Chapter 91 My bright moon will never be given away!

Chapter 91 My bright moon must never be given away!

Shen Ge and Fang Mingyue entered this neighborhood and soon discovered the Wei Neng Building integrated with the mountain. When they were wondering whether to explore the surrounding area first or go directly to the Wei Neng Building, they suddenly heard an explosion, followed by There were bursts of gunfire.

The two of them followed the sound of gunshots. Fang Mingyue recognized the bone wall trapped in the middle of the street at a glance. It was the effect of the bone staff held by Mr. He.

“Tan Shen, it’s Mr. He! The teachers are trapped, we have to find a way to help them!” After Fang Mingyue finished speaking, she wanted to rush towards the block, but was pulled back by Shen Ge.

Shen Ge said: "Don't worry, it seems that the bone wall can block bullets, and ordinary firearms can't do anything to your teacher. If you, a flesh and blood body, rush forward, the final result will be like those people lying on the ground. Try it first Analyze the ballistics, find the people hiding in the dark, and find opportunities to deal with them, and He Lao's crisis will naturally be resolved."

 As expected of Shen Tan, he is calm and composed when faced with problems and can spot key issues at a glance. Alas, care leads to chaos. I actually made such a stupid mistake, which almost hindered Shen Tan again.

“What Shen Tan has taught me is that I will deal with things calmly in the future and will never make such a stupid mistake again!” Fang Mingyue said with confidence.


 When did I teach you a lesson?

Shen Ge was speechless. He held Fang Mingyue because he didn't want her to go out and die. Secondly, he just wanted to die. He also exposed himself and had to spend more mental energy to run away invisibly in advance.

Although Fang Mingyue lacks actual combat experience, there is no doubt about his professional "investigation" ability. In just two minutes of observation, even without trick glasses, he successfully found the location of the four mercenaries.

"I'm going to deal with the two guys on the street. I'm going to try to get close to the two shooting guys at the end of the street. Go if you can, and if you can't, just wait for me to come back." Shen Ge said to Fang Mingyue.

Fang Mingyue thought that the firepower ahead was so fierce that Shen Tan actually took on the most dangerous task regardless of his own safety. Not only that, he was also worried about my injury, so he asked me to do my best. No, if I want to follow Shen Tan's footsteps, how can I stop in front of such a small danger!

"Don't worry, Detective Shen, I promise to complete the mission!" Fang Mingyue stood up straight as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood. Those who didn't know it thought she was about to die heroically.

 “Go, safety first!” Shen Ge reminded.


Fang Mingyue went around to the back of the street, climbed up from the outer wall to the roof, and played stealth parkour on the roof with her agile body, obviously trying to break through from the roof.

Seeing the other party's disappearing figure, Shen Ge sighed and said that although this silly girl is not smart, her reconnaissance and skills are really good. She probably trained a lot in Dajing.

 “Alas, it’s a pity that my brain is stupid.” Shen Ge went around to a store to hide, then activated his intangible properties and moved towards the person hiding on the second floor who was shooting.

William lost one of his hands to Mr. He, so he could only place the gun on the window sill with one hand and shoot. However, they had seriously injured one soldier and disabled another soldier's mobility. The remaining Mr. He and Luo Chenguang was trapped in the bone wall, so he didn't have to worry about the other party fighting back.

William pulled the trigger crazily, shooting at the civilians around the bone wall, venting the anger in his heart and the hatred of his broken arm. He had to kill He Lao to satisfy his hatred!

 “Brother, you are a model worker, can you shoot with one hand?” Just when William was enjoying the shooting, a joking voice suddenly sounded out of thin air behind him.

William turned around alertly, but what he received in response was a cold touch, and then his only remaining hand was cut off.


The pain of the broken arm eroded William's nerves. Before he could scream, he felt the air slamming into him, as if an invisible person kicked him in the chest, sending him flying from the second floor.

 “Tsk, compared to chopping things weird, this butcher knife is more efficient at chopping people.” For the first time, Shen Ge felt that cold weapons were easier to use than firearms.

In order to conserve mental energy, Shen Ge revealed his figure, looked at the rocket launcher placed by the window, picked it up, loaded it, and aimed at the building opposite.

 “Yeah, RPG! If you can’t blow up weird things, why can’t you kill people?”


The rocket flew to the opposite building, blowing another mercenary away directly. An explosion at such a close range made even **** shake his head.

Shen Ge looked at William who was kicked downstairs by him. When he saw that the other person was not dead, he jumped directly from the second floor window, stepped on William's chest, took out his pistol, and blew off the other person's head with two bangs.

Even if he had to stay alive to attract Wei, there were injured people all around, and there were two mercenaries at the end of the street. Naturally, William, who had seen him become invisible, would not be able to turn around.

Shen Ge solved the two mercenaries on the street. Just as he was about to go to the end of the street to deal with the other two, he heard a loud noise. An explosion occurred in a building at the end of the street, followed by gunshots. Fang Mingyue neatly eliminated the two mercenaries. The mercenaries were not much slower than Shen Ge.

 “Sister, let’s stay alive for some reason.” Shen Ge looked at the burning second floor opposite, not knowing whether the one who was blown away by the RPG was dead.

 “Teacher!” After taking care of the mercenaries, Fang Mingyue immediately rushed towards the bone wall.

Hearing Fang Mingyue's voice, Mr. He was overjoyed, lifted the bone wall, and said excitedly: "Mingyue, Mingyue, you're okay, that's great!"

"Ah Yue!" Luo Chenguang was even more excited than He Lao. He rushed up to give Fang Mingyue a hug, but saw Fang Mingyue looking forward excitedly.

"Shen Tan." Fang Mingyue greeted Shen Ge who was approaching.

Luo Chenguang looked embarrassed. When he turned around, he found a big yellow man walking towards them.

"Morning light, go and see the injuries of Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li, and then help the injured." He Lao said solemnly as he looked at the wailing people lying on the street.

“Yes, teacher.” Luo Chenguang had to deal with the injured first.

Fang Mingyue and Shen Ge also joined in rescuing the injured. Mr. He told Fang Mingyue that there might be bombs planted by mercenaries in nearby shops. Fang Mingyue began to investigate first and dealt with the traps at the entrance of the two shops. The injured were moved in first.

Soldier Xiao Zhang was too close to the location of the first explosion and died of serious injuries. Xiao Li was sniped by William on the way to check on Xiao Zhang's injuries. Although he did not die, his hands and feet were shot. Although Fang Mingyue dug out bullets for him, he also lost his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Except for the five people who fled behind He Lao in the chaos, the rest of the civilians were in no better condition than Xiao Li. For a while, the shop was filled with wailing. Luo Chen was furious when he saw Fang Mingyue who was introducing Shen Ge to Mr. He with an adoring face. Then he heard the wailing voice lying on the ground behind him, and he became even more angry: "Hey, if you want to do something weird? Luring them over and reducing them to food, they continue to bark.”

“Detective, it hurts, it hurts me so much.” A woman cried bitterly.

Luo Chenguang said angrily: "I can bear the pain, but if I attract Weirdness, everyone will die."

"Woo, woo." When the woman heard the words, she could only grit her teeth and sob continuously. She was also afraid of attracting Weirdness. After all, Weirdness was much scarier than bullets.

"Tan Shen is young, but he can kill many level 2 weirdos by himself. He is young and promising, outstanding, and his future achievements will be limitless! Mingyue, you must learn from Tan Tan!" Mr. He looked towards Fang. Mingyue said earnestly.

Shen Ge said: "Our generation is the only one that has not produced heroes like Mr. He and Section Chief Chen. If Mr. He were thirty years younger, there would be no place for younger generations like us. I am in Rong City Special Policy Department, I often hear Section Chief Chen mention your heroic deeds."

  After a while of business compliments, the two sides got down to the topic. He Lao told Shen Ge one by one his plans and what he had discovered in the strange space in the past few days.

 The two people basically agreed on the chaotic space and time guesses, but He Lao had more details and also killed several weirdos.

The images Li Xiang captured through satellites were, after all, the investigation he started after Shen Ge arrived. In fact, there were more than "six chaotic spaces" before that, but one of them was solved by Mr. He, and another one was solved by those mercenaries. one.

Li Xiang thought that these changes occurred after Shen Ge entered, so he gave all the credit for the spatial changes to him.

The two of them then talked about the large number of weirdos that disappeared, and whether a new level 4 weirdo would be spawned, and let two level 4 weirdos fight each other. Whether their plan to reap the benefits was feasible.

He Lao was one of the earliest people to experience the "use trickery to control trickery" plan. According to him, at that time, some people also considered using this method to deal with weirdness.

But the number of weirdos at that time was limited, so I couldn't test whether eating weirdos would accelerate their evolution. I just felt that controlling one weirdo to deal with another weirdy would have too many restrictions, and once it got out of control, the other weirdos there would be. The detectives will face two strange creatures at the same time.

Hence, the Special Strategy Department adopted another method, which was to kill Weiyi and then use Weiji energy to make the corpse into anti-Weiji equipment.

After listening to Shen Ge's idea, Mr. He muttered: "The method proposed by Detective Shen combined with Director Li's research report is indeed very feasible. The strange strength of level 4 is so terrifying that we can't deal with it with just the strength of a few of us." It is indeed not easy, but when two tigers fight, one of them will be injured, which can cause them to fight, and maybe we can take advantage of this."

Fang Mingyue echoed: "Yes, after my observation during this period, Weiyi will take the initiative to attack the same kind after not devouring life forms for a long time. In my opinion, they should also have a sense of 'hunger', It’s just that under the influence of the mysterious energy, the living body will be more attractive than the same kind of mysterious energy.”

Everyone nodded after hearing this. This situation is not difficult to understand. Just like eating nutritious meals is better for the body, people still prefer to enjoy delicious food.

Mr. He said: "Based on my observations over the past few days, it is very likely that the second strange thing is hidden in Dongyu Mountain. Compared with the unknown and dangerous strange energy building, the open Dongyu Mountain is more suitable for exploration. If you want to use strange energy to To control the monsters, the first thing to do is to find two monsters. I think we might as well place the civilians here, and Mingyue and Chenguang stay to protect them, while Detective Shen and I go up the mountain to look for the monsters."

"Teacher, I can do it too..." When Fang Mingyue heard that He Lao planned to let her stay, she immediately wanted to fight for the qualification to go to the front line.

Shen Ge said: "Mr. He's proposal is feasible, but for two weirdos to fight, it's not enough to only know the location of one weirdo. We can't wait to find one weirdo and then spend time looking for the other weirdo. In my case, It seems that it would be best to do both at the same time.”

"Secondly, although the people are important, solving the source of the strange incidents is the top priority. Most of them are seriously injured now. If they don't get timely treatment, how long can it last? Three days? Five days? We have no time, my My suggestion is, Mr. He, take Fang Tan and Luo Tan with you to Dongyu Mountain."

Luo Chenguang sneered when he heard this, and said sarcastically: "Hey, we have all gone up the mountain. How about you, stay here to protect the civilians? Bah, you really know how to arrange the work, keep the safe ones to yourself, and let us go to the dangerous ones. Do it. No wonder I’m alive to this day.”

This guy obviously forgot that without Shen Ge's help, he, Mr. He and a group of civilians were still trapped in the middle of the street as targets.

Shen Ge was too lazy to pay attention to him and was about to continue talking about his plan, but he heard Fang Mingyue slam the table and cursed angrily: "Shut up! You don't understand Shen Tan at all. Shen Tan has never been afraid of danger and always rushes to kill the opponent. Wei first line, your words are an insult to Shen Tan! If I guess correctly, Shen Tan plans to go to the Wei Neng Building alone to search for the original fourth-level weirdness in this weird space!"

"He asked us to go up the mountain. The mountain is just suspected of swallowing up a lot of weirdness. It may give birth to high-level weirdness...or maybe nothing at all. And he is going to a place where there is definitely a fourth-level weirdness!"

“You know how to cheat and cheat during training, but you don’t know that Shen Tan, despite his outstanding talent, still works hard and has great ambitions? Stop looking at Shen Tan’s stalwart body with your short-sighted eyes, you are not worthy!”


Luo Chenguang made a casual sarcasm and was inexplicably hit by a high-intensity firepower output from the person he admired. He was immediately stunned.

What exactly happened to Mingyue during my absence, and why was she brainwashed by this seemingly ordinary man?



How can I give up my bright moon?

"Mingyue, that's not what I meant. Please listen to my explanation." Luo Chenguang said anxiously.

Fang Mingyue snorted coldly: "In my heart, Tan Tan is as great a person as a teacher. It is because of heroes like him who carry the burden forward that we can sit here alive and talk. You have no idea what Tan Tan has been doing these days. What efforts and costs have been spent to resolve this strange incident as soon as possible!

"Would you go without water and food for several days, finally find food and water, and distribute it to others without hesitation? Will you rush back non-stop after learning that the people are being harmed by strange things, risking your life to fight with strange people? Just to buy time for everyone? Will you, after learning that those beastly mercenaries eat our soldiers to fill their stomachs, and to avenge the soldiers, hunt down the mercenaries in this strange space? "

"You won't! When something like this happens, you will just hide, just like you would in normal training. Once the intensity increases, you will retreat for various reasons!"

“Tan Shen is like the bright moon in the night sky, guiding me with his pure and flawless actions, making me work hard to become an excellent detective! If you insult Tan Tan, you are insulting me!”


 Confession, is this a confession, right?



Mingyue, what kind of drug have you been given?

 (End of this chapter)

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