Chapter 176 Stu Luke Industries

  Chapter 176 Sturuk Industries


  Grey light flashed past, and the heavy armor on one of the Minotaurs instantly turned to ashes!

  He looked down, showing a distressed expression.

   can be next second.

   All that remained on his face was the pain—

  A sharp arrow came through the air and pierced his heart powerfully!

   The Minotaur let out an angry roar.

  As a member of the devil, he obviously possesses extremely powerful vitality. He didn't even look at the sharp arrow, and roared with another companion and rushed towards Matthew!

  Little Patton escaped, but did not run away. Instead, he picked up the one-handed sword from the ground and leaned against the stone wall to wait for an opportunity to act.

  Buzz buzz!

  The sound of sharp arrows leaving the string could not be heard, Renesme held the emerald trade wind, and shot at the Minotaur who had lost his armor, shooting him into a sieve in the blink of an eye!

  He glared and roared, but his knees softened involuntarily.


   The Minotaur collapsed on the ground.

  A cold light flashed in the darkness, Ah Bing appeared at the right time, a pair of scimitars circled the Minotaur's neck, and a lot of blood burst out instantly!

  The demon screamed incessantly, and it seemed that he was about to die.

   At this time, another Minotaur is still advancing.

  However, Matthew had already activated Estel's Claw as a response.

  But seeing the tentacles full of negative energy cleverly tripped the Minotaur, the latter's huge body suddenly fell forward.


  The Minotaur fell into the mud.

   Matthew took the opportunity to miss a few more control tricks. The Minotaur's toughness is not low. It could have been easily exempted from these controls, but now it fell so dizzy that it will not be able to get up for a while.

   At this time.

  Junior Patton saw the right opportunity, grasped the long sword tightly, rushed forward, stab and thrust.


   is the sound of a rope breaking.


  The Minotaur turned over, and the giant ax in his hand hit the ground next to it, Little Parton hurriedly dodged to the side.

  The devil still wants to chase after him.

  But Matthew's Astrid's Claw entangled like a necrosis.

  The tentacles kept looping the Minotaur, making it impossible for him to get up from the ground.

   Little Patton shouted while running:

   "I cut off his belt so I can take off his lower body armor!"

   Upon hearing this, Matthew immediately canceled the dissociation technique that was about to be released.

  The armor on the Minotaur looks quite predictable. If you can get rid of it, don't use the disintegration technique to affect the income.

  At the moment, he summoned the Silvermoon Zombies who were patrolling the mine.

   The zombies swarmed up, and with the help of Estel's Claw, they forced the Minotaur to the ground!

  A Bing took the opportunity to strike, and slashed his wrist twice in succession, forcing him to let go of the giant axe.

  The Minotaur was lying on the ground, continuously making sky-shattering roars.

  If Renesmee hadn't taken the right time and shot an arrow at his upper and lower jaws, the screams of this guy might have been heard more than ten miles away!


   Under the suppression and dragging of the zombies, the Minotaur's leg armor and pants were pulled away together.

   Facing the naked lower body of the Minotaur.

  A ghost wolf named "Pale Fang" rushed forward and took a few bites.

   Click, click, click!

   There was a toothsome chewing sound in the cave.

   This time, the Minotaur could no longer bear the pain, and passed out without a sound.


   "Hint: Your Pale Fang (Ghost Wolf) crushed the Minotaur's balls.

   Pale Fang triggered an instant death judgment!

   You killed a Minotaur.

  You got a pair of "Silverscale Heavy Armor of the Minotaur" (Armor 16/Strength+1/Intelligence-1



  Once it was determined that the enemy was dead, Matthew hurriedly stopped the undead under his command from scratching and biting.

  Wait until the black zombies disperse.

  Matthew got a miserable corpse full of zombie saliva and scratches.

   "The swarming tactical order is a bit too rough. Zombies usually don't have the opportunity to eat meat. Now that they have the opportunity, why don't they take a few bites?"

   "In the future, if you want to preserve the overall appearance of the corpse as much as possible, you will have to give more detailed instructions."

  Matthew shook his head slightly as he looked at the blood on the Minotaur's crotch and the broken wrist.

  The other end is dead and even uglier, the brain is almost taken off by A Bing, and it will take a lot of effort to sew it back on.

   Overall, however, the results were pleasant.

  This is the first time Matthew has obtained the corpse of a demon, so naturally he has to get it back and study it carefully.

   It is certain to make it undead, but the question is which one to make.

   And before that, he also planned to conduct a more detailed analysis of the two corpses.

   "Send them back to the graveyard."

  Matthew asked Renee Smee to lead a team of zombies to collect the corpses.

   And he himself found little Parton who was a little shocked:

   "How are you?"

   Little Patton adapted quickly:

   "No problem, it's the first time I see such a cruel death method, even if it's on the enemy, I always feel chills down there."

   As he spoke, he tightened his belt.

   "Very well, I will leave it to you to evacuate and appease the workers. I plan to block the sulfur mine for a while."

   Matthew arranged.

   Little Patton nodded:

   "Then I let them go back for vacation?"

   "The reason...the reason is that a more comprehensive magical exploration of the mine is needed. Too many people will affect the results of the magical exploration."

  Matthew hesitated:

   "Some of them may have heard the movement here, do you need to give them some money?"

   Little Patton shook his head without hesitation and said:

   "No, I will tell them that the sound is the sound I made when I hit a rock, combined with the reason I gave for the holiday, they will be skeptical about it."

   "And if you take the initiative to give money, then they will probably know that something has happened here. When the rumors spread, it will not be so easy for you to recruit workers."

   "Of course, only the locals in Rolling Stone Town will ask so much. If you are willing to find refugees from Gaoyeling or Golden Fertile Field, even if the wages are lower, they will not be whiny."

  Seeing that he had a clear mind, Matthew stopped interfering in this matter and let little Patton handle it.

  He himself quickly walked around the scene of the incident.

   This time.

  He found three space-time rifts.

  The largest one is located on the ceiling of the mine. It is a 6-meter-long opening that is usually closed, but it will open up to 2 meters wide from time to time.

  The sulfur ore that often flies in the mine fell from this hole.

   But according to Matthew's observation, this opening is extremely unstable.

  It spat out a burst of sulfur ore, and it closed automatically after a while.

  This opening is also very concealed, even a slightly low-level survey spell can't detect it.

  The second fracture is located along the underground river deep in the mine.

  It was a circular arch gap, because it was hidden behind a rock, and Matthew had neglected it before, and he didn't notice that there was something else behind it.

  The gap is not big, barely enough for one person to pass through.

   Matthew guessed that the two Minotaurs just crawled over.

   This crack is characterized by relative stability.

   Matthew has observed it for a long time, and it doesn't even have a tendency to close automatically, and it is estimated that it will not disappear in the short term.

  The third crack is located on the gravel beach of the underground river.

   This thing is only the size of a fist, and its stability is average. It is uncertain when it will disappear.

   Matthew has not seen anything coming out of it for the time being.

  After a thorough investigation.

  Matthew brought in more zombies and surrounded the three cracks.

   And he himself went straight to the cauldron.

  Cracks in time and space are both opportunities and crises for him.

  If he guessed correctly, the point behind this is most likely the "Escana" between the purgatory where Rega left for!

  This means that there may be demons or demons from Escanar coming to the material world through the crack at any time.

   That's no joke.

  Matthew rushed to the alliance's large library immediately, with the purpose of inquiring about information related to space-time cracks.

At least.

  He needs to find a way to stably close the rift.

After one hour.

  After paying a sum of knowledge points to the Scroll Dragon of the Great Library, Matthew got a lot of information on space-time rifts.

  He selectively speed-read several authoritative works, and summed up four ways to deal with cracks in time and space.

   The first one is to let it go and wait for it to disappear by itself.

  The main material world is the most stable world, with complete elements, strong barriers, and the most perfect laws.

  So even if there is a space-time rift, if it is not deliberately maintained, after a period of time, it will most likely disappear by itself.

   Of course, this approach is a bit hit and miss.

  The second type is to repeatedly use fourth-order and above-level evocation spells to super-saturated bomb the time-space rift and its surrounding areas to achieve the effect of blowing up the time-space rift.

  According to the introduction of the book called "The Artificer teaches you how to deal with the turbulence of time and space".

  The success rate of closing space-time rifts through this method is as high as 95%.

  However, there is a 5% chance that the space-time rift will explode and even attract monsters from the astral world.

   But there is such a view among artificers.

  If it failed to close the time-space crack, then the bombing equivalent must not be large enough.

  The only thing the processor needs to do is—


  The third type, "Space-Time Gate Stabilization Technique", invites experienced formation masters to stabilize the crack into a fixed time-space gate.

  This method has many advantages. After it stabilizes, this door will become an existence similar to Rhaegar's Purgatory Portal.

  You can open it if you want, and close it if you want, and the door itself is relatively safe and stable.

  The only disadvantage is that it is expensive.

  Matthew heard from Margaret about the price of senior formation mages in the alliance. Their labor costs are sky-high, not to mention material costs.

  The fourth type is to prepare a magic material called "Giant Tree Amber" by yourself to repair the cracks in time and space.

  The advantage of this method is that the space-time rift patched with amber will not disappear in a short period of time. During this period, if you want to use this rift, you just need to tear open the amber.

  The disadvantage is that the giant tree amber is a bit troublesome to tear.

  And the cracks repaired in this way still have a low probability of being discovered from the other side.

   The above are four methods.

  The choices left to Matthew are actually only one and four.

  Second he dare not;

  Third, he also really has no money.

   "The specific way to deal with it still has to take into account the situation on the other side of the crack and the stability of the observed crack."

  Matthew pondered for a while in the library, but didn't make a decision right away.

  However, he still made a special trip to the Alliance Mall to purchase a series of materials—

  Primary amber stone*60 pieces;

   Camouflage scroll * 6 pieces;

  Zaroto*10 copies;

  Several astral dust;

  Mineral Pack*6;

  Reduction Scroll*3;

  A number of other magic auxiliary materials.

   This expense cost 30,000 gold coins, and Matthew's liquidity was completely drained.

   "You should buy one less scroll for the reduction technique."

   When leaving the Crucible House.

  His heart was filled with remorse.

   After returning to the cemetery.

  Matthew set up a crucible in the studio, poured several semi-finished magical potions into the pot, and added a large amount of water and a small amount of alcohol.

   Wait until the pot boils.

  He poured half of the Zoro vine into the pot.

   There was a loud noise from the pot.

  Matthew quickly found something to cover it.

   After cooking for about five minutes, there was no sound in the pot, so he lifted the lid and poured the viscous green liquid into the glass bottle that had been prepared.

   This pot can fill up to six bottles.

  After Matthew added a little clove and mint into the bottle, the "Primary Transformation Potion" was officially formed.

  He intends to go to the crack to have a look.

  But a human being walking swaggeringly in the territory of a demon or devil is undoubtedly looking for death.

  He wanted to borrow the Minotaur's vest to wear it.

   After a while.

  Matthew left the workshop with the potion in his mouth. He came to the Minotaur corpse and took away part of their hair and nails.

   Not long.

   Little Patton returned to the cemetery.

  He said to Matthew easily:

   "I have comforted the workers."

   "Not only on the mine side, but also on the underground factory side, I also found a reason to give them a holiday, so as to save extra trouble."

  Matthew was a little surprised at his efficiency.

  After collecting the elements on the corpse, he put the Minotaur's nails and hair into two bottles of potion, and asked casually:

   "If it were you, how would you deal with the space-time cracks that suddenly appeared around the territory?"

  He explained the four methods he found.

   Little Patton thought for a moment and replied:

"It depends on what's on the other side of the crack. Judging from the reactions of those monsters, they are most likely in an unorganized state—even if they were organized, the two minotaurs obviously discovered the crack by accident, otherwise we must have encountered it." It's a regular army, not just three or two kittens."

   "If it were me, I would go to the crack to have a look first, and then make a decision."

  Matthew gave him a look of approval, and handed one of the bottles to Parton Jr.

"What's the meaning?"

   Little Patton was a little at a loss.

   "I think the same as you, and I plan to go and have a look."

   "I can't understand the bird language of these demons. I need your translation. You should have the courage to go with me, right?"

  Matthew smiled and said:

   "But don't worry, let's go to the mine first, and wait for the undead to finish the most basic pathfinding work before we drink the potion."

   Little Patton readily agreed.

   But he looked at the bottle of dark green potion, his eyes looked suspicious:

   "Is it true that drinking this stuff won't cause diarrhea?"

"probably not."

  Matthew patted his luggage confidently:

   "It's okay, I have antidiarrheal medicine ready."

   As he spoke, under Little Patton's more suspicious eyes, the two rushed back to the mine.

   Two of the three space-time cracks are not suitable for people to pass through. Matthew went straight to the back of the rock.

   At first, he sent a skeleton soldier to see the situation.

  The order he set for the skeleton soldiers was—

  After passing through the space-time rift, you can only move in an area with a radius of five meters from the original place.

  After the skeleton soldiers passed by, there was no movement for ten minutes.

   The data column did not indicate that the skeleton soldier was damaged, which meant that the situation over there was relatively safe.

  Afterwards, Matthew asked A Bing to explore the road and got similar results.

  Because he has crossed planes, he can't communicate with Ah Bing through the contract.

   Until five minutes later, Ah Bing came back on his own initiative.

  He reported his findings to Matthew in a fairly complete way:

   "A very large house with a closed door."

   "There is very little furniture, there is a very bright thing, I used to be under the bed, the bed is also very big."

   Matthew probably understood.

   Probably the home of the two Minotaurs where this space-time rift appeared.

   Has not yet been discovered by others.

  As for the two fly devils, they may be minotaur minions.

  After that, Matthew repeatedly tested the strength of the space-time crack.

  Leave some measures in case of accidents.

   Then he drank the potion with Little Parton.

  Two minutes later, the potion took effect, and the bodies of the two swelled up, turning into demons somewhat similar to the Minotaur.

   But after all, it is a primary transformation potion, and there are flaws in many details.

  Matthew unhurriedly took out the scroll of camouflage that he had prepared in advance, and gave himself and Little Patton a camouflage. At this time, their images were exactly the same as those two Minotaurs.

   Unless you encounter a unit with superior perception, it is impossible to reveal your secrets.

   "The continuous effect of the change can last for about six hours, let's hurry up."

   After speaking, Matthew turned into a cat and walked through the space-time rift first.

   Little Parton followed closely behind.

  The two came to an extremely cramped space. After struggling to climb out from under the bed, the skeleton soldier that Matthew sent over was still twisting its hips in the room.

  As A Bing said, the furniture in the room is very simple, even the windows are broken, and some scenes outside can be vaguely seen.

   The first thing that caught Matthew's attention was a white light hanging from the ceiling!

   "Is this the bright thing A Bing said?"

   "Does the Minotaur need electric lights?"

   Matthew was stunned.

  If it is a luminous night pearl hanging above his head or a broken lighting crystal, he can accept it.

  Even if it is an everlasting flame!

  The only thing he can't accept is the electric light.

   "There are still wires... Are there rune stones similar to electric poles beside the road?"

   "What do you mean, have the demons entered the industrialized society?"

  Matthew's scalp was a little numb.

  It is not that he has not considered this situation. After all, the main material world is suppressed by the mystery of civilization, and its development has stagnated. The mainstream society is in a feudal state, and its overall structure is closer to an agricultural society.

  The development of the outer world is likely to surpass that of the main material world.

   But he didn't expect such an exaggeration.

   "What if demons and devils have completed industrialization, and at this time Tianlun Palace is secretly playing tricks again, prying open the barriers of the planes, and these creatures swarm in... Can Aindor handle it?"

   In an instant, countless possibilities flashed through his mind.

  Matthew calmed down, and observed in the room with Patton Jr. for a while.

   After a while, they opened the door cautiously and came to the street outside.

   What he saw after going out made Matthew heaved a sigh of relief.

   The outside is not a busy skyscraper.

   Instead, there are two or three-story buildings that are no different from their own huts.

  The pavement is not paved either.

   It is a bumpy dirt road.

   Except that the number of buildings is a little more than expected, and the installations that look like utility poles.

  There seems to be no difference between here and the town of Aindor.

  The sky here is blood red.

  Matthew couldn't tell the time, but the street lights on both sides of the road were on, probably at night?

  The two walked along the street.

   It didn't take long to see a minotaur full of decadent temperament on the street.

  He was half leaning against the wall, his body was tattered, like a tramp.

  He looked very weak, but he didn't care about the approach of the two of Matthew, and he was grasping something with his hands underneath.

   After a while.

  The Minotaur has an extra syringe in his hand.

   The syringe is filled with a dark green liquid.

   The Minotaur glared at Matthew, and ruthlessly inserted the syringe into his thigh.


  The next moment, the veins on the Minotaur's neck bulged, but a huge expression of satisfaction appeared on his face.

   Not long.

  He fell into a deep faint.

   Empty syringes were also thrown aside.

  Matthew silently glanced at the data column, he wondered if he went to the wrong place.


  「Record: You passed through the space-time rift and arrived between the planes (Escana).

  You have encountered a Minotaur.

   The Minotaur used a syringe (suspected sulfur extract) on himself.

   Minotaur is so cool! "


   That's right, this is the corner of Escana, and it's also where Rhaegar just went.

  However, judging from the minotaurs all over the street, it is not difficult to judge that this place should belong to the sphere of influence of the Bru tribe.

   It's just that what he saw and heard in front of him really made Matthew dumbfounded.

  The two walked along the street for a while.

  Turn a corner.

   Similar minotaurs or demons are almost everywhere.

   In stark contrast to these demons' obsession with sulfur extracts.

  This city does seem to have a technological level far beyond that of Aindor.

  In addition to street lights and utility poles, Matthew also saw several one-man aircraft flying over the city;

  There is a telephone booth next to the street corner, but it needs to be coin-operated;

  The huge buildings in the center of the city are driven by soaring chimneys, with thick smoke billowing from the chimneys, and a portrait of a blond man on the surface;

   From time to time, mining vehicles with stylish appearance and solid materials drive out of the factory. They drive unscrupulously on the street, splashing mud on both sides.

  After the two deliberately inquired, they found out that this place is called Bigfoot City. It was originally the territory of a group of Bigfoot monsters.

   In front of it is the square of Bigfoot City.

  Matthew just wanted to join in the fun.

  At this very moment, a mining vehicle passed by the edge of the square, and there was a polite demon man in the vehicle berating his subordinates, his voice was very loud:

   "The sulfur mine is still disappearing?"

   "Damn, if you can't find the reason, then you, the supervisor, will apologize to me!"

   "Wait...Stop Parking!"

   Under the curious eyes of the two of Matthew, the mining vehicle stopped slowly.

  The demon man in a suit looked up and down the two of Matthew through the window, and said with great interest:

   "It's been a long time since I've seen such a healthy Minotaur, are you interested in working in Stuluke Industry?"

   "Of course, you have to wait until you understand the rules. You can't steal sulfur while you're at work. Stuluke Industry is here to spread advanced technology, not for you to enjoy it."

   (Note: Sturuk, the original hometown of the orc female sword saint Clegg, once mentioned that it was occupied by the Necron troops of the Antu Empire)


   I stayed up all night coding yesterday, and today I woke up in an extremely bad state. My mind was blank all day, and I was staring at the screen in a daze and sleepy. In the afternoon, I was even worse than the plague king. It seems that I have to adjust. Next, I will try my best to write the second update while ensuring the update at 11 o'clock, but don't expect too much, the body is really not strong.



  (end of this chapter)

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