Chapter 509 Risks in the realm of gods are controllable

  Chapter 509 The Realm of the Gods - Controllable Risks

  The creeps on the ground have spread all over the basin, and there are also various giant bugs connected to the ground in the basin.

  The bodies are all tens to tens of meters high, some are similar to the detection devices with many compound eyes at the beginning, and some have some blue plasma surging.

   It looks disgusting, but it has its own rhythm in it.

  A large number of elements are transported into these giant worms through the creep, and then synthesized and decomposed through various reactions to form useful elements and nutrients for the group, which are transported to various places.

   In a true sense, the combination of biological evolution and bio-industrial production has been completed!

  In fact, various extremely complex chemical reactions are also going on in the organisms on the earth, and various cells, organelles, and nutrients are also combined like a factory.

  Compared with the utilization efficiency of bugs, there is indeed a significant gap.

  But it is precisely because the evolution of organisms has made nutrition intake and transportation so convenient and convenient, so everything of the Zerg race relies on its own abilities, and to a certain extent, it can be regarded as having its own characteristics compared with humans.

   At least in terms of environmental adaptability, the Zerg is more than ten blocks ahead of humans. An egg case can be inserted into a planet at will to quickly start targeted incubation.

  On the other hand, if human beings do not rely on technology and external forces, they will quickly cool down in extreme conditions such as deserts.

   But at the same time, relying on the accumulation of knowledge and learning, relying on technology and the mastery of physical principles, human beings can also produce various tools that are far beyond the reach of human beings.

  This is the case with the various detectors falling in the sky towards the nearby area.

  Suddenly, on the creep in the basin, more and more dense electric light began to appear on a giant worm more than ten meters high, and then a jet was aimed at the sky.

  The thick, flashing blue liquid was squeezed out at an extremely high speed and sprayed out through the sound barrier in an instant, divided into several strands, and hit several detectors falling from the sky one after another.


  Fires flickered continuously in the air, and the command center on the other side of the earth also received a reminder that the probe was shot down.

   "Our probes were all shot down."

   "We still have the farther one left."

   "We have one that landed safely, but was found and taken away by bugs..."

  The major aerospace departments also began to communicate with each other because of the accident of this detector.

   And SX company directly released the angle of view they saw from the track with the high-definition camera.

  The scene where the insects sprayed out an attack directly and quickly destroyed most of the detectors also caused a lot of exclamation.

   "Isn't it? How long has it been since we landed?"

   "Is there half a month?"

   "Half a month from zero to now?"

   "This kind of interception capability, our air defense missiles are no more than that!"


   If you first felt the expansion of these creeps through the HD shot of the track, there was only a little tension.

   Now that they felt their attack, it immediately caused an uproar.

  The original 'talking' voices all disappeared.

   It's really scary!

  It just landed!

   Even if Umbrella's mechanized and intelligent production capacity is fully utilized, it can barely reach this level at most, right?

  But these things were pulled out of flesh and blood? !

   It’s been like this for half a month, so it’s better to delay it a little longer?

   "Even with today's Umbrella's technology, if you send a robot over there, you have to explore minerals first, and then start with smelting, right? The materials have to be delivered step by step, but these things start directly?"

   "Did they have the initial resources in their 'spaceship'?"

   "It's scary enough anyway, it must be resolved quickly!"



   All the people in the world are paying attention to the movement of Mars. Even the players in "Abyss World" came out to watch, and the traditional spaceships that arrived first were also preparing to drop bombs to complete the orbital bombing.

   And they are all approved at the fastest speed, taking advantage of the guidance of several landing detectors to increase the accuracy of positioning.

  The weak atmosphere of Mars has many disadvantages, but it also has advantages relative to bombing.

  That is relatively less affected by the airflow!

   "Depending on the situation, the bomb will also be intercepted."

   "Don't release all the first batches. Adjust the settings according to their interception heights and carry out air blasts to destroy the interception system on the surface."

   "Understood, Umbrella's spaceship is coming soon, let's clear the obstacles for them first, the rest is up to them..."


   At the same time, after the brain worm in the underground cave covered by creep looked at the screen in front of him that was constantly playing simple pixel animation, a trace of disdain seemed to appear on that hideous worm face

   "It's another idiot who wants to use the swarm. Sure enough, intelligence is not a necessary option in evolution."

  The hoarse abyssal language uttered from the mouth of the hanging mummy, and just one glance at the cerebrum, which has brought together many excellent genetic modifications of the Zerg, already understood the opponent's goals and plans.

  Hiding important members underground is one of Zerg's instinctive reactions, so it's the same without this icon.

  But if you send out this kind of warning alone, then the attack you will face later should be a bit interesting.

  The tentacles pierced into the creep, and the brainworm seemed to follow the lines on the creep, directly connecting with the Euglena outside.

  The compound eyes kept locking on several spaceships in orbit, watching them drop continuous objects downward.

  However, according to the capture and positioning of the three-headed eye worm, the brain worm quickly calculated the trajectory of these throwing objects.

   "With so many shots, there are only three that can hit head-on. The hit rate is not high."

   Then a giant sunflower that looked like flesh and blood also began to rotate and detect.

   "Without a magic reaction, no high-magic creatures can be born in this lazy magic environment..."

   "There is a chance to capture an individual to extract genes, it should be a civilization without gods."

  The nuclear bomb is still in the process of being thrown. Through the physical locking of the eye worm and the detection of magic power by the magic worm, the brain worms of this Zerg race have quickly made an initial judgment.

  Although it was a little surprising that the cerebrum mechanism was activated by the abyss monster, since it was born, it must solve the problem for this ethnic group.

  Destroy and devour that civilization, this is the meaning and mission of its birth!

  The biggest option accompanying the birth of a brain worm is 'war'!

  As the plasma worm was recharged, the ejected plasma was ejected towards the nearest three nuclear bombs that fell.

  The detonation conditions have been issued in advance, and the nuclear bombs that were ready for air explosion from the beginning also detonated almost at the same time before entering the interception range! .

  Because of the density of the Martian atmosphere, the direct lethality of the airburst may be smaller. However, the three million-ton nuclear bombs still showed this group of alien bugs the ultimate weapon from the earth.

  Three **** of fire, equivalent to six times the equivalent of the New York nuclear explosion, completely covered the basin on the surface!

  The strong light that appeared first was like the sun appearing out of thin air, instantly drying up all the giant functional Zerg on the surface!

  The creep also burst into flames out of thin air!

  After the strong light and radiation washed the ground first, the subsequent fireballs devoured everything on the ground. The terrifying impact made the ground tremble, and the strong wind swept the dust on the surface and rolled away towards the distance in an instant!

  Although the thin atmosphere weakens the shock waves generated, the scope of the impact is wider.

  The mushroom cloud after the fireball also rose into the sky...


  Because it is connected to the outside by the creep, it is also connected to the Euglena, a functional Zerg that is extremely sensitive to optics and can sense electromagnetic waves of various wavelengths in a full frequency band.

  The strong light stimulation that came along with the trend not only scrapped the Euglena on the spot, but also burned many nerves of the brain worm along the connection of the creep, causing violent shaking.

What's this?

  Three of these little things caused such a horrible explosion? !

  Feeling the vibration of the cave, the brain worm finally realized how accurate the reminder animation was.

   This power is already comparable to the forbidden curse!

   Those legendary mages on the floating city cooperated with the power of the mage tower to release the legendary war magic of this scale!

   But here, such a small thing can form such a terrifying power? !

  This has already involved the transformation of matter and energy, which belongs to the domain of gods!

   This time, the cerebrum really looked at the opponent squarely...

   Chapter 725

  Looking at the mushroom cloud rising into the sky, the earth side is also paying close attention to it, and I don't know what the result of the attack will be.

   It's a pity that the nuclear bomb itself is too powerful, and the aftermath is too large, which will affect subsequent throwing.

  Otherwise, immediately put in other nuclear bombs with the function of penetrating into the ground to make up the knife, the effect should be the best.

  Now, in order to ensure accuracy, we must wait until the impact of the nuclear bomb dissipates before dropping all the remaining nuclear bombs.

   "At this distance, all the things on the opponent's surface should be wiped out. If those on the surface can withstand nuclear bombs, then we are really out of luck..."

   "Must be leveled!"

   "There is smoke but no injury, I'm so scared, I'm afraid that when the dust from the nuclear bomb dissipates, I will see a larger swarm of insects..."

   "Umbrella's 'Constellation I' is coming."

   "Is it finally here? This side has been bombed once."

   "The mass is completely different, 'Xingxiu I' is bigger than the others combined."


  Among the many voices, Umbrella's Constellation I finally spiraled into the Mars synchronous orbit, and stopped over the nuclear explosion zone.

   Because of the relationship between the mass and rotation of Mars, the synchronous orbit is about 20,000 kilometers away from the center of the earth, and about 17,000 kilometers away from the ground.

  Based on some of the defensive equipment that appeared in the early days of those bugs and the previous interception methods, it is temporarily impossible to launch an effective attack on this position.

  So ‘Xingxiu I’ stopped very steadily.

  After reaching the orbit, multiple high-definition probes were also turned on to lock the nuclear explosion area below.

  Wang Yi also came to Penglai's command center at this time, looking at many parameters about the 'Xingxiu I'.

   "The bugs are not invincible. This blow should be enough to destroy all the initial accumulations on the surface, destroy all the functional insects, and the nutrients in the egg case should be almost consumed."

  Wang Yi has already made a preliminary judgment based on his knowledge of the Abyss Zerg.

Once the group of things that are almost full of survival are on the ground, it is very difficult to eradicate them. After hiding underground, Wang Yi's original goal was to curb their development, so as not to use the egg case at the beginning. Nutrients and initial eggs and disorderly expansion.

   "All parties have sent inquiries about whether their remaining nuclear bombs will cooperate with us."

  Lin Shiqin appeared beside Wang Yi with a smile and asked.

   "Let's keep it for now, let them complete the monitoring of the spaceship divisions in different orbits, and cooperate with the long-term monitoring and cleaning strikes in the future..."

  Wang Yi said with a sigh that if there is no way to eradicate it, the only thing to do is stay vigilant and prepared.

  'Constellation I' is specially designed for space interception, and so is the weapon system.

  Although because of the size and function of ‘Constellation I’, it also carries a probe that is going to be launched to the asteroid belt, but the main purpose this time is still for the uninvited guests from space.

   It’s just that Wang Yi didn’t know it was a bug at first, so the main weapon he designed was space attack.

  In the vacuum environment of space, many conventional weapons actually have limited effects.

  The best attack is actually gamma rays. The vacuum environment of space does not need to consider the problem of ionized atmosphere. The direct high-intensity gamma rays are enough to wipe out all kinds of dissatisfaction. Taking a step back, laser weapons are also quite good.

   But unfortunately, this kind of thing consumes too much energy, and the converted output power is also a troublesome problem.

  If the power of the beam weapon is not enough, it will look a little embarrassing.

  So although the "Constellation I" also has a high-power beam weapon launcher, it is mainly used to prevent small high-speed units from sticking to the face, and it is not intended to be the main attack force.

   The relatively high cost performance must be an electromagnetic kinetic energy weapon.

   The main gun of Constellation I is a large-caliber electromagnetic gun!

  As the ‘Constellation I’ adjusted its direction on the orbit, the position of the muzzle in front slowly also faced the land of Mars.

  Back then, the "Stand of God" project was proposed during the Star Wars period, using tungsten rods to project directly in space, and purely relying on kinetic energy to generate damage.

  However, this plan was eventually falsified by a big country in the East. After trying it once on the Gobi, it was found that the power was very average, not as good as conventional ballistic missiles.


   That is a free landing movement, and the earth's atmosphere is still hundreds of times denser than that of Mars. The strong air resistance itself is also a problem.

  Now, in the synchronous orbit 17,000 kilometers above the surface of Mars, it is adjusted with the muzzle of ‘Constellation I’.

   Also began to reveal the initial splendor of modern space-based weapons!

  As Umbrella played the external camera screen of ‘Constellation I’, it revealed the majestic main gun in front of it.

  Many people who have been watching on the earth can't help but put a 'question mark'.

"what is this?"

   "Space-based weapons?"

   "Ah this..."

   "The original research and development of this thing should not be for fighting bugs, right?"

   "Who is that hitting?"

   "The beauty is trembling."


  Following the discussion among netizens, many people in Damei and the organization felt cold sweat on their foreheads.


   At the beginning, I was still staring at your mecha, but in the end, what did you take out without making a sound?

  The muzzle looks very rude!

  But while cursing in their hearts, many beautiful and high-level executives also heaved a sigh of relief.

  Umbrella was surprisingly reliable when he was an ally...

  As the main gun was recharged, everyone gradually discovered that there was something similar to the image of the main gun.

  Especially when the electric arc starts to flicker, I seem to have seen it somewhere!

   "Do you think this thing is similar to a mass projector?"

   "Shock! Space-based mass projector?"

   "Going from the earth to space needs to overcome gravity and strong air resistance, but now if we bomb Mars in the opposite direction, gravity will become a boost instead, and the air resistance will be much smaller..."


   Before more people could react, the main gun of the ‘Constellation I’ also let out a roar.


Even the volume of 'Xingxiu I' has obviously moved back a lot, a stream of light penetrated the atmosphere of Mars in an instant, tore apart the mushroom cloud produced by the previous nuclear explosion, and directly wiped away the black mass like an eraser. The mushroom cloud completely erases and runs through!


  The entire basin where the Zerg is located has once again set off a burst of dust. It seems that the dull vibration of the earth can be felt in space.

  However, the next moment, the central area broke through the ground again, setting off a group of violent fireballs, like the scorching sun shining on the sky, destroying everything in front of it!

   This directly made everyone's eyes widen.

   Damn it!

  伱Electromagnetic launch or nuclear bomb? !

  Control the amount of fissile material so that it reaches the threshold when the electromagnetic acceleration is not allowed, and detonates directly to form fusion when the impact is completed.

  Umbrella’s spaceship, with its main gun fired, has truly achieved the equality of all beings. It doesn’t give ground targets any time to react, and its accuracy rate is off the charts!

  As the main gun was accumulating energy, before the first fireball had completely dissipated, the second shot had broken through the fireball and hit the target area again!

   "Beautiful would like to thank Umbrella for not killing her."

   "Zerg: Then I shouldn't thank you?"

   "It has to be Umbrella..."

   "Yes, full of sense of security and reliability."

   "Should be killed this time, right? Bugs burrowing into the ground should be useless..."

   "Not necessarily, it depends on how deep they drilled..."

  After firing ten rounds of the main cannon in a row, the Constellation I spacecraft also stopped firing, just floating above the synchronous orbit of Mars.

  At the same time, Umbrella also issued an official statement

"When the aftermath of the nuclear explosion disappears, we will send a landing module to send a batch of robots down for investigation, and 'Constellation I' will stay in Mars orbit for the time being for monitoring. At that time, other spaceships should go to different orbits to monitor whether there are other areas. Bugs came out..."

  Although he hasn’t investigated yet, Wang Yi actually knows that the group of gadgets with full survival points is unlikely to be removed in one go. They should mainly develop underground in the future.

  When the opportunity is right, Mars will still go there. If he takes the beheading action, he should be stronger...

  Chapter 726 Risk Controllable

  The dust and smoke from the nuclear explosion were still rolling in the air, and the two landing pods started galloping towards the basin below with flames.

  The landing module was completely dark, with thick smoke billowing, and the displayed external temperature was still hundreds of degrees high, but the row of robots inside did not show any hesitation or tension.

   Just sit quietly with all kinds of weapons.

   From time to time, there will be some shaking with the vibration of the landing module.


  The landing module broke through the black smoke of the nuclear explosion and appeared above the basin.

  Although it has left the thickest smoke and dust area, the place below is still very dark at this time. The mushroom cloud above the head blocks most of the sunlight, causing the landing module to actively turn on the searchlights.

  Occasionally some fireballs will fall in the black mushroom cloud in the sky, and the scene is like the end of the world.

  The tragedy of the basin below, which was taken care of by continuous nuclear explosions, also appeared in the camera.

  The creeps on the original surface and those giant functional insects were all wiped out, leaving no residue.

  There are only nuclear explosion craters and lava shining red in the craters.

   In the middle, the huge deep pit that was pierced by the main gun of "Xingxiu I" and detonated is in front of you, showing the majesty of the most powerful weapon of mankind.


  Following the spray of flames from the bottom of the landing craft, the two landing craft have also slowly docked on the ground, and then twelve robots and twenty-four mechanical dogs walked out of each boat.

   There are no UAVs, and the atmosphere of Mars does not have the conditions for UAVs to move easily, at least the aerodynamic ones are not good, and the jetting ones cannot stay in the air for a long time.

   Even so, a total of forty-eight mechanical dogs, each of which began to shake continuously after landing, some small 'flea' robots fell from the mechanical dogs, and began to move towards the surroundings with extremely dexterity and speed.

   After discovering a few potholes dug by the Zerg, they quickly poured into them for early detection and signal transfer base stations.

   And these pictures were also sent back to the earth along the signal, and displayed in front of everyone.

   "This is the power of the nuclear bomb..."

   "New York eats this stuff?"

   "There are reinforced concrete buildings blocking, so the direct damage of the nuclear explosion is limited, and the equivalent is not so large."

   "Umbrella's technology is really nothing to say, look at the guns equipped with those robots are all electromagnetic guns."

   "The mechanical dog also has it, and the muzzle also has a Gatling-style machine gun and the same type that swept the Gaul Foreign Legion back then."

   "The small robots that landed on the mechanical dogs are for detection."

   "Sure enough, when Umbrella sold the civilian version, they didn't know which version they used..."

   "There is also a turret on the landing module, and it has begun to deform and stand up."

   "Should be responsible for signal transmission, they memorized a lot of things..."


  As various voices appeared one after another, Umbrella also made an information disclosure with a heavy tone

"I'm sorry to tell you that our main artillery bombardment has failed. According to several passages, these bugs have dug deep into the ground. Although their surface units have been wiped out, the initial resources of the egg case should have been destroyed. Exhausted, but not completely eradicated."

   While talking, some pictures appeared in Umbrella's public video, all of which were taken by the 'Flea' robot after it entered the hole.

  When the passages that were discovered were just entered, all the creeps were burned, and there was a sense of dryness around the passages.

   But as I went deeper, I saw the covered creep again!

  The dark purple creep looks sticky, wet and disgusting, and the detection lights don't reflect much on it.

   This obviously shows that the bugs are continuing to penetrate, and there are still many surviving.

   "That kind of creep has a kind of corrosiveness, and there is nerve electrical signal transmission in it. At the same time, it should also serve as a 'detection' network for the Zerg. Once you step on it, you may be discovered by them."

In the picture, several flea robots are stuck on the creep by the viscous bacterial liquid. Although it is made of corrosion-resistant magic metal, the slight corrosion on the surface can already be seen, and the creep is also stretching. Some hyphae began to entangle towards the trapped flea robot.

  This disgusting picture made many people feel a little nauseous looking at it.

   I didn't expect that the creep left by the bugs would have this function!

   No wonder the tone is so heavy. I am afraid that the mechanical team sent by Umbrella this time will not have the effect of exterminating them at all. At most, they can only investigate and find out.

   "There is electrical signal transmission in the creep. Since it is judged to have detection and communication functions, electric shock should be effective in preventing it."

   After the voice finished speaking, the few flea robots trapped by the mucus began to release all the energy they carried.

  The strong blue light flickered, and the electric arc could clearly be seen across the creep, and the roaring sound from inside the cave could be vaguely heard.

  The nearby creepers seemed to lose their activity, and the movement of mycelium began to stop.

   After a few more flea robots stepped on it, there was no follow-up attack.

"The signal in the cave is not good. We rely on the parallel connection of mechanical signals to complete the network coverage with each flea robot as the base station, which can allow the robot to investigate a little deeper. The use of electrical signals is already quite skillful, and it is possible to directly capture the air radio, and can detect the weakness of these robots, so as to intercept the attack. However, the instructions of the robots have been issued in advance, and after cutting off the signal, they can also rely on the built-in chip to carry out autonomous attacks. A certain prediction..."

  Umbrella’s official announcement explained some possible problems that may be encountered. When the two landing pods outside completed their transformation, more ‘flea’ robots began to pour into the hole to serve as signal base stations.

A total of 24 weapons-carrying robots and 48 mechanical dogs outside began to be divided into four teams, one of which stayed in place to guard the landing cabin, and the other three teams divided into three groups and headed for the three passages. Go deeper.

"It's not that we want to divide the troops, but that the environment in these passages is all crowded together, which will limit the performance. In this case, it is better to divide the troops. The purpose of this time is not expected to be too high. It is mainly about detection and understanding. To destroy as much as possible, each team also carried a portable thermonuclear bomb, going as deep as possible before detonating."

  Although Umbrella's words seemed to be a bit of an understatement, they could make everyone feel a sense of pressure.

   Seeing that each team has a robot carrying a silver metal box, they also understand what is in this metal box...

   da da ~

  The sound of mechanical footsteps sounded on the screen, and at this time Umbrella's screen also turned into four sub-pictures.

  One is near the landing cabin outside, and the other three are the in-depth exploration team.

  I thought that this place had just been bombed by a nuclear bomb, and even if there were still remaining bugs, they should hide first, so as not to appear so soon.

  But it took less than half an hour for the three teams to explore the channel just now.

   Several other channels near the landing module began to vibrate.

   Following the appearance of the first soldier insect with a size of four to five meters and a huge pincer-like mouthpart, the follow-up soldier insects swarmed out and rushed towards the landing module!

  Many bugs still have burn marks on the surface, which may be the residual damage from the aftermath of the previous nuclear bomb, but they seem to be completely indifferent to pain, fatigue, and death.

   Swarming under the sweeping firepower!

   da da da ~

  The electromagnetic Gatling spewed out continuous sparks, and under the embellishment of tracer bullets, a dense cross-fire network was directly formed to cover all the bugs that emerged.

The soldier insect that just jumped out and screamed, before closing its mouthparts, was instantly torn apart by several bullets, and the hard **** shell was torn apart. Fragments and flesh and blood flew horizontally. The mouthparts were completely broken, and it collapsed on the ground and rotted .

  Green juice splashes, bugs roar one after another!

  The sudden conflict and intensity really exceeded everyone's expectations.

   Unexpectedly, the bugs that had just been bombarded by the nuclear bomb could pop up so many at once, and they were not afraid of death!

  "The three deep teams have not been attacked, and the number of bugs should be insufficient, so I want to concentrate our efforts to eliminate the outer defensive team!"

   "They may really be able to capture electromagnetic waves, so they judge that the branch outside is the key node."

   "The control signal of the detection team inside is also relayed by the outside? Once the outside falls, will the inside also be finished..."


  Regardless of people's concerns, Wang Yi looked at the shooting scene but nodded

   "It's not bad, it can be called cunning, but its intelligence and strategy are still relatively average."

   Actually making this kind of arrangement is a kind of temptation and temptation.

  After knowing that they drilled into the ground, Wang Yi knew that it was impossible to completely destroy them in this attack.

   Then use the greatest damage to delay their development and temptation.

   This time, I took the initiative to arrange three teams to go deep, leaving one is actually a way of testing.

   It seems that there are not many guards left, but in fact, because the landing module is here, the ammunition left is extremely abundant.

  Modern firepower coverage, the most troublesome place is actually logistics and ammunition.

   But the worm couldn't understand this, and chose the'cunning' behavior of stealing the house.

  This also seems to indicate that they lack experience in confronting modern military forces like humans.

   On the contrary, Wang Yi discovered through some details of their actions and the magic power detection equipment on Constellation I that in addition to the full-band capture of electromagnetic waves, they also carried out magic power detection on the magic power side.

   Should have rich experience in confronting magic civilization.

  Thinking about it, Wang Yi himself is very active in studying them. A mage who finds such an excellent tool will definitely do everything possible to capture it. After a long period of confrontation, he will gain experience.


  Risk, overall controllable...


  (end of this chapter)

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