Chapter 19 Changes[3]

After the question and answer, Ruby and I talked about business.

Ruby gave me a VIP pass of the [Paradise] while I also told her about Tyrone.

The VIP pass is what Ruby meant by the things I 'forgot' in her room.

And about my business proposal with her about Tyrone.

Ruby immediately agreed after telling her about Tyrone's potential. Just as I expected.

Ruby also gave me 8 million Zeals, it was from mine and Velcro's duel.

Some spectators made bets about the outcome of our duel. And with me winning, I got some of the money as a commission, I got a pretty huge amount as not many betted on me. Well, who doesn't like money?

"Can I ask you a favor?"

I said looking at Ruby earnestly.

"What is it?"

Ruby, curious of what I said, asked.

"I want you to spar with me from time to time. At least until the assessment test."

I said with a genuine honesty.

I didn't move my gaze from Ruby as I'm waiting for her answer.

I was nervous at what her answer will be.

Though my nervousness disappeared when I saw Ruby smile.

"Sure. If it's you, I'll even clear my schedule anytime."

I was relieved Ruby accepted my favor, but I frowned nevertheless.

"You don't need to go that far."

"Well I got you in a mess, so I can do at least that much."

Ruby shrugged. Because of the scene she caused earlier, sooner or later, gossips about it will reach the whole academy and even the outside world.

Some die hard fans of Ruby may come and attack me after the news about it come out.

Like Velcro, just thinking about it is annoying.

While I was frowning and lost in thoughts, Ruby talked.

"You're really interesting, do you know that I have this trait that makes people like me?"

Ruby was looking at me like I was an odd one.

"But you're not that affected by it."

I tilted my head and squinted my eyes, looking at her.

"What are you talking about?"

I smiled and asked.

"I already like you."

I added.

Of course I know about that Ruby's trait, it is called <Seductive>, I was the one who put it afterall.

And I'm also affected by it, if not for my trait <Calm Thinker>, I might have act as a dog toward Ruby!

"You're a good seducer you know."

Ruby said with a sly smile.

"Really? I didn't know."

I said, shrugging both of my shoulders.

"Anyway, I need to go."

Following my words, I stood up from my seat.

"Okay, come visit me from time to time."

Ruby said and waved me a goodbye.

Ignoring Ruby's seduction, I nodded and left the room.


After leaving Ruby's office. Raven went to the library.

The library of the Lunar Academy contains almost every book in the human domain. It also contains some books from the otherworlders.

The library have magic books, swordsmanship basic techniques, sword arts, history, etc.

There's even novels in it.

Raven came in the library to look at some monsters' and beasts' informations.

There's a lot of monsters and beasts that Raven doesn't know as he didn't name every single one of them in the novel. Raven doesn't even know red wolves can evolve to a King Wolf!

That's why Raven decided to gain more knowledge and information about his new world.

Settling in a secluded corner of the library and reading dozens of books. Raven was alone in a long table.

"Hey system, why do I see some weird memories from time to time?"

Raven suddenly asked.

Raven sometimes see weird memories that doesn't belong to him. He knows that they were his memories but at the same time, they're not.

Raven didn't really saw a disturbing memory, just some small, ordinary and unimportant memories. It still bothers him though.

[Those are your memories. To be precise, the memories of 'Raven', not 'Cole'.]

Raven's brows knitted together as wringkles appeared on his forehead. He felt unpleasant at the system's answer.

"Didn't you say this body is just for me? And now you're telling me that I just stole it from someone?"

Raven asked. He sounded very serious and angry.

[No, you're wrong.]

"Am I really?"

[Let's just say you have been reincarnated in here, your novel, instead of being transmigrated.]

The system explained. Though Raven is still quite confuse.

"What's your point?"

Raven asked in a annoyed tone, he's getting impatient.

[You are not 'Cole' anymore, but instead you are now 'Raven'. You did not got transmitted here, but instead got reincarnated. It means the memories you have as 'Cole' are the memories from your past life, that's why they're unclear sometimes, right?]

[You 'Cole', is the same person as 'Raven', you both are one whole soul.]

Raven frowned at the new informations he recieved.

[And the memories that you mentioned you see from time to time is actually your memories in this life, as 'Raven'.]

Raven understood what the system is saying, but at the same time, he's confused by them.

"Once I regained my memories of 'Raven', will I, 'Cole', be a different person?"

Raven asked the system anxiously.

[Not really, it's because you, 'Cole', have the main control of that body. 'Raven' will merge in to 'Cole'.]

Raven was relieved knowing that.

'In short my case is similar to Alec, the protagonist.'

Raven thought with a light nod. Being freed from something disturbing him, Raven continued his reading.

"Look! He's here!"

Though not long, a familiar loud and annoying voice pierced through and rang inside Raven's ears. Raven already guessed who it was from.

Raven's head snapped into the direction where the voice came from, hoping his guess is wrong.

Though unfortunately for Raven, his guess was right as he saw Blake pointing at him.


Blake is waving his hand while shouting his name.

Raven frowned and face palmed.

'For fuck's sake!'

Blake is with Alec, Adelle, Aoi, and Eve.

Raven pretended he didn't notice them and just continued reading. Hoping they'll go away.

Though heaven didn't grant his wish. Alec and Blake sat from his both sides, while the 3 girls sat from the opposite.

"Why did you ignore us?"

Blake asked Raven as soon as he sat down.

"Shhh, be quiet. You're in the library, you're gonna disturb people with that loud mouth of yours."

Raven said without even averting his eyes away from the book he's reading.

"Oh, my bad."

Blake said in a low voice, realizing his mistake.

And not long after they joined Raven. The girls started reading. Alec also started reading something about magic.

Everyone in that table is reading, except Blake!

Blake remained silent without reading as he just looks around.

'Why is he even here?'

Raven thought. He ignored everyone's presence and continued reading.


[Alec's POV]

We've been in the library for about half an hour.

I was not really surprise seeing Raven here as you can easily imagine him reading books all day.

Raven's concentration is good as he never stopped reading.

Me and the others stopped reading from time to time as we get bored.

But Raven continued reading non stop like it was normal for him. Though of all books he read, most of them are novels.

On the other hand, Blake is remaining silent but you can see him being bored so much. His face tells it all!

And maybe because he can't contain the boredom, Blake took out a ruler from his pocket and placed it near Raven.

Raven ignored him.

Blake moved the ruler near Raven's face, then, it touched Raven's face.

Raven still ignored him.

It was then, Blake started poking Raven with the ruler.

Me, Adelle and Aoi was looking at Blake weirdly.

Well, Eve look pleased at what the hell Blake is doing.

After a while, Raven finally looked at Blake.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Annoyance can be heard in Raven's voice.

"Measuring your patience."

Blake answered while holding back his laugh as if he just told the most funniest joke ever.

Though even the joke is pretty old, it's kinda funny because of Blake's action and Raven's reaction.

Raven seems to be struggling to stop himself from strangling Blake as his face became a bit read because of anger.

While Aoi, Adelle, and even Eve were grinning.

I'm just hiding my face with the book I'm reading as I can't stop smiling.

In the end, Raven decided to continue reading instead of dealing with Blake's boredome.

Following his example, I continued reading too.

The same goes to the girls.

But just after a while of silence.


Blake called for Raven.


Raven is pretty much annoyed already when he replied.

Blake smiled playfully. And asked:

"What do you call a fish with no eye?"

"Myxine Circifrons, now shut the fuck up." 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝐞𝚠𝚎𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵe𝚕.co𝚖

And Raven immediately answered.


Blake became silent for a second.


And ignoring Raven's answer. Blake gave his own answer to his own question to complete his joke.

Raven looked at Blake with a frown.


Then he goes back to reading again.


I was holding back my laughter. The same goes to Aoi and Adelle. Eve is still reading but the corner of her mouth is twitching.

We all know that Blake tried to crack a joke and got shot down by Raven. But their interaction just now is funny enough that my stomach hurts!

Our table was silent but I can't concentrate to the book I'm reading.

"I didn't know that there's really a fish with no eye..."

Then we heard Blake mumbled is a rather dejected tone.


After hearing Blake's mumbling, Adelle who couldn't hold it anymore, laughed from the top of her lungs.


[Raven's POV]

I left the library as soon as I finished reading informations about certain monsters.

My time in the library was pretty uneventful except that Blake always tried to disturb me every time he can by telling stupid jokes.

The others didn't talked that much, they just talk if it's necessary. Like asking questions to each other.

Though Alec, Aoi and Adelle seemed like they wanted to ask me some questions. I pretended that I didn't notice.

After a few more minutes, I was back in my dorm.

After coming in, I didn't waste any time.

I practiced mana control and some martial arts.

"It's not that long since I entered Lunar but my existence already took effect on the story."

The assessment test, Ruby teaching our class a lot earlier, and even Keara's existence.

"And that annoying thing called Blake."

Blake didn't appeared in my novel but upon appraising his stats, I'm sure he's talented.

Blake is a rank higher than me.

It doesn't really affects the story that much.

"There's already changes happening about the future that I know."

With the Transcend Beings alternating some happenings to their liking.

I already predicted this.

But it's most likely that the main events will still happen.

I don't plan to act like an extra.

I'll do whatever I want.

But to have that kind of freedom I need to have a lot strength.

Physically and financially.

Financially, I plan to start a company with a lot of future bigshots. Using my information about the future, it's possible.

But the problem is physically.

"My talent limit."

I'm not talented enough to be one of the strongest, in fact, I have an average talent.

The best rank I can reach is <D> rank, an average rank limit, it's nowhere near the main characters who will be <SSS> rank in the future.

Normally because of my rank limit, ranking up is hard but thanks to the <I like the spotlight>, I'm progressing at a fast pace.

While meditating, a resolute expression appeared on my face.

"I will not waste this life being an extra."

I said.

"I'm want to live excitingly this time."

Coming in this world first, I thought of living lazyly and peacefully.

A life away from dangers, a normal life.

"But that's boring."

I already lived my life like that all this time.

I want to experience something new.

I want to have fun.

I want to satisfy myself.

I don't need to live like a nobody just because I'm an extra.

Smiling, I opened my mouth.

"So while I'm it..."

With a determined look, I muttered.

"Let's aim for the top."


I continued training mana control and marital arts for an hour.

After finishing, I took a bath and started to cook.

While cooking I remember some of the things Ruby said to me.

"There's really something about this body."

Controlling mana is so much easier to me and even learning things.

And also the reason I'm in the top class even my rank is low.

Is because of my insight.

Ruby asked Sir Kendy for me.

"Well I have an Insight skill so that explains why."

Turns out my <Insight> is rare.

Well I'm not gonna lie it helped me a lot.

Tok. Tok.

Then I heard knocks from the door.

I approached the door and immediately opened it.

"I thought you're gonna come sooner."

I said.

The one who knocked was Keara.

"Sorry, I was learning about my new job."

She was fidgeting.


I involuntary smiled.

"It's fine. I'm cooking dinner so come in and wait till it's ready."

She looked up at me with a relieved face.

I let her inside my dorm.

She sat on my bed.

Keara then started to look around the room.

"As you can see, I'm not really that talented and rich."

I said to her while cooking.

"It's fine, I don't really have a talent too, and beside I can just work for the both of us."

She said with a pure smile.

Her answer surprised me.

"Honestly, you're too good for me."

She was like an angel, I was touched.

"But not because you're too good for me doesn't mean I'm gonna let you go, in fact I'm gonna hold on you tighter."

I'm not letting her go, that's gonna be so stupid of me.

Keara became silent, she was embarrassed.

"You're so cute that I want to bite you."

I unconsciously said, regret washed my body for a second.

"Um, I-I didn't take a bath yet."

Her answer removed my regret and left me dumbfounded.


A laugh escaped my mouth.

"I don't really care, why would you take a bath now if we're gonna be sweaty soon?"

I said teasingly.

Keara seems to think what I mean just now, upon realizing it, she became red and lowered her head.

"Oh, and about Ruby."

I hesitantly said.

"Oh, she already told me, I'm so happy knowing someone as wonderful as her also love you."

She said cheerfully.

"She also treats me nicely and she seems like a nice person so I really don't mind."

Keara's words were like she was talking about her older sister.

"Yeah, thanks, you're like an angel."

I said and smiled awkwardly. This polygamy thing is still weird for me.

"Come on let's eat."

I just finished cooking.

I didn't told her about my real relationship with Ruby upon seeing her being cheerful.

Looks like Ruby and Keara are getting along.


I woke up and saw Keara looking down at me.

I'm in my cat form because I'm physically exhausted from last night.

Keara saw me transforming in a cat for the first time.

At first she was surprised, and she panicked.

But after calming down.

Keara liked my cat form.

She always keeps me close to her.

She always massage my stomach, which is good.

Keara fell asleep cuddling me.

It's a very pleasant feeling.

"What time is it?"

I asked Keara.

"It's 6:01 A.M."

She said carefully, like she doesn't want to startle me.

She treats me like a cat.

She seems to forgot that I'm a human.

So I transformed back to being a human.

By my sudden transformation, Keara got surprised.

While still on her lap, I kissed her lips.

"Good morning."

I said then stood up.

Keara got flustered but I just smiled and asked:

"Let's take a bath."

She nodded weakly.

We took a bath together.

Keara got dressed up, looks like she was prepared and brought clothes for her to change.

"You should leave some clothes here in my room for when you visit."

I said while preparing breakfast.

"Okay, I will."

Tok. Tok.

Then someone knocked.

"I'm gonna get it."

Keara said.

I unconsciously nod.

Then I remembered that we're in the Lunar Academy and not in a hotel.

So the one knocking is either a student or a staff.


Before completing my word, Keara already unlocked the door.

Then the door burst opened.


"Raven! What the hell happened? You're so noisy last nigh—"

Blake's words stopped upon seeing Keara.

I knitted my brows together.

Behind Blake was Adelle and Alec.

They're looking at me and Keara back and forth.

'Why the hell does this 3 get along so well?'

They became friends so fast.

"Miss Keara?!"

Blake exclaimed.

Keara realizing what's happening ran to me and tried to hide behind me.

"Don't hide behind me, your undergarments are on my bed revealed openly."

I said and covered the bed with a blanket.

I saw Adelle looking at the bed earlier with a surprised expression.

My dorm is small so the bed can be seen upon opening the door.

So denying Keara will be pointless, it might just hurt her feelings.

Fortunately, only Adelle saw Keara's undergarments.

"Um, do you guys want to eat? I just prepared breakfast."

The three of them flinched and bacame a bit embarrassed at my suggestion.

"Umm, yeah thanks."

They agreed, they came pretty early so I guessed they're trying to invite me to have breakfast with them.

While we're walking to the table, I stopped and looked at Blake.

"Oh, I wasn't the one who's loud last night, It was Keara."

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