Chapter 383 Canghuogui

Chapter 383 Cang Huogui

Ji Xinghuo held down the branch-shaped antlers, entered Long Kuang and exerted force with both hands. His body sank, and his legs clamped tightly on its abdomen.

The branch-horned cloud deer screamed in pain and fell immediately.

Its body became insubstantial and was about to disperse like clouds, but was interrupted by the electric current bursting from Ji Xinghuo's hand.


The branch-horned cloud deer hit the ground heavily from mid-air, smashing into pieces. He subconsciously wanted to struggle desperately, but Ji Xinghuo held it down like a big mountain, and continued to use electric current to paralyze his whole body, making it impossible to escape.

With a scream, the branch-horned cloud deer activated its ability to control plants.

The surrounding shrubs and flowers came to life, raising hundreds of vine spikes and quickly piercing Ji Xinghuo on his back.

 The shade of the trees overhead also swayed crazily, falling down all over the face.

"Ha ha…"


Countless flames exploded, blowing the branch-horned cloud deer to the ground.

Ji Xinghuo stepped aside and said in a deep voice.

Before it could recover, it smelled something else.

The branch-horned cloud deer opened its eyes and looked at Ji Xinghuo. Its eyes were full of fear, mixed with a bit of cleverness. After hesitating for a few seconds, it slowly got up on all four hooves. As soon as it stood firm, it immediately jumped on Sky stepped on the branches and fled into the forest.

Before it could turn over, it felt a heavy weight on its back. Turning around, it saw Ji Xinghuo riding on its back again, holding a lightning whip to whip it.

 He didn’t know whether the branch-horned cloud deer could understand, but a super-level monster would definitely understand his situation.

Just as it was about to continue running away, an arrow shot through a gap in the forest, like a red light, and exploded when it hit the front.

Then he took out a blue sky and threw it in front of the branch-horned cloud deer. The green fruit exuded a refreshing fragrance, and the vitality contained tempted it. It opened its eyes wide and stared at the fruit in front of it, salivating but daring to eat it.

After several times in a row, the branch-horned cloud deer finally understood that he could not escape.

The whole body of the branch-horned cloud deer was scorched black, and its fur was burned away by the electric current. However, as soon as the lightning whip was removed, its injuries began to recover, the scorched skin fell off, and its hair grew again.

This is a variation of the Thunderbolt Hand. If the lightning whip with a thick arm has substance, it can be drawn out and extend to tens of meters in an instant. It is like the sharpest laser. It swings in a circle and uproots all plants within a hundred meters. cut off.

The battle ax seemed to have automatic navigation. Under the control of Ji Xinghuo's metal, it slashed around at a rapid speed, so fast that it was difficult to even see the shadow. It easily cut off the plants it stabbed, and countless broken leaves and branches flew around.

"stand up."

Ji Xinghuo ordered to it:

The branch-horned cloud deer finally stopped and looked back, but did not find Ji Xinghuo.

 But it was still dissatisfied and lay on the ground motionless in protest.

 But there are still more plants coming, like a steady stream of water.

Ji Xinghuo's attack was very measured. This was just a flesh wound, and the explosive arrow just now didn't kill him.


As expected, it ran away again, but in the face of the absolute power gap, Ji Xinghuo easily caught up with it, knocked it down with a thunderclap, and then whipped it with a lightning whip to make it remember its lesson.

It quickly got up and stared at the thing in Ji Xinghuo's hand, but did not dare to get close. Before it could see enough, Ji Xinghuo put away everything and replaced it with a silver bracelet.

 This is an instinct engraved in genes.

 The branch-antlered cloud deer has bright eyes.

Then, the lightning whip retracted and wrapped around the neck of the branch-horned cloud deer, causing its eyes to turn white and its consciousness to blur.

Ji Xinghuo held the Red Emperor Blood Crystal and Red Gecko Element in his hand, and showed them to the Branch-horned Cloud Deer, as well as a large number of mutant species, including many ultra-limited mutant species.

"come over."

This is a "Royal Order Accessory" with one star super power and comes with "Beast Whisperer", which can simply communicate with beasts and monsters. It is the core ability of the professional template "Master". If it is made into equipment, the effect will be weakened. Some.

Ji Xinghuo smiled.

The resilience of the branch-horned cloud deer is amazing. In a blink of an eye, the injury was healed, and Ji Xinghuo got it back on its feet.

This continued for several minutes before Ji Xinghuo removed the lightning whip.

Ji Xinghuo condensed a lightning whip on his hand and drew it out.

He held down the branch-horned cloud deer's head with one hand, raised the Ice Veiner's ax with the other hand, and threw it out with all his strength.

 Before departure, he bought a lot of things on earth and put them in his dimensional stomach bag for emergencies.

Zhijiaoyunlu understood. His eyes were filled with confusion and hesitation, but he finally walked over.

 After being taught a lesson, he stopped.

Zhijiaoyunlu struggled for a long time in his eyes, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation. He stuck out his tongue and rolled the Qingkong fruit into his mouth. He chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it into his neck. He immediately felt the effect of the Qingkong fruit and roared happily.

 The branch-horned cloud deer was whipped several times, its skin and flesh were torn, and then it was electrocuted for several minutes.

It burst out at the fastest speed in the desperate situation, like a light wind, jumping back and forth between the trees, the figure became blurred, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ji Xinghuo laughed.

A few minutes later.

 Super group-level monsters can use expansion wonders and integrate different species to enhance their strength.

"You are lucky if you follow me. If you perform well, I will reward you." Ji Xinghuo held the bracelet and spoke. He reached out and touched the body of the branch-horned cloud deer. Its shoulder height was about the same as mine and its body length was nearly four feet. rice.

Zhijian Yunlu's body trembled, but he still stood still and allowed Ji Xinghuo to touch him.

 At this moment, Qinghong jumped out of his pocket.

It walked around the branch-horned cloud deer, and then showed its true body and showed off its power, which immediately frightened the branch-horned cloud deer and made it weak and collapse to the ground.

 Qinghong grinned proudly at Ji Xinghuo.

"Okay, don't scare it." Ji Xinghuo certainly knew what Qinghong was thinking, "It's just a temporary mount, so of course it's no match for you."

Qinghong nodded with satisfaction, shrunk and hid it.

After a few minutes, the branch-horned cloud deer got up. It had completely surrendered and allowed Ji Xinghuo to ride on its back.


Ji Xinghuo clamped his legs together, and the Zhijiaoyundeer started running.

Soon, Ji Xinghuo suddenly understood why the branch-horned cloud deer was called one of the best mounts. It was about the same size as a horse, so it was just right for a human to ride on it. It ran much faster than a horse and was very stable.

Even on the most rugged terrain, riding on the back of a branch-horned cloud deer is as stable as a mountain, without feeling any bumps.

 All in all, the riding experience is excellent.

Not to mention, the branch-horned cloud deer is not only fast and has super endurance, but also has the ability to heal, hide and manipulate plants, and has good combat effectiveness.

 It only needs to eat grass and is not picky at all. Feeding is very simple.

If it weren't for the lower potential, Ji Xinghuo would really have the idea to create a "heterogeneous symbiosis" and train it into a battle pet.

"never mind."

“One Qinghong consumes I don’t know how much spiritual energy. Now that spiritual energy is scarce, we can’t add another big consumer.”

Ji Xinghuo gave up the idea.

Heterogeneous symbiosis also requires one fusion opportunity. After being promoted to Legend, the number of fusion times is very precious and cannot be wasted on a battle pet that can only be used as a mount and cannot provide strong combat effectiveness in a short period of time. Although the branch-horned cloud deer can walk in the air, it spends most of its time running on the ground.

Ji Xinghuo asked him to leave the forest and walk along the road.

Of the vast territory ruled by the Zhenlong Dynasty, less than half of the area was actually effectively managed. The other half was a dangerous area. Only wide roads were built between cities and settlements to form a transportation network.

Ji Xinghuo dressed up as a deserter and rode a branch-horned cloud deer on the road. Sometimes he would encounter some troubles, but he could solve them as long as he showed his strength a little.

  Travel during the day and camp at night.

He avoided densely populated areas along the way. Only when he passed a desert tribe, he bought a set of saddles with real dragon coins and put them on the branch-horned cloud deer to make the riding more comfortable.

 A few days later.

Ji Xinghuo was already more than 20,000 kilometers away from Cangdu and reached the border of Canghuo Territory.

 In front of us, endless mountains come into view.

 “Tungsten Mountain Collar.”

Ji Xinghuo was in a relaxed mood. From the name, Tungsten Mountain Leader could tell that he was the dragon leader of the Tungsten Mountain Family and came from the bloodline of the Tungsten Mountain Dragon.

The Tungsten Mountain Dragon belongs to the "golden dragon species", and its body is extremely hard. It is the largest true dragon in average size, and there may not be one of them. Only a few other extremely special individual true dragons can be bigger than the Tungsten Mountain Dragon.

At the same time, the tungsten mountain dragon is also one of the slowest true dragons, and some tungsten mountain dragons cannot even fly.

  But in the True Dragon Dynasty, the Tungsten Mountain family was among the strongest.

 The strength of the "Dragon King of Tungsten Mountain" is among the top two hundred Dragon Kings. It is said that they have a chance to challenge the Dragon King.

Tungsten Mountain Territory is the dominant one among the surrounding Dragon Territories.

 The most important thing is that the relationship between the Tungsten Mountain Territory and the Blue Fire Territory has always been very bad, even hostile. There have been many conflicts in history, and the Tungsten Mountain Territory has always won.

As long as you enter the Tungsten Mountain Territory, you are basically safe.

 These are what Ji Xinghuo learned from books.

  After a while.

The endless mountains are right in front of you. The geographical environment of the Tungsten Mountain Territory is very unique. There are endless mountains all over the Dragon Territory. The terrain is steep. There are high contents of tungsten ore in the soil and rocks and a kind of natural material unique to the star realm. Tungsten alloy.

It was this unique environment that bred the Tungsten Mountain Dragon and gave birth to the Tungsten Mountain family.

 The branch-antlered cloud deer runs quickly.

Ji Xinghuo suddenly felt something. He crossed his legs lightly and whispered, "Stop." The Zhijiaoyunlu stopped immediately and looked around, but found nothing unusual.

 However, Ji Xinghuo sensed the danger.

He stared ahead. There was a "Dark Iron War Scorpion" running towards him in the direction of the Tungsten Mountain Leader. This War Scorpion had a huge body, more than twenty meters long. It was all black and looked like it was wearing armor. There were two of them. It has huge front pincers and a thick tail needle. It looks like a moving black fortress when it runs.

Honest level monster!

Dark Iron War Scorpions are not uncommon in the star world. Ji Xinghuo has also killed them before, but this is the first time he has seen such a big Dark Iron War Scorpion, and it has evolved to the level of natural disaster.

 There is a woman standing on its back.

 “True Dragon Man!”

Like all true dragons, she has an outstanding appearance and a tall figure. She wears imperial-style robes, is bare-handed, and carries no weapons.

However, Ji Xinghuo felt threatened by the other party.

 She appeared suddenly.

Ji Xinghuo kept turning on his electromagnetic induction while he was on the road. He didn't even notice where this woman came from. She suddenly appeared within his induction range, as if she had leapt over.

This kind of person who can accurately jump to his vicinity has no use no matter how fast he is.

Ji Xinghuo stared at her.

The opponent's ether energy fluctuations are very convergent. We can only judge from the strength of the magnetic field. She is the sixth-level Heavenly King, maybe the second-level Heavenly King.

 “If there is no dragon, then it is not the Dragon Lord.”

 Not all true dragons can become dragon masters, the proportion is less than one percent.

 But this does not mean that the strength of other true dragons is inferior. Some true dragons who are not dragon masters may be more powerful.

Xuantie Zhanscorpion stopped hundreds of meters away.

 The two looked at each other for a few seconds.

"Your perception is very keen and your methods are rich. No wonder that idiot Cang Huoxun can't catch you." She said.

Ji Xinghuo responded in silence.

From this sentence, we know that she is following him, and there is no use pretending to be a deserter.

"Introduce yourself." The female true dragon man smiled lightly, "I am Canghuo Gui, born in a branch of the Canghuo family. Unfortunately, I did not become a dragon master, so I had to retreat and choose the dragon warrior. Later, I also practiced martial arts. division."

Ji Xinghuo asked: "What do you want?"

Cang Huogui looked Ji Xinghuo up and down, his eyes fell on the branch-horned cloud deer, and asked curiously: "Where is your battle pet with the blood of titanium cobalt dragon?"

Ji Xinghuo was shocked.

Immediately, he recalled in his mind the time when he had just jumped to Cangdu and came out of the public array. Riding Qinghong and walking on the street attracted many people's attention, but there was no impression of Canghuo Gui.

If a sixth-level powerhouse enters electromagnetic induction, he will definitely know it.

 Unless she has extremely good concealment methods.

"How about handing over your war pet and I'll let you go?" Cang Huogui's tone was very relaxed, but the threat in his eyes almost overflowed. He was so arrogant, as if someone else just handed over his war pet. Of course.

Ji Xinghuo said in a deep voice, "Did you ask someone to arrest me?"


Cang Huogui admitted it directly.

She said: "I found you in the public array and didn't want to do it myself, so I asked Cang Huo to take action. I didn't expect that waste to let you run away. Cang Huo Lieming is also a waste. I pointed out your whereabouts to him. , he can’t even stop you.”

 “Haha…” Ji Xinghuo suddenly felt at ease.

 He had been guessing where his identity was exposed. It turned out that he was being targeted and reported directly.

Canghuo Gui is struck crookedly.

"Your war pet is very rare." Cang Huogui continued, "I could see how special it was at first glance. Having the blood of a titanium cobalt dragon is nothing. What's really great is that it is a void spiritual creature with great potential. Infinite, if you leave it to me to cultivate, its future strength will be more powerful than a real dragon, and it can only be wasted in your hands..."

Her eyes were full of expectation and contempt for Ji Xinghuo, as if he was squandering everything.

Ji Xinghuo sneered.

“You can’t even become a dragon master. It’s obvious that your talent is low, but you dare to speak so brazenly in front of me?” He mocked mercilessly.

Cang Huogui’s expression suddenly froze.

 This is the biggest pain in her heart. Any true dragon who is not a dragon master is a loser who has been eliminated.

"you wanna die!"

Cang Huogui screamed and took action directly, but Ji Xinghuo entered the battle faster than her.

 (End of this chapter)

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