Chapter 18 Changes[2]

[Alec's POV]

"She's mine."



Heavy silence descended to the room after Raven's words.

When everyone heard Raven's words, their fear toward him changed into shame and was freed from Raven's pressure

Everyone was focused on Raven.

Raven has a serious look on his face. Remembering his words just now, I got flustered. I can see the other students blushing as well, especially the girls.

The girls' faces shows jealousy and excitement. Well Raven declared in front of many 'She's mine' while saving his, I assumed his lover, from lustful comments.

So it's understandable the girls will be jealous as some of them wants a lover like Raven who will stood up for them any time.

The girls were like screaming internally. They're squealing weakly.

Adelle was covering her mouth with her hands and she's blushing really hard.

Aoi was covering her both ears because of embarrassment. I feel her.

I don't know why, but I got embarrassed at what Raven said.

Eve has a very complicated look on her face but you can see her face fidgeting a little.

Sir Kendy and Curtis have their eyes widened. Their mouths continues to close and open but no words came out from them.

Raven, who withdrawn his pressure. looked at the cute woman whose face was so red.

The cute woman then looked at Raven directly and sent a shy but sweet smile at him.

And as a reply, Raven let out a rare but charming smile!

The cute woman then became more flustered. It's like steam was coming out from her head as she fidgets uncontrollably.

Raven is not very handsome, as a matter of fact, I'm way more handsome.

But for some reason, Raven seems more attractive than me.

His smile just now made the girls' heart thump faster and squeal.

Even Adelle and Aoi blushed a little seeing Raven's smile.

Well, Eve's expression bacame more complicated like she saw something disturbing for some reason.

Also maybe because Raven's default look is a bored face, his smile has more impact.

'So fucking cool!'

I thought.

When someone declares something like that, normally I would thought it was cheesy and cringe.

But Raven has this weird charisma that when he said it. He looked like a knight courting a princess!

I may have my past life memories but my mentality is still a teenager's.


The room was silence until someone laughed. It caught everyone's attention.

And the source of the laugh was the other woman who has her face covered.

I saw Raven squinted his eyes while looking at that woman.

The cover on the woman's face seems like an artifact as we can't sense her presence and we can't see what's behind it at all.

"You're so cool."

The masked woman's seductive voice echoed while she's looking at Raven.

The masked woman then placed her hand on the veil-like artifact that's covering her face. And with a swift pull, she removed it. And her face was revealed.


Every student was surprised with the Identity of the masked woman.

"It makes me want to be yours too, Raven."

She said with a smile, looking at Raven.

She was beautiful. Red hair and eyes, she was like a beautiful ruby gem!

She's an <S> rank hero and a professor here at Lunar, she's ranked 57 in the [Heroes Ranking]. 𝐟𝘳𝑒𝗲𝘸e𝒃𝘯𝒐𝐯e𝚕.c𝒐𝒎

She was Ruby Skye.

The most beautiful hero.

Also known as the 'Bewitching Swordwoman'.

Everyone, boys or girls, got mesmerized by her beauty and we all blushed. Even Curtis and Eve.

But as we were admiring her beauty, we remembered her words. It was then a complicated look appeared on our face, and we all looked at Raven.

Raven was frowning really hard, he's not blushing at all, as a matter of fact, he seems displeased.

"Do you know her?"

Aoi asked Raven, one can tell she's surprised by the thought of that.

Raven nodded and casually answered.

"Yeah, she's famous so I obviously know her."

Because of his answer we all frowned. He's being vague again and dodging the question for certain!

"No, I mean, do you have any connection or some kind of relationship with her."

Aoi rephrased her question.

"No. Not at all. How would I have something like that with her? I have no good family background and I'm not that really talented."

Raven replied without batting an eye.

I don't know about not being talented but him not having a good family background is true so we accepted his answer.

Though, that was until Ruby spoke again.

"You'll make me very sad, our feelings toward each other are mutual right?"

Her words were clearly heard by everyone.

Everyone, including me, have our eyes widened as we looked at Raven with doubt and disbelief.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Raven shrugged his shoulders and spoke.

"She's just messing with you guys."

Raven was so calm that it makes him believable.

But then Ruby walked toward Raven.

Raven tried to move away but his body suddenly stopped moving.

A restraining magic was casted on him.

"Umm... Help."

Raven muttered, looking at us.

We shook our head as a reply. We're too curious at what's going to happen so we just let things proceed as they are.

Raven frowned and tried his best to break free from the magic.


He's struggling really bad.

"Why are you like that? 2 beautiful women came here just to see you."

Ruby said while approaching Raven. The woman that we presumed called 'Keara' based on what we heard Raven called her, blushed at Ruby's words.

"Okay Ruby, look calm down."

"I am calm."

Seeing Ruby getting close to him. Raven tried to reason with her, unfortunately for him, it didn't work on Ruby as she just answered casually with a sly but alluring smile.

Not long, Ruby reached Raven.

They're almost at the same heights, so they're currently face to face.

Ruby leaned her head forward toward Raven's. Soon her lips was near Raven's ear.

Everyone who was watching held their breaths, waiting for what's gonna happen next.

And with a lovely smile...

"I told you that we will see each other soon."

Ruby whispered to Raven. Her voice was weak but because of the silence, it reached everyone's ears.

Ruby's voice was beautiful like a calming melody, it's alluring and relaxing.

And it was then...


Ruby kissed Raven on his cheek. Ruby's lips touched Raven's cheek for a good couple of seconds before Ruby retreated her lips away.




The classroom then was voided of any sound. Raven was literally in shock but he didn't say a word.

Curtis and Sir Kendy were surprised with their mouths wide open.

Eve have her eyes widened.

"You left me the other day without me kissing you, so I did it now. I can decide the time and place, right?"

Ruby whispered again as a beautiful but mischievous smile spread on her face.

It was supposed to be a secret whisper but everyone in the classroom heard what Ruby said.

Like Ruby intentionally want us to hear her.

Ruby then turned her back against Raven and started to slowly head back to the front of the classroom.

When Raven heard the last phrase of Ruby's words, it seemed like realization hit him amd his expression looks like someone who has been tricked.

"I hate you."

Raven said to Ruby. Ruby turned back to look at Raven and smiled genuinely.

"I like you too."

Ruby replied.

Following her words, weak squeals of girls can be heard. They were all grinning and just looking at the scene like they were watching a drama.

I can also see Adelle and Aoi that seems to be struggling from stopping themselves from rampaging, they've been grinning ear to ear, they were bottling their excitement. Me and Blake were actually the same.

I don't know why, but the scene I just witnessed is like seeing a prince court a princess. It's just that in this case, Raven seems to be the tsundere princess while Ruby is the romantic prince.

It's like I'm a shipper, and the couple that I was shipping made a romantic development.

Though not everyone who saw that scene felt the same. Some boys felt jealousy and a bit of hatred for Raven, their faces tells them all.

"Sorry for the commotion Sir Kendy."

Ruby the apologized to Sir Kendy as soon as she was back to the front of the classroom, near Keara and Sir Kendy.

"Ah! No, it's fine, well, it's just the public display is a bit."

Sir Kendy scratched the back of his head and prompted Ruby that she already knew what he is talking about. Then he glanced at Raven, Keara, and Ruby.

"Don't worry we'll do it privately next time."

Ruby replied with still the same sly smile.

The girls' squeals got a bit louder.


Sir Kendy faked a cough, hearing Ruby's reply, he looked at Raven and grinned, making Raven frown.

"Well, anyway class, Miss Ruby Skye here will be your new professor in physical training. And on her side, Miss Keara Scarlett, is her assistant."

Sir Kendy dropped a big news.

"Because of the assessment tests professors are preparing. You guys will have a lot of free time, use it to train."

Sir Kendy added.

Ruby waved her hand to catch everyone's attention.

"I'll start teaching your class tomorrow. So see you all tomorrow."

Ruby said. She then looked at the now sitting on his seat quietly, Raven.

"Oh, except for you Raven, see you soon."

Seeing that Ruby's smile, Raven seemed to have given up on stopping Ruby to talk and just looked at her with a questioning face.

"You forgot something in my room the other day, so... Go visit me in my office later."

Ruby winked and then left classroom after.

Raven's expression was complicated.

"Umm... I-I'll visit you tonight."

It was then that we heard Keara's voice for the first time. Her voice sounds sweet and relaxing, it was cute and charming.

Raven looked at Keara and sent her another charming smile and nodded his head.

Keara smiled bashfully and left, following Ruby.

"Anyway, you guys are free today. Well not really, you need to train, so go to the training grounds. I'll be in a meeting again."

Sir Kendy said with an annoyed voice and tone then he left too.

The classroom remained silent when they left.

"So, what's your relationship with them?"

Adelle asked Raven curiously, breaking the silence.

Raven looked around and saw that everyone is waiting for his answer.

"Umm... I'm their father?"

And Raven's answer was the worst things he can say. His voice didn't even waver in saying that.



Everyone looked at him without saying anything.

"I just met them few days ago, okay?"

Rave then said in a fairly loud voice as he can't stand everyone's gaze.

"You seduced them in just days? You're really amazing!"

Blake butted in, making Raven's situation even worse.

"Shut up you're not helping!"

Raven casted a <Silence> magic to Blake.

"So do you have experience, in you know, in adult things."

Aoi asked again carefully. It was a very weird question to ask someone, but no one stopped her as we are curious as well.

Raven frowned.

He was silent for a while, as if thinking the best answer he can. Then, he opened his mouth.

"Yes, I have."

Raven casually answered.

He just dropped a bomb!


Now the girls stopped restraining their selves and screamed.

Not that Raven minded them as his expression didn't change.

"Umm, do you have any advice?"

It was Curtis who asked Raven something this time. His question made everyone looked at him.

And Curtis was just earnestly waiting for Raven's answer.

Eve frowned. We also scratched our cheeks in shame.

Raven looked at Curtis with a complicated expression before answering.

"Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it's probably crap."

Raven said then stood up.

"Well, I'm gonna go meet Ruby so I'll be going first."

After that, he immediately left the classroom, leaving everyone in daze as his words echoed in our minds.




Adelle and Blake couldn't hold their laughter back.

Me and Aoi are trembling as we hold our laugh from coming out.

Eve was covering her mouth but it seems like she's smiling.

Curtis ramained motionless as he was processing what Raven just said.

'Raven's advice was right but why does he need to put it that way?'


Curtis mumbled with a blank face.


Hearing what Curtis said and seeing his expression. The laughs everyone was holding back escaped our mouths as we can't hold it anymore.


[Raven's POV]

"Looks like my existence already took effect."

I murmured while walking.

The assessment test was supposed to start this weekend.

And Ruby wasn't suppose to be one of our professor, at least until months later.

And Keara wasn't even mentioned in the story!

Speaking of Keara.

I remembered the 3 male students that made dirty remarks about Keara.

I was just about to say that Keara was just an acquaintance of mine, but hearing their words toward Keara made my blood boil, so I snapped at them.

Remembering what I did.

My steps halted, and I frowned.

"Fucking embarrassing."

I was cringing because of my actions now that I calmed down.

But out of all thing that happened just now, what annoyed me the most was Ruby. I mean just second most after to the dirty remarks to Keara made by the 3 boys.

"What the hell is she thinking?"

Remembering Ruby's actions made me shudder.

It was hell.

Because of Ruby, a lot of unnecessary attention was pointed at me.

I'm also a human so I like attention, if it's positive.

I don't like being hated!

I'm not a masochist!

I remember how the boys looked at me. Their eyes filled with jealousy and hatred.

"This is the worst."

So many things happened and it's only morning.

I didn't expect the main characters to approach me first. I thought of shooing them away but realized that it was not a good idea.

'There will be a lot of times that I will be caught up in the story and events, so I need some kind connection with them anyway.'

"Just thinking of the happenings this day is making my head hurts."

I walked faster, heading to Ruby's office as fast as possible.


"Oh, you miss me so much that you came here as soon as possible."

Entering a room, Ruby's sweet voice greeted me with her wearing a sly smile.

Looks like Keara is not around and Ruby is alone.

"Yeah, I missed you so much that I want to strangle you."

I replied glaring at Ruby.

"Oh, what a sadist."

Ruby's expression while saying that is somewhat annoying.

"Why the hell did you do that for?"

I asked her. I'm talking about the scene she caused in the classroom earlier.

"Come on, that was for your benefit."

Ruby answered. I calmed myself down and prompted Ruby to explain.

Ruby nodded and started explaining.

"With that scene I caused, no one will be able to mess with you easily as you have me as your backing."

'Well that's true.'

I thought after looking at the situation at that perspective.

"Also, no one will suspect us that much when we're meeting in private like now. You know, when we need to talk about business."

Ruby added. All of her words have a point and her reasons are convincing too.

I don't want to admit it, but Ruby's actions really has a lot of benefits to me too.

"They'll just think that we're making out when we're meeting in private."

Ruby added, smiling ear to ear like an idiot. I frowned but didn't say anything, it's because it seems like Ruby is still gonna say another one reason of her.

"And lastly everyone there saw you getting a kiss from the most beautiful hero, aren't you a lucky one?"

Well, not gonna lie the last reason sounds somewhat convincing.

Ignoring Ruby's last reason, I asked the question that I've been curious.

"What about Keara?"

I know Ruby knows about our relationship as she investigated about me.

"Oh! That's our surprise for you! Now you can meet with her easily, her pay is also much higher than her last job. I hired her as my assistant so you can say her boss is more kind than the last one."

Ruby said proudly puffing her bosoms out. My eyes unconsciously a took glance on them, fortunately, looks like Ruby didn't notice, if she did I'll never hear the end of it.

Though seeing Ruby excitedly and innocently bragging makes her look cute.

Shaking such thoughts out of my head.

"How did you convinced her to be your assistant?"

I asked Ruby again.

"It's easy. It seems like that she loves you way too much."

Ruby answered teasingly.

"And I said that I'm also in love with you."

She added and winked.

"What the hell?"

I unconsciously said.

"Don't worry she's somewhat happy when she heard that from me."

I frowned at Ruby's assurance.

'What the hell is on her mind?'

"Oh, and I don't mind sharing you with her."

"Okay stop."

I stopped Ruby before she said anything else. She's getting out of control.

"What about the assessment test? Isn't it supposed to be this weekend?"

I changed in to another important topic. Ruby's eyes widened as she was in shock.

"You even know that?"

She asked.

"Well, I have my ways."

I shrugged.

Ruby looked at me for a while with doubt before answering.

"Well, That's because of me. I suggested it."


Why would she do that?

"For you, because of what I did in the classroom, you need to establish your rank so others won't touch you casually."

My eyes widened. It looks like Ruby's actions earlier is more planned than what I expected.

"It's for me too, I don't want to have a rumor about me having a relationship with someone weak and untalented."

Ruby added in a playful manner.

I let out a sigh.

"Why would you do all that for me?"

I asked Ruby. She have no reason to do all of that.

It really doesn't help her in any way.

Ruby just looked at me for some time while smiling.

"Because I like you."

Ruby said.

"There's nothing else, I'm just really interested in you."

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