Chapter 510 The end of the initial confrontation is on track

  Chapter 510 The end of the first confrontation - on track

  When the swarm began to be attacked near the landing cabin outside, the three robot teams that went deep into the cave were also advancing rapidly.

   Every time a certain distance is traveled, a flea robot will discharge, paralyzing the creep function.

  In the external situation, they can also be synchronized through the flea robots along the way and even the data connection between each other.

  The fighting situation outside did not affect them at all.

  However, soon, the passageway covered with creeps began to vibrate.

  Obviously, the bugs didn't completely abandon the team that went directly into the cave.

The robot team, which had been showing a red glow, stopped quickly, and then the flea robot found a hidden entrance at the top of the passage, tore off the creep and began to drill in quickly, followed by two mechanical dogs dealing with complex terrain .

  The limbs of the mechanical dog quickly extended, resisting the wall of the hole above the head, and then quickly fixed and climbed upwards. The muzzle of the electromagnetic gun it carried was also shaking constantly, and it could fire at any time.

  The flea detection robot at the front has also detected the enemy coming from above.

   From the camera, you can see the tumbling and falling flesh spheres!

   da da da ~

  The shooting of the electromagnetic gun directly drew out rays of light in the dark passage above, instantly blasting all the flesh and blood spheres rolling down above!

  The flesh and blood can be seen on the outside, but the cuticle and shell cannot be seen. It is extremely easy to shoot, much easier than those soldiers and insects outside.

  Electromagnetic gun penetrates directly and easily.

  However, with the bursting of these meat balls, the thick green viscous blood water fell down like an explosion, and drenched on the two mechanical dogs.


  Even if the body is made of corrosion-resistant alloy, but under the water of this viscous blood, white smoke quickly rises.

   Severe signs of corrosion quickly appeared on his body.

   The limbs supporting the wall were also eroded, and the corrosion visible to the naked eye became thinner and then broke!

   The two mechanical dogs, which were stuck firmly at the entrance of the cave and could climb up, just fell down with pools of pus and fell to the ground.

   There are also many flea robots that entered in advance.

  The other mechanical units of the team, who had seen the situation through the camera, also avoided the hole in advance and were not directly poured on.

  But at this time, from the front of this passage, there are also several meat ball insects that are constantly bouncing, rolling and approaching quickly!

   da da ~

  The firearms blasted these bugs, bursting out a large amount of corrosive blood.

   Moreover, the bursting of these bugs seems to be able to control the internal pressure, and they are spraying towards this side!

  In addition, in the top hole that the two mechanical dogs climbed into before, new coccidia began to fall, and the distance was obviously much closer.

   "The enemy is strong, and apply for a nuclear explosion."

   Various signs of corrosion soon appeared on the six robots and the remaining ten mechanical dogs.

   began to slowly fall down with missing arms and legs.

   But the shooting didn't stop for a minute, preventing those coccidia that had great lethality and destructive power in the hole.

  As the red light in the eyes of the robot carrying the nuclear bomb box flickered, the red light on the nuclear bomb box on its back also lit up simultaneously!

  At the same time, the landing pod guard team that was continuing to resist the Zerg attack outside, all the robots also showed red light at this time, and then quickly retreated into the landing pod, without the slightest resistance to the bugs.

   Bang~ Bang~

  The two landing pods seemed to explode and ejected from the bottom, and immediately took the remaining mechanical units inside and bounced towards the distance.

   However, one of them was suddenly sprayed by a cloud of highly concentrated corrosive liquid when it was in mid-air, and then fell heavily.

   Before this one fell to the ground, the ground began to vibrate violently and then quickly bulged upwards.

  It expands and cracks as quickly as bread in the oven!

  In an instant, it shattered and produced a fireball that soared into the air!

   Then the second time, and the third time!

  The three teams that went deep into the ground all detonated their nuclear bombs at the same time.

  The landing module, which was trying to leave the nuclear explosion area by the final ejection, still failed to escape the fate of being engulfed by the explosion, and lost contact with the final picture...


  After seeing the nuclear explosion on the surface of Mars again from the perspective of space orbit, people on the earth who have been paying attention also felt a kind of inner heaviness.

   Still failed!

  Obviously, the initial nuclear bombing, as well as the main artillery bombardment of the Umbrella spacecraft, failed to damage the worms.

  Follow-up login investigations may be the same!

   When outside, the worms with sharp teeth and claws were mobilized to besiege, and in the passage, those disgusting coccidia that could burst out concentrated acid were used.

   For combat, these bugs are just as pro!

  The performance is no worse than that of Umbrella's raid team...

  A completely different but efficient way of fighting!

  Similar to the mechanical team sent by Umbrella this time, the Zerg are not afraid of death at all in battle, and even have bugs specially designed for self-destruction.

   There is nothing Umbrella can do to fight at the opponent's home court...

"At present, all the advance exploration teams have lost contact. 'Constellation I' will continue to float in the Mars synchronous orbit to monitor the movements of the Zerg. Currently, relying on the main gun can temporarily ensure that their surface scale is controllable before 'Constellation I' is shot down. But based on the current observation of the underground passages, they can develop underground for enough time..."

  Umbrella issued an announcement after the advance exploration team lost contact.

   "Currently Mars is moving away from the earth's orbit, and we need to continue to build new spacecraft. I am afraid that the next time we arrive on Mars, the Mars will be covered with these bugs..."

  "One fact that we must accept is that we will probably be neighbors with these bugs for a long time to come."

  Umbrella's announcement can be said to make many people feel heavy.

  Although they have been clamoring about nuclear bombs destroying the world, in fact, the power of nuclear bombs can be calculated. Even if the global nuclear bombs are counted, it is still too far away from destroying the world!

   As far as the current performance is concerned, the Zerg is very strong, and its combat effectiveness is also quite good, but at least it still shows little resistance to nuclear bombs.


   Their survival ability is too strong!

  It’s like cockroaches, but they have been given more than half a month to develop, and they can already achieve this level. Even the resources with the initial egg case are too exaggerated.

   This is equivalent to having the survivability of cockroaches and locusts, and possessing a unique biological evolution ability!

   "Although I don't want to admit it, but in terms of the current performance of these bugs, even if human beings go extinct naturally, I'm afraid they can still dance on our graves."

   "This is too exaggerated!"

   "The combat power is okay, but what the **** is this adaptability?"

   "Hehe, in fact, the combat effectiveness is hard to say! We are attacking with the latest technology brought out by Umbrella, electromagnetic nuclear bombs, robot special attack, so beautiful and thank you for not killing!"

   "Yeah, looking at the attack of those bugs, I can't imagine whether we humans can resist if we adopt normal battles before..."

   "And their ability to reproduce is also here. Is it possible that there will be a sea of ​​insects in the starry sky in the future?"

   "They won't eat up the resources of Mars..."

   Chapter 728

  The performance of the Zerg has brought a kind of panic to spread around the world.

In a sense, it can be regarded as the **** of the earth's creatures. Wang Yi can also feel the influence of that fear. He has even gathered a lot of faith in the Hall of Valor, which is faster than the previous accumulation speed. much faster.

  However, Wang Yi was far less worried than they were about this.

  The Zerg have the ability to project into space, but since their egg cases have to be launched and roam in space for so long, we know that this ability to project is still limited, not to say that human technology is completely invincible.

   It's just normal, it's not a wise choice to fight with the Zerg all the time.

  Some people on the Internet are right, the adaptability of that kind of thing is here, it is really exhausting, and even if the human being is extinct, people can still dance on the grave.

   But for the Zerg, it is absolutely possible to use some experience in confrontation with other worlds to face it.

Although the foreign world suffered heavy losses in the insect disaster, which can be called a disaster of annihilation, in the end, under the intervention of the gods, it directly killed the brain worm and the female worm, and captured the newly born female worm, forcing the Zerg race rout.

  In fact, it means that it is meaningless to kill more minions of this kind of thing, and the core two must be picked out.

   If it really doesn’t work, Wang Yi can only follow suit.

  In fact, even if the Zerg really broke through and entered the earth, Wang Yi would have no problem activating all the mage towers to transform the magic power of the abyss at any cost to fight the sea of ​​undead against the sea of ​​insects.

   Bugs are natural disasters, but so are undead...

  However, this is the worst policy. If the abyss is really fully connected, the earth will be eroded, so the best method is to complete the beheading, which is the most cost-effective.

  As far as the current calculation and deduction is concerned, the initial goal of this attack has been achieved.

   The initial resources of the Zerg egg cases were exhausted, and the subsequent three nuclear bombs also dealt another wave of blows to them. Now they have to re-grow and eat Martian rocks again, but the growth rate is much slower.

   Without the decomposed and synthesized functional insects in the egg case, it would take a lot of time to digest and utilize the Martian stone alone, and the functional insects need to be accumulated again first.

  It’s good to have some external pressure now, so as not to think about bombing this and that every day, and those who are afraid of reality, come to the game to mine...


  New neighbors appeared in the solar system, and the Zergs settled down on Mars. The two sides greeted each other with a "friendly and friendly" greeting at the beginning, but in the end, neither of them could do anything to the other.

  However, Umbrella’s ‘Constellation I’ parked in orbit is still a sharp blade hanging above the Zerg’s head, monitoring them all the time.

   After the 'Constellation I' began to enter the monitoring mode, several probes were launched on the 'Constellation I', flying towards the asteroid belt further away.

   There are bugs coming here. I am afraid that the resources on the earth are not enough, so I went to see the work of asteroid exploration and mining.

   If you can find silver mines, that would be great...

  At the same time, after the appearance of new neighbors like bugs, it may not be a bad thing for Wang Yi.

  Under external pressure, it can radiate more motivation.

  Countries have also begun to carry out corresponding research and development based on some current information and clues about the Zerg, design some professional equipment and weapons, and start military expansion almost at the same time!

  At the same time, Umbrella's various orders for robots have also increased significantly.

  Excess and rich production capacity is piled up towards the military.

   In the previous brief confrontation, Umbrella's robot team was at least not inferior to the Zerg.

  At the same time, the first batch of closed beta players in "Abyss World" also received more popularity.

  Because of the pressure brought by the Zerg, capital also wants to increase investment in this future second world out of risk aversion factors.

  The first batch of players who got the beta test quota naturally became a favorite.

Some large companies have even begun to organize their employees to conduct "magic course teaching" in a unified way, playing the video of the magic course every day, and even inviting some top experts in cutting-edge laboratories to explain some principles of magic from a scientific point of view. Help understand.

   Various teachers of mathematics and magic numbers have also become popular, and are invited to give lectures by various invitations, so prepare in advance.

At the same time, those big groups also have a clear division of labor. In addition to screening out people who are suspected of having enough intelligence and a high probability of being qualified as mages to receive magic teaching, a large number of employees have begun to accept teachings on 'manual machine tools', 'minerals', 'forging', and 'principles of firearms'. Knowledge learning!

  Obviously, although Okita Yuling seized the opportunity, he even hugged Mr. Qin's thigh, wooed the big pineapple, and took the lead in establishing the "Abyss Mineral Company", which is now considered to be the only one in the beta test period.

  However, many top consortiums have decided to avoid capital risks, and after starting to prepare for a large-scale entry into them, there will still inevitably be competition...


"Brother Okita, things are a bit troublesome. Based on what I have learned so far, workers in many large factories who have been replaced by robots will not be fired at all. Instead, they will start learning the knowledge in "Abyss World". We are going to copy it directly, we have a big disadvantage in terms of numbers..."

  Qin Xiang obviously has much more news channels, and other people have expressed their desire to cooperate.

  Now 'Abyss Minerals Company' is undoubtedly the gathering place for the first life players in the beta test.

   Even after the internal test, due to the limited number of people, it may still maintain a sufficient advantage.

  But when it comes to the public beta, when those big manufacturers start pouring in, the problem becomes troublesome.

   At that time, they will be real 'skilled workers'.

   Although Okita Yuling was also under pressure, Qin Xiang, who looked at the indifferent attitude in front of him, kept his emotions stable and said

   "Games and reality are still different after all. The preparation and use of machines, as well as the depiction of magic inscriptions are all placed here. As long as we have the skilled players who grasp the original magic pattern depiction, we can always maintain the advantage."

   After saying this, he paused again, and said in a slow tone

   "And now that we have this advantage, can we use it as a bargaining chip to attract other people to join us? At least those domestic manufacturers, do we have opportunities for cooperation?"

  He knew that he was an ordinary person with good luck, even if it was just mineral exploration, there were many people who were better than him.

   Now that this is a rare opportunity, it will definitely not work if you have been stubbornly dominating and not letting the profits go out.

  Qin wants to invest in himself, but it doesn't mean that he must only invest in himself!

   Now, it depends on how many people he wants to attract, and then everyone packs up and rolls together to make the cake bigger.

  No matter how you have the first-mover advantage in the closed beta, there is a high probability that the closed beta will also be the first-mover advantage on your own side, and there are still things that can be sold alone.

   On this point, he and Big Pineapple have already settled their quarrel, and the other party agrees.

   "Okay, then I'll go and talk to them. Now that they're putting on this posture, they're actually just trying to put pressure on us. It's hard to say about foreign countries, but we can still find some connections in China..."

  Qin Xiang smiled, since he got Umbrella's offline agency, his voice and status are completely different.

   Leaving aside the discussion of interests in advance, at least the matter of face is okay.

   How to distribute the specific benefits will be discussed at that time, and everyone will meet to reach a consensus first.

  Group together in the country to gain the first-mover advantage, just let the group of guys abroad eat ashes...

  Chapter 729 On the right track

  Abyss, Enzo leads.

  In the laboratory of the Mage Tower in the Silver Fortress, Wang Yi raised his hand to freeze Enzo Void, and the phantom of the Hall of Valor was looming above it.

  During this period of time, the fear and many negative emotions born of the Zerg were separated by him, and then injected into Enzo's body.

   "Too much, too much!"

   Enzuo was pressed in the air by Wang Yi and screamed, but Wang Yi didn't pay any attention to it.

  He was only sensing the strength and changes of Enzo's soul, and if there was no sense of dissipation, it meant that he could still bear it.

   "Concentrate, I will create a false **** for you."

   Wang Yi outlines that Enzo's life form has not yet reached the level of a god, not even a demigod.

But Wang Yi used the Flame Dog as the base, forcibly blended and created a virtual **** to entrust Enzo's divinity, and then used the mixed beliefs gathered in the Hall of Valor to match the honorable name of Cerberus to stabilize his status. Divinity is creating artificial false gods.

  Beliefs formed by eight billion highly intelligent beings, even if only some of the negative and chaotic belief powers were stripped out, Enzo's directly rising Enzo kept shaking, as if his soul was about to be torn apart.

   "Very good, it is exactly as I expected."

  Waving his hand at will, Enzo's body also fell from the air to the ground, like a dead dog, without moving for a long time.

  Wang Yi just waved his hand, a crack appeared in the void and cut off one of Enzo's claws, and then took him to the laboratory to test the changes.

   Originally, Enzo was the legendary abyss lord, with a strong regenerative ability, a claw was nothing.

Now he has forcibly fused a false **** into him. Although it will not increase his strength all at once, but with the entrusted **** position and stable honor, relying on the power of follow-up faith, he also has a new promotion route. can go.

  The stopped strength can be improved again.

  This stupid dog is definitely inferior to those gods who have achieved their own **** status, and the gap is far away, but it is expected to be promoted to the demigod level in the short term, and to touch the corner of the true **** under long-term expectations.

   "Thank you master for the reward..."

   After Enzuo lay on the ground like a dead dog and let Wang Yi cut one of his paws, he even grunted and chirped to express his gratitude.

  Although it was a little painful, he didn't dare to think that he could take such a step before!


   Isn't the lifetime potential of the gods achieved by oneself restricted?

   Please, I didn’t have a chance to step into the path of demigod, okay, now this is a shortcut.

  This is like the difference between a person earning a small goal by relying on his own hard work and talent and winning a small goal by winning a lottery. There is indeed a huge gap in ability and status.

   But if you let an ordinary person make a choice, do you want to start from scratch and try to start a business with no guarantee of success, enjoy the process, or choose to win the lottery directly to get this harvest?

  Enzo chose the latter without hesitation.

  The broken claw was entangled with tendrils, and soon a new claw recovered, and after Enzo recovered, he left here and lay down on the square again, continuing to complete the interaction with the players...


  In a rocky area lined with strange rocks in Enzo's territory, seven or eight figures surrounded a Yan dog with a clear division of labor.

  Three figures in heavy armor and holding shields constantly take turns taking damage from the Flaming Dog, restricting its movement.

   "Don't let it rush! Prick its legs! Prick its legs!"


The heavy collision between the shield and the Flaming Dog caused sparks to radiate, causing the heavy armored warrior holding the shield to retreat and slide for more than ten meters before he stabilized. Two deep marks were drawn on the red soil on the ground, and obvious depressions appeared on the shield. .

   On the other side, a new companion will soon take over, attracting the attention of the simple-minded Yangou.

   It can be seen that these three shield players are quite skilled in walking, stepping and even shield impacting methods.

  The results of hard training skills during this period are also displayed.

   While they were attracting attention in the front and kept blocking the Yangou's attacks, some spearmen continued to proficiently stab the Yangou's hind legs, and the blood and flesh on its hind legs had been blurred.

   This also makes Yangou's impact force smaller and smaller.

   "Very good! Try harder, it's almost dead!"

  The armored figure in the lead was full of joy, and the state of holding the shield in both hands was replaced by one hand. He also took out a one-handed hammer, and kept hitting Yangou on the head while blocking the attack.

   After the Flame Dog could no longer hit the player, it began to be blocked by the three shield-wielding silhouettes and kept knocking.

  The spearmen behind also changed their weapons, and replaced them with two-handed hammers and stepped forward to beat continuously.

   Every time the hammer hits, there will be a dull impact, and the Yan dog will howl when it hits.

   Then the roar became weaker and weaker, until he collapsed to the ground.

   "Very good! Tie it up, tie it up! Drag it back!"

  The man in the lead finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then they hurriedly took out the ropes and **** Yangou Wuhuada.

  Everyone has excited expressions on their faces.

   This set of equipment on them is much more expensive than heavy muskets!

  And the time and money spent on practicing skills, as well as the labor paid are not directly proportional.

  In order to ensure the efficiency of practicing skills, each of them spent money to hire Yaren instructors to guide them throughout the process. They would point out where the movements were not standard, and they would also practice and teach the skills of dealing with Yangou.

   Relying on so many days of hard training, I have achieved what I am today!

  However, their efforts finally paid off at this time!

  Catch Yangou alive!

As long as you bring back the captured Flame Dog, you can find Lord Enzo once you have reached level 2 in domestication and level 5 in riding. Uh, Lord Cerberus should have signed the contract with Flame Dog. Become a Flame Dog Rider!

  The power of the Flame Dog is unquestionable, it has been fully reflected, and the key is that becoming a Flame Dog knight can command the Flame Dog to cooperate with the battle and release skills to make up for the Flame Dog's brain, and the combat power can become stronger!

  The first Yan dog they caught was bought by Master Qin Xiang for 100,000 credits, this is the second one.

  Because this end has already started to grab, the pre-order price has reached 120,000 credits!

  Before the birth of the second team capable of catching Flame Dog alive, they will be making a lot of money!

  Yangou must use the terrain to avoid the first charge, and then rely on their practice and cooperation. As long as they can find a suitable venue and a single object, there is a high probability of continuous capture.

   "Brother Lu, do we want to start a live broadcast next time to spread our fame? Last time I went back, I saw other teams started to train hard with the coach, and I guess there will be competitors soon."

  A team member said to the leading captain.

  They had videos for the first time and the second time, but they didn’t broadcast live or upload them to prevent others from stealing.

   But their income is so high, even if they don't upload it, they will definitely not be able to stop imitation. After all, it is not a unique skill.

   Now that others have started practicing, there is indeed no need to hide much.

   "I went offline to edit the videos of these two times. The business of selling Yangou can't last a lifetime, but the business in "Abyss World" can last a lifetime."

  Thinking that the 'Abyss Mineral Company' started to roll after becoming famous, Lu Yi also felt a burst of heroism in his heart.

  In fact, several companies have already contacted them, and they also tend to find a big company to accept support.

   While earning the first wave of hot money, while making a name for yourself, the asking price will be higher then...


   Update completed~

   May have to go out during the Dragon Boat Festival, so the amount of updates will be less



  (end of this chapter)

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