Chapter 155 Ravenloft and Tomb Realms

  Chapter 155 Ravenloft Demon Realm and Tomb Realm


  Anointing with oil is a laborious and delicate job.

  The whole process cannot be replaced by others, and the necromancer must do it himself.

  At the moment, the five corpses were lined up side by side by Matthew, lying on a thick blanket.

  The dark oil that had been painstakingly brewed before was placed in a small bucket beside it.

   There are three types of brushes in the bucket.

  Matthew picked up the largest brush and fiddled with the small bucket a few times to promote the full fusion of oil and negative energy residues, and then he carried the small bucket to the first corpse.

   Top down.

  He swiped it three times seriously.

  After that comes the second one, the third one... until the fifth one.

   "Renice May, turn over."

   Matthew dipped a brush into the oil bucket and ordered Miss Zombie to help.

   Renee Smee turned the corpse over while drooling.

  Matthew walked to the front, and in the same way, he roughly brushed the backs of the five corpses.

  The dark green dark oil soaked the surface of the corpse. The clothes and skin of the corpse softened at the same time. Occasionally, the original death liquid would emerge from under the skin, making a sizzling sound.

  By this time, the Darth Vader is no longer as stinky as before.

  After being smeared with a layer of dark oil, the surface of the corpse exudes a faint floral fragrance.

  Matthew first brushed both sides with a big brush.

   Then take out the medium-sized brush for more detailed oiling.

   This step is the most tiring.

  Not only did he have to take care of every surface of the corpse, he even had to stuff as much oil as possible into the mouth and anus.

  Dark oil is of great significance to the black warrior.

  It also affects the success rate of the third step of the "unbinding" ceremony.

  Matthew didn't dare to neglect.

  Even with the assistance of Renesmee and A Bing, he was sweating profusely after the second round.

   And to the last round.

  When he used a small brush to check for omissions on the corpse.

  He felt that the arm was not his own.


After one hour.

  Maxiu rubbed his sore left and right hands, and ordered Renesmee and A Bing to hang all five corpses upside down.

   This is also part of the ceremony.

  After the **** oil is dried, the death liquid soaked in the first step can be better shrunk in the corpse.

  Associated with it, there is also the remaining spirituality in the corpse.

  This is also the reason why the Darth Vader cannot take off his clothes when he is anointed-the clothes of the deceased carry a certain spirituality, and these spiritualities have a decisive influence on the rituals in which the Darth Vader is actually formed.

  Looking at the future black warriors hung like bacon.

   Matthew couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

   "After that, put it down every three days and brush it with oil. After 21 days, you can start to "reverse binding". "

   "Make Darth Vader a few more times, I'm afraid I can become a grill master."

  Matthew laughed at himself.

   Then he began to prepare the incantations needed for the unbinding ceremony.

Although the content in this aspect is a bit complicated, it is nothing to Matthew. He has various materials exchanged from the alliance to make intensive lectures on black warriors. Under the guidance of the experience of famous experts from all sides, he quickly understood The core of the anti-binding ceremony.

  "So in the process of unbinding, the most important thing is that the necromancer should "awaken" rather than "command". "

"The remaining spirituality must be allowed to gather freely. Only when it gathers to a certain scale, enough to ignite the soul fire, can it enter the stage of "recognition of the master". quality…"

  Matthew studied with gusto in the small study next to his work.

   At this time.

   Suddenly there was a commotion outside the cemetery.

  Matthew put down the materials, walked out of the stone house, and hurried towards the place where the harassment occurred.

  But at the edge of the cemetery not far away, outside a row of sparse black locust trees, a group of ghosts were looking eagerly at the undead creatures in the cemetery.

   And in the cemetery.

  A dozen zombies and more skeleton soldiers are pointing at them.

  Matthew walked over calmly.

   Sensing the arrival of the master of the cemetery, the locust locust of the underworld immediately stepped aside, and a temporary passage opened instantly.

   "My lord of the cemetery, great necromancers, we are the undead from Zandar.

  Our cemetery was destroyed by the dragon disaster. We had to come to the surface to avoid the evil red dragon, but there was no place for me and my people on the surface after all.

  We are wandering and driven, and in our despair we feel the calling of this place.

  I am the representative of the tribe, you can call me Ali.

   Boldly ask, are my people and I qualified to work for you? "

  A ghost with white light all over his body asked sincerely.

  Matthew noticed that there were about thirty ghosts behind him, and they were all in a bad state, all of them in a daze, as if they would be blown away by the wind in the next second.

  Only this Ali, the ghost form is very solid, and there is a little golden light in the white light.

  After listening to Ali's self-report, Matthew couldn't help asking:

   "Are you the one who made trouble at the South Trading Post in Rolling Stone Town?"

   Ali showed shame:

   "Yes, the situation was urgent at that time, and the state of many tribesmen was very dangerous. If they didn't absorb human energy, they would completely dissipate."

"Unfortunately, we have no choice but to do this, but I assure you, the ghosts of our Zandar family are very principled, we just absorbed a little bit of their energy in a scary way—that is, barely enough for us to maintain level of life."

   "And after that, we never harassed a human village again."

  Matthew did not question the truth of these words.

  He just asked:

   "If you want to join my cemetery, you must become undead who obey my orders. My orders are everything."

   "Without my order, you can only move around in the cemetery, and you will lose your freedom."

   "Can it be done?"

   Ali smiled bitterly and said:

   "Of course we understand what it means for the undead to take refuge in a necromancer."

  Matthew said calmly:

   "What I need is a definite answer."

  Ali was stunned for a moment, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and immediately, he gritted his teeth and said:

   "We do!"

   "Okay, from now on, you are my undead, welcome to Matthew's cemetery."

  Matthew opened a friendly embrace to the ghosts.

  The temporary passage is completely open.

  The ghosts flew into the cemetery eagerly, enjoying the long-lost negative energy nourishment.

   Matthew hasn't been inking with the ghosts for too long.

  He used the power of the ritual field to accommodate this group of ghosts as part of the ritual field.

  In this way, in name, these ghosts are the residents of the cemetery, not the undead summoned by Matthew.

  He can order them by virtue of his identity as the owner of the cemetery, and he also saves the amount of the upper limit of similar summons.

   This is the benefit of establishing a cemetery.

   Wait until the state of the ghosts has roughly stabilized.

  Matthew led them to the ghost area and settled down, and before the ghosts of Zandar came, there was already a group of ghost wolves who were loyal to Matthew living here.

  There are little wolves monitoring.

  Matthew believes that even if these ghosts have two hearts, they can't find anything.


  "Reminder: A group of ghosts wandering in the wilderness are attracted by the ritual field-the cemetery and the negative energy beacon. They are eager to enter the cemetery and live in it. For this reason, they are willing to serve the cemetery owner.

  You housed these ghosts.

Your ritual field (cemetery) has gathered three low-level undead, skeleton soldiers, zombies, and ghosts, and the number meets the promotion requirements. You can increase the strategic level of the cemetery by building additional buildings for undead. In addition, Different undead buildings will serve different functions.

  Current strategic level of the cemetery: LV1.

  List of additional buildings that can be built—

  1. The Well of Bones (increase the strength of skeleton soldiers, and have a certain probability of converting skeleton soldiers into elite occupations)

  2. The Coffin of Death (increase the strength of the Silvermoon Zombie, and have a certain probability of transforming the Silvermoon Zombie into an elite profession)

  3. Evil wind way (enhance the strength of ghosts, same as above)”


   Matthew was not surprised by this tip.

  He has long known that the cemetery has a strategic level-not only the cemetery, but also the larger ceremony grounds have this concept.

  The improvement of the strategic level means that all aspects of the ritual field have been strengthened.

  This process is mainly realized by spending money to repair various functional buildings.

   According to the legend, the current Lord of Baiyan City, his demiplane is a super large cemetery, and there are tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers in the cemetery.

   These skeleton soldiers are still of different types, some are archers, some throw stones, some hold shields, and there are rare skeleton mages!

  These occupations are certainly not created out of thin air.

   It was transformed through various additional buildings that bless the power of the ritual field.

   But Matthew has no plans to build additional buildings.

  On the one hand, explosive soldiers are really costly.

  On the other hand, he feels that the time has not yet come.

   "However, if you have time, it is not impossible to build one or two buildings."

  It is definitely unrealistic to expect the undead who hang around in the cemetery to upgrade themselves.

   If nothing else, just talk about skeleton soldiers.

   A Bing obviously has the ability to "train the same clan", but under his training, the skeleton soldiers are not good at each one.

  The frequency of hip twisting is getting higher and higher.

   Recently, Matthew walked through the cemetery, and the number of unruly skeleton soldiers walking has increased dramatically.

  This made Matthew deeply worried about the future painting style of the cemetery.


   After the ghosts are settled, the construction of additional buildings is assigned to the addable events in the schedule.

  Matthew came to the stone area and continued to make tombstones.

  Shinwak worked very hard.

   Matthew hasn't been here for a few days, and the place has been filled with stones.

  He asked Renesmee and several other zombies to carry the stele, and he quickly wrote negative energy runes on it.


  A tombstone was released.

   Compared to oiling.

  The production of the tombstone really saves a lot of effort.

   Matthew takes a break from time to time.

  Spent most of the time with a pen.

   Time passed by little by little.

   More and more tombstones appeared in the open space aside.

   And in the process.

  Matthew also entered a mysterious state.


  He felt that the pen in his hand became lighter and lighter.


   Matthew woke up in a jerk, only to find that he was in a dark space.

   "Is this a... coffin?"

  As a necromancer, Matthew is of course very familiar with coffins, and he turned his head away in astonishment.

  Result next second.

  He saw a pair of faint eyeballs staring at him.

   Matthew was taken aback.

   His consciousness suddenly flew out of the coffin.

   Then he looked at the surrounding situation in shock.

   However, there is nothing here except endless darkness.

  Matthew groped around and found that the space here was extremely narrow. Except for a coffin in the center, there were cold stone walls everywhere!

   "This is a tomb."

   Matthew is a little nervous.

  He lowered his head and looked towards the coffin. For some reason, he could actually see the situation inside through the coffin—

  The dead brother in the coffin also turned his head at this time, looking at Matthew quietly.

  The two looked at each other for a while.

   Then they all asked in amazement:

   "Can you see me?"

  The person in the coffin is wearing luxurious clothes, and his physical condition is close to that of a zombie, but different from a zombie.

  He obviously retained a lot of water, which was closer to the appearance of a living person, but Matthew was sure that he was a corpse.

   Looking at the other party, for some reason, Matthew felt a little scared!

  He asked dizzily:

   "Why are you here?"

  The dead man said in astonishment:

   "This is my coffin and tomb, I should be the one to ask you this question? Why did you break into my coffin?"

   Was asked this way.

  Matthew was a little more sober.

  He looked around blankly, and muttered to himself:

   "Yeah, why am I here? Aren't I making tombstones?"

  The dead man looked at him like this, and suddenly said with some sympathy:

   "You are probably dead too."

  Matthew immediately retorted:

   "I'm sure I'm not dead!"

  The dead man comforted:

"Really dead people don't believe that they are dead, and I didn't believe it at all at the time. Ann, the dead are much more comfortable than the living. Look at me, lying in a coffin and sleeping every day, it's delicious. This kind of Where can we find good days? As a dead person, we just need to lie flat every day and not be pulled up by the **** **** necromancer."

   "By the way, young man, what do you do?"

   Matthew honestly replied:

   "I am a necromancer."

  The dead brother was silent for a while.

  Matthew could feel the other party trembling in the coffin.

   "Can you let me go?"

   Dead Man Asks.

  Matthew shook his head and said:

   "I have no intention of attacking you."

  The dead man asked again:

   "Then can you let go of my coffin?"

  Matthew was puzzled and said:

"Why do you ask?"

   Dead Man explained:

   "As far as I know, necromancers have always been very poor. When they pass by the tomb, they must be plucked. Even if they can't afford the corpse, they still have to pick up a few coffin boards. I don't think I have a stereotype?"

  Matthew sighed and said:

   "I'm not rich either."

   "But don't worry, I will never take your things."

  The dead brother suddenly smiled:

   "That's good, that's good."

   "This coffin of mine is quite expensive. I have been lying in it for many years, and it is so comfortable."

   "By the way, is the world easier now?"

  Matthew pondered:

   "Whether it's good or not, it probably depends on your definition. What era are you from?"

  The dead man said happily:

   "I can't tell which era it was, but when I was alive, the light of the gods bathed the whole of Aindor.

  Although there are living sacrifices everywhere and exploitation everywhere, the gods claim that it is an era of great grace.

  They say yes, so be it.

   Anyway, they don't want their faces anymore.

   Speaking of which, do you know how cruel living sacrifices are?

  They would throw a living person into water, throw them into a fire, or disembowel them on a chopping block.

   This thing is not something that humans do at all.

  But in our time, almost every **** would instigate his followers to do so.

   What is even more disgusting is that they pretend to be bright and majestic on the surface, claiming that such things as living sacrifices have nothing to do with them, and that they are voluntary actions initiated by believers.

  In my world, living is really not an easy task.

   Fortunately, I died early to enjoy the blessings. "

  Matthew looked around and asked curiously:

   "It is not difficult to see from the tomb and coffin that you were either rich or noble during your lifetime. Even if the gods are cruel, living sacrifices should have nothing to do with you, right?"

  The dead man said calmly:

   "I was sacrificed to death."

   "The area where I live believes in the **** of death.

  At that time, the son of the lord's family was selected by the **** of death to participate in the living sacrifice. Our lord didn't want his son to die, so he pulled me over to replace him.

  But they didn't know that this move angered Death.

  He wouldn't take me at all.

  The day of the sacrifice.

   They threw me into the river first, and it turned out that I could walk on the river like flat ground.

  So they tied me up and roasted me on fire, and the flames couldn't hurt me.

  Seeing this, the gang quickly claimed that I was a devil, and finally pushed me to the cutting board and cut me open.

   But I still can't die.

   At that time, the **** of death was sneering at those funny devout believers next to me.

  I know that this will definitely not work.

  So I begged the **** of death for a long time.

   He finally let me die.

  The lord and other believers saw that I was finally dead, so they repacked my body with peace of mind, put it in this coffin, and sent it to the Church of the God of Death.

   I don't know what happened after that.

   While I was lying in church.

   Only the sound of the death knell and the flying of crows was heard.

Soon after.

   Death appeared in front of me.

  He asked me if I hated the lord's family when I was pulled over to replace someone else as a living sacrifice?

   My answer is, hate, but only a little.

   Reaper was puzzled by this.

  I told him that the lord's family treated me very well. They gave me a job and a bite to eat. When my parents died, they were willing to lend us money for burial.

  My health has not been very good, and my work is not good, but the lord did not dismiss me, and the lord's son took good care of me.

  If I were in other territories, or in the wilderness, I would have died 10,000 times long ago.

   So I voluntarily replaced.

   Death choked after hearing this.

  He seemed very dissatisfied with this result. In a fit of anger, He locked me here, saying that he wanted to punish me for my blasphemy.

  After that, I never saw Grim Reaper again.

  He probably forgot about me.


  If I can see Him again, I must thank Him well.

   It was He who gave me a peaceful space and allowed me to lie quietly for so long.

   Lying down is really comfortable! "

  Brother Dead's tone was full of optimism.

  After listening to it, Matthew felt that it was both absurd and real.

   "How is the world of the living now? Are there still living sacrifices?"

  The dead brother asked concerned.

  Matthew shook his head and said:

  "The gods have been exiled, human mages dominate everything, there are few living sacrifices in the world, and most people have the opportunity to eat their fill."

  The dead man said happily:

   "That's really a good way of life! Is it actually our human mage who became the master of the world? It must be a very fair and beautiful world."

   "That's great, why don't you pull me up?"

   "I want to see and see the world now."

  Matthew just wanted to say something.

  But I felt a powerful force pulling me back.

   That feeling is somewhat familiar to him.

  In an instant.

  He suddenly understood why he appeared here.

  So Matthew hurriedly asked:

   "Where is this place? I mean the specific place name and coordinates!"

  The dead man replied:

   "This is the Ravenloft Demon Realm in the underworld. My location should be part of the tomb group. What's wrong?"

  Matthew only felt that the power was getting stronger and stronger.

   He tried his best to ask:

"May I have your name?"

  The dead man replied:

   "Orolin, my name is Orolin, what about you? Necromancer."

  The voice fell.

   Matthew's figure disappeared into the tomb.

"All right."

   "Then I'll sleep again."

   Olorin said something to himself.

  The tomb fell into silence again.


   "Hint: You have dabbled in the sub-realm of death, the Grave.

  Your domain "grave" resonates with "undead".

  The effect of your domain ability "Undead" is extended for thirty seconds.

   As a reward for exploring the field, you will get one of the following three abilities—

  1. Ring of death (release a negative energy aura centered on you, the enemy hit by the aura will have slow thinking and have the urge to sleep forever)

  2. Grave Guard (summon a team of grave guards to guard your graveyard or cemetery)

  3. Archaeologist (obtain a lot of tomb knowledge, and get the coordinates of three large tombs randomly)”


  (end of this chapter)

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