Chapter 382 branch-antlered cloud deer

Chapter 382 Cloud Deer with Branch Antlers

The arrow turned into a stream of light with a straight trajectory, almost completely unaffected by gravity and wind direction. During flight, the arrow rotated at high speed and evenly divided into five parts. The front end of each part was sharp and pointed at the same target.

 The distance of more than five thousand meters is reached in an instant.

When Ji Xinghuo turned around and revealed the Song of Spiritual Strings, the Dragon Lord saw it clearly with his true eyes, and his expression suddenly changed as he sensed the danger.

 But Ji Xinghuo's arrow came so fast that he couldn't react any more.

 Dragon scales can only appear outside the body.

The Cang Fire Dragon, which was pursuing at full speed, didn't even notice the arrow. It subconsciously flapped its wings and climbed up according to the dragon master's reminder, trying to avoid the arrow.

However, the arrow that was originally flying straight up was also raised, following it like a shadow, and hit the neck of the Cang Fire Dragon with incomparable accuracy.

The layer of white flames outside its body was immediately shot through, followed by the dragon scales. The dragon scales, which were harder than steel, were like pieces of paper and were torn open in an instant. The internal flesh and blood were exposed, and the bones were also traumatized.

 In an instant, five consecutive arrows were shot at the same location.

 Bang bang…

 Raised wildly for an hour.

 The first reason is that the strength will be reduced after being separated from the dragon, and the second reason is to appease the dragon to avoid a gap in the heart.

 Multiple pops are superimposed.

It was only then that the Cang Fire Dragon let out a scream, rolled in the sky and fell.

Thinking of this, Ji Xinghuo relaxed a lot.

Compared with the power of Apocalypse's weapons, he was more afraid of Ji Xinghuo's shooting skills. He had the Eye of Reality and hadn't been shot by anyone for a long time. He actually prepared a backup plan when he dodged just now, but it was useless. superior.

Ji Xinghuo had already flown dozens of kilometers away and found that the Dragon Lord had not caught up. He was relieved and then thought back to the chain of arrows he had just fired. The lethality exceeded his expectations. It was indeed an apocalyptic weapon.

But if the Dragon Marquis is killed, the Canghuo Dragon King will never sit idly by and ignore it. It will be difficult for the Saint of the Shepherd to escape even if he takes action.

Pretending to be a true dragon is just a trivial matter, and the Blue Fire Dragon King won't care.

"I, Canghuo Lieming, will remember you." The Dragon Lord looked at the direction Ji Xinghuo left with a burning gaze, as if he wanted to deeply imprint Ji Xinghuo's appearance into his mind, "How dare a low-level demi-human who comes from nowhere dare to Pretending to be a real dragon, you don’t know whether to live or die!”

 It is a true dragon with a magnitude of 100,000, and is huge in size.

 Cang Huo Lieming let his dragon land, and when he saw the bleeding hole on Cang Huo Dragon's neck, he felt even more annoyed.

The Dragon Lord touched his forehead and looked at his blood-stained hands, feeling afraid.

If he had murderous intentions just now, he would be more than 80% sure to kill the Dragon Lord.

Even, you may be shot.

 Every turning point was unexpected and turned into a target.

 He accelerated his flight, breaking through his normal speed. His invisibility failed, but his speed became faster and faster.

the other side.

I have no grudges against that Dragon Lord, so there is no need to do anything. Moreover, I killed the younger one and the older one comes. If the Blue Fire Dragon King is alerted, it will be over.

Although it was shot through the neck, the injury was not fatal. It could recover quickly due to its recovery power. However, the severe pain caused it to temporarily lose control. It could not even fly, let alone continue the pursuit.

The Dragon Lord's whole body was protected by dragon scales. Arrows exploded between his eyebrows, energy exploded, and a strong electric current penetrated into his body, paralyzing his whole body.

  The Dragon Lord was only paralyzed for a moment, and immediately comforted the Cang Fire Dragon through the spiritual link, soothing its pain.

If the opponent's arrow had hit the head of the Cang Fire Dragon, maybe his true dragon would have turned into a corpse.


 “It’s too late to turn back now.”

Ji Xinghuo thought for a while and finally shook his head.

 The Dragon Lord looked gloomy and felt hugely insulted.

 A few seconds later, the Cang Fire Dragon stabilized its posture again.

Due to the lack of "flying shoes", it is impossible to reach the speed of astral sound.

 “Go down.”

The neck of the Cang Fire Dragon was directly pierced, and the last arrow passed through the hole and shot at the Dragon Lord on the dragon's back.

 The reason why he didn't do this was obviously because he was afraid of his own identity, because behind him were the Canghuo Family and the Dragon King!

However, the arrow just now gave Ji Xinghuo a lot of confidence.

"With my speed, combined with the range and power of the Song of Spiritual Strings, as long as the Dragon King doesn't come out and doesn't fall into the siege, I shouldn't be able to encounter many Dragon Lords who can pose a threat to me in the True Dragon Dynasty, even if I can't defeat them. Can escape."

The Dragon Lord's face was covered in blood with an ugly expression. At this time, Ji Xinghuo had already flown away again, widening the distance without shooting any more arrows.

 But he didn't catch up anymore and could only watch Ji Xinghuo fly away, turning into a small dot on the horizon until it disappeared.

 At first, the Dragon Lord thought Ji Xinghuo was targeting him, and then he found out that the target was his own dragon. When he was relieved, he did not expect that the ultimate target was actually himself. The two reversals caught him off guard.

This injury is not serious, but he will need to rest for at least two months.


The arrow hit the Dragon Lord, tearing apart the white flame protection and hitting his forehead.

 The dragon is the root of the dragon master. When the dragon is recuperating, the dragon master must stay with him and cannot leave at will.

 “Weapons of the Apocalypse.”

Ji Xinghuo was more than two thousand kilometers away from Cangdu. Except for the Dragon Lord, he had never been caught up since then.

 Go all the way south and fly out of the Qinglu Plateau where Cangdu is located.

 Then turn eastward.

In the high air, Ji Xinghuo slowed down his flying speed, and below him were the endless mountains. Along the way, he deliberately avoided cities, settlements, and star gate cities, but he still often encountered other flyers.

Those people saw that they were real dragons and stayed away from him.

 “It’s time to pretend.”

  Ji Xinghuo fell into the mountains.

The electromagnetic induction scanned the surrounding area and after confirming that no one was around, he took off his real dragon-style battle suit in a valley and put on a pair of rugged armor. This armor was made of metal and animal skin. It was just a super-powerful armor. Star's armor, shoulder armor, belt and breastplate all have totem patterns, full of wild breath.

This is the armor made by the "Desolate Man". It was collected casually on the **** plateau and placed in the dimensional stomach bag.

  Desolate people are one of the most common branches of humanity in the Star Realm.

They are numerous and can be found in almost every forest, mountain, and wilderness in the Star Realm. Most of them are backward in civilization and live a life of eating raw materials and drinking blood. A few of them are entrenched in tribes and walled cities.

 Although there are also desert people who have mastered power and technology and established countries, in the eyes of other races, desert people will always be primitive people and are at the bottom of civilization.

 The barren people and the true dragon people are like two extremes.

 A world that is barbaric, weak, and backward, but spreads all over the star realm like weeds, and survives tenaciously is the background and background of this world.

 A civilized, powerful, developed, aloof ruler, dazzling, and born to be the protagonist of the world.

 However, there is not much difference in appearance between the Barren Man and the True Dragon Man.

Both have limbs and facial features, walk upright, and have similar body proportions. They look very similar at first glance.

 But no one would admit their mistake. The most striking features of the Desolate Man are the thick hair and rough skin, which is not as delicate and smooth as the True Dragon Man. The Desolate Man's facial features are also very rough, with prominent eyebrows and eyes, dense beard and hair on the face, and thick hands and feet.

 The first impression a True Dragon gives to others is that of perfection, while when seeing a Desolate Man at first glance, they will think of a primitive man.

 Completely different temperaments are the biggest difference.

Ji Xinghuo put on the animal skin armor, and then controlled the changes in his body shape. The sixth-level all-spirit limbs allowed him to adjust his shape in a small area in conjunction with the control of the bones by the holy scale armor.


There was a soft sound inside his body. Ji Xinghuo's arms and legs became thicker, his palms were wide and his fingertips were elongated.

His arm span was originally much longer than that of a normal person. After adjustment, he quickly adapted.

Then the skin became rough, the eyebrows were slightly protruding, the cheekbones were raised a little, and the style of the entire face immediately changed, from handsome to wild and arrogant, and the dark pupils were fierce, as if he was a different person.

The rotating magnetic field stimulates the scalp cells, causing the hair to grow wildly. In a few minutes, it grows like a big ball of weeds, wild and unruly.

At the same time, thick beards also appeared on the cheeks and chin, which were slightly trimmed.

Ji Xinghuo walked to the water and took a photo.


He admired his current image. Not only had his appearance changed drastically, but his temperament was also completely different from before.

  If you have family or friends standing in front of you, you may not be able to recognize yourself for a moment.

Ji Xinghuo restrained his breath, took out the ferocious arm guards that he had not used for a long time, put them on, let his body expand a little more, and then put on the "Ice Veined Battle Ax", the black eternal crystal battle bow and the quiver, it was completely He looks like a deserted person.

 “There is nothing wrong with being a deserter.”

Ji Xinghuo muttered.

In the True Dragon Dynasty, pretending to be a true dragon was a capital offense, but pretending to be a deserter was no big deal.

Who would pretend to be an inferior race?

Ji Xinghuo didn’t have any discriminatory views on Huangren, but was very interested in them. Long before entering the Star Boundary, when he was still taking professional courses at the university, he heard the teacher say that the Desolate People were a very special race in the Star Boundary.

The Desolate People are very ancient, so ancient that they predate the historical records of the astral civilization. They are inextricably related to countless branches of humanity.

 In the history books of various ethnic groups, traces of the deserted people can often be found, and occasionally archaeological evidence can be excavated from the ruins.

 There is also a rumor circulating in the star world.

In distant prehistoric times, at least tens of millions of years ago, the Desolate Man was the master of the star realm and established a huge country that ruled the star realm and the galaxy. But later it was lost for unknown reasons and scattered throughout the star realm and the Milky Way.

 All branches of human beings today evolved from Hominin.

 In other words, the desert man is the ancestor of mankind.

 Including the True Dragons, they were originally a branch of the Wild People. It was only after generations of fusion with the True Dragon blood that they became the True Dragons they are today. There are also Dan people, highland people, river people, etc., all of which are affected by various factors and evolved from the wilderness.

This theory is of course not accepted by all races, and even more so in the True Dragon Dynasty, it was scorned.

 Confusing the desolate people with the true dragon people is regarded as an insult by the true dragon people.

 It has even become a taboo topic.

On Earth, this is a widely discussed speculation. Many scholars have collected ancient artifacts for research, but there is too little information and no results have been achieved.

Ji Xinghuo is inclined to believe this is true.

However, this has nothing to do with me.

He disguised himself as a deserted man and continued on the road, but instead of flying, he chose to run on the ground.

 This is more in line with Huangren’s strength and habits.

Even in the True Dragon Dynasty, there were only a few aliens who could fly. Ji Xinghuo ran on the road struttingly, and soon felt the difference in status. He was looked down upon from time to time. When he ran past, he heard curses coming from behind. .

Ji Xinghuo doesn't care about this, which shows that he disguises himself well and no one sees his problem.

After all, running on the ground is not as fast as flying fast.

When the starry night fell, Ji Xinghuo had only run a few hundred kilometers. In the wilderness, he casually entered a forest to camp and rest.

 At night, people fly from the sky from time to time, including the Blue Fire Dragon Lord.

 “He hasn’t given up the pursuit yet.”

Ji Xinghuo in the tent frowned, but didn't take it to heart. Those people had discovered his camp, but didn't come down to check. Apparently they didn't realize that they were the target of the pursuit.

 Continue on your way after daybreak.

Ji Xinghuo continued to run wildly on the ground, electromagnetic induction being turned on at all times.


 After running for more than a thousand kilometers, when Ji Xinghuo passed through a primitive forest, he sensed a strange creature.

It has the shape of a deer, nearly four meters in length, with a light and strong body. It jumps like an elf in the rugged and complex forest. It is light and flexible, very fast, and can sometimes walk on the air.

 There are countless strange creatures in the star world, and similar ones are not uncommon.

 But this end is a bit special.

Not only is it fast, but it can also hide its whereabouts, making it difficult to detect without electromagnetic induction.

Ji Xinghuo immediately became invisible and accelerated his approach.

Soon, he saw the creature clearly, and his face suddenly suddenly said, "It turns out to be a branch-horned cloud deer."

This giant deer has a pair of huge antlers on its head, like two branches with many branches, with the tips of each root pointing upward. There are green leaves on the branches, and the flowers are in full bloom, just like real plants.

There are beautiful patterns on the green deerskin. The body is slender and agile, and the four hooves are wrapped around the clouds, as if walking in the clouds.

The branch-antlered cloud deer is a very rare creature.

 It is a half-plant, half-animal monster, but it has a gentle temperament, has powerful healing ability, extremely fast running speed, long endurance, and can run through the air. It is one of the best mounts in the star realm.

Furthermore, the branch-horned cloud deer is also very powerful in combat.

Once a hunting team captured a branch-horned cloud deer, brought it back to Earth, and sold it for a sky-high price of 300 million Asian dollars.

Even if you don’t use it as a mount, you can still collect one or two extra-limit exotic species by killing the branch-horned cloud deer.

Ji Xinghuo observed it carefully.

This branch-horned cloud deer is a super group-level and has good strength. It would not be of much help to him normally, but now he just caught it and used it as a mount for the journey.

 He flew up in stealth and slowly approached the branch-horned cloud deer that was grazing.

 The distance gradually shortens.

When there were still more than 200 meters away, the branch-horned cloud deer suddenly raised its head, looked confused for a moment, and then jumped up to escape.

 “Perception is very keen, but useless.”

Ji Xinghuo appeared in the form of a bolt of lightning and caught up with the branch-antlered cloud deer in an instant. Thunder burst out from his fingertips, making it dizzy. He took the opportunity to ride on its back, grabbed the two branch-shaped antlers, and pulled it Press down.

 (End of this chapter)

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