Chapter 108 vx pajamas show, the short ones will be changed to you when you come back.

Chapter 108 vx pajamas show, short ones waiting for you to change when you come back

"There is something strange at seven o'clock. Go and protect Li Xiang. Remember to howl a few times to alert the people around you." Shen Ge raised his hand and patted Feng Chengxiu and Wang Han on the left and right.




Wang Han was enjoying looking at his legs. When he turned around, he saw a large group of black mist in front of the safety exit at seven o'clock, and he suddenly felt bad.

 “There is something strange at seven o’clock!”

 “There’s something weird!”

The two people immediately stood up and shouted loudly. The people around them were the first to react. When they looked back, it was indeed strange. The whole venue was in chaos.

Fortunately, most of the "bodyguards" were well-trained and immediately started protecting agents, researchers, and senior executives. After Shen Ge asked Feng Chengxiu and others to protect Li Xiang, he also left his seat and rushed toward the exit at seven o'clock. But his target was not Weird, but the person who left the safe exit.

He met Lao Wang again a week ago, but he was too far away at that time and the system had not prompted him yet. However, he did not expect that the other party would actually go to the welcome ceremony of the Asia Anti-Trick Research Association to play tricks.

Since Shen Ge's rating was improved, he was able to directly see the weak strange energy. When he heard the system prompt to find "Old Wang", the black cat in his arms had no weak strange energy or signs of alienation, but was being injected. After drinking the black liquid, the alienation began immediately.

What is that thing?

 What is the purpose of "Lao Wang"?

Shen Ge chased him out of the safe exit. Since this seminar was attended by important figures from various anti-terrorist organizations, the guards inside and outside the hotel were very tight. There was also a group of soldiers from the Bang Nation guarding the exit.

As soon as Shen Ge left, the soldiers immediately became alert.

The reactions of these soldiers gave Shen Ge a bad feeling. It felt like he was the first person to leave here.

Even so, Shen Ge still looked at one of the soldiers and asked, "Did you see where the person who just came out went?"

“.? (I don’t understand, do you know stick language?)” the soldier said seriously.

These words became a jabbering aboriginal language in Shen Ge's ears. As for Mandarin, he couldn't speak anything except "Smecta", and he suddenly had a headache.

The soldier pointed to the venue and kept saying "jirwala" for a long time. Although he didn't understand it, he seemed to want Shen Ge to go back to the venue.

Seeing that he was indifferent and looked around, two soldiers looked a little impatient and stepped forward to stand in front of Shen Ge and chirped.

"Okay, okay, Smecta, you can get out." Shen Ge glanced at the corridors on both sides, trying to find traces of "Old Wang".

The soldiers saw that Shen Ge not only had no intention of returning to the meeting place, but also planned to walk towards the lobby, they immediately stopped him. One of them raised his hand to touch Shen Ge's shoulder.

 Shen Ge raised his hand and opened the man's hand. The soldier immediately became angry. He raised his gun and pointed it at Shen Ge and said "jiliwala".

Seeing the gun coming towards his face, Shen Ge suddenly turned to the side, and then hit the man's chest with a Baji Iron Mountain Bouncer. When he was knocked away, he stretched out his hand to pull the man back, and with a hook of his foot, he directly He lay down on the ground, stepped on his hand holding the gun, and said lightly: "Spiktanizh, okay?"

"You guys can't understand Chinese, but you want to serve beautiful Chinese soldiers, can you understand English?" Shen Ge lowered his head and looked at the soldier he was stepping on, not caring about the dozens of guns around him aimed at him.

"? (What happened? At this time, the people in the lobby heard the noise here, and a Chinese man in a straight suit and several etiquette ladies rushed over immediately.

This man is the lobby manager. He knows that even if they are just bodyguards coming out of the venue, they are not someone they can provoke. Obviously, he does not want to see these people conflict with the soldiers.

Shen Ge looked at the manager and asked, "Does anyone here know Chinese?"

The manager didn’t understand either. He quickly turned around and looked at the beauties. These are all carefully selected hostesses from the country. In addition to being beautiful and having good figures, most of them can speak several languages.

 “I, I can!” A beautiful woman raised her hand timidly.

Shen Ge said: "Ask them if they saw a man wearing a black sweatshirt and a hood coming out of the venue before me."

The beautiful lady Yi Li quickly translated Shen Ge's words. After hearing this, the soldiers from the Bang Kingdom replied with "jilai la wala", and Yi Yi said: "Sir, they said they didn't see anyone coming out of the venue before you, because this is a safety exit. All need to be registered.”

 It took about two minutes from the time Shen Ge discovered "Old Wang" to the time he left, and it took a minute to chase him out, so there were only two possibilities -

 1. Indeed, as these soldiers said, "Old Wang" did not leave from this exit, but a situation similar to the previous community occurred and "disappeared out of thin air".

  2, "Lao Wang" was in collusion with Bang Guo, and these soldiers were covering for him.

However, Shen Ge feels that the second possibility is unlikely, because if Bangguo wants to deliberately destroy the welcome ceremony by releasing strange things, it does not need to let "Old Wang" appear, mutate it with a mysterious potion, and directly secretly release it from a certain corner. If something weird comes out, the welcome ceremony can be ruined without anyone noticing.

By this time, the music in the venue had stopped, and gunshots and screams were mixed together, making it appear that the place was very chaotic.

The soldiers, the manager, and the hostess subconsciously looked toward the venue. At this moment, a bullet seemed to hit the door frame of the safety exit, and the soldiers immediately raised their guns on guard.

Shen Ge let go of the soldier he was stepping on and shouted to the etiquette lady: "There are monsters inside. Let them disperse immediately. Non-combatants should go to the lobby."

The hostess lady was stunned upon hearing this and quickly conveyed Shen Ge's words to everyone. The manager reacted the fastest and ran towards the lobby without saying a word. Several hostess ladies also stepped aside in panic.

But the soldiers were slowly approaching the safe exit with guns in hand. Upon seeing this, Shen Ge said coldly: "Let them disperse, don't you understand?"

The etiquette lady was about to run away when she heard Shen Ge's words and quickly turned around and shouted at the soldiers again. At this moment, the curtain of the safety exit was suddenly knocked open, revealing a dark green mass at least the size of an adult rhinoceros. The monster rushed out, with scarlet paws, green skin, and disgusting tentacles on its body.

The soldiers at the front were knocked out before they could recover, and two of them were caught by the suddenly extended tentacles.





The etiquette lady who helped Shen Ge translate screamed and collapsed to the ground. This time, Shen Ge could understand the meaning of the two words she said without her translating.

After the tentacles on Wei Wei's body rolled up all the soldiers gathered at the door, two more tentacles stretched out and rolled towards Shen Ge and the etiquette lady.

Shen Ge was less than two meters away from the hostess. After ducking sideways to avoid the attack of the tentacles, he hunched his body and rushed towards the hostess while snapping his fingers and immediately attached a black carrion glove to his left hand.

The six forms of the "LiXxiang Type I" armor require six guiding gestures. The gestures recorded by Shen Ge are also very simple. The fist is made in the "shield form", the palm is spread out in the "stomach form", and the remaining four forms are the thumb and four A "snap" of fingers.

After the tricky glove was attached, Shen Ge raised his hand to grab the tentacle that was curling towards the hostess. At the same time, he held the back collar of the hostess with his right hand and moved it to the side.

The originally **** red dress was lifted up a bit, and the black fat was directly visible, but the etiquette lady didn't care about being exposed, screaming loudly and grabbing Shen Ge's arm.

Shen Ge exerted force with his left hand, trying to pull Weiyi forward by pulling on the tentacles, but found that Weiyi could not be dragged forward at all, and the other party seemed to realize that Shen Ge was different from the soldiers who were hung up by it, and suddenly a few shapes appeared again. A tentacle rolled towards him.

The tentacle that had previously attacked Shen Ge rolled up in vain and immediately swept to the left. Shen Ge squatted down, pounced on the etiquette lady, hugged her and rolled to the side.

Shen Ge stood up and picked up the hostess. The hostess subconsciously wanted to hug Shen Ge tightly, but she saw him throw him violently and threw him directly to the sofa by the wall like trash.

Miss Manners was stunned. A minute ago, the appearance of the monster made her feel desperate. She thought she was going to die like this, but she didn't expect that the man next to her saved her. Although some rough collar pulling made her accidentally exposed, it made her feel that her boyfriend was extremely powerful.

Especially the moment she was picked up, countless romantic scenes of the handsome male protagonist rescuing the beautiful female protagonist in Korean dramas appeared in the hostess's mind.

At that moment, it seemed as if time all around me slowed down.

 The next second, Prince Charming threw his beautiful princess out like trash, which immediately made her doubt her life.

After Shen Ge threw Miss Manners away, a sliding shovel escaped the attacks of several tentacles and was already approaching the weird one.

 Stand up, lunge and punch!


Weird's head was punched and hit the wall, but apart from a collision, it actually did not cause any substantial damage to Weird.

This skin is really hard!

 Fortunately, Shen Ge wore Wei Wei's gloves, otherwise the punch would not have hurt Wei Wei, but it would have been funny if he had hurt himself so much.

 Judging from this weird appearance, there is no "cat" shape at all. Instead, it is more similar to a rhinoceros and a hippopotamus.


Weiwei made a weird swallowing sound, and then the huge head split into two, turning into a **** mouth and biting at Shen Ge.

Shen Ge had strange gloves attached to both hands at this time, and he clasped the strange mouth up and down. However, the opponent's bite force was too strong, and he had to let go after a few seconds of stalemate.

As soon as Shen Ge let go, several people rushed out of the emergency exit. Judging from their skin colors and faces, they should all be Asian countermeasures agents.

 They swarmed forward, trying to control Weirdness.

These people were using deception equipment and had various abilities. Many of them had certain control abilities. When Shen Ge saw someone taking action, he silently stepped aside.

 Although Shen Ge was surprised by the appearance of "Old Wang", what surprised him even more was the potion that could directly make people weird.

 Judging from the situation of just contact, this weirdness seems to be more than the intensity of the first-level weirdness. The flexible tentacles and hard leather armor seem to be even more powerful than the weird cat that has completed the second stage of alienation before.

Seeing that Wei Wei was subdued by the agents who were against Wei Wei, Shen Ge retreated to the entrance of the lobby and returned to the venue to find Deng Yuqi and others.

  Shen Ge whispered a few words in Deng Yuqi's ear, explaining the situation when he saw the hooded man injecting black medicine into the black cat, and then the black cat began to alienate.

Deng Yuqi's face changed when he heard this, and he asked in a low voice: "Did you really see clearly? Before the injection of the medicine, the black cat didn't have any weak supernatural powers?"

“No.” Shen Ge shook his head seriously.

It's not that Deng Yuqi doesn't believe in Shen Ge's judgment, but it's the potion that can directly alienate the weird. This news is probably second only to the previous news that humans can alienate.

As for the "alienation" of Weirdness, not only the Special Strategy Department of the Great Celestial Empire, but also the Weirdness Organizations of other countries have conducted research.

If you directly inject evil energy into an animal, the animal will explode and die. The research results from various countries are very consistent.

 So the strange "birth" has been a mystery a few years ago. It was not until many strange signs of alienation were observed that it was concluded that "abuse" and "death" were the causes of alienation.

Li Xiang’s research report not only confirmed this conjecture, but also described in detail the several stages of strange signs of alienation.

This is just a small amount of magical energy produced by animals being abused, and there is a long process until the magical energy merges with the animal's genes like a germ and causes alienation.

That mysterious man really has a potion that can directly alienate animals. This will threaten the safety of all mankind. Just imagine, if this kind of potion is put into the battlefield, the consequences are unimaginable!

Due to sudden changes, the welcome ceremony was interrupted. After an apology, the person in charge said that the welcome ceremony would be postponed, and then took everyone to the hotel for accommodation.

 After Deng Yuqi reported the situation reported by Shen Ge, as expected, the senior officials were shocked. They immediately summoned the heads of each branch to hold an impromptu video conference with the agents.

  Shen Ge successfully avoided the meeting because he was a "bodyguard" at this time. He returned to the hotel room and played videos on his mobile phone, chatting about vx with Cheng Shengnan and Tang Jinze.

Tang Jinze has made some progress in his research on "Internal Injury Healing Pill" and found a "meat"-like tissue in the medicine.

Shen Ge decided to introduce Li Xiang and Tang Jinze to each other after returning. He suspected that whether it was the spirit apple or the internal injury healing pill, the raw materials seemed to be "weird meat".

If it is possible for the two of them to join forces to mass-produce this kind of drug that can instantly heal people, then it will be an extra layer of security for both Shen Ge and the soldiers of the Special Strategy Department.

 After chatting with Tang Jinze, Shen Ge sent another message to Cheng Shengnan, asking what she was doing.

Cheng Shengnan was a little surprised when he received the vx message from Shen Ge. He asked if he was on a business trip and why he had time to send vx.

"Something happened. The leaders went to a meeting. I'm not of a high level, so I had to go back to the hotel." Shen Ge replied.

 Soon, Cheng Shengnan replied: "I don't think it's because you're not at a high level, it's because you don't want to hold this kind of meeting at all, so you found an excuse to leave, right?"

“Hey, do you understand me so well?” Shen Ge edited a message with a smile.

"Please, in the past, in the company, you were absent from seven out of ten national video conferences, and slept in three of them. I wouldn't cover it for you, not because of the hard work you put into the branch." Although Cheng Shengnan posted this text, but Shen Ge saw the other party's helpless expression from this text.

 “Haha, is there such a thing?”

“( ̄︶ ̄#)” Cheng Shengnan sent an expression like “I’m very angry but I have to keep smiling”.

  咚! Boom! Boom!

Shen Ge was replying to a message when suddenly there was a knock on the door. He originally thought that Deng Yuqi had finished the meeting and told him what the meeting was about, or that a few people who had gathered next door to protect Li Xiang invited him over to play cards for entertainment, so he put down his phone and stood up to open the door.

 As soon as the door opened, standing at the door was the etiquette lady who had been rescued during the day.

"Hello, Mr. Shen, I'm Park Jingyan. I haven't had time to thank you this afternoon. I asked your colleagues for your room number, so I came here to thank you. Thank you today." Miss etiquette said, He bowed to Shen Ge, and his two shiny white **** really dazzled his eyes.

“Oh, you’re welcome.” Shen Ge said and prepared to close the door.

Park Jingyan quickly stopped Shen Ge: "Mr. Shen, wait, I, I... um, can you let me come in and sit down? I want to talk to you."

"It's inconvenient. We don't understand the language, so we have nothing to talk about." Shen Ge said bluntly.

Park Jingyeon:?

  I don’t speak Chinese?

Park Jingyan glanced at Shen Ge with a charming look, and said coyly: "...I want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might have died."

Shen Ge looked her over and said, "Sorry, although the modified car is fast, it is uncomfortable to drive with too many silicone pads on the shifter. Besides, as a gun mount, your gun mount is not qualified. It is ten centimeters shorter. It means it can’t be put up. And I prefer the original car, and you don’t fit in with my aesthetic habits.”


Park Jingyan wanted to say something else, but she heard a "dong" sound and the door was closed.

She was unwilling to leave like this, so she pulled down the neckline of the dress, squeezed it, as if she wanted to squeeze it into a D, and then lifted the skirt up, revealing her slender white legs. , raised his hand and knocked on the door again.

"Mr. Shen." As soon as the door opened, Pu Jingyan leaned against the door and called out sweetly. Unexpectedly, Shen Ge's face was filled with impatience.

"Beauty, 308 likes artificial humans, you can ask him." Shen Ge was talking when the door next door opened and Wang Han walked out of the room.

Seeing the beautiful woman standing at Shen Ge's door, he was stunned for a moment and gave Shen Ge an "Oh, that's good" expression. He was about to leave, but was stopped by Shen Ge: "Please help me take this woman away, don't Interrupting my rest. By the way, help me find out which **** told her my room number."

 “Ah this…” If Wang Han remembered correctly, it seemed that he was that bastard?

When several people left the venue, Shen Ge and Deng Yuqi walked in front, while Feng Chengxiu, Wang Han and others protected Li Xiang and walked behind.

At that time, Pu Jingyan wanted to catch up with Shen Ge, but was blocked by Feng Chengxiu. After Pu Jingyan explained the situation to Feng Chengxiu, Wang Han told the other party Shen Ge's room number and asked her to Wait for Shen Ge to finish his work before going to say thank you.

However, this is not because Wang Han exposed the team's "secret" without hesitation, but because Deng Yuqi told several people before entering the venue that if a woman from the country asked Shen Ge's room number when returning to the hotel, Shen Ge's room number would be Tell the other party your room number.

Because that was the "cover" arranged by Deng Yuqi for Shen Ge. In the next few days, the woman would stay in the room with Shen Ge. In fact, a man would be arranged to "swap out" Shen Ge.

 The result was such a "accidental collision" that Park Jingyan found him first.

Wang Han was about to say that this was approved by the minister, but the door was already closed with a bang.

“Is there a mistake? The minister is not talking about this woman?”

Wang Han looked at the aggrieved beauty in front of him and comforted: "Beauty, don't think about it, Shen T...cough, Officer Shen is responsible for the appearance of our department, and there are many people peeking at him. Not to mention the department, others also have women. My friend is beautiful and rich. How can wild flowers be so fragrant these days?"

“…”Brother, do you comfort people or attack them?

“Would you like to have a drink with me?” Wang Han suggested.

Park Jingyan said slightly apologetically: "Sorry, sir. I still have work, so I won't delay you. Thank you, goodbye."

 After saying that, he walked towards the elevator entrance.

“…” Wang Han was speechless for a moment. I just walked all the way, so I could be hit. Alas, it is indeed a world where faces are judged.

In the room, Shen Ge heard the movement outside the door and after confirming that Wang Han had driven him away, he returned to the bed and picked up his phone, only to see that Cheng Shengnan had already sent several messages on vx.

"What's wrong? I was right, so you feel ashamed and hide under the quilt?"

“Actually, I don’t like meetings, especially video conferences. They make me sleepy every time, and I can’t come up with a result after a long discussion. ε=(ο`*))) Alas”


  “Where are the (,.,) people?”

“What did 乛乛 do?”

 “( ̄^ ̄)Humph!”



Shen Ge almost laughed out loud when he looked at the dozens of various emoticons. The contrast between Cheng Shengnan's online and offline posts was really big.

Who would have thought that a good royal sister would be so naughty online?

 If nothing else, there are really a lot of emoticons.

"I'm back. I encountered something strange and caused trouble in the afternoon, and I saved a courtesy lady. Just now she knocked on the door and said she wanted to thank me, but I sent her away." Shen Ge briefly told Park Jingyan's situation and replied. An emoticon of "Brother is so handsome". When the message was just sent, the vx chat box also showed "the other party is typing", but after waiting for two minutes, no message came.

"Huh? What is this girl doing?" Shen Ge was a little strange and sent a few puzzled expressions.

 A minute later, vx buzzed with a video call invitation.

When the video was connected, Cheng Shengnan, who was wearing black pajamas, sat on the bed, waved to Shen Ge, and asked: "Isn't there a little sister hidden in the room? Let me help you check."

Shen Ge walked around the room with his cell phone and said with a smile: "There is no way to hide a young lady in such a big place."

 “Do these pajamas look good?” Cheng Shengnan asked.

Shen Ge said: "Just like that."

"That's it." After Cheng Shengnan finished speaking, she put the phone on the bed but did not hang up the video. Shen Ge felt a little strange and sent a "?"

 A few minutes later, the phone was picked up.

 “Where is this set?” Cheng Shengnan asked.

Shen Ge was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Is this different from the one just now?"

“…” Cheng Shengnan forced back the sentence “You deserve to be single” and silently recited “calm down” several times in his mind.

If he hadn't understood Shen Ge's character, Cheng Shengnan would have wanted to turn off his phone and go to sleep. Sighing, he put the phone on the bed again, and this time it took longer to "disappear".

Because of Cheng Shengnan's miserable childhood, she has a deep feeling of resistance to men. Whether she was a student or a graduate, she had many suitors. She even encountered many big bosses who tried to support her and used many dirty methods. But they were all blocked by the adoptive mother.

 Cheng Shengnan had an unfortunate childhood, but she was also lucky because she met a very capable adoptive mother. Under her adoptive mother's meticulous care, she had the comfortable life she has today.

Cheng Shengnan has been taught by her adoptive mother since she was a child that "men conquer the world, and women conquer men." This is the biggest scam. Men who can really conquer the world only have the country in their eyes, and women are just their foils. Only when you become stronger can you have the capital to leave at any time.

Because of his personality and the upbringing of his adoptive mother, Cheng Shengnan didn't take a serious look at men, let alone love, until a strange guy came to the company.

He has out-of-the-box thinking and a temper that always opposes the leadership. When he is not in a good mood, he will fish for three days and dry the net for two days. But you see that he is clearly fishing, and in the blink of an eye he will hand over a perfect design plan to you, so that you can have something. Anger has nowhere to go.

In the subsequent interactions with him, Cheng Shengnan gradually realized that Shen Ge was a typical person who "eats the soft but not the hard". If you talk to him well, he will be able to get along well with you.

 Once you try to touch him, there will be a strong backlash.

After getting to know Shen Ge gradually, Cheng Shengnan realized that his "out of touch", "out of line" and "irregularity" were actually a layer of deep protection for himself, just like he always seemed to be repelling others thousands of miles away. The expressions are all the shadows left by childhood.

 Gradually, Cheng Shengnan became a little interested in Shen Ge, but it was only "somewhat interested". At most, he was just a male colleague who was not objectionable.

  Until that strange incident happened, she was so frightened that her legs weakened. She tried to pretend to be calm, but found that Shen Ge was really calm.

 While talking and laughing, they secretly solved the strange incident.

 After that, the second time.

the third time.


Cheng Shengnan didn't know when she started to call Shen Ge and ask him to go shopping, watch movies and eat.

 If he doesn’t take the initiative, then take the initiative yourself. Anyway, everyone is single, and there is no third party involved, so there is nothing to worry about.

However, this guy is like a frog, he jumps every time he pokes him. As a last resort, Cheng Shengnan had no choice but to make the most of his own.

 After a while, Cheng Shengnan picked up the phone.

 “Is this okay?” Cheng Shengnan asked.

Shen Singer rubbed his chin with his fingers, frowned slightly, and said seriously: "Pull the camera down, let me judge it carefully."


Seeing the look in Shen Ge's eyes, Cheng Shengnan already understood that the style of her pajamas didn't matter, the key was whether it matched with black stockings or not.

 This guy is just a leg control guy.

 Cheng Shengnan is also a person who knows how to take pictures. She knows what angle can show her long legs. She took off her glasses and put them on the bedside table. The screen on her mobile phone flashed across her body, revealing her long legs.

 Then, Cheng Shengnan leaned on the bedside and chatted with Shen Ge, but Shen Ge was obviously a little distracted, and his answers were always a second or two slower.

 “Network delay?” Cheng Shengnan asked.

Shen Ge said: "Oh, you are used to wearing glasses, but suddenly you are not used to taking them off. Otherwise, you should wear them."

 “Okay.” Cheng Shengnan held the phone and turned over to get the glasses from the bedside table.

The camera, well, the angle is good.

After Cheng Shengnan put on his glasses, he leaned back on the bed and said, "Since you left, the sales volume in the division has dropped by one-third, and now accountability has begun. Some time ago, the headquarters was still asking why you were leaving. I can’t think of a way to keep you here.”

Shen Ge stared at the screen of his mobile phone, frowning slightly, as if he was making some very important decision.

“I don’t want to persuade you to come back, I just want to tell you that everyone in the company misses you. If you are tired or it is too dangerous, it’s good to come back and rest.” Cheng Shengnan said softly.

Shen Ge nodded seriously, and then said: "Well, yes, why don't you take off your glasses? Wearing glasses and playing with mobile phones at night is not good for your eyes."


Cheng Shengnan took off his glasses and put them on the bedside table. When he came back, he asked her to put them on again after saying a few words to Shen Ge. The reason was, "I suddenly remembered that your pair of glasses costs thousands. It shouldn't hurt your eyes, so you might as well put them on."


 After two consecutive times, Cheng Shengnan became angry.

“Why don’t you just tell me what posture I need to have a quiet chat?”

"So, I like chatting with smart people." Shen Ge said with a "you understand me" smile on his face, without the slightest embarrassment of having his scheming revealed.


Obviously Cheng Shengnan underestimated Shen Ge's shamelessness. He really started to instruct Cheng Shengnan to change his posture: "According to research from authoritative organizations, it is found that sitting on the bedside and playing with mobile phones is actually not good for the cervical spine and waist. You need a mobile phone holder. Do you have one?" , without me helping you with a flash delivery."


 Cheng Shengnan bit her lip and after holding it in for a long time, she gritted her teeth and uttered one word: "...Yes."

Shen Ge nodded with satisfaction and commanded: "Here, first use the stand to put the phone on the bedside, and then step back, eh, yes, just this distance. I just mentioned that the authoritative organization does not recommend sitting in the back, because kneeling Sitting can exercise your spine better...actually it's pretty good like you just did."

"...That's enough, don't go too far." Cheng Shengnan clenched her fists.

"Speaking of which, your skin is actually very good. There is no need to only choose black pajamas. You can consider white, light blue, and white stockings, which may be more in line with your temperament." Shen Ge changed the topic and was extremely surprised. Cheng Shengnan was stunned by the smooth transition.

 “I have it,” Cheng Shengnan said.

Shen Ge immediately said: "As a ten-year senior reviewer of Victoria's Secret and Tokyo shows, I think you can let this expert review it for you."

 “Don’t think about it.”


"It's too short."

 “Isn’t that more worthy of comment?”


Seeing Cheng Shengnan's silence, Shen Ge asked tentatively: "As a senior reviewer, I don't have any distracting thoughts in the process of viewing, just a longing for beauty. In fact, I am just curious... You 'short', what on earth are you doing? How short?”

 Cheng Shengnan lay on the bed, reached out and opened the bottom drawer of the wardrobe, pulled out two sets of white lace pajamas and said, "It's just that short."


  is a bit short.

Shen Ge’s eyes lit up.

“I saw that you had a lot of styles in the cabinet just now. Why don’t you open it and let me review it for you?” Shen Ge said seriously and professionally.

 Cheng Shengnan said expressionlessly: "Why don't you just let me lie down and chat with you."

Shen Ge was not embarrassed by being exposed, and asked with surprise: "Is it okay?"

   …" I forgot that this guy just liked to climb up the pole.

 Cheng Shengnan sat up, holding a set of white "short" pajamas in one hand, biting her lip, and said with a deliberately flirtatious look: "If you come back safely, I will change it for you."

 “I take it seriously.” Shen Ge said.

 Cheng Shengnan smiled mischievously, turned over, reached for the phone, and said with a smile: "You know, I always keep my word."

 “Pull the hook.” Shen Ge stretched out his hand.

Cheng Shengnan was immediately amused by Shen Ge and laughed out loud: "Are you childish?"

 “It is a woman’s nature to cheat.”

 “So lying is a man’s nature?”

 The two chatted about weird things from the company, and then talked about travel and food. Unknowingly, it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening. Cheng Shengnan said that "sleeping late is a woman's biggest enemy" and was ready to go to bed.

"You should also go to bed early. What you have to deal with is not an ordinary monster. Only when you have a good rest can you be energetic. Don't work too late." Cheng Shengnan warned.

Shen Ge joked: "That's not what you said before when you forced me to work overtime all night to catch up on work."

“I was your leader at that time.” Cheng Shengnan said.

 “What now?” Shen Ge asked.

 Cheng Shengnan tilted his head and asked, "Girlfriend?"

Shen Ge nodded with satisfaction: "I'm very aware. However, have you seen a movie called "The Eighth Suspect"?"

“I’ve seen it,” Cheng Shengnan said.

Shen Ge smiled and asked, "What if you are the heroine?"

Cheng Shengnan smiled and said: "Then I will definitely not choose to leave tomorrow. Instead, I will pack my things and take my husband and children to go abroad early that night. What about you?"

"What am I? I am an agent of the Special Strategy Department who saves the world." Shen Ge looked confused.

 Cheng Shengnan smiled.

 “Go to rest early.” Shen Ge said.

Cheng Shengnan said: "Other boyfriends will bring gifts to their girlfriends when they go on business trips. You have to think carefully about the first gift you give me."

"of course."

"good evening."

"good evening."

  Shen Ge lay on the bed after hanging up the video, staring at the black screen of his mobile phone and lost in thought.

 In fact, after getting along for the past few months, Shen Ge and Cheng Shengnan have become more like a natural couple. They just have to break the last layer of membrane.

But Shen Ge is worried about too many things, the most important of which is the unstable "spirit" and the system that may become a time bomb.

 But Cheng Shengnan took the initiative to take a step forward. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if he retreated?

Shen Ge has always said, "Think about tomorrow's things tomorrow." The little goblin changed a few positions, and this thought was immediately taken away by the other party.

 “You can still sleep well now!” Shen Ge threw the phone on the bed. This little elf is really good at playing. Let’s see who plays with who when I get back!

Shen Ge was considering whether to take a cold bath to cool down the heat, when the door to the room was knocked "bang bang" again, he opened the door impatiently: "Are you bothered? I told you that I only eat home-cooked food, not takeout. . Please go next door to deliver food, don’t bother... Uh, Minister, have you finished the meeting?"

“Are you so used to the ministry’s cafeteria that you don’t even care about takeout? By the way, this Bangguo Hotel also offers takeout?” Deng Yuqi said, walking directly into the room and sitting on the sofa.

“Oh, the artificial man I saved this afternoon just took off his clothes and crawled into my bed.” Shen Ge spread his hands helplessly.

Deng Yuqi raised her eyebrows: "Can't I see that your concentration is pretty good?"

“Heh, you don’t have to eat pig food even if you’re hungry, right?”

 “Your metaphor…”

Deng Yuqi was used to Shen Ge's escape. She waved her hand and said seriously: "Let's not talk about it for now. The drug injected by the mysterious man you saw this afternoon has been confirmed to be authentic."

“Oh? Has anyone else seen it?” Shen Ge asked.

Deng Yuqi shook his head and said with a heavy face: "Brother Mao encountered an alienated elephant on the battlefield some time ago. According to witnesses, the elephant was not alienated when it first appeared on the battlefield, but a needle. After shooting it in the head, it completed its first alienation in just a few minutes."

"And consistent with the strange situation captured at the venue today, the strange phenomenon quickly completed the second transformation, directly transforming from level 2 strangeness to level 3 strangeness. Soldiers from both sides on the battlefield had to cease fire and join forces to deal with the strange phenomenon. . Now the two sides have entered into peace talks. After all, Weirdness is now the biggest threat to mankind."

Hearing this, Shen Ge joked: "I didn't expect that the appearance of the weird would actually become a catalyst for mankind to move toward peace. How about we let those mysterious people create more truce weirds."

"What are you talking about? We still don't know what the purpose of those mysterious people is. What if they want to conquer the world?" Deng Yuqi asked.

Shen Ge looked strange and said: "Minister, read less movies and novels. Not every villain wants to conquer the world. Maybe others just want to stop beautiful people from messing around all day long?"

"Yes, you are the best, I can't defeat you. However, I have arranged for a pair of agents to pretend to be you, and they will come here to replace you later. I will help you with a simple disguise, and you can start taking action. "Deng Yuqi said as she opened the silver suitcase on the table.

Shen Ge was shocked: "Can you still disguise yourself?"

"I know a little."

Shen Ge immediately sat down next to Deng Yuqi with great interest. After fiddling with it for a long time, he found that Deng Yuqi was not "modest" at all. As expected, he only knew a little bit.

“Boss, you don’t care if you have a beard and a few scars and call it disguise, right?” Shen Ge asked helplessly.

Deng Yuqi changed Shen Ge's eyebrow shape and put on light makeup while saying: "Are you really a martial arts novel? Just wear a piece of human skin and change yourself into a different person? The best disguise technology in modern times is to find someone similar to you, and then temporarily Exchange identities.”

“So the agent you are looking for is more handsome than me?” Shen Ge asked.

Deng Yuqi said: "No, so I have to make you look ugly?"


After some fiddling with Deng Yuqi, Shen Ge was indeed only 50 or 60% similar to the previous one, but it was 70% or 80% similar to the ID on the table.

After waiting for a while, two agents, a man and a woman, entered the room where Shen Ge was. After Deng Yuqi explained to them for a while, she left the room with Shen Ge who had changed clothes.

"The Asian Counterterrorism Research Conference will be held in three days. At that time, most of the military forces of the country will be arranged at the research conference. It is the best time for you to take action. In these two days, you should try your best to familiarize yourself with your identity. Investigate around the target location. I have put all the data and information on a USB flash drive. This USB flash drive is the latest technological product. It will explode when plugged into any computer or mobile phone, and is as powerful as a high-explosive bomb. "

Shen Ge was stunned when he heard this and asked doubtfully: "Then where should I look?"

"Huh? Li Xiang didn't tell you that the chip your armor swallowed is our country's latest technology. Of course it is read by AI." Deng Yuqi said with a weird look.

“Let me go, does it still have this function?” Shen Ge was shocked.

Deng Yuqi was speechless: "So how did you and Li Xiang hand over the situation?"

I will accompany my wife back to my parents’ home in two days, which will take about a week. Therefore, the update during this period has temporarily changed from 4k three chapters to 1w1 update, or 5k two chapters. (Actually, the first few hundred words will be used each time, which means it will be less than a thousand words). There may be single updates during the holidays, but it is only possible. I will try my best to code it in advance. [Finally, I wish all readers a happy Spring Festival, good health, abundant financial resources, and a happy family in the new year! 】Thanks to book friends "Wang Sanzhi" and "book friend 2023****8353" for their rewards



 (End of this chapter)

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