Chapter 14 Inner Eye

Life is boring.

Born knowing nothing and dying knowing nothing.

So brief, it disappears when we close our eyes.

A small child staring at the toy in his hand, Gatotkaca.

A fictional character from a cartoon that the boy likes to watch with his mother. Gatotkaca is very strong, he is able to jump higher than a flying bird, punch through mountains, and run as fast as sound.

'He doesn't exist in the real world' he said.

The little boy walked in search of his mother.

'Mom? why isn't Gatotkaca in the real world?' He asked.

But her mother just lay still, her faded brown eyes staring stiffly at the ceiling.

She was a beautiful woman with long wavy black hair. Her stiff lips, once always formed a friendly and gentle smile.

Her light brown skin used to look radiant and full of freshness, but now it had turned pale white.

Mother kept smiling, even though her hands were trying to hold back the blood that came out of her stomach, but the blood was now dry.

Maybe she didn't want to scare her kids with a pained face.

The little boy did not find an answer from his mother, he walked unsteadily out of the house.

But when he grabbed the doorknob his hand stopped. His trembling knees sat languidly.

He sit still with vacant eyes.

The boy's mind went blank.

'If he doesn't exist in the real world, why don't you just become a Gatotkaca?' His mother's voice came from behind the kitchen.

His mother seemed to be cooking his favorite food, fried tempeh.

The boy was silent and did not turn to answer.

Moku screams and cries.

With a clenched fist he grabbed the doorknob and opened it. Moku stepped along with his will.

On that day, his World shattered leaving only one will.

Moku opened his eyes, he saw a group of orcs were sitting cross-legged in front of him. Moku started to speak.

"Seven days ago I managed to find a way out for our race.

The way to a chance to defeat the mage"

The orcs' eyes widened.

There was a surprised gasp from the orcs.

Boku asked impatiently "What the way is that? How do we get there?"

"It is a way to use the hidden power in our bodies.

Have you ever wondered why orcs can impregnate mana species like humans? Or why can't we have female offspring?

It is the power that is hidden in our bodies that causes this.

The power is so strong that it is capable of making women of other species submit and give up their wombs.

The power is so great that it turns all the babies that the orcs give birth to carrying the characteristics of their fathers, namely the male orc." Moku replied.

Orcs seemed enlightened, they also always wondered why there were no female orcs in this world.

If there were female orcs then their problem would be solved and the orcs would no longer be on the verge of extinction.

"This hidden power I call dragon prana.

I know that if there are four conditions for awakening and using dragon prana,

First, a strong body. The point is that the mass of fat in the body should not exceed 10% of body weight.

Orcs have a metabolic system that turns all their food into muscle. So all orcs had qualified without having to train when they were five years old.

Second, strong breathing technique. To pump dragon prana in the body and flow it to certain parts requires strong breathing techniques.

Third, strong will. You must have a strong will to be able to escape the control of the dragon prana and turn to control it.

Fourth, inner eye, this is a condition that I myself have not been able to fulfill.

That's why I wanted to do close-door training for a while. While I'm away I'll be appointing some orcs to handle some important positions.

Goku, I'm appointing you as assistant coach. While I'm away you'll be the one watching over the orcs training.

Don't let them be lazy, hit them if they're wrong, and keep adding weight to the load they carry even if it's just a pebble every day.

Boku, I'm appointing you the head of food hut. While I'm away you'll be the one watching over the food hut.

Keep all the meat in a jug of honey, take the meat from the older jug for training don't use the new one , and don't forget to feed the girls. 𝗳𝒓𝙚e𝓌e𝚋𝙣𝚘𝐯𝙚𝙡.𝑐૦m

Boku I trust you! I hope no orcs or girls starve to death when I return.

Mige, I appointed you the head of hunting. While I'm gone you'll be the one overseeing the hunt.

You will determine the route to Glittering Meadow, choose prey, determine hunting strategies, and appoint orcs to their respective positions.

Before leaving I'll teach you how to use a weapon, raise your weapons!

Practice begins!" Moku ordered.

The orcs are surprised that Moku chooses Mige as the head of hunting. It is only natural that Moku chooses Goku as the assistant coach and Boku as the head of the food hut.

The two orcs were already known to their tribe as the strongest and wisest. But Mige was a young orc.

They are worried that Mige will not be able to carry out his duties due to his lack of experience. But they didn't say anything and followed Moku's decision.

Moku as the chief of the tribe never made a mistake during his tenure. In fact they were getting stronger every day and they could feel it clearly.

Mige knew that if the other orcs doubted his abilities, he also didn't understand why Moku had decided to choose him as the head of hunting.

But Mige will not betray Moku's decision, he will show that Moku has done the right thing.

Mige clenched his fists tightly and stood together with the other orcs. They began to carry their own weighs.

Although Moku allowed to increase the weight with just pebbles, no orc was so weak as to add only pebbles.

They added timber even though it was only from small trees. The weight that the orcs were carrying had now reached a quarter of a ton.

They started with their usual footwork exercises, but Moku didn't continue until they passed out, instead he continued on to punch and kick practice after the third repetition.

Punches and kicks were practiced until they passed out. Two hours later they got up and started to eat.

After eating, Moku teach them how to use weapons, starting from the mace, spear, toya, and galah.

He asked them to choose their respective weapons and start their training. As usual Moku slashed every part of their body that was in the wrong position with a four-sliced rattan.

The exercise was carried out as usual, until they passed out. When they wakes up, Moku hands Goku a four-bladed rattan and asks Mige to lead the orcs on a hunt.

Mige agreed with a voice full of burning enthusiasm.

Moku saw the orc hordes walk away from being seen and disappear behind the shady Bog forest trees.

He also had to immediately do the experiment. Moku was a little scared, not because he knew what was going to happen but because he didn't know what was going to happen.

Moku walked across the top of Green Caping Hill and passed it. In contrast to the front side, the back side of Green Caping Hill has a lot of steep declines.

Like two different worlds, if the front side is covered with green grass and the sun is shining, the back side is covered with gray rocks and overcast clouds.

At the age of seven, Moku found a cave behind Green Caping Hill. The cave is inhabited by a mutated animal.

At that time he was sleeping, six horns seen perched on his head like a crown on the head of a king.

He sleeps curled up, but his golden yellow feathers look strong and sturdy. On both legs there are three sharp claws ready to tear their prey.

He woke up hearing the sound of Moku's footsteps entering his lair. He stood up showing his 2 meter body. A mutated vulture.

The bird mutated its claws to make it sharper and stronger.

The battle between Moku and the mutated vultures was fierce. But the location of the battle is more in Moku's favor, the mutated vulture can't use its flight ability in a narrow cave.

In the end Moku managed to stab the mutated vulture's eye. Then using the vulture's head as a grip, he managed to stab him in the neck.

Moku uses his claws for karambit blades.

The cave is not too big and there is only one room. Sometimes there is water that falls from the static in the sky of the cave which is 3 meters high.

He will perform the procedure of opening his inner eye in this cave.

Moku took out equipment and potions from the bag on his back. Before leaving Moku went into the food hut to get some potions.

Bulan explains the inner eye opening procedure will be assisted by some chemical drugs, but Moku can't find it and he doesn't know how to make it.

However he had prepared a potion that had the same effect.

Moku made a bonfire then closed the cave door with a large stone.

The cave was dark and only lit by the light from the bonfire. Moku begins to perform experiments according to Bulan's procedure that he remembers.

Moku took off all his clothes until he was naked.

To awaken the inner eye, the other five senses must first be disabled.

Even so the five senses that are paralyzed will make the mind reflexively and unconsciously move to find its own way out.

Then the body of the object of research must be immobile or unable to move far. Moku started to chain his arms, legs, waist and neck.

The end of the chain was plugged into the walls of the cave so Moku could still move his hands but could only walk half a step.

Then the next procedure is to turn off the senses. The first sense according to Bulan's procedure is the eye.

The goal is that the object of research will be calmer if you can't see what the researcher will do to his body.

But Moku did this experiment himself, for that he needed his eyes to see.

So the first sense is hearing.

Moku slapped his ears hard with his palms.


There was a ringing sound followed by pain, but a split second later the ringing disappeared along with the other sounds.

His eardrums shatter and Moku becomes deaf.

Moku didn't scream or react in the slightest. Blood dripped from his ear canal.

He then opened his mouth and pulled his tongue out. Moku quickly took a knife and cut his tongue.

The flesh that was Moku's former tongue fell on the ground. Moku lost his sense of taste.

The procedure continues, Moku holds the tip of his nose and cuts it.

A small groan was heard from Moku's mouth which was filled with blood.

But to eliminate the sense of smell is not enough to just cut the nose. We can smell odors due to the presence of olfactory nerves in the nasal cavity.

For that Moku has prepared a potion. This potion comes from tobacco liquid.

Tobacco is dried until it turns yellow, then finely ground and mixed in hot water. The results of the tobacco juice are what this potion is made of.

Moku poured the potion into his nostrils. When the potion met Moku's flesh it felt like it was being burned from within.

He groaned in pain. However Moku clenched his fists tightly and continued the procedure.

Now he can no longer hear, taste, and smell.

Next up is the skin. To get rid of the sense of touch is very difficult, Bulan thought of inserting an anesthetic liquid into the skin tissue so that the skin can feel numb.

But Moku couldn't make an anesthetic, he found another way with the same effect, namely fermented hogweed sap.

He covered his entire body with fermented hogweed sap. Not a single surface of the skin remains.

Even so the effects of the hogweed sap didn't react quickly, he still had time until his skin started to burn.

Moku inhale and exhale quickly. Next are the eyes. It's an easy procedure but he knows the pain he will feel. Moku prepares himself.

Without hesitation Moku poked his eyeballs with his index finger. Moku screamed in pain, but when Moku's screams hadn't gone away, a burning sensation started to spread throughout his body.

The effect of the fermented hogweed sap begins.

Moku felt like he was skinned alive and then doused with salt water.


Moku screamed in pain, his cut tongue made Moku's scream sound like a broken trumpet.

The sound he let out was like a scream from the depths of hell.

It made everyone who heard it shudder.

The pain slowly began to fade, Moku's mind began to no longer be preoccupied with pain.

But it did not get any information from the five senses.

There is only emptiness.

Moku can not see, taste, hear, smell and touch. He couldn't feel anything.

The brain is confused and continues to send signals to the five senses asking for information, but all five senses have been destroyed.

The brain panics. He sends all kinds of reactions to the body to find a way out.

But Moku's chained body can't move anywhere. He started to struggle. Moku felt he was going crazy.

What do blind people see?

What do deaf people hear?

What do people with anosmia smell?

What do people with ageusia taste?

What do person with numb all over his body felt?

What would happen if all of this happened at one time?

Have you ever thought about it?

Have you ever imagined it?


As if in a space without color, without sign, without directions, without beginning, and without end.

Being trapped in a circle that doesn't rotate, just floats until the end of time.

Time stopped, no one knows how long it has been, how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, or centuries, there is no concept of time.

The concept of self begins to disappear, the concept of existence becomes meaningless.

The orcs and their tribes disappeared,

The girls disappeared,

The teachers disappeared,

The friends disappeared,

Bulan disappears,

Moku disappeared,

The brain decides that the body is dead. It was time for it to also rest for good.

'Are you going to forget me too?' There was a soft and friendly voice.

'Are you going to rest and forget about me too?' the soft and friendly voice sounded sad.

The determination

The determination that was always with him, always sounded excited and forced Moku to continue to train and pursue their dreams.

The determination that had been with him ever since he had managed to open the door and set his foot on the ground.

It sounded sad. Her sad voice was far more painful than her angry voice.

He would never make her sad. No Never!

There are several phases after the five senses are gone.

The first phase, panic. The panicked brain will look for every way to get information from outside the body.

The object's body will struggle and go crazy, this can harm him so that the object must be shackled.

The second phase, acceptance. In this phase the brain accepts that it will not get any information from outside the body. So the brain will think if the body is dead.

As a result, the brain will begin to reduce the activity of organs such as the heart and lungs. Gradually the brain will also die due to the absence of oxygen entering the brain.

The third phase, awakening. In this phase, the object of research must force the brain to look for other senses as a source of information.

This phase requires a very strong determination from the object of research and a great will to survive.

This is because the object of research must fight the habit of the brain which always uses the five senses and forces it to use the inner eye.

That's why Bulan and Moku can't kidnap strangers and make them the object of research, because it's certain that the kidnapping will turn into murder.

Moku is the only human that Bulan knows has extraordinary determination and concentration that can even be categorized as a super power.

That's why Bulan believes that Moku will survive and come back alive even if he loses his heart or is beheaded.

Moku forced his brain to keep working and awake.



Time moves again,

The circle is turning again,

The colour turn to the space again,

The void shattered.

Moku can feel it again.

Like a thin mist that enveloped everything in the world.

Gives color that is never visible,

Provides coolness and warmth that has never been felt,

Light of Biofield.

A lizard-shaped silhouette emitted a light brown glow that felt harsh and cold as it attacked the cockroach-shaped silhouette that was also emitting a light brown glow.

The rocks and walls emitted a black light.

The chains that bound his hands appeared to be cracked on various sides due to his vigorous struggle.

He can see and felt every tiny detail.

Moku was amazed at the sight he saw with his inner eye.

Until he remembered his original purpose. Discover how to use dragon prana.

Moku started to see his own body.

His body emitted a soft green light and felt warm. But Moku can change that softness and warmth when he gives off a killing intent.

He took a closer look at his body.

His body is filled with luminous root fibers, it is the veins that carry energy through the blood.

This energy 2.5% will be used in daily life and 97.5% of it will be stored in the solar plexus, that is what should happen.

But there is a difference in the orc body, the energy used in daily life is still 2.5% but the energy stored in the solar plexus is only 37.5%.

60% of that energy resides in the orc's genitals.

Seeing this Moku could only shake his head. Orcs only store 37.5% of energy for their very fast metabolism and body regeneration.

While 60% of it is used for intercourse. Moku feels disgusted with his own race.

Moku looked deeper.

There are seven points in the orc's body that do not emit light but form space. It has a black ball in it.

The room is located at the top of the head, forehead, throat, heart, behind the solar plexus, navel, and at the end of the spine.

The rooms are connected to each other by stairs, which start at the lowest room at the end of the spine to the top room at the top of the head.

At the bottom of the room there are two black balls that are close to each other. They slowly turn in opposite directions.

The left ball rotates counterclockwise, the right ball rotates clockwise. Moku named the room as the Generator Room.

As the name implies, Moku understands the function of the room and it is in this room that he has to channel his dragon prana.

'Dragons have no power if they haven't hatched' Moku laughed inwardly.

Moku stood back up, his five senses had recovered.

Moku didn't know how long he had been in this cave.

He opened his eyes and walked unsteadily, his body not yet used to the six active senses.

Moku pushed the rock that covered the cave and came out.

The day has become night.

Moku walks back to the tribe. On the way he saw a horde of orcs who had just returned from hunting. As usual they came home full of wounds.

Their aura looks more lethargic and cold. Perhaps their killing intent had not been extinguished from the time of the hunt.

"Moku!" Goku who was in the front row said hello.

"Have you finished close-door training?" Zalthu asked.

Moku felt strange about Zalthu's question.

"How long have I been gone?" He asked.

"Gone? It's the same day you announced your close-door training" Vakgar replied.

Moku was surprised. Moku thought he had been in the cave for months, but it seems he was wrong.

Moku didn't answer and just smiled. He ordered the orcs to return to rest.

He walked briskly towards his tent.

He couldn't wait to immediately activate the generator room.

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