Chapter 676 Lanci and Talia's tacit understanding becomes a mystery

 Chapter 676 The tacit understanding between Lanqi and Talia becomes a mystery

 Sunday morning.

  Ranchi and Talia had no work arrangements today, so they went out after breakfast.

This time it seemed that Thalia chose to accommodate Lanqi and let him sleep until he woke up naturally without disturbing him.

 At nine o'clock, Parrieux is like a girl kissed by dew and sunshine, fresh and full of vitality. On both sides of the street, the leaves of the plane trees are still hung with crystal dew, shining with luster.

 “Ugh, ah, ah, I’m still so tired.”

Lan Qi rubbed his eyes, yawned and made an ominous sound.

Starting from the Platinum Palace Spirit Hotel where they stayed, they walked through several winding and narrow alleys and walked along the cultural district towards the Selina River. They could see the bridges from hundreds of years ago.

Wherever you look, the river is sparkling in the morning light, and occasionally boats pass by, leaving ripples.

“So don’t ask me to take action. You will be the one who suffers from my efforts in the end.”

 She immediately started bidding for Rocky McCarthy, who had brown hair and green eyes.

As long as she is continuously supported by the host's mana, she is like a special creature between a physical body and a magical body. When she wakes up, she will be in the best state of refreshment.

Butler Rocky McCarthy's working hours are 1346 every week. Today is Sunday off. He has promised to take Talia to visit several stores and eat all the way from south to north.

 “Then tell me whether the final result is good or not.”

Then Thalia understood something.

  Asked Lan Qi, Lan Qi only said this is called love.

  Sometimes they are so far apart that they really can’t hear each other’s thoughts.

Thalia agreed.

  Master Kyle saw that Thalia was interested in this rare Lanqi tribe, and he started bidding on it on the spot.

 Fortunately, Mr. Kyle is an honest and loyal man. He really shouted all the way to 50,000 pounds, and he was determined to single out Lanci.

Lanqi looked at Talia, who had unlimited energy, and suggested.

Thalia heard Lan Qi talking about work again, and couldn't help but ask Lan Qi.

 “What should I say about you…how do you find a job anywhere?”

 After arriving in Huatu Parrieux, the two of them had not gone to a few restaurants to enjoy Poisson cuisine.

Lan Qi smiled and nodded.

 The Earl of Kyle Baptiste was naturally a little interested in seeing this novel race.

 Today they will continue the plan.

At that time, the cat boss stood in the background with a confused look on his face. As the original employer of the Ranchi tribe, he was consigning his work contract to the company.

On the morning when they went to the Petras Auction House, he and Thalia also decided to have a good time in the flower capital Parrieux in the afternoon, and to go to the Church of Our Lady of Parrieux and the Temple of the Lady of Destiny to ask for a talisman. All were put on hold due to unexpected work.

"No, sister, I was thinking that if you offered me a price, Mr. Kyle would definitely raise the price with you and buy me away. I didn't expect that you would actually use all the 30,000 pounds that dad gave us. "

 In the end, the earl succeeded and the housekeeper returned home with fifty thousand pounds.

Thalia surprisingly now understands how to understand him and understands that he works hard.

Had it not been for the fact that the total amount of Talia and Lanci's money, including the credit limit given to them by Wilford Chamber of Commerce, was only more than 40,000 pounds, she could still raise the price.

 Ever since the Great Love Poet became Thalia, he felt like he was training with weights every day.

“Well, tomorrow, Monday, I have to work at Count Baptiste’s house again, so let’s have fun today.”

Talia watched the whole journey these past few days and didn't feel that Lanci did anything strange to Count Baptiste's family. On the contrary, he was doing his duty.

 Recalling that auction, she felt that she and Lan Qi had a rare connection.


 Although it is true that greater ability does not bring greater responsibility, but sometimes it is not the person who is looking for a job, but the job that is looking for him.

Lanchi read Talia’s thoughts and wondered where Talia got the confidence to earn more than 40,000 pounds.

Before Lan Qi signed the work contract with Boss Cat, he changed his identity to Rocky McCarthy in the Northern Continent. As a prosperous Protos Empire member, he successfully handled the Northern Continent of the United Kingdom Council when he came to the Southern Continent. Mainland visitor visa.

She and Lan Qi still had no tacit understanding and were running haphazardly.

Thalia spread her palms,

"Anyway, I am the one working. With so much money from other people, I definitely can't leave so casually. At least during this time in the Poisson Kingdom, I have to do my duty to take care of the Baptiste family."

“But to be honest, this body is very useful to me now. I don’t feel tired at all.”

Thalia decided to withdraw her previous idea.

“Let me go home and take a nap at noon, and then I’ll take you out to explore the store in the afternoon.”

In case Mr. Kyle stops bidding, Lanci and Talia will lose thousands of pounds in handling fees.

“Okay, the buffet afternoon tea in this hotel is quite good. While you are sleeping upstairs, I will wait for you in the restaurant on the third floor.”

 As a result, the family gradually seemed to rely on him and regarded him as a spiritual comfort. Within two or three days, his mental state began to go wrong.

 Occasionally they can have a more pleasant chat like this.

Lan Qi sighed sadly.

He really didn’t want to charge someone else as much as 50,000 pounds at first.

It doesn’t matter that the elder brother in this family is an honest person, but the younger sister is even more honest and is still trying to collect money to give him another 50,000 yuan.

 “I also contributed, I don’t want to think about who did it in the arena yesterday.”

Thalia emphasized.

 Lanci and she agreed to split the final money 50-50.

However, the two of them can't even separate themselves at present, so the money has not been divided for the time being. They are all put in one card for easy use.

“Oh my god, you are bullying the sixth level over there, do you really have the nerve to put this record on the table?”

Lan Qi said in surprise.

“Oh, if I had snatched the [Psalm of Compassion] from your house and used it myself, maybe I could have defeated the Cardinal.”

Thalia crossed her hands and sneered.

It was still because the Wilfort family was so good to her that she couldn't do anything, just like the Baptiste family is now treating Lan Qi. Even if Lan Qi only had an employment relationship, she still wanted to treat the Baptist family a little better. She had Probably the same mentality.

Although Psalm of Compassion will not directly increase her combat power, it can give her a lot of ancient demon heritage and wisdom, and she may be able to make several heaven-defying magic cards that do not conform to the current version.


Lan Qi lightly covered her mouth.

"why are you laughing?"

Thalia looked at him.


 When Lan Qi put down his hand, his expression returned to normal instantly.

 He just felt that Talia had never seen Lao Sang.

Lao Sang in his full glory, Lan Qi, even Thalia who was in the state of madly in love with the devil, had to turn around and run away when she saw it.

  After all, the frontal combat power of the Crazy Love Demon King itself is no different from that of Tata. It just has an extra big magic sound, which requires specific circumstances to be effective.

 “Who is Lao Sang?”

This is the second time Thalia heard this name.

 “A very strong enemy, I may never forget him in my life.”

 Lanqi sighed.

 “Why do you think I can’t win?”

Thalia was a little unhappy.

Listening to Lan Qi's wishes, even he can survive in Lao Sang's hands.

 In this world, even if she is not the strongest, she is still at the same level as the strongest.

“If you can defeat the Cardinal one day, I will eat the piano belonging to Huberly’s house..."

 Lanqi raised his hand with extra confidence and pointed at the air in front of him.

 “Bye bye, Lanchimeow!”

The cat boss quickly interrupted Lan Qi's words and raised his paw to cover Lan Qi's mouth.

If Lan Qi needs to eat on the sofa or coffee table one day, He Low can help Lan Qi cook, but the piano really can't help Lan Qi.

“Go on, if I can defeat the Cardinal, what will you do?”

Thalia became interested, raised her eyelashes slightly, stared at Lan Qi with her golden eyes and asked.

“Then I will go to the Icerite Opera House to choreograph a live-action version of “So Cute I Want to Eat You” to celebrate for you. I will play the leading role myself and read those lines again.”

Lan Qi looked at her happily, looking at ease.

That look in her eyes seemed to be asking Thalia, don’t you want to read the script with me? I’ll satisfy you.

 If you want to play, play as big as you can and see if you dare to play the heroine.

Anyway, he didn't believe that Thalia could defeat the Cardinal.


Thalia was silent when she heard this. She turned her eyes away with a little anger and a little shame.

 “Lan Qi, are you awake?”

 The cat boss asked.

It feels like Lanqi sometimes drinks fake wine!

"As long as you dare to arrange it, I will go up and read a few lines with you. What's the point of being embarrassed? Whoever will run away first when I see you."

Thalia will not accept his provocation, but she will stay with him to the end.

 “Haha, you should win a cardinal first, Xiaota.”

Lanci said with a mocking tone.


Boss Cat can only pray for Lan Qi that this small probability event will not happen as Lan Qi thinks.

These two people are not afraid of anything when they get excited.

 Just in case it comes true then.

The audience was filled with thousands of spectators, and they might have dropped their pearls.

The two of them were noisy and chatting, and unknowingly they had reached the area where District 1 of Parrieux belongs.

 Before they go to the Temple of the Goddess of Destiny Church today, they must first visit the area around the Church of Our Lady of Parrieux.

 On the one hand, it is to check in at attractions.

On the other hand, the workplace of Nigel the Executioner is behind a gallery near the Church of Our Lady of Parrieux.

 “Valentin Gallery.”

 Lan Qi hugged Boss Cat and looked at the tall door number of the building in front of him and said.

 “Checked in another location.”

Thalia spoke emotionlessly, as if she was on a mission.

 She walked through the hallway woven with light, shadow and color, and walked into the gallery with Lanci.

 Even in the morning, there were already many tourists in the gallery.

 The footsteps of Lanci and Thalia echoed gently in the corridor, and the air was filled with the unique smell of oil paint and old wooden frames.

Thalia's attention is drawn to the art hanging on the wall from time to time.

 Although he is not as good at painting as Lanci, he still has some eye-catching works.

However, Lanci's paintings were indeed too few, and it was difficult for her to judge the painter Lanci from the perspective of an audience, unless Lanci was willing to paint a few more paintings for her.

 “What, do you want my painting?”

Lan Qi heard her thoughts and turned his head and asked.

“No, you can paint if you like, but don’t secretly paint me again.”

Thalia responded.

 The way she spoke was like a light watercolor, plain and reserved.

The two of them became quiet again. They didn’t intend to talk much in the gallery. Every step they took seemed to be traveling between different worlds and time and space.

 After passing a series of exhibition halls, Lanci and Talia came to a hidden black door.

 “This is it.”

As the two opened the door, the end of the road suddenly opened up and turned into a passage leading to an unknown building.

They walked deeper into the passage step by step, and the light gradually became brighter, until they finally entered the outdoors, and a solemn government institution-style building appeared in front of them.

 This is an office department, the style is somewhat similar to the old liberal arts building.

“The second and third floors here are all branches of the executioners.”

Lanchi introduced to Thalia beside him.

 The two walked up the spiral steps. As the height increased, the surrounding scenery began to become broader.

Every time you walk up to the floor, you can see different departments and offices, with busy Parry people coming and going, discussing or meditating.

When they finally reached the third floor of the spiral staircase, next to them was a large window facing the city. They could see an unobstructed view of the Parrieu landscape below, with busy traffic and numerous high-rise buildings. This was a living city, and This is its heart.

Without appreciating the scenery too much, the two walked lightly to the office door at the end of this floor and knocked on the door.

 “Please come in.”

 A clear male voice came from behind the door.

 Lanci opened the door, and a bright office appeared in front of him.

There are some newspaper clippings and old maps hanging on the dark brown walls. There are many documents and notes piled up in an orderly manner on the desk. There is also a medical magic analysis mirror, some alchemy reagent jars, and open official folders beside the desk.

 The floor-to-ceiling low-leg shelves on one side of the desk are filled with newspapers, manuscripts, fingerprint powder, and magic tools of unknown purpose.

 Two leather sofas stand beside the wall, and the bookshelves are arranged in a strict and orderly manner. The most eye-catching thing is a young man in a black suit sitting behind the desk facing the door.

Master Chief Nigel is not wearing a military cap today, and his military coat is hanging on the cabinet, but his eyes are still as sharp, and the coat of arms of the Duke of Tiffany is still neatly worn on his shoulders.

 “Mr. Nigel, here we come.”

 Lanchi said hello to him.

A few days ago, they had a fight on the Floating Castle airship. At the end of the turmoil, it was the executioner who let them go and left their contact information.

 “Sit down first.”

Nigel put down the newspaper in his hand.

 Before coming today, Lan Qi had already contacted him.

 So Nigel did not express surprise at the two people's visit.

“There are some things that are not convenient to communicate with communication magic. They may be eavesdropped in the town. It is better to talk in person.”

Nigel stood up and gestured with his hand for the two of them to sit on the sofa.

He turned on the sound shielding barrier in the office next to the cabinet, poured three cups of coffee very quickly, and sat down across from the two of them.

 “How is Miss Lissance?”

Lan Qi put the cat on the sofa and asked with concern.

 This is the issue he cares about most.

  Since they parted ways on the airship, he has not seen the mad and suppressed Miss Lissance.

 Because he trusted Chief Nigel, Chief Nigel did not mention Lissanthy in the communications in the past two days, and Lan Qi did not ask any more questions.

"She may be executed...because she has been found to have the curse of the great wizard Parroni's resentment. It is difficult to guarantee when she will attack again."

Nigel held the cup ring and gradually frowned.

 He has always hated the execution of his own people.

 “How is it possible? Of course she won’t have another attack.”

Thalia immediately slapped the coffee table, very dissatisfied.

That is her demon king's order. As long as she does not lift it, Lissance will be 100% under her control.    The demons she saved will never be allowed to be harmed by others again.

"Things are not that bad for the time being. It is just 'possible' at the moment. If she is in danger, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Master Chief Nigel put down his coffee cup, shook his head, and motioned for the two of them to listen to him slowly.

"I have done a little research on your background, and please forgive me. Mr. Lanci, you are indeed the chief disciple of the great priest Loren, and you are also a talented card maker. And Miss Tata, Mr. Lanci, you have been since childhood. The sister next door who grew up together in Nanwantina now also lives in the royal capital of Icerita and works near your school."

Nigel looked at the two people and confirmed their information with them.

Although he didn't know whether the information he could find was true or false, the two people in front of him didn't seem to be much different in age.

But he believed that the woman named Tata opposite had mysterious strength that did not match her youthful appearance.


Lanchi and Thalia looked at each other.

 It sounds like it’s pretty much the same.

 It’s just that the two of them are not like childhood sweethearts.

Since Tata's household registration information is all in the South Wantina border area, and Hans, the housekeeper of the Wilfort family, helped her get it done through connections, it is possible that her background is really near the Wilfort family.

I do n’t know how Hans arranged it. Najer checked it and found out that they were the sisters and brothers who grew up together since childhood.

In addition, Lanqi's current registration information that can be found in the Southern Continent Card Makers Association should be gold level.

Lawrence, the vice-president of the Ikerita branch of the Southern Continent Card Makers Association, gave him a temporary gold-level license after he passed the registration examination.

 Until the review was completely passed some time ago, he officially obtained the platinum level authorization from the "quasi-platinum level".

For Lanci's safety, only Countess Rosalinda, who is responsible for arranging work with him, and the powerful people in the Senate know about his platinum-level status for the time being. They will not know his platinum-level status until he is safely returned to the Kingdom of Hutton. It will be officially announced by the Southern Continent Card Makers Association.

Nigel didn’t specify what level Penetrating Ranch was.

“The reason why I analyzed your background is because according to my intelligence, your attack that night was not necessarily a coincidence.”

Nigel said to the two of them.


Ranchi asked.

In his current impression, Nigel is not only a kingdom officer with a very high level of work, but also an agent with a quick mind.

"According to the results of my investigation, as a student of Ikerite Sage Academy, you have a very good relationship with your classmate, Princess Hyperion, a half-demon from the Kingdom of Hutton, and you are also a person who will treat demons fairly and justly. people."

Nigel looked at Ranchi and preached.

Thalia was silent on the sidelines. Although she knew that as Borao said, Ranchi had a special way of looking at others and would only care about individuals rather than the group behind them, but she did feel that Ranchi did not label people. That's quite good. At least it was precisely because of this that she gradually changed from a stranger to recognizing Lan Qi, and then to being willing to be friends with him.

"If someone knew in advance that you might protect the demons and put a curse on Miss Lissance who was about to board the ship, if the situation continued normally, would we have a high probability of fighting?"

Nigel raised such a question.

Hearing this, Lanci and Thalia both nodded thoughtfully.

Originally, that night, Lan Qi was likely to get into a fight with Nigel the Executioner for protecting Lissanthy.

Logically speaking, even though Lan Qi is a disciple of the great priest, he is not outstanding in frontal combat capability.

If Nigel, the powerful seventh-level executioner, accidentally kills Lanqi with a knife, there will be a conflict between the Hutton Kingdom and the Posen Kingdom.

By then, aside from the Kraiyu Empire in the south, which may plunge the Southern Continent into a full-scale war at any time, there is a curse within the Posen Kingdom that may lead to division at any time [The Grudge of the Great Wizard Parroni], which must be resolved. If we still face Distrust and pressure from allies.

 It is difficult to imagine what direction the most extreme situation will develop.

“Things are back to Miss Lisansi. I am currently trying my best to help Miss Lisansi fight for her freedom. There are also differences within the Senate because Miss Lisansi is now very much like the first asymptomatic cursed person.”

 Nigel took out a copy of the investigation report from the file bag he had taken and showed the public part of it to the two people opposite the sofa.

In addition to the top princes and princes of the Posen Kingdom, the Senate meeting will also be attended by the four demon lords of the Posen Demon Realm.

 Previous situations.

When the person cursed by [The Grudge of the Great Wizard Parroni] is extremely mentally stressed, he will enter a state of irreversible madness and distortion.

However, Lissandra, who was in prison, was obviously extremely frightened after learning the news that she would be executed, but she showed no signs of going crazy.

  Part of the opinions of the Senate are that things should be done according to the rules and no exceptions can be made to protect the cursed demons. Another part of the Senate believes that Lissantee is a unique benign cursed demon and should be protected and key intelligence clues should be investigated from her.

“So, Mr. Nigel, you hid the fact from the Senate that the two of us can cure the curse of madness?”

 Lanqi picked up the document and read it, and after putting it down, he came up with this answer.

The current result of the Senate's determination is that Lissance completed the suppression of the curse through her own willpower.

  Not aware of the interference of Lanci and Talia at all.

 Obviously, Nigel was very detailed in his report, excluding the active parts of the day on the airship and the turmoil in the streets.

 “Don’t talk nonsense, I just reported what I saw.”

Nigel picked up the porcelain cup, sipped the coffee, looked out the window and muttered to himself.

 “Thank you, Mr. Nigel.”

Lan Qi said with a slight smile.

 That was Nigel's disclaimer.

If Nigel reports that the unraveling of the curse is related to the two of them, I am afraid that not only the Senate will investigate them intensively, but also the masterminds behind spreading the curse will immediately focus on them.

 He and Thalia were able to visit Duparieux again, thanks to Nigel the Executioner.

“What I just talked about is not the important point. The important thing is that I have to ask you to pay attention to safety at all times when you stay in Posen Kingdom.”

Nigel finished drinking the coffee, his expression became a little more solemn, and he said to Lanci and Thalia.

 “Why do you say that?”

Ranchi asked.

Although if there is really a danger, he can just become the noble Northern Continental Rocky McCarthy, and Tata will disappear out of thin air.

But for the platinum-level card maker exam next week, he still has to use the identity of Ranch Wilford to go to the Parrieu branch of the Southern Continent Card Maker Association to meet Countess Rosalinda.

"Do you know the impact of saving Miss Lissance and suppressing the irreversible curse for her?"

Nigel first asked a question.

“Lissanthy, who is bound to die, can she cooperate with your investigation and reveal some information?”

Thalia guessed with hesitation.

 In her contact with Lissanthy, she could probably feel that the curse was full of malice, and it was almost impossible to remove it at no cost through other methods other than the caster.

If she hadn’t met her as a demon king, Lissance would have been like other cursed people—

 Either they will be killed by the executioner, or they will go crazy and lose control until they self-destruct.

 The moment the curse strikes, there is no possibility of returning to reason.

“That’s right, after Miss Lissance regained her consciousness, she cooperated with our investigation and revealed a lot of crucial information.”

Nigel nodded, took out a recording crystal from his pocket, and put it into the projection equipment on the cabinet on the other side of the office.

"According to the intelligence we have analyzed so far, the key to her becoming a cursed person is that when Miss Lissansi first came to the Parrieu area, she met a mysterious man on the platform. According to her description, that man There was an aura about her that made her hair stand on end.”

 At this time, the curtain he pulled down showed the station surveillance footage obtained by their execution team through the police.

“He asked Miss Lissance if she hated humans, but after hearing the answer, he smiled and passed her by.”

Nigel continued to speak while adjusting the screen of the recording crystal.

 “How did Miss Lisandry answer?”

 Lan Qi also looked at the beginning of the scene.

 At this time, Lisansi was still alone on the screen, standing alone on the edge of the station.

The night is a little dark, and the edges and corners on the platform in the lens are also a little blurry.

“She was filled with fear and felt that if she denied it, her soul would be dragged into the abyss, so she answered yes.”

Nigel calmly told Ranchi in advance the contents of the transcript Lissancy received during their review.

 In fact, Nigel can understand very well demons like Lissance who grew up in the Posen Kingdom.

Be cautious and always remember not to harm humans. Even if you have no ill intentions, you may be labeled.

 It may be difficult to describe her feelings for human beings in terms of love or hatred, but since she was a child, it is impossible that she has not experienced things that made her sad.

 In an instant, she answered with hatred.

“Judging from her confession, she envied humans very much and even felt that it would be great if she herself were human.”

Nigel said one more thing.

Some demons with docile personalities actually prefer the culture and life of humans in Posen to the demon world in Posen. However, in the human world, it is impossible to be regarded as a real human being.

 At this time.

 The picture on the curtain finally changed.

Under the dim light, there were few people on the platform of the station. Lissandra, wearing a dress, stood in the corner, clutching an expiring ticket in her hand. Her figure looked a little confused and anxious.

 Suddenly, she looked to the side of the platform.

 Someone was walking towards her slowly.

This man has an unusually ordinary face, yet he stands out on the platform.

 He walked towards the girl, and every step seemed to cross an invisible boundary.

 It is difficult to hear the specific sound in the video, there is only buzzing noise.

 “What are you waiting for?”

 There was such a sound coming.

The man asked, there was no ups and downs in his words, his voice was gentle and cold, just like the midnight wind blowing through a lonely heart.

At this moment, Lissancy felt that the fear in her heart was ruthlessly revealed, and she shivered with fear.

 She tried to answer, but the sound came out weakly.

 The man didn't care about her answer. He even seemed to have not seen her at all. He just walked past her slowly.

 Then, the train passed by with a crash, blocking their figures.

Lissanthi got into the car, and the man's figure disappeared again.

 The picture slicing also ended, and Nigel turned off the projection equipment.

"When you try to stare at his face, the details begin to blur. You will find that you cannot remember his facial features, leaving only deep fear and uneasiness. He is like a watcher in a dream, existing in consciousness. The edge is both far away and very close at the same time.”

Nigel picked up a page from a file box and began to read.

“The moment he passed by, my mind was in disarray, and an unspeakable fear enveloped my whole body. My intuition told me that this man did not belong to this world, and his appearance was an absolutely ominous sign.”

These are Lisandsy's confessions about the man she met that night.

"That weird encounter was like an unfinished nightmare, and it became an indelible imprint in my heart. Whenever night falls, the lights of the station seem to light up again in the dream, and the man's words will also appear in my mind. The memory of that night keeps echoing in my mind."

At this point, Nigel put down the page and looked at the two people again.

"Regarding this man, after comparing information, we found that he is suspected to have appeared in the Posen Demon Realm recently. According to his movement trajectory, there is a high probability that he is in the Posen Demon Realm. We are almost there. Got the curse spreader by the tail.”

Nigel believed that Ranchi and Tata also understood that there was a breakthrough in their investigation due to Lissanthy's intelligence disclosure.

“In other words, our inadvertent intervention actually seriously disrupted the game between the curse spreaders and the Senate?”

Lanchi thought for a while and came to such a conclusion.

 Originally, the Senate may have decided not to conceal information in the near future, and planned to fully investigate the source of the curse even at the risk of causing panic among the residents. In contrast, the curse spreaders will definitely give feedback on the Senate's decision and speed up the realization of their goals.

However, neither side expected that a portable third-party demon king ran in midway and suppressed Lissantee's curse, prompting the Senate to obtain information about the progress beyond the version.

 The process on both sides may start to accelerate crazily next.

"Yes, we may conduct a search in the Posen Demon Realm in the near future. Everything is starting to move forward quickly, and when the other party realizes that something is wrong, there is a high probability that the existence of the two of you will be discovered."

Although Nigel tried his best to conceal Lissanthy's restored relationship with Lanci and Thalia.

 But the situation that day was seen by witnesses on the street.

The enemy must understand the root cause of the curse better than the Senate. Knowing that the curse cannot heal itself, sooner or later they will be able to deduce the root cause of Lissanthy's recovery.

"If you two go to the Posen Kingdom to play in the Posen Demon Realm these days, you must be careful. The Posen Demon Realm is outside the protective barrier of Huadu Parrie. Now the relationship between the Senate and the Demon Realm lords in the Posen Kingdom itself is It’s complicated, and there are unknown forces planning something secretly, and you may encounter a Cardinal of the Church of Resurrection who is out of specification at any time, so it’s very unsafe anyway.”

Nigel added.

The city defense safety barrier on the north bank of Parrieux only reaches area 6, and the demon world in areas 6 and 7 is separated by an ancient space barrier, and ordinary protective barriers cannot cross there.

This also resulted in a middle zone between District 6 and District 7 that was neither under the jurisdiction of Huatu Parrieu nor the Posen Demon Realm.

But generally speaking, if you take the official channel, you can avoid entering the middle zone.

“Then if the mastermind behind the scenes finds out that it was the two of them who did the good deeds, then all the hatred will be transferred to us, meow?”

 The cat boss said with a sudden realization.

 “Precisely, yes.”

Nigel looked at the kitten and nodded.

If he puts himself in the shoes of his enemy, it is true that Lan Qi, the troublemaker, may be more hateful than anyone else.

 At that time, Nigel is not sure how much hatred Lanqi will attract.

This is why he reminded the two of them to pay attention to their safety.

“Oh, that’s really scary. Tata, you have to protect me. I obviously don’t want to do anything.”

Lan Qi said with great fear.

“If an enemy really comes to find us, remember to say something like this.”

Thalia replied.

 Lan Qi was used to acting weak. She felt her blood pressure was rising a little when she saw it. She couldn't tell how the enemy would feel when they saw it.


Lanqi asked in confusion. He felt that Talia was being sarcastic.

 “When you see the enemy, will you speak like you just did?”

Thalia asked him.

 “Yes, that’s how I usually talk.”

Lanqi nodded.

“Let me ask you first, which one of us do you think is better at carrying hatred?”

Thalia's voice was very gentle and patient, like a student who wanted to test her.

 “Of course it’s you.”

Lan Qi knew that he at level 6 was far more fragile than Talia at level 8. If he really entered the battlefield at level 8, he might die if he was accidentally touched.

And if he dies as the host, Thalia will die immediately.

 So now that the two of them are working together, Thalia should be the taunting unit and protect Lanci.

Thalia nodded, with a smile on her lips, as if to say: You also understand this.

“So just use your opposite mentality and draw away all the hatred. It doesn’t matter to you whether I can stop the enemy. When the time comes, others will kill you first, and I will die with you, you pig!”

Thalia yelled at him angrily in her heart, Yuyin broadcast.

The cat boss looked at Lanqi and Talia looking at each other silently, and knew that they had begun to communicate with each other again.

never mind.

 Emotions have faded.

 Wherever Mr. Dalan goes, the water will be muddied and a big brawl will begin.

Perhaps Lanqi doesn’t have to investigate this matter personally. The Posen Kingdom will quickly investigate the man behind the curse of resentment spread by the great wizard Parroni.

In those suspense novels, the official organization has no ability at all, and the protagonist relies entirely on himself to investigate. The plot is simply a brain hemorrhage.

  In fact, this is normal now. If a century-old official institution like the Poisen Kingdom is not as efficient as Lanqi in investigating criminals, and is passively beaten there all day long, it will collapse soon.

Lanqi only needs to perform stably, and he can do whatever comes to him.

 “Ai meow.”

 The cat boss shook his head on the sofa, hoping that no too strong enemies would come.

 Otherwise, once Lanqi starts to ask gods, the nature of the matter will change.

 (End of this chapter)

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