Chapter 107 Welcome ceremony with Chinese characteristics

Chapter 107 A welcoming ceremony with Chinese characteristics

As the girl spoke, she reached out to touch Jin Mao's head, only to see Jin Mao lying weakly on the ground, seemingly not in good spirits.

 “How old is it?” Shen Ge asked.

The girl replied: "I will be two years old this year."

 “Looks like he’s not in good spirits.”

 “Maybe…I’m tired after running for a day.”

"I'm here to see my friend. My friend lives in that building. I also have a dog at home. I'll bring him back to play with your golden retriever." Shen Ge pointed to a building and started to get the girl's information.

The girl was obviously so fascinated that she basically answered whatever Shen Ge asked. He asked for all the information about Golden Retriever with almost no effort.

Shen Ge excused himself with a friend and returned to the security room. However, the security guard retrieved all the surveillance videos during this period and could not find Lao Wang's whereabouts.

Shen Ge originally planned to go home, but after thinking about it, he took a taxi and went directly to the Special Policy Department. After reporting the golden retriever's situation to the Inspection Department for them to handle, he came to the minister's office.

It’s almost ten o’clock now. Deng Yuqi has been busy until now and is eating the food cooked in the cafeteria. She is obviously surprised when she sees Shen Ge coming in: “Why are you here?”

"There is something important to report." Shen Ge sat across from Deng Yuqi and said with a solemn expression.

“Oh, tell me.” Deng Yuqi continued to enjoy the food. She had known Shen Ge for four months, and she was used to the fact that the more serious his expression was, the less nutritious his words were.

Shen Ge said: "According to the current research conclusion of the Special Policy Department, strange things are all caused by the alienation of animals, but... I once saw a person with strange abilities, and today, I saw that person again."


Deng Yuqi spat out the food in her mouth with a shocked expression. Apparently she did not expect that what Shen Ge said was such a formal and explosive message!

If this is true, then not only the Department of Countermeasures, but also the whole world's countermeasures research will be a magnitude 10 earthquake!

 Human beings will alienate. This news is as exciting as the end of the world tomorrow!

“Are you serious?” Deng Yuqi put down the bowl and chopsticks and looked at Shen Ge with a serious expression, wanting to confirm the authenticity of this matter.

Shen Ge said: "This person's name is 'Wang Defa'. He was originally a security guard in the community where I live. He lives in the Xingfu Community on the street. A few months ago, it was the first time I experienced the strange incident in the water storage barrel on the rooftop of the company. A few days ago, I saw black strange energy in him."

"But at that time, I didn't know that this thing was called strange energy. Although I was curious, I didn't pay much attention to it. A few days later, I remembered it after experiencing a strange incident, but I hadn't seen Lao Wang for several days. , I went to his house to ask about the situation, and his wife said that the community organized a tour."

"But two years ago, our run-down community had a huge quarrel with the property owner over property management fees. It was impossible to have the money to organize security guards to travel, and except for Lao Wang, the rest of the security guards did not change. Later, After joining the special policy department, more and more things happened, and I forgot about this matter."

"But today I sent Cheng Shengnan home, and I saw Lao Wang again in the community opposite, and he still had some weird energy in him. But after I chased him into the community, I asked the security to call the surveillance camera, but there was no picture of him entering the community. .In the community, I met a golden retriever that was about to mutate. I reported the golden retriever’s information to the inspection department, and they are now sending people to deal with it.”

Although there was some "moisture" in Shen Ge's words, it was mainly to ensure the continuity of the incident and convince Deng Yuqi. Although the first time he received the system prompt that Lao Wang was Wei Wei with "three heads and six arms", he was still unable to see Wei Wei's weak body. Weird energy.

But just now at the gate of the community, even though he was far away from Lao Wang, he noticed that there was indeed a very weak black ghost energy floating around the other party.

"How is this possible..." Deng Yuqi was shocked. Human beings can become strange. This is not good news.

 After thinking for a while, Deng Yuqi pondered: "Tell me, is there a possibility...that Old Wang has some kind of alienated animal in his body?"

"We don't rule out the possibility. Even so, he has a weirdness about to be alienated, or a weirdness that has already been alienated, which is also very dangerous in itself." Shen Ge said.

Deng Yuqi nodded and said: "Yes, so no matter what, we must find Lao Wang as soon as possible and understand the truth of the matter. I will immediately let Feng Chengxiu lead the team, and then call other departments in Rong City to ask them to cooperate with us The whole city is searching for Lao Wang’s whereabouts.”

Shen Ge originally thought that it would not be too difficult to find a person if the Special Strategy Department took action and cooperated with the military and police departments of Rong City.

Unexpectedly, the next day, Deng Yuqi told him unexpected news.

According to Lao Wang’s wife, Lao Wang was buried in a landslide when traveling to Shizhaigou a few months ago. His body was cremated after being sent back, and the travel company also lost a large sum of money. So unless Shen Ge saw a ghost last night, he couldn't have met Lao Wang.

Regarding this point, Deng Yuqi chose to believe Shen Ge's words. After all, Shen Ge couldn't joke about this kind of thing. Secondly, Lao Wang "resurrected from the dead", which is also consistent with the strange event.

Deng Yuqi said that she would keep an eye on the matter personally. After comprehensive consideration, she did not report the matter to the headquarters. First, it was too unbelievable that human beings would be alienated. They are all contrary to each other. It is more reliable to report after confirmation.

 After all, no one can prove whether those strange powers are emanating from Lao Wang’s body, the strange energy equipment he carries with him, or the strange powers emanating from him.

Second, once this matter is reported, it means that Shen Ge’s secret will be known to more people. Deng Yuqi believes in people like Li Xiang and Feng Chengxiu, but does not trust the headquarters.

Shen Ge didn't want to be targeted by the headquarters, not to mention that he was about to go to Bang Country to perform a mission. "Exposing" at this time was undoubtedly asking for trouble.

Therefore, Deng Yuqi and Shen Ge decided after discussion that even if Lao Wang's matter was to be reported, they would have to wait until the end of the trip to the country to find an appropriate way to extract Shen Ge before reporting.

A week later, the Asian Countermeasures Research Conference was about to be held. The Rong City branch dispatched two agents, Deng Yuqi and Chen Ke, as well as research director Li Xiang, accompanying bodyguards Feng Chengxiu, Wang Han, Ma Chao, Zhang Hu and Zhao Long. , and Shen Ge, who also reported as a bodyguard.

When they arrived at the airport, due to the special status of the group, they walked through the special inspection channel. When they saw something like a butcher knife taken out of Shen Ge's backpack, the security personnel's expression suddenly became a little weird.

However, due to the identity of the other party and the fact that the Rong City branch had already reported the butcher knife, the security personnel could not say much.

It was almost a four-hour flight from Rong City to Seoul, the capital of the Bang Kingdom. Shen Ge went to bed as soon as he got on the plane, which prompted Feng Chengxiu to joke: "Old Shen, you really understand the travel style of the people of our great celestial dynasty. I get on the bus and sleep, get off the bus and pee at scenic spots, take pictures, go home and sleep, and when I ask the next day, I don’t know anything.”

Shen Ge lay comfortably on the business class seat and answered without opening his eyes: "What is the difference between traveling to a country and traveling outside a province?"

Wang Han leaned over and said, "That's not necessarily true. At least when you travel out of the province, there won't be a welcoming group. I heard that this time, in order to welcome the counter-terrorism agents from various countries, Bang Country has arranged many special welcome ceremonies."

Ma Chao replied calmly: "That's exactly what you want. You're a pretty person. I hope you won't be distracted by your beauty."

Wang Han said: "Others are talking about the welcome ceremony for Agent Wei. What does it have to do with me as a 'bodyguard'? But having said that, Old Shen, you are the first agent of the Southwest Division. Why don't you go to the first class cabin to sit with the minister and go on a business trip?" What are you doing here?"

“Oh, I am also a bodyguard this time.” Shen Ge said.

Wang Han was stunned: "Huh?"

“The three Southwest Departments only have six places for anti-deception agents in total, and our department has two. You can’t let the minister and Chen Ke be bodyguards, right?” Ma Chao looked at Wang Han with an idiotic look on his face. "That's it." Wang Han nodded, and then said: "I heard that every Asian counterattack research conference will display the counterattack equipment of various countries. Now the counterattack equipment, like the nuclear weapons of the past, has become a symbol of national power. , Lao Li, this is your chance to shine."

Li Xiang stared at the iPad in his hand, looking at the research report, and said without raising his head: "I have no new research results recently, which disappoints you."

“Ah? Didn’t you test the new sly energy equipment a few days ago?” Wang Han said in surprise.

Li Xiang said lightly: "It failed."

"Uh, this..." Wang Han was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to comfort Li Xiang. After all, for a research maniac like him, failure in research would be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Shen Ge raised his eyes and glanced in the direction of Li Xiang. Deng Yuqi had told him about this. Although Li Xiang's "Li Xiang Type I Armor" would definitely shock the world once it was displayed at the research conference, Deng Yuqi wanted to protect Li Xiang and prevent him from getting too involved. Because he was being targeted for being in the limelight, the second reason was that he didn't want to expose Shen Ge's trump cards, so he declared to the outside world that Li Xiang's research had "failed."

 In the final analysis, the Rong City branch is not strong enough. It is so strong that it makes the headquarters and other countries fearful. Lin Yin will not give up just because it is abandoned.

Wang Han was worried that Li Xiang would be saddened by his sad story, so he directed the conversation towards the characteristics of Bang Country, and everyone followed this topic.

 Four hours later, the plane arrived at Seoul Airport. After getting off the plane, what greeted Shen Ge and his group was not an ordinary shuttle bus, but a row of black cars.

In front of each car stood a driver in a sharp suit and a fully armed soldier. At the front is the person in charge of this reception.

“Welcome everyone from the Rong City branch of Datian Chao, please get on the bus. We will go directly to the venue hotel.” The person in charge came forward and greeted Deng Yuqi politely, and guided everyone to get on the bus.

 Deng Yuqi and Chen Ke got into the first car, while Shen Ge and Li Xiang got into the second car. This was Deng Yuqi's arrangement to ensure the safety of important people on this trip.

She believed in Shen Ge's strength. If even Shen Ge couldn't guarantee Li Xiang's safety, then it would be even less possible for Feng Chengxiu and others.

The motorcade left the airport directly and drove all the way into the downtown area before arriving at the most prosperous stage, the most exclusive hotel in Seoul.

A red carpet was laid out outside the hotel door, and two rows of beauties with outstanding figures and faces carved out of the same mold were standing on both sides.

 “Welcome the agents of the Great Celestial Empire.”

The beauties and hostesses welcomed her in unison in somewhat broken Chinese. They bent down and saluted, and they were covered in white flowers. Wang Han couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Under the guidance of the person in charge, the group entered the hotel's conference room, which can accommodate thousands of people. At this time, many pairs of agents were already seated.

As one of the six giants of the world's counter-terrorism organization, the Great Celestial Dynasty was arranged to sit in the middle of the front row together with the beautiful country.

Although it is an "Asian" anti-terrorism research conference, the six giants will still send people to participate. In addition, countries other than Asia who want to participate can apply on their own.

There are only three front seats at the Rong City branch, so Deng Yuqi, Chen Ke and Li Xiang went there, while Shen Ge, Feng Chengxiu and others sat in the back row.

As the counter-terrorism agents from the Great Heavenly Dynasty arrived one after another, Shen Ge unexpectedly saw familiar faces. It was Fang Mingyue and Luo Chenguang who had collaborated before.

There are six slots for counter-attack agents in the headquarters. In addition to these two people, there are four unknown agents, and Mr. He is not among them, which surprises Shen Ge.

However, he was not interested in it. He just glanced at it for a few times, then folded his hands, buried his head and began to take a nap. This is not a formal seminar, just a welcome ceremony for the country.

Fang Mingyue didn't seem to be interested in this kind of occasion. She declined the arrangement in the front row, ignored Luo Chenguang's attempts to stay, and walked directly to the back row.

Because the Chinese side made special arrangements and planned flights from all countries, in less than two hours, agents from the major countries of the Asian counterattack organization were picked up.

The first welcome ceremony officially began. Along with a burst of impassioned music, a group of female band members wearing short shirts and short skirts with long white legs came on stage and began a welcome ceremony with the characteristics of the country.

Feng Chengxiu said with a cold face: "Those who don't know better think we are here to attend a party. Alas, it's really hard to explain in a word."

"Hey, what do you know? This is called local characteristics. Do you understand if you do as the Romans do?" Wang Han watched with gusto. If he hadn't considered his identity and the possibility of writing a review, he would have even wanted to get up and interact with the girls on the stage. .

Wang Han felt that Feng Chengxiu and others were not very appreciative, so he poked Shen Ge who was taking a nap: "Detective Shen, don't you watch such a wonderful show?"

“It starts with ‘Send, send, send, send, send, send’. It’s so unlucky. If I watch too much, I’m afraid I’ll send it when I go out soon.” Shen Ge joked.


In fact, there are quite a few people who think like Feng Chengxiu, which leads to passionate dancing on stage but a mediocre response from the audience. After all, most of the people in the audience are respectable people. Even if they really find it interesting, they don’t dare to express their feelings. Interested look.

 Halfway through the program, completely uninterested agents like Fang Mingyue left the venue one after another.

 There is music to help you fall asleep, and you can sleep soundly while singing.

At this moment, the system’s urgent warning echoed in Shen Ge’s mind.

【warn! warn! warn! 】

  【Discovered level 5 weirdness (characteristics: three heads and six arms), and detected that the host's current strength is definitely no match for him. Please cherish your life and escape quickly! 】

Hearing this, Shen Ge suddenly opened his eyes and quickly swept towards the venue. There was no prompt when he entered the venue before, which meant that the target was not at the venue before.

So Shen Ge looked directly towards the several entrances and exits of the venue. At this time, he noticed a man wearing a black sweatshirt and hood holding a black cat at the "safety exit" on the left.

Then, the man took out a syringe filled with black liquid, injected it into the back of the black cat's head, and then threw the black cat into the venue.


The black cat let out a scream, and a thick black mist suddenly emitted from his body, instantly wrapping it into a huge mist!

 (End of this chapter)

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