was originally a necromancer who didn't need much culture."

  He comforted himself silently.

at this time.

  Some familiar quarrels came from the platform below.

   "We should go back to the surface! That's where the ogres live!"

   This is Gezal's voice.

   "Idiot, fate has brought us here, there must be some mission waiting for us to complete, if we leave now, we will definitely regret it after a few years."

   Elf's aura is still fierce when she curses.

   "Okay, okay, then listen to you."

   Gezal was cowardly.

   "Good boy, give me a kiss."

   Elf seems to know how to control people.

Matthew felt funny when he heard their voices. This ogre was released by Rhaegar last night. Before making this decision, he also consulted Matthew. In the end, the two decided to release the two-headed ogre .

   Ogres are a classically misunderstood race.

  Because they are very similar to trolls in appearance except for the skin, and even their names are very similar, so most people think that the two are close relatives.

  However, ogre and ogre are inseparable in blood.

   Trolls are a kind of strange monsters, descendants of ancient earth spirits. They are not only mentally retarded, but also do not belong to a civilized race.

  The ogre is a cursed troll, and the troll is a highly intelligent race with a brilliant civilization.

  Their tribes have civilization inheritance.

  Matthew once read in the book that before the Age of Enlightenment, when the gods had not ruled Aindor, the trolls established an unprecedented empire in the south.

   Among them, the ogre tribe is the backbone of the troll empire. At that time, they were not called ogres, but "Savasin".

   Savashin, in troll language, means a wise man.

  Mages emerged in large numbers among the Savashin tribe.

   Once represented the highest level of magic in the troll empire.

  But as the troll empire was destroyed by several gods, the Savashin tribe was also cursed by the gods.

   They still retain the ability to cast spells, but their intelligence is increasingly weakened by the curse.


  The troll mages of Savathin have fallen into one tragedy after another because their intelligence level is not enough to control their innate spellcasting ability.

   Several years later.

  The Savashin mages who roamed the wilderness because the tribe was torn apart were also gradually stigmatized as "ogres".

   It's now.

  Even most ogres have forgotten the past.

   They also accepted the ogre identity.

   also began to try cannibalism.

   But to be honest, due to the habits inherited from the troll empire, most ogres have extremely high standards for food tasting.

  Human flesh is far from the best choice for an ogre.

   Only the most hungry ogre will eat human flesh when forced to do so.

  「Comparing ogres and trolls intentionally or unintentionally is itself the result of deliberate stigmatization by some great beings, and they have always been good at doing this.

  If you understand this epic, please tell him that the glory of the troll empire flows in his blood when you meet a lost ogre;

   Please call him a descendant of the great Savannah.

  If he sheds tears in front of you, I think you will gain a real Savashin friend. "

  The above are the original words in that book.

  Although Matthew didn't intend to be so straightforward.

   But I am also willing to give some opportunities to the descendants of Savashin.

   "One night, have you thought about it?"

   "Where are you going next?"

  Matthew came down from the top floor, smiled and looked at Elf and Gezal who were still arguing.

   "We're going to stay!"

   "We can cook for you, Elf said you look like a very powerful mage."

   Gezal spoke first.

   Elf hit his forehead hard:

   "Idiot, don't whisper between us!"


  She said to Matthew with some embarrassment:

  "We are not only good at cooking, but also know a little magic. I can help you crack the secret door in the tree tower. I almost succeeded before those nasty blighters tied us up!"

  Matthew showed surprise on his face:

   "You were here before the Blight took over?"

   Elf nodded:

   "Yeah, they came later.

  The idiot Gezal and I originally lived in the Helen Mountains in the north, oh, it’s far away from here.

   One day at dusk.

   On the way of hunting, we met the legendary Void Whale. You have seen the Void Whale. He is very big, very big.

  He appeared on the distant horizon, his body was translucent, like a whale wandering in the sky.

  Gezal said he saw a figure on the back of the whale.

   But I didn't see it.

  I just stared at the tentacles near the whale's mouth.

   That's really beautiful.

  I thought that if I could chop a few, it might be the most delicious food in the world.

  However, we fell asleep after watching it.

   When we wake up.

  We feel chills all over and find ourselves lying on top of a cloud, which is actually a lump of ice.

  There were many clouds around us at that time.

  Some clouds are virtual, and when you step on them, you will step on the air;

   Some clouds are hard lumps of ice;

   There are also some clouds that are also lumps of ice, but they shatter when stepped on.

  We climbed out of those clouds with great difficulty.

   Finally found this floating island in the sky.

  We don't have the ability to fly, and we can't find a way to go down. We can only look around for opportunities to escape.

   Finally I found the tree tower.

  The secret door at the core of the tree tower looks familiar to me, as if it overlaps with the memory in my blood.

  I tried to decipher it and found it really useful.

  However Gezal's brain capacity dragged me down.

  I'm not efficient enough.

I only deciphered halfway, and the group of Blighters rushed up. They were very rude and wanted to kill us. Fortunately, I had an idea and said that I was a chef, so they were willing to let us go and tied us to the lower floor. They cook every day.

   But what those big shots don't know is that I'm much smarter than them!

  I thought that the human mage would decipher the secret door soon, but who knows that so many days passed without any progress.

   Hey hey hey.

  If you let me come, it will take another fifteen days at most to decipher all the contents of the secret door. "

   Elf proudly showed off.

   At this point Gezal bumped into her:

   "Aren't these whispers we agreed on, aren't we not allowed to tell him?"

   Elf froze for a moment.


  She was furious and said:

   "Gezal, keep your head away from me, I can feel the blood from your brain polluting my intellect! Damn it, I actually revealed all the secrets. It's all your fault."

   Gezal was also angry:

   "You beat me one more time."

   "I'm going to kill myself."

   "Go, go! You can jump right next to you, let me see if you have the guts!"

  The two talked to each other, and they quarreled again.

  Matthew is seriously thinking about the information mentioned in Elf's words.

  Actually, he was also very curious about why ogres appeared in the sky.

  However, Elf's answer surprised him.

   Matthew had heard the legend of the "Void Whale", but he was not very clear.

  He only knew that it was one of the strange stories that residents in the north-central continent would occasionally bring up.

   It is said that the evening of summer.

  When you stand on the endless plain, you may see the legendary "Void Whale".

  It seems to be a huge creature from the void. He has a huge body like a whale, but he soars in the sky like a bird, floating above the horizon.

  In the folks in north-central Aindor, the meaning of the Void Whale is very extreme.

   Some thought he would bring luck to witnesses.

   Some people think that he is a sign of disaster.

  Matthew didn't have much relevant knowledge, he just vaguely thought that if what Elf said was true, then it was the power of the Void Whale that brought the ogre to the sky.

  Their initial location should be the edge of the ruins on the cloud.

  This means that the Void Whale is most likely related to the ruins on the cloud.

  The formation of the ruins on the cloud has something to do with a certain senior traveler.

   One time.

  Matthew has infinite reverie.

  Finally, Matthew agreed with Elf and Gezar to stay, and planned to keep three ghost wolves here permanently.

  He didn't have any expectations for Elf's magic level.

In his opinion.

   This may be the descendants of Savashin exaggerating in order to reflect their own value.

   After appeasing the ogre.

  The sky is approaching bright.

   Not long after, Rhaegar walked up with a tired face and told Matthew that things about the bully frogs had been settled.

  The bully frog village is very grateful for the help of the two, and intends to reach a preliminary friendly agreement with Rolling Stone Town.

   This is somewhat good news.

   The two stood on the edge of the platform.

  The sun is shining brightly today, except for the ruins above the clouds, there are not a few clouds to be seen.

  The sunlight on the platform is a bit poisonous, and it hurts on the skin.

  From here, the villages and wastelands of the southern land can be seen faintly.

  Tianfeng slapped Matthew's face indiscriminately.

   He took a deep breath.

  The skylight and cloud shadows in front of you give people a feeling of decompression.

   "You try this."

   Rhaegar handed over a single-eye telescope.

   Matthew knew it was a magic item as soon as he got it, and the price was not low, even the edges were heavy with fine gold.

  He put his left eye on it curiously, adjusted the lens barrel slightly, and looked southwest.

   Next second.

  He let out a "huh".

   In the lens tube, there are actually very clear scenes of mountains, rivers and rivers!

  Matthew adjusted his position slightly.

   Soon after, he saw a high mountain with a huge waterfall hanging down from it.

   Not far from the foot of the mountain, the towns on the plains are scattered with houses.

   That is the town of Gao Yeling!

  Matthew quickly realized the extraordinaryness of this telescope.

   It maximizes the multiplier.

   You can almost see the whole block of houses like a satellite map, and you can barely distinguish a little flow of people.

  However, just when he was watching with gusto.

  A jet-black light flashed through the lens.

  Matthew hurriedly caught up with the camera.

   Next second.

  A phantom of a black dragon flew over Gao Yeling!

   Yet his dragon head is facing.

   It is facing east.

  There is the direction of Rolling Stone Town!

   "Regar? I saw a dragon!"

  Matthew's voice was full of dignity.

   "Don't worry, look at the south and north again."

   Rhaegar said.

  Matthew did as he was told.

   Soon, he saw the golden fertile fields in the south and Strom City in the north.

   Similar scenes also happened in these two directions.

  He saw the shadow of a red dragon in the south of the golden fertile field.

  The direction of Rapids City and Jade Cangting is the shadow of a green dragon.

  Like the black dragon, the heads of these two dragons are facing Rolling Stone Town!

"How is this going?"

  Matthew put down the binoculars and asked seriously.

   "Don't be nervous, the direction of the dragon's head doesn't mean anything, it's just that this treasure reminds us of the threats we may face nearby."

  Regar took over the telescope.

   Having said that, his expression is not relaxed.

"This is a strategic treasure. I have used it to win two of the most critical battles. The current situation in Rolling Stone Town is not the worst, but it is also impossible to sit back and relax. These giant dragons may not be coming for us Yes, but I always feel like we're going to run afoul of at least one of them."

   Rhaegar said so.

  Matthew was silent for a long time.

   After seeing it.

  He spoke slowly:

   "Tell me about it, Rhaegar, how much support can you get from Purgatory?"

  Rega stared into his eyes, half a minute later, he looked sideways at the distant clouds:

   "If I wanted to, I could have a constant army of demons."

   "But I can give you a definite answer right now, I don't want to."

   "I will not fully open that portal.

   As long as I live.

   That scene will never happen.

  I am very aware of what kind of creature the devil is, and I am also very aware of the impact my decision may have on the world.


  I have witnessed too many deaths in my life, innocent or inevitable, and the withering of each life makes me feel tired.

  I know that war is inevitable, and I also know that he will not depend on my will.

  I just don’t want to, and I don’t want to be that king with blood on his hands.

  You may think my idea is ridiculous.

  Actually, I also find it ridiculous.

  Since I returned to Rolling Stone Town and became the lord here, I have gradually lost all aggressiveness.

  Because of this, my wife who was very loving with me finally chose to leave me.

   She is an ambitious person, eager to build a career.

  And I just want to guard my Rolling Stone Town and the people in the town.

  I just want to watch Sif grow up, get married, and have children with peace of mind.

   Ten or twenty years later.

  Maybe I will have a few grandchildren. They fight and fight in the lord's mansion every day, which makes me have a headache.

  Maybe I will retire early, hand over Rolling Stone Town to the next generation, go fishing by the river by myself, and live a quiet life.

  Maybe my son-in-law will make my daughter sad. At that time, I think I will put on the battle robe and teach him a lesson.

  Maybe my old age will be happy, with a full house of children and grandchildren, and the town of Rolling Stone will become more and more prosperous.

  After I die.

  People who come to pay tribute to the funeral will sincerely cry at the funeral.

  They will write something like this on the epitaph—

  The one sleeping here is Rhaegar, the second generation lord of Rolling Stone Town.

  He is incompetent, cowardly, childish and ridiculous.

   But a good lord.

that's enough. "

  Matthew nodded upon hearing this.

  He could understand Rhaegar's final choice.

   "Do you think my idea is unrealistic?"

   Rhaegar turned to him and asked:

   "Give up on opening the door of purgatory. When I told other people about this decision, they all had reservations."

"Zeller, Asma, Breen, Richard... even Li Weiqi have persuaded me, I do not open this door, maybe someone else opened another door. The world will still suffer, said Maybe one day I will regret it."

   "I understand that what they said is true."

   "But I don't want to hurt other people anymore. I want to use our own strength to protect Rolling Stone Town instead of relying on the devil."

   Rhaegar watched him silently.

  A look of hope flashed in his eyes.

   Matthew knew what he was longing for.

  So he opened his mouth and said:

   "I don't think their thinking is wrong, but I think your approach is right."

  “Everyone has the potential to regret, and if a decision is made because of the possibility of regret in the future, many decisions will lose their original meaning.”

   "I stand in your position, and I may not be willing to open that door. All in all, I support you."

  Rega showed emotion on his face.

   But soon, he asked with a smile:

   "So you should also tell me the truth? How is your relationship with the Seven Saints Alliance?"

  Matthew pondered:

   "I'm just a rookie who just joined the alliance, and the reason why Ekmond appeared here was just to give my mentor a face.

  Many people in the league now think that I have a bright future, and when I join A1, it seems that I have a bright future.

   But only I know.

  All of this is like a castle in the air, flashy and lack of foundation.

   As long as there is a slight change, they will shatter like bubbles.

  If the war really starts, all I can guarantee is that I will do my best.

  About the mages in the league, there is a high probability that they will not end, and I would not expect more from them. "

   What Matthew said was the truth.

   He never felt like he had a good relationship with the league.

  Is Isabel's student very attractive?

   Ronan thought the same before being thrown into the astral world.

  From the beginning to the end, Matthew never forgot her moodiness and mental worries.

  He knew very well that everything about him came from Isabel's whim.

  My own identity is not a gold medal for avoiding death.

  Isabel has students all over the Union.

  Blinken is a lesson from the past.

  Did Isabel take care when the hidden boss of the alliance tried to kill Blinken?

   The answer is obviously no.

  She doesn't care about the students' lives at all.


   In the eyes of a mage of her level.

   Only those who survive and grow into legends are eligible to be her students.

  Matthew deeply understands his situation. He knows that the only thing he can do is to use the other party's influence as much as possible to enhance his own strength before Isabel loses interest in him.

   During this period, he must stick to his heart and walk on thin ice.

  He told Rhaegar exactly what was in his heart.

  Rega nodded solemnly after hearing the words:

   "I understand, you don't need to look very stressed, Rolling Stone Town can stand until now, it is not due to the strength of one or two people.

Depends on all of us, you, me, Zeller, and Livitch, Richard, Brad, old Fallon, your undead and that druid little brother... and many, many others people.

  We are not fighting alone, we have many partners.

  As long as we are all here, Rolling Stone Town will be there.

  Because this is our Rolling Stones.

   I believe you think so too. "


  He stretched out his right hand generously and said with a bold smile:

   "Then, it's a pleasure to meet you officially, a necromancer who likes to plant trees."


  Matthew clapped him hard:

   "Nice to meet you, peace-loving Prince of Purgatory."

   Finished speaking.

  The two turned to the distance together.

  The midday sun shines through the ruins above the clouds.

  The nearby clouds reflect a circle of colorful halos.

   "It's so beautiful."

   Rega sighed.

  Matthew quietly admired the beautiful scenery without speaking.

   After a while.

  Rega suddenly asked:

   "How do we go back?"

  Matthew's voice suddenly changed:

   "Regar? Want to play something exciting?"

  Rega's complexion changed:

"don't want!"

   But before he finished speaking, a huge force came from behind him, he suddenly turned his head, only to find that Renee Smee was standing behind him and kicked him!


   Below the platform came Rhaegar's howl.

  His body fell rapidly.

   There is the whistling wind in my ears.

   Then the next second.

  A strong force grasped his body firmly.

  The Fengshen pterosaur controlled the airflow, and Rega, with his hair hanging and his face covered his face, flew a certain distance.

   Immediately after.

  He suddenly threw upwards, throwing the shocked Rhaegar on his back.

   Afterwards, he quickly darted towards Rolling Stone Town.

Soon after.

  Pterodactyl lowered altitude.

   Wasteland and woods become clearly visible.

  The buildings with red walls and black tiles in the distance also come into view.

  To avoid disturbing.

  Matthew quickly landed on the northern wasteland.

  He put Rhaegar down and asked:

"How does it feel?"

  Rega covered his mouth, held back for a long time, and only uttered one sentence:

   "God **** necromancer!"


   Two days later.

  In the cemetery.

  Matthew carefully dragged a corpse out of the mud tank.

  After carefully checking the soaking of the corpse.

  He took out the dark oil.

   Started the second step of making the black warrior—



  (end of this chapter)

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