Chapter 46 - Hospital (Part 2) -END-

Chapter 46 - Hospital (Part 2) -END-

Chapter 46 – Hospital (Part 2) -END

Novel Title: 一生之计在于春 (Spring is the Plan of Life)

Author:御小凡 (Yu Xiaofan)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists: 姚锦夕 (Yao Jinxi -MC), 吴洋 (Wu Yang -ML)

*Please read at, the original site of translation. TQ*


The surgery lasted the whole morning. Yao Jinxi waited at the door, feeling restless and wanting to smoke. There were other family members waiting for their relatives to undergo surgery and everyone’s positions were chaotic. But there was silence on the scene. Occasionally, someone would be wheeled out and their family members would follow them downstairs.

At noon, it was finally Wu Yang’s turn to be wheeled out. Yao Jinxi had been waiting by the door and immediately followed him when he saw it was him. Wu Yang was still deep in anaesthesia, lying on the bed quietly.

The doctor who came out with them reminded Yao Jinxi as they entered the elevator, “In a while, you have to wake him up. He shouldn’t sleep too long after the general anaesthesia.”

Yao Jinxi quickly responded, “Okay.”

On the way to being moved to the hospital bed, Wu Yang inadvertently pulled at his wound. Even in his unconscious state, he emitted a painful groan. Yao Jinxi heard it and felt a sharp ache in his heart.

The doctor who stood by the hospital bed, lifted the sheets, “These two tubes must not be compressed. You need to keep an eye on them. The blood will flow out on its own. If he wants to turn over at night, help him. Otherwise, it may tear at the wound.”

After the doctor left, Yao Jinxi began to fuss by Wu Yang’s side. It took considerable effort to bring Wu Yang from unconsciousness to a semi-conscious state. Only then did he heave a sigh of relief. Seeing the IV bag running out, he quickly pressed the nurse call button.

Taking care of a patient is indeed a mentally and physically demanding task, requiring intense concentration. In the hospital room, Yao Jinxi hardly sat down. He hadn’t eaten lunch and now he neglected dinner. He had to maintain a certain volume to keep talking to Wu Yang, preventing him from falling into a deep sleep again.

In just one afternoon, Yao Jinxi was already considering lying down on a hospital bed himself.

Once Wu Yang settled down a bit, Yao Jinxi took a moment to make phone calls to others.

Before long, someone came to visit.

Yao Jinxi hadn’t expected that the first person to come see Wu Yang would be Yao Jinchen.

He carried health products bought from the supermarket below the hospital. It was evident that it was a hastily put together assortment. The bottom of the box of donkey-hide gelatin even had a label indicating it was for women.

Yao Jinxi didn’t rub it on his face. Instead, he took it and placed it at the bedside, “What else did you bring with you?”

“Did the surgery go smoothly?” Yao Jinchen didn’t look at Wu Yang lying on the bed. He focused his attention on Yao Jinxi.

“Have a seat,” Yao Jinxi pulled a chair over, “It went well. The doctor said he should wake up by tomorrow morning at the latest.”

Only then did Yao Jinchen shift his attention to Wu Yang, “Are you staying overnight? How can you manage by yourself without shifts during the day and night?”

Yao Jinxi had considered this early on. His tea shop had long closed down. But being alone, he figured that after the first couple of days when Wu Yang was in better condition, he would hire a caregiver. At least they could take over the nights and he could come during the day to take care of Wu Yang.

“I’ve thought about it. I’ll hire a nurse when the time comes.” Yao Jinxi calmly shared his plan. This was his own affair since Wu Yang was his partner. He hadn’t considered having Yao Hong or Yao Jinchen join in the turmoil.

Yao Jinchen chuckled with his expressionless face. As he watched Yao Jinxi single-mindedly caring for Wu Yang, a sinister part of him couldn’t help but emerge. Without much thought, he blurted out, “You’re quite thoughtful. I heard cancer is prone to recurrence.”

The atmosphere instantly froze with the last sentence spoken.

Yao Jinchen also realised he had spoken out of turn. He pursed his lips and pretended to be indifferent. He looked away.

The room fell into a long silence. Eventually, Yao Jinxi spoke again, “It’s getting late. You should go back.”

Anger surged within Yao Jinchen. He stood up abruptly, glaring at Yao Jinxi with frustration. His hands clenched into fists at his sides. “Is this really necessary?!”

Yao Jinxi remained silent. His hands crossed on his folded legs, not even looking at Yao Jinchen.

“Fine, I’ll leave.” Yao Jinchen strode toward the door, gripping the handle with a slight turn of his head. “I actually came today to bid you farewell. I’m heading to the United States in three days.”

Yao Jinchen’s excellence in his field was beyond doubt. Despite his youthful arrogance, his brilliance was undeniable. As an ideal candidate for developing technical talent, the company ultimately chose him. Originally, they had humanely arranged half a month for them to settle their affairs. However, only Yao Jinchen had approached the company, requesting to expedite his departure to the company’s headquarters in the United States immediately.

Yao Jinxi’s fingers trembled imperceptibly. But he calmly said, “Congratulations.”

“Thank you. Goodbye.” Yao Jinchen turned around, casting one last glance at his elder brother’s seated figure. He then left without any lingering sentiment.

That night, Yao Jinxi couldn’t sleep at all. Wu Yang was restless while being unconscious, muttering incoherently. Yao Jinxi patiently and tirelessly inquired but he couldn’t make sense of anything. All he could do was comfort him and provide the care that might make him feel a little better.

Once Wu Yang settled down, the IV bag was empty again. The cycle repeated and the night passed in this manner.

Wu Yang only truly regained consciousness three days later. In those three days, Yao Jinxi hadn’t managed to get a proper night’s sleep. Dark circles had formed beneath his eyes, giving him a haggard and exhausted appearance.

When Wu Yang woke up, Yao Jinxi finally seized a moment to doze off as he leaned against the railing of the hospital bed. His chin rested on his elbow and the slightly furrowed eyebrows made him look like a weary child.

As if emerging from a dim nightmare, Wu Yang’s gaze shifted from blurry to clear. He stared at the tired sleeping face of Yao Jinxi as he was lost in thought.

His awakening gave Yao Jinxi a chance to recover. After discussing it among themselves, they hired a nurse to watch over Wu Yang at night, allowing Yao Jinxi some time to rest.

Xia Ruonan visited several times and even Yao Hong rushed over from City L once again to visit. They alternated between helping take care of Wu Yang and bringing nutritious meals for Yao Jinxi and Wu Yang.

With their assistance, Yao Jinxi finally found the time to look for a house. He wanted everything to be ready so that Wu Yang could move in as soon as he was discharged.

Despite Wu Yang’s delicate appearance, he possessed a resilient vitality like wild grass. Even the doctors commented on his rapid recovery, suggesting that the radiation therapy could be shortened, allowing for an earlier discharge.

Thinking back to how challenging the radiation therapy had been for Wu Yang, Yao Jinxi gritted his teeth and invited Yan Zhaowen to visit. Due to his connection with Yan Zhaowen, he had some understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and knew its beneficial effects as a complementary treatment for cancer.

Yan Zhaowen, considering his appreciation for Yao Jinxi and the fine tea, spent his own leisure time to examine and treat Wu Yang. He had a good understanding of Wu Yang’s condition from the pulse diagnosis. Traditional Chinese medicine, unlike Western medicine, doesn’t give absolute judgments on such severe illnesses.

Seeing the two young individuals going through such difficulties, Yan Zhaowen, with the tenderness of an elder for the younger generation, advised, “Your pulse seems quite good. Remember, you must maintain a cheerful mood.”

For this healer who had almost saved his life, Wu Yang held a respectful attitude. “Alright, thank you. I appreciate you making a special trip here.”

Yan Zhaowen chuckled, “I used to say the same thing to Xiao Yao. Take good care of your health. I think I should check his pulse too. Taking care of you, he looks as haggard as you do.”

The ancients said that at forty, one is no longer perplexed by anything much anymore. Yan Zhaowen, having passed the age of sixty, possessed a broad understanding of the world from his daily interactions with various people. He had a vague sense of the relationship between Wu Yang and Yao Jinxi.

However, aside from understanding why his attempts to introduce a girlfriend to Yao Jinxi had always been rejected, Yan Zhaowen didn’t have any other particular feelings.

Although Wu Yang had only recently entered his life, it wasn’t difficult for Yan Zhaowen to see that Yao Jinxi was a good person. Sexual orientation couldn’t change this fundamental aspect and it shouldn’t alter how others perceived him.

Yan Zhaowen hinted with a meaningful look, “He cares about you a lot.”

Wu Yang felt a slight surprise but quickly regained his composure. He smiled, looking directly into Yan Zhaowen’s eyes, “I will take good care of him.”

“Ah, youth is truly wonderful.” Yan Zhaowen sighed and didn’t dwell on it. He handed over a new prescription, saying, “I’ll leave now. Let Xiao Yao know when he comes back.”

Yao Jinxi and Xia Ruonan had gone to buy daily necessities together and hadn’t returned yet.

Wu Yang suggested, “I’ll ask him to escort you.”

Yan Zhaowen waved his hand, “No need. My son is waiting downstairs.”

The elderly man walked out of the hospital room and saw a well-dressed young man smiling at him by the elevator. It was someone he had seen a few times, recognizing him as a friend of Yao Jinxi and Wu Yang.

The young man assisted him in pressing the elevator button and politely smiled, “Take care.”

“Thank you.” Yan Zhaowen stroked his beard, thinking that people do tend to associate with those of similar character. Wu Yang was always thoughtful and polite in his speech so his friends were also no different.

As Yan Zhaowen descended down the elevator, Yao Jinxi and Xia Ruonan arrived in another elevator. Seeing Fu Hongyu smoking by the window, Xia Ruonan, as lively as a springbok, bounced over, “You’ve arrived? Why are you dressed so lightly?”

It’s already winter outside. Although the winter temperatures in City C won’t drop below freezing, the damp weather always manages to wrap a chilling cold around the bones.

Knowing that Xia Ruonan doesn’t like the smell of smoke, Fu Hongyu threw the cigarette, which he had only smoked halfway, into the trash can. He smiled and held her hand, saying, “Look at you. You’re also dressed too lightly. You should feel even colder than me.”

”I just came back from somewhere,” Xia Ruonan replied without breaking her hand free from his. It looked as if it were a matter of course. Yao Jinxi watched from the side. His eyebrows twitched. When did these two become so close without him noticing?

At that time, he encouraged Xia Ruonan to consider Fu Hongyu’s pursuit. But now that the other party had succeeded, Yao Jinxi suddenly became worried again. This worry gradually intensified as he watched Xia Ruonan’s affectionate smile, making him feel a bit restless.

“Ruonan,” he decisively handed the things to Xia Ruonan, “you go back to the hospital room first. I need to consult Fu Hongyu about a few things.”

Xia Ruonan responded with a puzzled “Ah?” not understanding the reason.

Fu Hongyu was well aware of Yao Jinxi’s reaction. But he didn’t pay much attention to it. “You go back and check on Wu Yang. The old Chinese doctor just left. Yao Jinxi has some legal issues to discuss with me.”

“Oh, I see… It’s cold outside. Hurry inside later,” Xia Ruonan, always easy to deceive, picked up the two bags of things and returned to the hospital room.

Yao Jinxi got straight to the point, “I’m sorry for bringing up this matter at this time. It might not be appropriate. I don’t want to bother with other people’s romantic relationships, but I can’t help feeling uneasy. You know how Ruonan is. She’s quick to trust others.”

His words were somewhat blunt as he had devoted all his patience to Wu Yang. So his tolerance for other matters and people had diminished.

“What you worried about…” Fu Hongyu nodded understandingly. “I find it strange too. So it’s something that’s hard to explain.”

Yao Jinxi didn’t interrupt. He just listened as Fu Hongyu continued.

“You might not understand. As a lawyer, I consider myself very calm and composed.” Fu Hongyu’s voice softened, contradicting his demeanour. It was as if he recalled a very beautiful memory. “But the moment I saw her, I knew I would marry her.”

Yao Jinxi remarked, “That’s romantic. But also impulsive.”

“I don’t deny it. But it was also an opportunity and a turning point. I’m grateful that I seized it.” Fu Hongyu crossed his arms. His tall figure leaned against the windowsill. There was a playful look in his eyes as he gazed at Yao Jinxi. “I believe I can be for Ruonan what Wu Yang is for you.”

It was not a surprise that he knew about his relationship with Wu Yang. But Yao Jinxi still wore a sceptical expression. He was waiting for Fu Hongyu to provide a more convincing assurance.

“Wu Yang asked me for a favour a few days ago. Did he tell you about it?” Fu Hongyu chose this moment to bring up the topic. “It was only then that I found out he’s actually quite wealthy.”

Yao Jinxi’s attention was suddenly redirected to the new topic. He asked in confusion, “What favour did he ask you for?”

“He made a will. If he dies, you’re the sole beneficiary of all his property.”

Fu Hongyu’s words exploded like a thunderclap in Yao Jinxi’s mind. His thoughts were in disarray, unable to grasp the main point. Instinctively, he asked, “What did he do?! Why did he have to go and make a will?!”

Fu Hongyu shrugged, “How should I know? Why don’t you go ask him yourself?”

Yao Jinxi definitely intended to do just that. He anxiously waited for Xia Ruonan and Fu Hongyu to leave, creating a space where he could be alone with Wu Yang.

Once the two had departed, he couldn’t wait any longer and questioned Wu Yang urgently, “Fu Hongyu told me you made a will? Why are you doing this?! We’ve discussed your illness with the doctor many times. Nothing is going to happen to you. Your radiation therapy is going well, right? No cancer cells are alive anymore!”

The rapid-fire questioning was an attempt to conceal the fear in his heart. Yao Jinxi immediately jumped to a pessimistic conclusion, wondering if the doctor had told Wu Yang something he hadn’t been told—like the cancer cells spreading so quickly?!

“Sit down first,” Wu Yang chuckled, watching Yao Jinxi nervously pacing around. “I really am fine. But writing a will isn’t something you have to do when death is knocking on the door.”

Yao Jinxi stared at him as if he were a strange creature. He was still feeling jittery. “You’re being nerve-wracking, you know? Why make a will when you’re perfectly fine? It’s really scary, you know?”

“Listen to me,” Wu Yang calmed down, seemingly contemplating how to explain to him. In the midst of his contemplation, a satisfied smile appeared on his lips, causing Yao Jinxi to lose focus.

“I never thought I’d get cancer. Even though it looks like I’ve pulled through this time, there’s still a five-year mark. What happened this time made me want to be prepared for the worst. I’m confident I can take care of you. But what if I die before you? How can I rest in peace?” Wu Yang looked at Yao Jinxi, who had sat down beside the bed, and held his hand.

Yao Jinxi stared at him in disbelief. He knew Wu Yang liked to plan things thoroughly. But he hadn’t expected him to even consider such matters on behalf of both of them.

“You…” Yao Jinxi stammered for a while. His eyes turned red as he tightly held Wu Yang’s hand. “You better live well! If you dare to die before me, I’ll use your money to find another man!”

Wu Yang burst into laughter.

Time passed, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Wu Yang finally completed his course of radiation therapy. To allow his body time to recover, the intervals between each session became longer. After spending another half-month recuperating in the hospital, the check-up showed that his body functions were normal and there was no trace of cancer cells.

In short, he could be discharged.

Yao Jinxi didn’t call anyone else. They packed their belongings into two bags. Since the rented house was ready, it only awaited its new occupants.

After completing the final formalities, Wu Yang and Yao Jinxi walked side by side out of the hospital gate, feeling a sense of rebirthing.

A thought struck Wu Yang as he turned to see Yao Jinxi looking back at him.

Beneath the swaying tree shadows, the two shared a kiss.

It’s another year. And the spring sun is warm.


*Author’s Note: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! What kind of mooncakes do you all like to eat? XD Thanks for Anan’s hand grenade [covering face].

With this, this article comes to an end =w=. Thank you all for reading. There will be two short extra chapters later to reward everyone. Love you all.

Today, I’m going to correct all the typos that were missed earlier. If you see a pseudo-update prompt, please ignore it, 0w0. 



*Translator’s Note: It’s not over yet! There will be 3 extra chapters for this novel but the last extra was so long because it was added later by the author in the published edition. I divided it into 7 parts. So you guys can look forward to 10 more chapters, yeah? I can’t wait to finish translating this novel! -K

Next update: 2023.11.26


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