Chapter 90 Heroes always appear at critical moments

Chapter 90 Heroes always appear at critical moments

Dongyu Village has always been known as the "Mountain Wall Village". The name comes from the fact that many buildings are built against the mountain. However, Dongyu Mountain, which was once lush and green with greenery, now seems to have been burned by a mountain fire. The entire mountain was left with only dead wood and charred wood, and was filled with thick black mist.

The tallest and largest comprehensive building in Dongyu Village is half-built into the mountain, but now the building is wrapped in black mist, as if most of the mountain is filled with dark clouds.

 And the black mist that fills the mountain is the strange energy floating in this building. It can wrap the entire building with strange energy and fill most of the mountain, which shows how terrifying the strangeness in the building is!

These strange powers are not only the manifestation of strange strength, but also the basis for maintaining the entire strange space. People trapped in the strange space have various hallucinations and ghosts break walls because they are affected by these strange powers.

In the supermarket opposite the Guineng Building, four white men in camouflage were sitting at the table, eating food they found in the supermarket.

These four people are the survivors of the 13 anti-deception mercenaries, two anti-deception agents, and two elite warriors.

This is the third strange space area they entered. The first was the underground parking lot, where two of them successfully met. After breaking out together, they met two other people in the second strange space.

Then the four of them explored all the way and fought with a level 2 weird creature in that neighborhood for several days before finally killing it and cracking the weird space.

 The four people were very lucky. After coming out of the second strange space, they entered the central area controlled by the fourth-level strange "not out".

Here, they were trapped for more than a month. Fortunately, the passage of time in this neighborhood was much slower than in other strange spaces. The surrounding shops were only abandoned for a year or two, and most of the food in the shops was still there. You can eat it, at least you won’t run out of water or food.

 But just a week ago, an old man entered the central area with a little yellow hair, and that was all, he also brought a dozen civilians with him.

Trapped in a strange space, no one knows when they can get out. One more person and one more mouth means that the resource consumption in the central area will be accelerated.

The level of neglect here is only one or two years, but except for some canned food with a long shelf life, most of the food has also accelerated decay due to the passage of time.

 The most important thing is that the old man is not only terribly strong, he also has no good impression of these mercenaries, and they always get into fights every time they meet.

Of the two agents on the mercenary side, one was seriously injured and lost his arm, and the other's treacherous weapon was destroyed, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. If not, they wouldn't have to risk running to the nearest supermarket to the Guineng Building to take shelter.

“Captain William, that old man is biting us like a mad dog and won’t let go. If we continue like this, there is no solution. We have to find a way.” said the bald man who was the most slender among the four.

The man called Captain William looks a bit like Dolph Lundgren, with blond hair and a resolute face, but his entire right arm is missing, and the bandage tied to his shoulder is still soaked with blood.

He just heard him say in a deep voice: "No matter how powerful the old man is, there are only two of them. The rest are civilians. They always want to protect the civilians. If we attack those civilians, they will naturally not be able to take care of themselves. Beast, control your lower body, if not If you try to attack those women, you won't have a grudge with the old man. Don't forget, our goal is to leave this ghost place alive with the strange corpse. After the thing is done, won't 100 million be enough for you to find a woman? "

"Sorry, captain, this time it's my problem. I've been chased by those monsters for more than half a month, so I just wanted to vent my anger." said the thin middle-aged man next to William.

"Fuck." William cursed. As a senior spy agent, he knew that in a strange space full of weirdness, everyone had to endure horrific oppression every day, and everyone had a different way of venting. Beasts like Women and artillery like to have sex.

  In the true sense of the word, "cannon fire" is like blowing up a street at every turn.

The man known as the Beast then said: "Captain, I think that old man has always wanted to enter the Guineng Building. How about we ambush nearby. If they want to enter, they must place the civilians outside. When the time comes, we will take the opportunity to attack the civilians. Catch him off guard.”

"That's it." William nodded, looked at the bald man beside him and asked, "Cannon, how many explosives do you have on your body? Let me place them near this store. Then I'll treat them to a good meal." !”

“There are seven more, and they can even tear down this street!” The big bald man said with a smile.

 As soon as everyone gathered together, they began to arrange the surroundings.

  The degree of space and time confusion in the central area is not as great as that of several overlapping spaces outside. Time passes much slower, and there is a short day.

 Humans prefer to act during the day than at night.

At this time, an old man in his sixties or seventies with gray hair and a stooped body was looking for food in the shops on both sides of the street with a young man with yellow hair and a dozen civilians.

 Mr. He is one of the most senior spooky agents in Dajing City. He and his two apprentices, Fang Mingyue and Luo Chenguang, were responsible for this level 4 spooky incident.

 But their goal is not to solve this strange incident, but to find the missing counter-attack agents as much as possible and take them out safely.

As someone who experienced the first Level 4 weird incident in the country that year, Mr. He knew how terrifying Level 4 weirdness was, so his goal this time was very clear, which was to find people and collect as much information as possible. To completely solve the strange incident at Level 4, we must master complete intelligence and mobilize the strength of the whole country to deal with it.

  Unfortunately, not only was the missing counterattack agent not found, but two apprentices were lost.

 Fortunately, after solving a level 2 strange creature, He Lao entered another strange space and found Luo Chenguang. However, more than a month later, he was a little worried about the missing Fang Mingyue.

Although Fang Mingyue is an anti-terrorist agent, he worked with Mr. He in the first few operations. Because of his family background, he has always been well protected by him.

Her abilities may be okay, but she lacks experience in dealing with monsters. It is hard to say whether she can survive in this doomsday-like environment.

Although Mr. He failed to find Fang Mingyue in more than a month, he found many missing civilians from Dongyu Village and two soldiers from the Yuzhou branch.

 Everyone formed a team and tried to find an exit, but after experiencing so many things during this period, even the civilians following behind knew that it was not easy to get out.

Fear and depression enveloped the entire team like a haze, making everyone breathless.

The short daylight in Dongyu Village only lasts a few hours. Due to the influence of the strange space, the entire space is chaotic. Sometimes when walking on the east side of the street, I end up on another street in the village without realizing it. It's like tearing the map of Dongyu Village into pieces and then pieced it back together haphazardly.

“Hey, we’re at Bailing Street again. We were still at Ciwukou just now, and they said that there’s a snack street further ahead, and you can always find something to eat.” A middle-aged man complained.

The fat woman walking next to him replied: "What can I do? It's been two months and you haven't gotten used to it yet. You can't get out anyway."

“Don’t talk nonsense, it’s only been more than half a month since I met a ghost and hit the wall. Alas, it makes no difference. I can’t get out anyway.” The man complained.

 The conversation between the two resonated with the aborigines of Dongyu Village, and all of them complained.

Luo Chenguang, a young man with blond hair and short hair, shouted dissatisfied: "Enough! Complaining and complaining every day will shake the morale of the army on the battlefield. Do you want me to find a needle to sew your mouth shut?" If anyone dares to say nonsense again, I will kick you out of the team, believe it or not?"

 The two people who complained at the beginning knew that without this young man and He Lao, they would have been eaten by those monsters long ago, so they did not dare to offend him and quickly shut up.

The deserted streets were quiet, and there was a sense of gloominess everywhere.

"Something's wrong." Mr. He stopped with a bone crutch and glanced around. His sensitivity to danger made him feel that something might happen if he continued walking.

"Morning light, you and the two soldiers Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li hide in a nearby shop. I'll go to the front first and take a look." He Lao said.

Luo Chenguang said: "Teacher, I will go with you." "No, you stay here to protect them." He Lao shook his head.


 “Follow the command.”

"is teacher."

Luo Chenguang nodded, turned around and asked the two soldiers to lead everyone into a hardware store on the street. At this moment, a civilian noticed a spoof cardboard box at the door of a store next to the hardware store, with a A can with the lid half pulled off.

"Cans? Hey, there are cans!" The man suddenly smiled and rushed towards the cardboard box. Thinking that if he didn't finish the can, he would stuff it all in his mouth before anyone else came over.

 You are still hungry, so you can’t take something from his mouth to eat, right?

"Hey, stop!" Soldier Xiao Zhang immediately stepped forward to pull the man back. After all, the first rule of action in a strange space is to first confirm whether there is any strangeness in every corner before taking action. The store hasn't been investigated yet, so it would be dangerous to rush over there if something strange happens.

The man didn't care what Xiao Zhang said, he only had eyes for the can. He rushed over and grabbed the can. When he saw that there was half lunch meat in it, he burst into laughter.

“Haha, there’s something to eat, there’s something to eat!” He grabbed the can, dug out the meat and stuffed it into his mouth, but he didn’t notice that there was a string tied under the can.


Xiao Zhang was about to pull the man back into the team when something unexpected happened. There was a soft "click" sound from the cardboard box, followed by a "boom" sound, exploding, and the man eating the can was blown to pieces on the spot. He followed behind. Xiao Zhang was also affected and was blown away.




The explosion immediately caused panic. The civilians fled in all directions, hiding in shops or running behind Mr. He. Xiao Li rushed up to check Xiao Zhang's injury, while Mr. He and Luo Chenguang looked around cautiously.

 The next second, gunfire rang out.

  The mercenaries lurking around the streets opened fire at the same time. Their targets were not He Lao and Luo Chenguang, but the civilians.

 Civilians far away from He Lao were the first to be hit by bullets, and their wails and screams resounded throughout the streets in an instant.

Some people fled into the shops on both sides of the street, but once again triggered the trap set by the mercenaries, explosions, gunshots, and screams, which became a one-sided massacre.

He Lao also responded immediately. He pressed his bone-shaking staff, and a black light spread out where the bones connected with the ground, creating four walls of bones to envelop him and the people around him.

  The bullets from submachine guns and assault rifles struck the bone wall with a metallic collision sound, as if they were hitting not the bones, but the shell of the tank.

This is the reason why the mercenaries did not choose to attack Mr. He. Not only did he have a bone staff to release a fortress-like bone wall, but he also had some kind of equipment that could absorb bullets hitting his body. With this, This piece of treacherous equipment has escaped William's sniping attacks several times.

 But the mercenaries had a way to deal with this. Except for the civilians who were killed at the beginning, and even the seriously injured Xiao Zhang, they did not kill him.

But they fired one shot at a time, hitting the hands and feet, but not the fatal parts. The streets were filled with the screams and wails of the people. What they wanted was to lure He Lao and others to give up their defense and save people.

He Lao and others were trapped in the middle of the street, and they did not dare to move towards the buildings on both sides of the street, because those who tried to run into the store caused another explosion. It can be seen that these mercenaries planted a lot of explosives around them. No one dares to enter the store without checking.

“Morning light, can you find their location?” He Lao asked.

Luo Chenguang's weird energy glasses can capture weirdness and weird energy. Although these four mercenaries are humans, two of them carry weird energy equipment.

Although the trick energy equipment of one of them was destroyed by He Lao, the other party did not throw it away directly. As long as there was residual trick energy on him, he could capture it through the trick glasses.

Luo Chenguang put on a pair of unique-shaped glasses. There seemed to be flesh on the bone frames that had not been shaved off. He looked very disgusting. And just after he put on his glasses, a small piece of meat residue turned into black smoke and floated in front of the two frames. Then, Luo Chenguang's vision changed.

He saw two faint groups of black mist on the second floors of two shops on both sides of the street directly in front: "Teacher, more than ten meters ahead, there is the sixth shop on the left, the fifth shop on the right, on the second floor, two personal."

Mr. He nodded, looked through the bone wall to the street behind, and said solemnly: "There are two more people hiding behind. They deliberately let us in and double-teamed us front and rear."

“Damn it, if the sneaky glasses didn’t need to be recharged, I wouldn’t have fallen into their trap if I could have worn them all the time.” Luo Chenguang said angrily.

"It's useless to say this now. We have to find a way to avoid the ambush in one direction. Everyone, keep up and don't be more than two meters away from me." Mr. He walked forward on crutches. With every step he took, the bone wall followed. His movement moves forward a certain distance as a whole.

 But this is not the first time that the mercenaries have fought against He Lao. They have figured out the effect of this bone wall. He Lao and the others move forward, and they also move back.

 The people in the rear continued to shoot at the civilians, wailing, screaming, begging for help, and constantly torturing He Lao and Luo Chenguang.

The two of them did not dare to save people at all. First, because the distance between those people was too wide, and the space of the bone wall was limited. It could accommodate up to six or seven people crowded together at the same time, and no more could be accommodated.

Second, once you rescue people at this time, you may give the other party an opportunity. Once the bone wall is broken, more people will die.

Unable to approach the mercenaries and unable to save the injured, He Lao's heart sank to the bottom.


Suddenly, the window on the second floor directly in front suddenly shattered, and a figure fell directly from the upstairs. It was the captain of the mercenary team, William.

"Captain!" The beast in the building opposite was about to ask William what happened, when he heard a "whoosh" and a rocket was fired from the building where William was and flew towards him.

As the rockets flew out, a very excited voice sounded: "Yeah, RPG! If it can't kill weirdos, it can't kill people?"


Although Beast reacted to the sound, his movements were still a little slow. The rocket shot out of the window and exploded, and the huge impact directly knocked him out.

At this time, Mr. He saw a minion jump out of the window of the building where William was before, and rushed towards William in the middle of the street. Without saying a word, he held a Colt M2000 pistol and blew off William's head.

 “Who is this?”

 (End of this chapter)

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