Chapter 177 Believers of the Evil Queen (Subscribe)

  Chapter 177 The Believers of the Evil Queen (Subscribe)


   This demon man in a suit and leather shoes spoke in Abyss Common Language.

  This allows Matthew, who is wearing a language proficiency effect, to understand the content of the other party's words.

  He and Patton Jr. looked at each other, both of them intending to go.

   After all, they came to investigate the source of the sulfur mine. The mining vehicle in front of them is likely to point to the sulfur mine factory, which is the Sturuk industry mentioned by the devil.

  Under Matthew's gesture, Little Parton pretended to be naive and asked:

   "So what do we do?"

  The devil man boldly pushed open the car door and straightened his tie:

   "My name is Simmons, and I am a senior manager of Sturuk Industries.

  I think you two have great potential, just join our company's mineral team to work.

   Don't hesitate, the opportunity is rare, just get in the car. "

  At that moment, he pointed to the dump bucket at the back of the mining truck, and motioned for the two to sit on it.

   The two stretched their necks, and found that besides a batch of sulfur mines, there were also a few mercenary-like devils sitting in the dump.

  The mercenaries held a handful of flashing hand crossbows in their hands, and their expressions looked fierce.

  The appearance and body of these people are very close to Simmons, with white eyes and extremely strong upper body muscles.

  As far as Matthew knows, this white eyeball is called "Pupil of Chaos", which is a symbol of the blood of the devil.

  Based on his superficial knowledge of the abyss, he could only tell that they should be a hybrid of berserkers and humans.

   "Let's go! Get in the car!"

   The boss of the mercenary urged impatiently.

  Matthew felt something was wrong.

  Junior Patton's mind is also very clever. Seeing that the situation is not good, he immediately showed a simple and honest smile to Simmons:

   "Then if we join Sturuk Industries, how much can we get paid?"

  Simmons akimbo impatiently:


   Start with a weekly salary of at least 100 gold!

  You Minotaur looks a little smart, but not much—

   Salary is only the tiniest reward of joining Sturuk Industries.

   You can ask anyone on the street and you will know that joining us means prosperity!

  As long as you work hard, it won't be long before you become a supervisor like me, with your own driver, maid, lover, gardener, etc.

   But the premise of all this is.

   You have to work hard enough!

  Before you ask what Stulluk can give you, you'd better weigh what you can bring to Stulluk!

  Escana's current situation can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

  In the past ten years, this land has been undergoing rapid changes. Isn’t all this brought about by Sturuk Industry?

  The Bru tribe is transitioning towards the Bru empire, and as members of the tribe, if you cannot keep up with the pace of the times, you will only be reduced to tears of the times.

   Forget it, with the intelligence of the Minotaur, I really shouldn't have told you so much.

   Now, get in the car and I promise you'll be making big bucks! "

  Simmons lobbied endlessly, and the people who listened were taken aback.

  The two of Matthew haven't said anything yet.

  A disheveled Minotaur suddenly rushed over:

   "They don't want to let me go?!"

   "I am willing to shine and dedicate my life to Stuluke Industry!"

  Simmons immediately kicked the Minotaur in the stomach.

  The latter slammed backwards and fell to the ground.

  The cloak used to cover the body was lifted off in embarrassment, exposing rows of needle holes on the Minotaur's thighs.

  He looked so weak and thin that Simmons' kick made him unable to get up for a long time!

  Simmons scolded in disgust:

   "Get away from me, trash!"

   As he spoke, he said to Matthew and the two of them:

   "Look, look, this is your compatriot, obsessed with sulfur waste all day long. After you enter the Sturuk industry, you can't be like him."

   "Get in the car!"

   Simmons' patience seems to be reaching its limit.

  Matthew glanced at the data bar.


   "Warning: You saw through Simmons' bluff.

  You realize that what Simmons said about Sturuk's treatment is all lies!

  Your "anti-fraud element" +10 (fraud field


  He was planning to find an opportunity to shirk Simmons' invitation.

   Little Patton has already spoken, and he still has that simple tone:

   "We can't go to Sturuk Industries yet."

  Simmons has bad eyesight:


   Little Patton said with a smile:

   "How can such a good thing be done by only two brothers?

  Please leave us an address and a token.

  I'm going to inform our younger brothers and sisters outside the city, and other friends to join Stuluke Industry.

   Don't worry, the people I bring are minotaurs who are as healthy as us, not this brimstone-addicted old waste! "

  Simmons' eyes lit up when he heard the words:

   "Good good good.

  You follow this road to the center of Bigfoot—

  Did you see that big chimney from afar?

   Just go in that direction.

  Stulluk Industries is everywhere.

   This glove is my token. You can find me by finding any regular employee of Sturuk with it.

   Get out of town now!

  It's late, we have recruited enough people, maybe there will be no place for you. "

  Simmons threw a smelly glove in Parton Jr.'s face, then got into the car laughing and left.

  The mining truck rumbled away with black exhaust.

   "You are smart and not fooled."

   When the mining truck was gone, the minotaur tramp moaning on the ground suddenly jumped up like a carp.

  His body is vigorous, not weak at all.

  The Minotaur wore a huge hood, his face was hidden in the shadows, and his voice was extremely thick:

   "If you go with them, you will be greeted with a life like purgatory.

  At first, they will indeed give you preferential treatment, give you good food and drink, and even allocate accommodation uniformly.

   And the price of all this is just doing some hard work.

  It will make you feel that coming to Sturuk Industries is really a perfect choice.

  It won't be available for long.

  They will intensify their pressure on you.

  All the fine work that the constructs can't do will be left to you.

  In order to complete the task indicators that cannot be completed at all, you will have to work overtime and stay up late, and your body will become weak.

  At this time, you may feel like quitting.

  But Sturuk Industries will not let go of any available talent.

  They will sneak you into sulfur disease while you work.

   Know what sulfur disease is?

  Sulfur was originally a necessity for creatures of the abyss, but the sulfur essence after being highly purified by Sturuk's industry has become a terrible potion that makes demons addicted, and can easily obtain the experience of ecstasy and death.

   Once you have tasted this feeling, it is difficult to quit.

  And in order to get enough sulfur extract.

  You must work day and night for Sturuk Industries.

  But under the influence of sulfur, your brain becomes more and more idiotic, your body becomes weaker and weaker, and you simply cannot cope with the increasingly heavy tasks!

  In this vicious cycle day after day.

   You will fall one day.

   However, this is not the end of your Sturuk Industries.

   They have doctors who specialize in this situation.

   Those with better physical fitness, continue to squeeze after waking up;

   Almost sent to the laboratory to become a test product;

  Only those that have completely lost their value will be thrown on the street and become the homeless one after another.

  Bigfoot City is full of people like this, and the three ethnic groups that originally took root here, the Minotaur, Bigfoot, and Deer Head Demon, suffered greatly from it.

  The only beneficiaries are the demon people who took the lead in turning to Sturuk Industries.

  Stulluk Industry has destroyed the lives of countless of our compatriots, and the most hateful thing is that he also claimed that we are the ones willing to fall!

   You should see a lot of minotaurs dressed like me along the way, right?

   They both worked for Stulluk Industries.

   Obviously, he was framed and contracted sulfur disease.

  But it was promoted by Sturuk as a typical example of the Minotaur family not thinking about making progress and willing to degenerate.

   Do you think it is sad or not? "

  After listening to this introduction.

  Both Matthew and Little Patton had expressions of surprise on their faces.

   Little Patton stared at each other:

"Who are you?"

  The other party replied:

   "My name is Conley, and I'm a ranger. I know that minotaur rangers are not common, but these days demons have been castrated and turned into wastes working obediently for Sturuk Industries. Minotaur rangers should be considered normal."

   "Are you two Minotaurs from out of town?"

"Remember not to wander around on the street during the day. What you met was Simmons. He held a high position in Sturuk Industry. He was a bit of a face. If you were replaced by other small bosses, I'm afraid he would take you away directly! After all, there aren’t many health monsters left in the city.”

  Seeing that the other party is also using the common language of the abyss.

  Matthew boldly said:

   "How do you know we're lying to him?"

  Conley said lightly:

"I am familiar with the Minotaur tribe near Bigfoot City. Even in the farther suburbs, I can't escape my eyes and ears. I haven't heard that a new Minotaur tribe has moved nearby, so you can only be lying .

  Okay guys, I don't have time to keep you wondering, I have a lot to do.

  Remember, Bigfoot isn't what it used to be, and the demons have fallen—

  Damn it, why do we still have room to degenerate even though we are demons?

   In short, be careful, don't go out during the day, and be careful of Stu Luke Industry! "

   As he spoke, he was about to leave.

   Little Patton grabbed him:

   "Mr. Conley, we are the McCowan brothers who came from far away to join relatives. He is the older brother and I am the younger brother.

  But after entering the city today, we realized that this place has changed a lot. We couldn't find our uncle and we had to live on the streets.

  Can you tell us where to live?

   As long as it can shelter from wind and rain. "

  Conley gave them a disgusted look.

  He seemed to be having an ideological struggle in his heart.

   After a few seconds.

  Seeing another mining truck drive over from a distance.

  Conley hurriedly waved to the two:

   "Come with me!"

   As he spoke, he rushed to the alley across the road. At the corner of the alley, he deftly lifted the cement cover, revealing a dark passage.

   The entrance to the passage is large, but the space inside is very cramped.

  The three of them ducked in one after another.

  Conley was responsible for hiding the cement cover after the break, and then walked in front of the two.

   "I will take you to the revivalist camp, but you must swear not to reveal the location of the camp, otherwise I will not spare you."

   "You don't have to be too happy, I don't have much say in the camp, whether I can stay or not depends on the meaning of the "prophet". "

   As he spoke, he deftly pouted his buttocks and stooped, and walked towards the depths of the sewer.

   "What is a revivalist?"

   "What the **** happened in Bigfoot?"

   "Why did the Minotaur here look like this? Isn't this very different from what we heard before?"

   Along the way, little Parton skillfully set the words.

   This guy can always think of going with Matthew. At first, Matthew interrupted once or twice, but later he simply let little Patton ask alone.

  I concentrate on analyzing the information provided by Minotaur Conley.

  Conley's voice echoed slightly in the sewer:

   "You can tell by the name, boy, we are a group of losers, a group of old things trying to revive the blood of the devil.

  You may not know what Bigfoot was like decades ago.

   But I still remember.

  The situation at that time may have been terrible, our civilization was very backward, but when facing outsiders, everyone was bloody, and dared to take up weapons and give them a head-on blow!

  Bigfoot City at that time was a chaotic city-state ruled by three demon races: Bigfoot, Minotaur, and Deer Head Demon.

   Every day in town is a fight.

  Every day, demons are disemboweled, their intestines ripped out, and their corpses rot beside the stinking ditch.


  That is really nostalgic.

   some day later.

  The airship from Sturuk Industries is moored on the walls of Bigfoot.

  At first, the demons in the three cities fought several battles with Sturuk's mercenaries.

  Although the results of the battle were tragic, they still prevented their invasion.

   But later, Sturuk changed his infiltration strategy.

  They began to try the upper-level route, bribing, controlling, and instigating the high-level leaders of the three major races.

  Things started to change a little bit.

   Finally six years ago.

  Most of the demons in Bigfoot City were tricked into drinking the "Potion of Tenderness" provided by Sturuk Industries—

  That potion is said to be able to eliminate the violent factor in the blood of the devil.

  It can free the demon race from endless disputes and battles.

  This statement is true.

  I have witnessed the horrific effects of that potion.

  The demons who have taken the potion will become rational and peaceful, and especially love to reason.

   But is the **** reasonable devil still a devil?

  A friend of mine, he is an unbelieving fellow, before taking the potion, he was an executioner who didn't enjoy a day without stabbing people.

   As a result, the second after the potion entered the stomach, the **** seemed to become a paladin who comprehended the sage's oath!

  Can you believe it?

  He actually began to cry and confess to me his previous crimes of killing!

   But this is not the most terrifying effect of the potion.

  The demons lost not only their ambition and desire to kill, but also their blood and backbone!

  The demons who took the potion became timid and fearful.

  Obviously we are the most frightening and violent race in the world.

  But they began to consider expressly prohibiting fighting in the city.

  The reason is to affect civilization.

   Fuck civilization!

  The civilization of demons is the civilization of fighting.

  It was because I could not accept this kind of chemical castration that I escaped into the sewer and established a revivalist camp with others.

   During this period I was also forced to learn many ranger skills—

  This world is so **** up.

  Forcing a two-meter-tall Minotaur to crawl forward in the city sewer every day.

   For this reason, I even learned the bone shrinking technique with a Babaza believer!

   It’s getting too far, ahem.

  The development behind Bigfoot can be guessed with an asshole.

  The demons who lost their wildness became slaves to the Sturuk industry.

  The city has gradually become the world of demons.

  The three major races used to be in fear every day.

   On the contrary, we stinky rats living in the sewers should live more comfortably.

  Stulluk's men tried to enter the sewers.

  But we have the blessing of the "God of Sewers", coupled with the complex terrain here, after paying a painful price several times, they never interfered with the underground world again. "

  Conley is a typical guy with a cold face and a warm heart.

   On the surface, he disliked the "McGowan brothers" who had just arrived and didn't understand anything.

   In fact, I have been eager to help.

   Not only risking them to take them to their own camp.

   Also talked a lot about the background and common sense of Bigfoot.

  If this knowledge is converted into Margaret's perfusion standard, even 10,000 gold coins can't be taken down.

  Thinking so.

   Matthew felt that blood was earned in his heart.

   And on the way.

  He also recalled why the word Sturuk was so familiar—

   That is the hometown of the female orc Craig.

   At present, it should be occupied by a wandering Necron army from the Antu Empire.

   It seems that Stulluk Industry is inseparable from them.

  The three of them walked in the dark for thirty minutes in the sewer.

   After jumping over a stinky pool of water.

  The terrain ahead suddenly became clear.

  An extremely open underground space appeared in front of them.

  There are several guards on the high ground on both sides, vigilantly checking the incoming people.

   "Old Hei, it's me, Conley."

  The minotaur ranger's thick voice sounded.

  The leader of the guard is a dark-skinned demon with huge antlers.

  He looked at the two of Matthew with a bad expression:

   "You brought a new face back to the camp, Conley, you always don't follow the rules, even if you set the rules yourself."

  Conley shrugged:

   "I'm going to take them to the Prophet, is the Prophet in the Tower?"

  The antler demon said displeasedly:

   "According to the information from my informant, Sturuk Industries is planning to carry out the fourth siege of our camp. At this juncture, we must not be arrogant and careless."

  Conley scratched his head:

"Well, I know I probably shouldn't have done it, but these two kids are healthy, healthy -- you should know what that means in Bigfoot, and I can't just sit back and watch Simmons Destroy them."

  The deer head demon insisted on his own opinion:

   "I understand you, health is a luxury these days.

   But that’s why I suspect they were Simmons putting out the bait.

   If you don't mind, I'd like to use the Gem of Knowledge on them to at least rule out Transfiguration. "

   Matthew secretly cried out when he heard the words.

  He and little Patton looked at each other, and they were all ready to run away.

   Next second.

   Without waiting for Conley to agree, the deer-headed demon took out a gaudy gemstone from his arms and began to chant spells loudly.

  At that moment, Little Patton retreated instinctively, but Matthew firmly resisted him.

   "Don't be afraid."

   Matthew suddenly whispered confidently.

   Little Patton's body immediately relaxed.

   After a few seconds.

  A white magical luster sprinkled on the two of them, and their skin became extremely bright.

  The deer-headed demon watched the performance of the two of them.

  Seeing that the two are calm and composed.

  He said slowly:

   "Okay, you can pass here."

   "Your bodies will glow for a while, it doesn't matter, it's just a side effect of the gem of true knowledge."

  Conley snorted coldly:

   "I've said it all, these two children are fine, I think you are clearly making things difficult for me."

  The face of the deer head demon is calm:

   "I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do."

   "You better be!"

   Conley had a word of warning.

  Then led the two into the camp.

  The buildings in the camp are similar to what Matthew saw on the surface, maybe a bit behind.

   What is more surprising is that there are many electric lights here.

   And the electricity bill is always on as if there is no money.

  It is obviously a huge underground space.

   Walking in it is as bright as day.

   Along the way.

   Little Patton took the time to ask:

   "Why didn't his Gem of Knowledge see through our disguise?"

   "Is your potion so powerful?"

  Matthew smiled and said nothing.

  Data bar.


  「Reminder: You have seen through the deceit of the leader of the Deer Head Devil, Lao Hei!

  The captain of the deer head demon took out a gem of true knowledge (magic disguise).

  The captain of the deer head demon used the "light technique" on you and Little Patton.

  Not only did you see through the opponent's bluff, but you managed to hide it.

  Your anti-fraud element +10;

   Your Bluff Factor +10;

  Detect that you have accumulated enough anti-fraud elements to enter the field of fraud? "


   Matthew is not in a hurry to enter the field for the time being.

   "The demons are really not simple residents. They were scammed twice when they first arrived. Fortunately, I have a strong sense of anti-fraud. But if I come here a few more times, won't the relevant elements be directly filled?"

   "This camp is too poor. They can't even get a gem of true knowledge. The captain guarding the gate can only bluff. It's quite sad to think about it. The demons in Bigfoot City have indeed fallen, so it's no wonder they want to revive."

   he thought.

  The revivalist camp is indeed more vibrant than the city above.

  The two of Matthew came all the way.

   Encountered at least four unprovoked fights.

  The demons here are more aggressive than those on the surface, but they are more or less disabled.

   It is estimated that it has something to do with Sturuk Industry.

  Conley's popularity in the camp is high.

  Everywhere he passed, people greeted him.


   Many people also asked about the origins of the two of Matthew.

  For the convenience of explanation, Conley said that the pair of "McGowan Brothers" were his nephews.

  The more people ask, the more times he answers.


  He seemed to really regard the two as nephews.

  The attitude towards the two became more and more affectionate.


  Conley brought the two to a tall tower with a dark appearance.

  The gate of the tower is closed.

   There are still a few figures waiting on the steps leading to the tower.

   One of the most striking is a bald woman.

  She is actually a human.

   Next to it are several Bigfoots, and a Minotaur.

  Conley exhorted the two:

   "Just wait on the steps. I'll go in and say hello to the Prophet first. Don't be nervous. No one here will hurt you."

"By the way, stay away from that woman. She is a follower of the evil queen Babasha and a monk. Although I learned the bone shrinking skill from her, I always feel that she has hidden her hand. I can't shrink like her." so perfect…”

   While speaking, the female monk walked over quickly:

   "Idiot Conley! You can't shrink as perfectly as me, because you have one more **** than me!"

   "Who are these two, your illegitimate children? They seem to be in good health."

   While speaking, the woman licked her plump and **** lips.

  Conley said sternly:

   "They are my nephews, Rosie, you can't lay hands on them."

   "If you need anything recently, just come to me."

  The female monk named Roxie ignored Conley's flirting.

  She looked at Matthew with interest, with a look of reminiscence in her eyes:

   "I seem to have seen you somewhere, this feeling is very familiar."

  Matthew's heart began to beat faster.

  He knew that the other party had never seen him, and the reason why he felt this way was because the evil queen Babasha paid special attention to him!

   Just when he was trying to get rid of the entanglement with the followers of the evil queen.

  The door of the high tower suddenly opened.

  An old voice came from the door:

   "Conley, did you bring those two children?"

   "Let them in quickly."

   Matthew suddenly felt like he was pardoned.

  The two quickly bypassed the female monk and entered the tower.

  The door slowly closed.

  In front of them was an old Sasquatch on crutches.

  The latter kindly said to Matthew:

   "What's the matter, child, I feel that you are a little restless."

  Matthew let out a long breath:

   "It's okay, it's just that lady outside, she seems a little aggressive."

  The old man said gently:

   "Rosie is like this. She is a very straightforward girl. If she takes a fancy to you, she will **** you away overnight."

   "But don't worry, she is a loyal believer of the evil queen Babaza. How can people who believe in Babaza be so bad?"

  Matthew didn’t think it was right:

   "The follower of the evil queen...isn't it bad?"

  The old man smiled heartily:


   "Look at me, I am also a believer of the evil queen, do you think I look like a bad person?"



  (end of this chapter)

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