Chapter 508 Facing the Dilemma of Mars

  Chapter 508 Facing the Dilemma of Mars - Swarm

  Mars is the second closest planet to the earth. Compared with the thick atmosphere of Venus, the cooling of the core of Mars and the disappearance of the planet's magnetic field caused the surface atmosphere to be stripped by the solar wind.

  Because there were traces of life on the Martian meteorites obtained, Mars should have had a thick atmosphere in the past, but now it has become a desolate planet.

  Compared to the earth's 1% atmospheric concentration, and because of the lack of magnetic field and atmospheric protection, it is directly attacked by the solar wind and cosmic rays. It can be said that the difficulty of survival on Mars today is absolutely hell.

  If there is still life on Mars today, there is a high probability that it must also be in the ground.

  Compared to the superposition of negative BUFFs such as Martian dryness, radiation, storms, thin atmosphere, etc., the deserts and seabeds on the earth can be said to be a paradise-like environment.

  The difficulty of transformation is much easier than the difficulty of transformation of Mars.

  However, if there are enough silver mines on Mars, it would be a matter of course to complete the mining and build the pioneer base.

  Now, this egg case of the Zerg has also fallen on Mars...


In the dark and cold space, the 'Starship II' has stopped the process of chemical acceleration. At this time, the solar panels have also been turned on, and the Hall thruster occasionally adjusts its direction and starts to decelerate, and its volume has also shrunk. a lot.

  Because the high-power propulsion of the rocket engine is used in space, and the mass is smaller after a few sections are discarded, the speed of the 'Starship II' at this time actually surpassed the huge 'Constellation I'!

   Relying on the connection with the ground command room, it has also entered the deceleration process at this time.

  In the ground command room of SX Space Exploration Corporation, all staff members are monitoring various data with a high degree of concentration.

  The positioning work in space is also quite cumbersome, especially if there are not enough satellite positioning at this position, it is even more difficult to judge.

   Fortunately, NASA also has a satellite on Mars, and it is still completely under control under the situation of multiple points of control.

   "Boss, our original design was to land and drill asteroids. At present, with the gravity of Mars, we can put the starship into Mars orbit without any problem, but it is almost impossible to complete precise bombing."

  The researchers who are recording various parameters of the starship and making predictions also gave back a somewhat regrettable news.

   Planning to land on an asteroid at the beginning is completely different from landing on Mars now!

  Intercontinental ballistic missiles are the heavy weapons of all countries. Even without satellite positioning, they can physically complete the 'positioning' of a general range by relying on gyroscopes.

  Because strategic nuclear weapons are used to strike, although the error will not be small, it is completely sufficient.

  Many cruise missiles will also use this physical guidance method in the middle to reduce the possibility of being detected.

  But the gyroscope itself can succeed because human beings have a good understanding of the parameters of the earth. The principle of ballistic missiles using gyroscopes can be regarded as knowing the corresponding physical parameters, and they can hit the ground in one direction.

   After all, most of the targets of strategic bombing are cities that will not move, so just ensure that direction.

  It is so difficult to achieve this kind of precision on Earth, but it is undoubtedly even more difficult to control the various parameters of Mars at present.

   What's more, when it was first launched, it never expected that it would choose to bomb Mars in the end, and the equipment and design plan it carried were not prepared for this aspect, which would lead to terrible accuracy.

  The gravity of Mars alone can cause enough tearing and destruction.

   Fortunately, the satellite of the European Space Agency has captured the picture of the asteroid falling, and it can be roughly determined that it is in the approximate area of ​​​​Mars. By comparing the photos sent back by the existing Martian satellites, the direction can be roughly determined.

   Otherwise, it can really be said to be looking for a needle in a haystack.

   "Try to be inaccurate. A one-million-ton nuclear bomb is acceptable for errors, but don't we also carry a probe? Can the probe complete the landing on Mars?"

  Because it can be launched in space, there are quite a lot of things reserved for Starship II.

   There are unmanned detectors, nuclear bomb earth penetrators and so on.

  And there are three detectors alone, and there are even mobile mechanical feet that take into account the arrival of the asteroid, and the cushioning air cushion when it hits the asteroid at high speed.

   "It is true, but the situation on Mars was not considered at the beginning. Although it is considered that the speed protection of the impact is large enough, it is not sure that it can land safely, and the landing position will be quite deviated due to the influence of Mars' gravity."

  The researcher sighed, after all, it is not a special Mars exploration equipment.

"It doesn't matter if there is a deviation, just go down to make a sample and set a position. They all carry detectors, and the situation should be similar. As long as the number of detectors increases, relying on Umbrella's data link sharing technology, it can also be used for our subsequent bombing." Increased precision."

  Masla didn't care about the gain or loss of the detector, he just wanted to achieve the goal!

   "Let's contact each other and see what Umbrella is going to do..."

  But this time, he still knows who the big brother is.

  The others add up to less than the size of Umbrella's spaceship.

  Although they seem to be faster in terms of speed, in fact, it's just that their quality is accelerated and slowed down.

And compared to their one-time chemical combustion, the more burned, the smaller the mass. The thrusters of others use plasma thrusters similar to Hall propulsion, and are assisted by solar sails. The efficiency of use is completely different. of.

   There is an obvious technical gap!

   To put it bluntly, I still have the rocket thinking of the past, while others have the real starry sky thinking!

   It's not that he doesn't know the benefits of these structures, but that Umbrella has already made corresponding plans based on his own technology, and he has to make temporary adjustments on his side.

   It would be nice to be able to tinker with Starship II...


   "The company also agrees with SX's suggestion. This time the enemy is very troublesome. Those who reach the orbit first can try to drop the bomb first, without waiting for us."

  Umbrella responded publicly, and then made some arrangements.

   The first few companies can release detectors!

  No matter what, let the probe land first, and then complete the signal sharing with each other. Relying on Umbrella's satellite data connection technology, you can directly complete the connection between the probe and the spacecraft.

   With the detector as a positioning, the subsequent bombing can be more accurate.

   "Our company's spaceship has a mobile vehicle in the atmosphere, but because the atmosphere of Mars is too thin, the vehicle can't last too long by jetting. You can arrange a robot to log in and check after the attack is completed..."

  However, following Umbrella's response, some twists and turns that occurred due to information leaks reappeared again, and some self-funded White Left Virgins began to leave messages asking for help.

   Said that since the visitor is not an abyssal creature, it is entirely possible to communicate first.

  This kind of spontaneous behavior of the Virgin Mary actually looks a little funny...

   Chapter 722

   "No way! Creatures like the Holy Mother really deserve to die!"

   "I can't wait to blow my eyebrows, and I'm still talking about whether to bomb or not? If the bomb fails for the first time, it will become more and more troublesome in the future. This can be regarded as our strongest weapon."

   "However, there is one thing to say. Although I don't support the Holy Mother, I support that if there is a chance to talk, we can talk first, because if you directly show hostility, not all problems will become problems."

   "How to talk? How to gain trust? This is the law of the dark forest..."

   "So blowing up is the safest move."

   "Umbrella stick to your heart, let us scold them for you..."


  When a few saints raised their voices, fortunately most people are still normal.

  Besides, in Umbrella's style, he doesn't care about these moral kidnappings, and just responded casually on the official website.

   "Now we are preparing to build the second batch of detectors. Those who want to contact and communicate in the past can sign up now. We can give you a ride. You can try to influence them with love."

  As soon as these words came out, those appeals were reduced by most.


   Want us to talk about it ourselves?

   Impossible, absolutely impossible!

   It must be for you to discuss, we are only responsible for appealing.

  However, what Umbrella said made the eyes of many people on Old Morgan's side shine.

   "We seem to be able to make some arrangements."

   "Yes, we can take a look at the experimental subjects possessed by spirit monsters and implant chips in their bodies."

   "But Umbrella will check."

   "They said nothing about mechanical inspections, it's too humiliating to do it on people."

   "So what about humiliation?"

   Hearing this rhetorical question, I just silenced them, yes, so what if they humiliate you now?

  Mecha knocking on the door has happened before, and there is no way to do it.

   "No matter what, we can try! If this Zerg is really what Lord Enzo said, it can be used!"

   "Let's see if they can survive the first wave of nuclear explosions..."

   "Actually, we all know that as long as they dig underground, the first wave of nuclear explosions will not pose a great threat to them. Now we are only dealing with an information gap."

   Various nuclear defense fortifications are not decorations. The direct damage range of nuclear bombs to underground targets is really quite limited. This was fully demonstrated by the 500,000-ton equivalent hydrogen bomb in New York before.

  If you hide in a subway station 50 meters underground, the nearest survivor is 500 meters away from the epicenter.

  Now, in fact, the main reason is that those bugs don't know the power of nuclear bombs, and they don't know whether they will dig so deep after landing!

   "It's a pity that there is no contact information now, otherwise it would be good to remind them."

   "Yeah, a reminder is enough to show our kindness!"

   "It's not impossible. We still have a little influence on NASA's detectors. If one can land nearby, maybe we can try it!"

  NASA's detectors are equipped with LED screens for "dialogue" and "communication". Although they cannot display any complicated color images, they are used to display pixel images of explosions and digging. There seems to be no problem!

   "You can try it, and remember to display our monogram when the time comes, so that they can remember..."


   "Boss, do you want to stop them?"

  Although the organization will guard against artificial intelligence, they took the initiative to communicate with Enzo in this regard, and naturally the news was known to Lin Shiqin.

   "No, just let them go."

   The Zerg race was originally a thing with a full survival talent point. If you remind them or not, they will dig underground. Wang Yi never thought that a wave would solve the problem.

  It doesn’t make much difference whether they get on this gadget or not, it’s fine if they are used as stepping stones…

   "The probe has started firing."

   "Let's prepare ours too, the orbital bombing without satellite guidance across planets is just a drill..."

   "Understand ~"


  Mars is directly attacked by cosmic radiation. Because of the thin atmosphere, various "sandstorms" are prone to occur on the planet. Moreover, although the density of Mars' atmosphere is less than one percent of that of the earth, sandstorms can complete global coverage.

   Even some previous Mars exploration rovers need to take a dormant way to survive the dim sandstorm.

  As the hull headed by Starship II reached the orbit of Mars, looking down at the planet below, relying on the ultra-high-definition camera produced by Umbrella, it has also captured the picture of the egg case inserted into the surface upside down.

  It is much clearer than the photos taken by satellites in Mars orbit before.

  The long asteroid is like a sharp knife inserted into the land of Mars at this time.

  The key point is that it hasn't been long since it landed, but some dark purple substances have spread outward from the inverted position.

  As the camera keeps zooming in and zooming in, combined with artificial intelligence’s sharpness complement, it looks like a creep formed by slime mycelium.

  Some insect eggs appeared on those creeps so openly!

"So fast?"

   "No, are they all insect eggs? Are there any hatched ones?"

   "Hey, let's blow it up quickly, it looks so evil."


  With the announcement of the pictures, most of the voices that originally clamored to give them a chance and not to bomb immediately disappeared.

  Why didn’t there be such a voice at the beginning?

  Because there is an example of the New York invasion here, if it is a creature from the abyss, no matter how hard it is, it will not make a voice for "peace", and a very small number of individuals will not affect anything.

   It will be said later that someone leaked the word to let them know that this does not seem to be a visitor from the abyss.

   But now the expansion speed of this thing, and its evil appearance, are enough for normal people to understand that this is not something easy to deal with!

  We give them a chance...

  That also depends on whether they will give us a chance!

   At this time, SX Corporation also released some pictures of their delivery of the detector.

  Because of Umbrella's communication technology and camera technology innovation, the communication and shooting of Starship II itself are still very smooth.

  From the perspective below the starship that entered the orbit of Mars, the three probes were directly ejected.

   This scarlet planet is completely different from the earth. You can faintly see sandstorms in the distance from space, full of chaos and ominousness.

  In addition, the Zerg situation can be barely seen clearly when shooting on the track.

  The three detectors that were thrown down had an inexplicably tragic feeling.

  The other three constants have also reached the orbital spacecraft, and dropped the probe synchronously, but they did not perform the corresponding live broadcast.

"We have a total of fourteen probes, all of which have landing buffers. Now we are really resigned to fate, because it was not designed for Mars at the beginning. Under the gravitational capture of Mars, the interference we can have on the probes is quite limited. , the main thrusters are used to slow down..."

  Masra posted a tweet himself on the social platform, and then said in a heavy tone

   "Less than one-third of the detectors expected to be able to work successfully..."

   After that, he said again

"However, they are useful. Even those detectors that may be crashed, as long as the signal module does not make mistakes, they can complete the positioning on the surface and provide more accurate parameters for our next bombing. Personally, we feel that we can't wait any longer. Going on, the speed of these things is a bit faster than expected, and we must solve it at the source..."

  Chapter 723: Insect Swarm

  In the desolate Mars basin, the sticky creep spreads outward like slime mold. The stones passing by during the creep climbing process are also directly wrapped, and then the stones are slowly 'flattened' down.

  In addition to spreading on the surface, these creeps are also seeping down into the ground.

   Like water, it spreads down various cracks in the ground.

  The land of Mars, which has been baked by the solar wind for many years due to the loss of its magnetic field, is already riddled with holes, and there are enough traces for these creepers to spread everywhere.

  The source of these creeps is the asteroid egg case inserted upside down on the ground.

  It seems that the egg case itself carries a lot of nutrients and resources to complete the first wave of incubation.

   On top of these creeps, there are densely packed eggs of various kinds shrinking like a beating heart.

   You can vaguely see the shadow inside through the sunlight.

  Whether it's the eggs or the creeps on the ground, the color is more dark purple, it seems that even the sunlight will be scraped off a layer.

   Even though it was exposed to direct sunlight, the temperature did not increase at all, and it still looked cold and humid.

  Although the heat preservation ability of Mars is extremely poor because of the thin atmosphere, it is generally tens of degrees below zero or even hundreds of degrees below zero, but the temperature can still reach 20 under the direct sunlight.

  But now there is only a sense of coldness on the creep.


  A group of huge worm eggs exploded, revealing a giant flesh worm that was completely connected to the ground.

   The bottom of the worm seems to have been embedded in the earth, and there is still a lot of mucus left after the eggs burst on the surface.

   But the mucus is also quickly absorbed by its surface, and the excess is also absorbed by the creep blanket underneath.

  And on top of this giant worm are densely packed compound eyes, constantly flickering.

  Then Qiqi looked at the sky, as if they were locking on to something.


   Another burst of bug eggs burst, and weird bugs that could move appeared one by one.

   Each has eight pairs of gastropods, but the head has huge pincers, and the body is covered with armor-like cuticles.

  As soon as they came out, these bugs instinctively broke through the slime mold on the surface, burrowed into the ground, and soon disappeared.

  The hole they drilled into was also covered by creep again, and only a little digging vibration could be felt occasionally.

  All genes are full of survival, and various minerals can be directly covered, decomposed and used, so how to keep oneself as safe as possible must also be engraved into the instinct of genes.

   There is no need to be reminded at all, nor is there any need for pre-judgment.

   They naturally began to drill into the interior of the planet!

  Following down the holes drilled by those bugs, you can find the complex underground terrain that has been covered by creep.

   It’s not too long since it landed, but there are already passages extending in all directions underground!

   Through several passages with obvious vibrations, we can also see many bugs 'mining' by the way.

   Grind some iron ore directly with the mouthparts and sprinkle it on the creep on the ground, and then these debris seem to be slowly dissolving in the thick mucus, and are transported to various places along the pipes on the creep!

   There is no machinery, all pure biological evolution plus points, but all kinds of plus points are added to the extreme.

   There are also different divisions of resources on Mars, but they can adjust and arrange themselves to form different carapaces according to the specific conditions of the resources at the landing site, and according to the division of elements, and produce different species!

  This is a biological group that has adapted to the extreme!

  Following the continuous downward spread, you can see the passages extending in all directions, and the number of worms mined is already quite a lot.

  Finally, in a relatively wide room, a female insect surrounded by the surrounding insects appeared.

  The female insects lay eggs continuously, and the eggs were carried by nearby workers and transported to various places. Some needed to go to the surface to absorb sunlight, and some were placed directly around the iron mine.

  Beside the female worm, there is another figure that is incompatible with the painting style of the Zerg.

   A four-legged and two-handed creature with horns on its head and densely packed sharp teeth in its mouth.

   "Cerebrate, haven't you come out yet? The goal this time doesn't seem to be easy, and we've already been spotted."

  The abyssal language used by the horned creature, but did not get any response.

  He himself kept looking around vigilantly, looking very vigilant, as if he was guarding against something.

   He has done the thing of driving the abyss Zerg before.

   This group was quite simple to control before the brain worms were born, so they would just develop dully and make good use of it.

  But after being stimulated, a stress response appeared and the brain worm was born. This will be a species that uses cunning to the extreme, and its danger and destructiveness are greatly enhanced.

  So the best way is to manipulate the brain worms when they are just born.

  Insects without intelligence have no fear of death, but brain worms do.

  But this time, when I actively stimulated the birth of the brain worm, it suddenly caused the egg case to shift, and fell to this planet that doesn't shit.

  In order to ensure his survival when he fell, he had to give up his search for the brain worm to protect himself.

   But after landing, he found that the brain worm was gone.

  Only the female worm is still multiplying step by step...

  He knows that now he has become the target of the brain worm, as long as he has a chance, he will not hesitate to tear or even parasitize himself.

  So we must find each other out before the swarm takes shape!

   "Cerebrate, your goal is to ensure the reproduction of this group, but if the mother dies, what is the meaning of your existence?"

  The horned creature continued to speak in Abyssal language, while pressing its claws against the fat female worm beside it.

  However, the female worm seems not to feel threatened at all, and is still laying eggs normally. The obese body is constantly writhing, absorbing the necessary elements and nutrients from the creep.

"How about we talk about a deal? I don't have any malice, I just want to enslave this civilization on behalf of my master. When the time comes to connect to the abyss and open the gate, you continue to multiply here, and we only need to get the soul we want ..."

  The claws of the horned creature spread out, and a dark red spell appeared in front of it. The model began to make a squeaking sound.

  But after the spell model appeared, it flickered and kept shaking.

  The appearance of the sound of Nazizi~ has a feeling of poor contact, as if it might dissipate at any time.

   This made the horned creature sink inwardly.

   Oops, the magic here is lazy...

   Originally, he just wanted to express a threat, but he didn't expect the environment here to be so bad.

  Almost as soon as he had a bad idea in his mind, many insect shadows appeared in the passages around the underground hall and began to probe his brain.

  Obviously, his previous threatening action not only failed to achieve the effect, but made the brain worm keenly aware of his weakness.

   Giant soldiers and insects came out of the passage, approached, and kept making tentative roars.

   "What are you doing! Aren't you afraid that I will kill the mother bug?!"

  The horned creature took a step back with a roar, and then directly stabbed the female worm with its sharp claws to express a threat.

  The sharp claws pierced the body of the obese female worm, and a large amount of yellow-green mucus burst.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly turned his head to look at his wrist.

  I saw that the bursting mucus seemed to have wisdom, and spread rapidly along his wrist.

   When he was surprised, he began to pull hard.

   But at this time, his hands seemed to be glued to 502, and the mucus became extremely viscous and tough.

   "Damn it!"

   Before he could react, the back of the female worm suddenly split open, and three sharp tentacles descended from the sky and pierced his head instantly with lightning speed.

   Before he could react, he hung his body and lifted it up.

  The horned creature whose head was pierced by the tentacles also lost all resistance at this time, its scarlet eyes kept turning up, and was carried to the wound on the back of the female insect.

  At this time, a petite spider-like worm crawled out from the wound of the mother worm. It was the brain worm that the horned creature had been looking for.

   "Those who use the swarm will eventually be swallowed by the swarm."

It wasn't the brain worm who spoke, but the horned creature whose head had been pierced by the tentacles. At this time, it was constantly being swallowed by the tentacles and absorbed something. Soon, the corpse was hung in the cave like dried bacon. top…


   Update completed~

   The reason why the Abyss Zerg can start so quickly is mainly due to the initial resources and nutrients in the egg case, which is not so exaggerated.



  (end of this chapter)

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