Chapter 677 The unsealing of Lanqi and Talia's Shadow Weaver Record

 Chapter 677 The unsealing of Lanci and Talia’s Shadow Weaver Record

 The wind with the breath of summer blew past their shoulders.

After the two said goodbye to Master Chief Nigel, they went to check in the attractions near Notre Dame de Parrieux Church as planned.

“The surroundings around the Church of the Goddess of Destiny in Huatuparieu seem to be a little different from those in Icerite. Let’s bring some back to Hyperion.”

Thalia said to Lanci.

Hyperion especially likes to collect various tokens of the Church of Destiny.


 As long as it is a good and lawful alignment.

“It is indeed possible. It is estimated that there will be Huadu-specific tribute snack gift boxes, postcards, music albums, and a Posen language translation of "Genesis" for sale."

Lan Qi thought about it and agreed.

 At Thalia's time, this way of eating snacks was probably not popular yet.

 This kind of thing is generally not bought by local people, but it may be very popular with foreign tourists.

Hyperion sometimes did not dare to step into the temple of the Church of the Goddess of Destiny in Icerite, fearing that she would pollute the pure land of the Goddess of Destiny. It was only later that the Ice Witch Artis gave Hyperion the courage to officially become a priest. .

 The cat boss is listening in Lan Qi's hands.

 The Temple of the Goddess of Will and Love is often very popular with couples or young people seeking marriage. Residents and tourists come to pray for love luck all year round.

Thalia bit her lip, always feeling that Lan Qi deserved to die at this level, and she was too lazy to hit him.

Today’s destination, the Church of Our Lady of Parrieux, its architectural outline also appeared in front of them.

 “…a box!”

“Then it’s hard to keep this thing and it’s hard to take it back. If we buy this snack gift box, we can eat it on the road.”

Two people and one cat walked into the broad square in front of the Notre Dame de Parrieu Church. The majestic building completely occupied their field of vision.

Occasionally, a flock of white doves flew from the square nearby and passed over the church tower, leaving behind a string of melodious shadows.

“The tribute snack gift boxes sold by the temple must be eaten by others in the end, right?”

I don’t know why they call the temple’s souvenirs peripheral commodities.

 The fillings vary according to the color of the cake, with fruits and cream, as well as coconut, pudding and other ingredients.


Lan Qi came back to the Posen Kingdom this time. In addition to buying card-making materials for [Kaliela's Shadow Weaving Recording], the rest of the funds on hand were the money that her father said she would come to buy food for Tata. She wanted to eat it. Just buy her whatever she wants.

 The curved arch structure forms the three wide door openings inside the palace, and the scrolls from the Book of Genesis are vividly engraved on the lintels.

"no problem."

“This church currently belongs to the priests of the God of Love, and it is also the largest temple of Love in the Southern Continent.”

She always felt that since it was a special tribute snack gift box as a souvenir, it should not be a tribute to the gods like the ancient method.

Thalia felt that the services Lanqi sometimes provided her were very satisfactory to her.

Each city has a different main temple. Like Huadu Parrieu, the largest temple is actually the God of Love. It corresponds to the chapter of will and love in the Book of Genesis and records spiritual magic.

Thalia then suggested.

 Basically, you don’t have to worry about anything, just follow him around.

Going through the towering vaults and slender colonnades, you entered the church in a few steps.

 Lanci held the cat in his arms and walked with Thalia in the bright square.

“That’s right. If you give money to the church and the goddess accepts it, you can have snacks.”

Lanchi explained to Thalia like a tour guide.

 In short, these two people are not too godly types from the bottom of their hearts.

This is District 1 of the central city of Parrieux, located on the Île de la Cité in the middle of the Selina River, across the river from the Parrieu City Hall and the Palais de Platinum.

Lanci explained for her.

 “How many boxes should I buy?”

He looked at the introduction and saw that most of the gift boxes contained desserts. The soft cakes were as light as clouds and were said to melt at the touch of the tongue.

Talia had been thinking with her head down after listening to Lan Qi's words just now, and finally she asked.

There are hundreds of stained glass windows on the walls on both sides. The window craftsmanship makes these stained glass windows shine under the sunlight, like a colorful natural kaleidoscope.

 He added.

 Now it is considered to be for Hyperion, and Thalia will also maintain the most basic respect for the goddess of fate that Hyperion likes.

It’s not that the demons can’t believe in the goddess of fate, but gods of good order are often not so popular in the demon world, and the demons will subconsciously feel that such gods don’t like them.

 Its spiers and flying buttresses seem to be a bridge between the past and the present.

The church of Our Lady of Parrieux is roughly in the shape of a long horseshoe cross in plan, with a total construction area of ​​6,000 square meters. There are two 70-meter bell towers on the west facade, and its five longitudinal cabins include a middle cabin and two The two wing cabins on each side eventually became a cross shape, with the top serving as the altar, and the long wings of the cross being the rectangular main hall of the Notre Dame Church.

For example, Icerite College sells various peripheral products with the school logo and name printed on them. Students within the school are basically not fooled, but tourists from outside the school will occasionally buy some.

“Speaking of the Chapter of Will and Love, it’s a pity that the [Original Slate-Spirit] related to it has not been found at all.”

Lanci and Thalia walked in the Notre Dame Church and sighed as they looked at the murals of the Age of Gods on the dome.

Back in the magic genealogy class at Icerite College, when he heard Teacher Teresa talk about the original slate, he asked about the ownership of the original slate in the world today. However, the whereabouts of the spiritual slate has been unknown for many years.

“You can’t get it even if it’s missing. If you want to get something like the original stone slab, 20% depends on strength and 80% depends on luck. It’s good to have a usable piece.”

Thalia stood in the colorful glow and shook her head.

  The original stone slab is about something that can be encountered but not sought after.

At the time when their demon world was in its heyday, there were only a few big demons who held the original slate.

Like the ice witch Artis, it should be the best to get [Primordial Slate - Ice], but she only got [Primordial Slate - Healing] due to luck, so she made do with it, and from then on she became the main ice and deputy healer. .

There are also some big demons that do not need it. For example, they are good at multiple attributes and focus on one flexibility. No matter which original stone tablet they get, spending 5 mana of permanent card slots to specialize in a single attribute is not worthwhile in terms of benefits.

"In your case, if you can get a piece of [Original Slate - Seal], it will be a great success. The next best thing is to get [Original Slate - Spirit] and [Original Slate - Healing]. It will be considered graduation. Click again, [Original Slate - Light] It can barely be used with [Primordial Slate-Fire], but the benefits are not great."

Thalia explained casually to Lanqi.

As Lan Qi's teacher, Lan Qi was very weak before, so she didn't teach Lan Qi much knowledge about attributes.

Now that Lan Qi is slowly getting stronger, it’s time for her to tell him about the advanced content.

 Lanqi’s inherent attribute is the seal, and the acquired attributes can be changed according to the matching cards.

When he first took the exam at Icerite Academy, Lanci changed his spell library because he brought a large number of healing magic cards. His acquired attribute at that time was healing.

 It’s just that Lanqi itself was too weak at that time, and its inherent attribute [seal] was neither explored nor used.

"I see."

Lanchi felt that Talia might have taught her too late.

“Why, has a teacher explained it to you in detail?”

Thalia asked after reading his fleeting thoughts.

  She thought that the courses at Icerite College would only teach the concept of skin, and would not provide students with an in-depth analysis of the adaptability of the original stone slab.

 Because there are students who hope to get the original slate, it would be good to have one in every ten years.


Lanqi nodded.

 Lao Sang taught him everything.

“Have you decided what rank you want to engrave on it?”

Since Thalia was sure that Lanqi knew this knowledge, she didn’t go into details. She looked at the church inner hall ahead and asked instead.

In this world, those who reach the sixth level are already outstandingly powerful, and can dominate the borders of big countries.

The seventh level is the dividing line for truly transcendental beings and saints. There are very few creatures who can reach the seventh level.

 “I can’t come.”

Lan Qi thought for a while and replied.

 Just before when we were in the Snowy Province of the Northern Continent, we had a brief chat with West Germany about the seventh-level engraving class.

At that time, he was still in the fourth level, so he didn’t think much about it.

In the blink of an eye, times have changed. Some time ago, he directly reached the sixth level by relying on the seventh-level shadow world [Darkest Eclipse Realm], and now he is about to face the seventh-level job problem.

If you want to break through to the seventh level, in addition to reaching the peak of the sixth level, you also need to collect materials consistent with your own suitability to engrave your class, so as to greatly improve your basic attributes and class passive abilities in the desired direction.

  The compatibility of the material directly affects the difficulty of success, and the higher the quality of the core material, the more difficult it will be. Each failure will cause damage to oneself, the magic power will retreat, and the class will not be inscribed again for a short period of time.

 The cardinal’s evidence of the Resurrection Church is the perfect epic material.

Generally speaking, those who have the qualifications and opportunities to reach the seventh level will try their best to obtain the most relevant and high-quality materials for inscribing their ranks.

But it is precisely because of this that this level has trapped many strong men who have been in the sixth level for many years, preventing them from joining the ranks of the truly absolute strong men in this world.

And the most powerful class passive that Lan Qi has ever seen is Asksan’s:

 【All things sealed specialization】

  【Category: Soul Engraving】

 【Level: Orange Epic】

  【Class: 0】

 【Passive effect: Magical attributes increased by 18%, spiritual attributes increased by 12%, sealing magic power increased by 25%】

This is the highest-ranking seal master's rank information identified from Asksan during the autopsy of the Protos Empire.

 The total passive value of the same type of profession and the same grade will not change. The distribution ratio of magic power and spirit will vary depending on the individual and materials. The content of the last effect will also change.

"I only know that the sixth level and the seventh level are a real dividing line. Once you reach the seventh level, it is not so easy to be killed."

Lanchi preached to Thalia.

  Regardless of the huge increase in basic attributes from the sixth level to the seventh level, just one class passive can widen the huge gap.

So level 4, 5, and 6 players can sometimes fight across levels, but there are almost no situations where level 6 players can fight against level 7 players. "

 If you want to defeat level 7 at level 6, you basically have to start a team. However, it is possible for a group of twelve people to work together to win.

 At level 8, no matter how many levels you go to level 6, you have no hope of winning, because no matter how tough the front row is, they will be instantly killed. The nanny can't nurse at all, and the effective damage output is not enough. The fight may not be as fast as the level 8.

If you want to defeat the eighth-level strong men who are about to enter the realm of gods, you can either rely on large-scale military city defense facilities, such as the phantom shock tower used by the border city defense army to support Loren when they fought against the vampire marquis in South Wantina Territory, The Magical Air Splitting Cannon and the Sky Shield Formation can only be moved to the eighth level to fight against the eighth level.

"Yes, if you can reach the seventh level, then you will be a heroic unit that cannot be underestimated even in the demon war a hundred years ago. Generally speaking, a level that can be engraved with a successful purple rare is already good. However, it is not a big problem to engrave anything at the seventh level. If you are not satisfied with it at the eighth level, you will have another chance to engrave it again, but you can only upgrade it to one level at most."

Thalia agreed with Lanqi’s statement.

 Theoretically, the lowest level should be purple at level seven, pink at level eight, and orange at level nine.

Of course it’s just a theory, basically no living beings can reach the ninth level.

 It is better to be able to engrave pink at level 7, so that it can be upgraded to orange at level 8.

“Speaking of class levels, apart from attribute differences, what is their use?”

Lan Qi asked while shopping.

 He felt that Talia was quite interested in professional rank.

"Once you have a class or meet certain other special conditions, you will become a heroic spirit, anchored and recorded by the center of the shadow world. In the years to come, you may appear in some shadow worlds, and some special types of shadow worlds. It can even summon you to fight, and it is said that in some ancient times there was a secret method of summoning heroic spirits in the present world."

Thalia was explaining to Lanci in the church.

 “Fog…it’s not possible for Lao Sang to win the resurrection match.”

Lanqi almost exclaimed.

 “Who is Lao Sang?”

Thalia was now curious.

“The most powerful seal master in modern times, I still have his holy relics.”

Lanci replied.

It's a pity that the current version of the world is wrong. It may take thousands or tens of thousands of years to change the version. If he enters the Age of Heroic Spirits, he will have to call Lao Sang out to fight the vampires and let the vampires feel the strength of the strongest human seal master in the contemporary era. .

Thalia felt that sometimes Lanqi always told some riddles that she didn't understand.

But she felt that if there were really holy relics, it might be better to summon Black Sun Lanclos, the strongest sealer in ancient times during the Blood Moon Bad Age. After all, the Kaliela Shadow Weaving Record that Thalia read had something to do with that. The expressiveness of this guy's message is really extraordinary.

“In addition, Lan Qi, don’t underestimate the upper and lower limits of class passives. The difference is quite big. For example, you can look at the class passives of Boss Cat.”

Thalia reached out and touched the head of the little black cat held by Lan Qi.

If a function of a certain system is inscribed at level seven, the class passive you will obtain is specialization in that system—the basic attributes will be enhanced to a certain extent, and the spells of that system will be increased.

 What level of materials and props are used to engrave successfully will determine the quality of the passive in the end.

 The Cat Boss obviously inscribed it casually.

 “Boss Cat, take a look.”

Lan Qi looked down at the little black cat in his arms.


 The cat boss lowered his head in embarrassment.

 At the beginning, it only thought that it would be successful if promoted to level seven, and the last level passive was the most common:

  【Space Elf Cat Specialization】

  【Category: Soul Engraving】

 【Grade: White Ordinary】

  【Class: 0】

 【Passive effect: Increase magic attributes by 2%, increase mental attributes by 4%, reduce space magic mana consumption by 5%】

 Lanqi held the cat boss with both hands and assessed its class passive.

Thalia also came over and looked at the attributes of the cat boss.

 Generally speaking, it is not that easy to identify other people’s attributes, unless the other party allows it.

At this moment, the cat boss is in a state of not stopping the two of them from appraising.

 “Meow meow, stop looking.”

 The cat boss was so impressed that the two of them looked at him and lowered his head.

It is a passive that is better than nothing. I was embarrassed to say that I was in the seventh level before.

“Wait a minute, Boss Cat, why do you have spatial attributes?”

Thalia asked after catching a glimpse of Boss Cat’s attributes.

 She also thought that Boss Cat’s inherent attribute was telekinesis.

 “Of course.”

 The cat boss nodded.

It is because of the inherent properties of space that it draws out the innate magic that can sneak into shadows. Telekinesis is an acquired elven magic.

Of course, the specific attribute it is is no longer important, now it has almost become a wind attribute specialization.

“Then why don’t you know other space magic besides latent shadow?”

Thalia asked the cat boss.

  …“…I can’t learn to meow.”

The cat boss was tortured so much that he muttered.

 It’s embarrassing to say.

 On the one hand, space magic is the most difficult to learn and is rare. On the other hand, its magic talent is not good.

 Without spatial adaptability, it is absolutely impossible to learn.

 Spatial adaptability can be learned with a small probability.

The reason why it can have inherent attributes of space is because its thirty-one attributes are all very low in relativity, almost as low as they should be. In comparison, it actually has a little more space.

So luck [space] became its main attribute, giving it the guarantee of drawing out the space talent.

“I remember that the general of the Ninth Army of the Demon King’s Army at that time had the main attribute of space. Space magic is rare, but it is really easy to use.”

Thalia muttered as she fell into some memories.

“Isn’t the general in charge of logistics the weakest general in the surrender faction?”

Ranchi heard Pranay say it.

 He was very impressed by the last surviving big demon whose identity was unknown.

Now the Cat Boss restaurant only needs the second princess Ifatiya and the big demon to complete the collection.

“Yes, when it comes to escaping, no one can compare to him.”

Thalia said,

“Oh no, if Hyperion can reach the eighth level, she might be able to compete with him to see who can run faster.”

 Halfway through the sentence, Talia remembered the new generation of demons and changed her conclusion.

 “Why did you start to disgrace your marriage?”

Lanchi looked at Thalia in surprise.

 Someone is suspected of doing a new type of task.

 “I didn’t, I just thought the way she ran away was cute.”

Thalia shook her head and said seriously.


Lan Qi nodded in agreement.

“Then tell me what’s so cute about her.”

Thalia decided to test Colanci and asked tentatively.

"Have you noticed? Hyperion's smile is very precious, because she doesn't often show it easily, but when she smiles sincerely, the innocent warmth can instantly impact everyone's hearts, like a smile that breaks through the clouds in winter. A beam of sunshine…”

Lanci elaborated very attentively.

Thalia heard Lanqi's words and frowned very quietly, staring at him.

“Furthermore, Hyperion has an introverted personality, a delicate mind, and is easily shy or particularly embarrassed. However, she is extremely sensitive to the feelings of others and will inadvertently show concern for the friends around her.”


The cat boss looked around worriedly as he listened to Lan Qi's words.

 Teacher Dalan, it’s over.

 This is a trap question!

 You praise other girls like this in front of a girl.

It is possible for her to ignore you all day today.

“Furthermore, Hyperion actually has a hard time falling asleep. Even when she does fall asleep, she always looks like she’s having a nightmare with tears in her eyes. Her fragility and uneasiness are all very cute. In short, she is very cute.”

Lanchi couldn’t stop discussing and analyzing with Talia.

Just when Thalia smiled with relief and let out a long sigh of relief, the cat boss was so scared that he folded his ears.

 “You know it very well, and your grades are passable.”

Thalia looked satisfied, folded her arms and nodded.


 The cat boss doesn’t understand.

Is this the time when Ranchi and Tata have been integrated into the segment?

 It turns out that Tata is really different from other girls.

 You don’t need to think so much when laning with her.

 The two of them took the cat with them and quickly finished visiting the outer hall.

They walked through the gilded side hall door, and what they saw was the 117-meter central corridor composed of double-layer arches.

“But to be honest, if you have [Devil Fusion], in addition to gaining Hyperion’s passive ability, you can also steal a very important attribute.”

Lan Qi suddenly mentioned it seriously.

They continued walking along the corridor and stopped in the wide, tall, dark nave hall. Their sight extended upward along the vault, and until they were close to the dome, they could see a circle of huge rose windows, through which sunlight poured in. , the colorful light and shadow flickered on them.


Thalia remembered that according to the fusion degree between herself and Hyperion, after the fusion, the basic attributes multiplied by a very low fusion degree would probably fall to the sixth level.

 Except for the demon's passive, there shouldn't be anything new to get.


Lanci looked at her and replied.

"You're crazy..." Thalia's cheeks turned red, she frowned, closed her eyes and clenched her fists, but she still resisted punching Lan Qi.

“I will not marry Hyperion. By then you won’t even be able to tell who is who between us.”

 She said angrily.

 The Great Love Poet emerged from her, and after being completely integrated with her, she replaced the Great Love Poet.

But if she fuses with Hyperion, Thalia is not sure what the difference will be. Her will will probably be the main one, but who will be the main one in terms of appearance, and whether there will be Hyperion's will in her mind. In parallel, Thalia might be able to do that.

If the time comes to look like Hyperion, wearing Hyperion's clothes to get along with Lan Qi will always feel a bit weird.

“Anyway, when I reach the seventh level, I’ll just choose a class with a high mental attribute bonus as much as possible, right?”

Lanchi stopped joking with Thalia and asked Thalia.

 He will definitely be able to reach the seventh level if he passes through the Shadow World again.

The fourth node of the Blood Moon Bad World should be guaranteed to be the eighth-level shadow world. As long as it can be cleared, there is a high probability that he can be given a level one.

Nowadays, even sixth-level spells won't hurt his face, because his spirit is too high and his magic resistance is too high. Coupled with the passivity of those big demon marks, now basically only sixth-level magic can hit him. Move him.

At that time, once the job level is engraved and promoted to the seventh level, you will also have an extraordinary panel.

"Yes, the higher your spirit, the better. You can reach level seven as soon as possible and use all your mana to protect me."

Thalia nodded.

 She is the absolute core of Lanqi now.

Now Lan Qi probably can only support her to fight with all her strength for a minute or two at most, and she has to run even if she encounters an evenly matched eighth level.

If Lanchi's spirit is optimized and reaches level 7, there will at least be enough fighting time.

"Just support me well. I'm afraid you won't have much fighting power when you reach the eighth level anyway. You might as well rely on me, who is the strongest."

Thalia didn't sound interested when she spoke, but she glanced at Lanqi.

"Meow meow."

Mao Boss feels that the eighth-level Lan Qi is not weak, but it is difficult to appear, because the eighth-level Lan Qi competes with the eighth-level Son of the Sun. Cat Boss has seen it in the video, and that guy is too invincible.

However, the Son of the Sun should be a fatan that can withstand and fight. For example, the [Immortal Tears of Glazed Glass] that Lanqi gave Frey at that time should be on the Son of the Sun. He himself also studied the ancient sealing technique [Immortal Punishment] and even entered the level version.

 And Lan Qi, who is undecided in the face of trouble [Fusion Wolf], is no longer the same as the Son of the Sun.

 “Tata, look at yours.”

Lanchi wants to see what Talia’s class passive is like.

 “Let’s identify it.”

  Even though Thalia was reluctant, she still let Lanci see it.

 After all, their lives are now tied together, and each other's strength is also considered their own strength.

 【Absolute Controller Specialization】

  【Category: Soul Engraving】

 【Level: Orange Epic】

  【Class: 0】

 【Passive effect: Magical attributes increased by 14%, spiritual attributes increased by 16%, spiritual magic cooldown reduced by 25%】

 “Are you also an orange-level person?”

Lanqi looked at her blankly.

“Don’t you think about it, when I was a demon princess, couldn’t I find the best material to engrave my rank on?”

Thalia asked as a matter of course.


 Lanci would always forget from time to time that Thalia was actually a princess from more than a hundred years ago.

"So go ahead and find a usable engraving material. It would be nice if it was pink. If you ask me, sister, maybe I will help you find the material. After all, you can only do this kind of thing. Rely on me, no one else will help you deliver more perfect materials directly to your door."

Thalia patted Lanqi on the shoulder and said sympathetically.

After visiting the main hall of Our Lady of Parrieux Church, the two of them did not go to the other wing halls to view them one by one. Instead, they left from the east side and searched for the Church of the Goddess of Destiny not far away according to the map.

 According to the municipal planning of Parrieux, the branches of various religious churches are almost located near this circle, making it easier for believers and corresponding priests to find the organization.

 After a few minutes' walk, the two found the Destiny Church branch in Huadu.

 Saint-Palieu Church.

The style of the temple is very similar to that of the Church of Our Lady of Parrieux.

Walking into the church, directly opposite the center of the hall stands a black bronze statue of the goddess of fate and reincarnation. Dozens of angel sculptures of various shapes are inlaid on the surrounding walls. Plant and flower patterns are carved around the pulpit, altar and altar to reproduce the The scenery of the Age of Gods.

The marble mosaic floor tiles under the feet are scattered in an orderly manner, leading to the altar in the center of the dome.

 As Lanci and Thalia went deeper into the church, the souvenir counter in the corner slowly came into view.

  Souvenir products are displayed under the glass of the counter, ranging from postcards to hand-drawn illustrations of the Book of Genesis, as well as snack gift boxes.

Thalia's sight immediately found the target.

“Hello, we want to buy some souvenirs, and are there any reincarnation jade amulets for sale?”

Lan Qi walked to the counter and said to a priestess who was busy sorting out the shelves behind her.


Priestess, whose white robe was embroidered with golden patterns and wore a small crown, turned around and stared at them.

“It depends on what you want as a souvenir. I will pack it for you. For the reincarnation gem, will it be one piece or a pair?”

 She asked with a smile.


 They both answered at the same time.

They pay attention to one person buying each person.

 “Then they’re a couple.”

Priestess picked out two gemstones wrapped in mini cloth bags from the drawer behind the counter. One piece exuded golden luster, shining with a dazzling and distant light; the other piece was mild green, lively and full of life.

She carefully showed the two gems to the two of them. She felt that they were just right for them.


Lanchi and Thalia both looked at the price tag.

This kind of gem with no attributes is not a precious pearl and jade, but the price is not low.

 It seems that it is mainly for auspicious reasons.

"buy it."

 Lanqi took out his Southern Continent Federal Bank crystal card.

There is no shortage of money.

The reincarnation gem is originally just a fairy tale. It can be any stone, so it is nothing special. If you are sincere, you will be wise.

“Hey, if you two have a pair of bracelets, we can help you process them into the bracelets.”

 Suddenly, Priestess noticed the same bracelets worn by Lanci and Thalia.

Both of them silently lowered their heads and looked at their own and each other's wrists.

 This is the prize they got last time at Jinfeng Amusement Park [Tianmu Jinfeng Commemorative Bracelet].

 Because it can add a lot of mental attributes to Lanchi, it is better than other mana-adding magic cards, so they have been wearing it since they came to Posen Kingdom.

“The properties will not be changed after processing, only the appearance of the mold will be changed, and only a small processing fee will be added.”

Priestess introduced them.

 “Then please.”

Lanchi and Thalia looked at each other for a moment and agreed.

 Think of it as paying tribute to the goddess of fate.

Anyway, the reincarnation jade is a legendary object of metaphysics and superstition.

 The two of them took off their bracelets and handed them along with their bank cards to the Priestess behind the counter.

"Thank you both for your patronage. Please wait a moment. You two can go and take a rest on the seats over there."

Priestess finished crossing the bill, bowed with a smile, and handed the other wrapped souvenirs to Lan Qi and Talia, feeling that this month's performance had been achieved.

  After all, few generous customers would buy reincarnation gems.

 Because even the clergy themselves know that this kind of gemstone is of no use except to look good, and it is also very expensive.

Then there was a long waiting time. Lan Qi and Talia found a side of the church and sat down.

 It probably took more than an hour to wait.

Thalia was sitting on a bench in the temple and had finished eating a twenty-five-piece snack gift box under the gaze of the goddess of fate.

During this period, she asked Lan Qi if she wanted to eat, and Lan Qi said that it would be enough to watch her eat.

 In the end, she stuffed one into Lan Qi's mouth.

And Lan Qi was almost asleep in the chair.

With the sound of footsteps, Priestess finally took out a pair of bracelets from the casting room and walked in front of them.

 “Sorry for the long wait.”

Priestess handed the brand new golden green skywood bracelet to the two of them. Its streamlined and simple style has not changed. It looks like the layers of leaves in the forest connected. It just has an extra gemstone with the emblem of the Church of the Goddess of Destiny.


Lanchi and Thalia took the bracelets, looked at each other hesitantly, and finally put on this pair of bracelets that looked more like a pair.

“Make a wish to the goddess. Only if you pray sincerely can it become a reincarnation gem.”

Priestess said to them.

 “No need.”

 Both of them were a little hesitant.

“You don’t need to say it, the goddess of fate is watching you.”

Priestess added with some strong suggestions.


 Lanchi and Thalia were both still.

In their current state, they can hear each other's thoughts, and there is no difference between making a wish in their heart and saying it out loud.

 The stalemate lasted for a long time.

It seemed that both of them were staring at the Statue of Destiny directly across the hall.

“My Goddess, I hope Thalia can live happily every day and not suffer any more or be left behind again.”

 Lanqi clasped his hands and prayed to the goddess statue.

Thalia heard his voice and looked at him slightly disbelievingly.

 A few seconds passed.

“Goddess, I hope Lan Qi can be as happy as me.”

 She also bowed before the statue of the goddess.

 “May the goddess bless you.”

At this point, Priestess finally smiled and blessed the two of them and said goodbye.

Next, Lan Qi carried the souvenir paper bag bought from the temple and walked out of the church with Thalia.

 Since I waited longer than expected in the temple, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon outside.

 The heat and sunshine by the Selina River in summer make people drowsy.

They walked across the square to the riverside, and no one said anything. Only the little black cat looked back and forth at the two of them.


 “Why do you need to pray for something like this?”

Talia felt a little uncomfortable when she heard Lan Qi's sincere prayer.

  She was used to bickering with Lan Qi, and she thought Lan Qi would say something irritating in front of the goddess of fate.

“Because I sincerely hope you are well, and I am very happy to see you happy.”

Lanchi answered honestly and yawned sleepily again.


Thalia didn't know why, but she felt a little unable to answer Lanqi's words.

 Perhaps it’s because they no longer feel comfortable saying rude words to each other in front of the goddess.

  Long time.

 “Let’s go and have a rest by the river.”

 She just said this.

Thalia could see that Lan Qi was very sleepy, and she didn't want to drag Lan Qi around again this afternoon.

 “Hey, what about you?”

Ranchi asked.

 Last night in the arena really made him too tired.

 “I’ll sit next to you and let you take a rest for a while.”

Thalia looked at the park ahead and said to herself.

Selena River and its banks are naturally surrounded by parks with various charms.

 Among them, they included the Lucerne Park on the right bank of the river they were walking into at this moment.

This was originally the private garden of the royal family of the Posen Kingdom, and later became a treasured place for the public to enjoy green space and quiet time.

You can stroll along the river bank or take a nap on the green spaces and benches by the river to experience the unique romance and leisure of the flower capital Parrieux.

In the afternoon, the two people quickly found a bench, put down the cat and the gifts, and sat on the seats facing the rugged river.

 The breeze on the water surface occasionally passes by, bringing a bit of coolness and gently brushing against the skin.

Thalia said no more.

Lanqi could only hear the sound of water waves and waterbirds on the seaside, and the laughter of an unknown person could be heard from far away on the other side of the river.

At this time, sleepiness began to come like a tide, which was irresistible.

The world in front of Lan Qi's eyes began to blur. He nodded his head twice, and the sound gradually faded away. The whole person seemed to be in a soft cloud, drowsy.

Lan Qi tried his best to keep himself awake, but in the end he lost to the gentle sleep and gradually fell into sleep.


 Consciousness is intermittent.

It’s as if you can see the lingering light and shadow cast by the flickering candlelight on the vault, like ripples on the still water surface.

This place is very similar to a place I have been to before -

Demon King’s City Nekalis, Demon King’s Palace.

 Compared with the throne room in my impression, it was much empty and seemed to have more traces of old age, as if hundreds of years had passed by at a glance.

The air is filled with the fragrant fragrance of the demon scented candles, lingering in the shadows of the carved columns.

The long carpet is laid out from the entrance to the end, with a thick and dull texture that seems to swallow up all sounds.

The lighting window lattice is no longer as bright as when Luo Qing was there, but filters the remaining dim sunlight from the sunset into pitch black, giving the entire space a layer of gloom.

 At the end of the darkening field of vision, the throne still stands in the shadows.

 Only a lonely figure remained on the throne.

 She turned her head slightly and looked towards the throne.

  【My lovely kitten, have you finally seen me? 】

 Behind the woman with gray hair and golden eyes, there was a ghost wrapped in black mist, with only the dark green eyes clearly visible.

 “I didn’t want to talk to you.”

The gray-haired woman sitting alone on the throne said to herself.

Her cold words were like an invisible barrier, isolating her from the world.

  【Realize that things in the world are impermanent, and there will eventually be helplessness. You must also learn to let go and relieve yourself of the burden. 】

 The sound came from the ghost's mouth.

"You are not qualified to teach me this. You have lost nothing. You obviously don't even have memory."

  She looked sideways again, and her voice was even more distant.

As if receiving instructions, the ghost smiled slightly and returned to the standby state.


I do not know how long it has been.

  When Lan Qi slowly opened his eyes again, the sky had quietly changed.

In the hazy sight, the Selena River seemed to have been painted with golden paint. The sparkling waves on the river reflected the clouds in the sky that gradually changed color, from gold to pink.

The sounds around him also became softer. Laughter and conversation were heard in the distance again. The air was mixed with the smell of flowers and grass, which woke him up.

 He found himself leaning on Thalia's shoulder.

But Thalia didn't push him away or wake him up, she just let him rest quietly.

"are you awake?"

Thalia hugged Boss Cat and said calmly.

 The voice was very similar to what I heard in my dream just now, but it was much more cordial.

 “Well, what time is it now.”

Lan Qi quickly shifted his focus away from her and asked.

 “A little after four-fifty.”

Thalia replied.

  “Ah, I slept for so long?”

Lan Qi didn't expect it, so he blinked to make his vision clearer, and looked across the river again.

 The wind blew over, and the golden color filled the entire field of vision.

That is a dazzling mountain of gold and silver treasure—

Under the setting sun, the entire southern bank of the flower capital Parrieu is shining.

 “Hooray, there is resurrection!”

 Slowly standing up from the bench, Lan Qi stretched out greatly, trying to dispel the remaining sleepiness in his body.

 “Did you dream about something?”

Thalia looked up at him.

“No, no, I was half asleep and half awake, so I can’t remember clearly.”

Lanqi shook his head.

It was so strange, he felt as if he and Thalia were reversed in the dream, and he turned out to be her natural familiar.

And what does "my cute kitten" mean?

How could he call Talia, a tigress, like that.

 “My cute kitten?”

Thalia narrowed her eyes in confusion and muttered to herself.

“Meow, meow, are you calling me?”

 The cat boss immediately raised his head and asked in his childish voice.

 “Nothing, nothing.”

Lanqi turned around and waved.

Sure enough, the legends of the Church of the Goddess of Destiny are all lies, and this dream is too fake.

Although it is not ruled out that he and Thalia will have some illusions in the future when they use [Kaliela's Shadow Weave] to collaborate on card creation.

 But it’s unlikely that this will be the follow-up to this ridiculous dream.

 (End of this chapter)

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