Chapter 15 How To Tame Your Dragon

Moku walks in the cold night.

A smirk tugged at his lips.

The orcs who were used to the crazy things Moku did didn't pay any heed.

The orcs were too exhausted and sleepy to think about the meaning of their chief's question.

Moku parted the curtain of his tent door.

He saw five girls sitting in a circle around the fire.

They had lived with Moku for more than a week making them accustomed to living in this warm tent.

With full stomachs, the warm and clean tent allows them to live comfortably.

Coupled with a sterile Orcs, none of orc captives are as happy as they are.

Hearing the curtains of the tent open they turned their heads.

Moku walked into his tent.

As usual, he brought meat and fruit.

They eat together.

Anna who finished dinner glanced at Moku who stood up and took the two swords they used to duel, she also stood up.

Anna considered this session as her sword practice session. Even so she was a little annoyed that she kept losing to Moku every night.

Anna wanted to slash the head of this sterile orc one day and see if his promise to release her was true.

Moku plunged one sword into the ground and started to slowly walk backwards.

Anna did not hesitate to take the sword and mount her sword stance.

Moku just stood up as usual and didn't raise his sword. He wanted to try something.

Seeing Moku who didn't mount his stance, Anna furrowed her brows in confusion.

Seeing her furrowed forehead, Moku just smiled and pulled his fingertips back, inviting Anna to attack.

Furious at being belittled, Anna lunged forward.

"This time I'm going to slash that ugly green head of yours!" Anna shouted.

Moku's smile grew wider. He understood the meaning of Anna's words, did not understand the language she was speaking but understood the meaning of her words.

Like someone who understands a language but can't speak it in the same language.

His brain has immediately translated the foreign language he heard into a language he can understand, so it is as if he hears a foreign language like hearing his familiar language.

Moku's ears listened to Anna's intonation, his eyes saw the look on her face, and his inner eye sensed the meaning of her words. Makes Moku understand what Anna is saying.

Moku wanted to laugh loudly, but Anna's sword which gave off a cold and harsh aura started to approach. Moku tilted his head and dodged easily.

Anna grew furious and began to attack very quickly. Attacks and feint combine in a single attack combo.

But Moku can dodge it easily, he can know for sure where Anna's fake attack is and where is the real attack. Moku reads Anna like a book.

She started to panic because her movements were read, Anna decided to back off. However, Moku who had been satisfied with his experiment, moved swiftly to chase forward.

He decide to end this duel.

He drew his sword and attacked, he swatted Anna's sword out and plunged into her defense.

Without giving Anna time to recover her stance, Moku stabbed his sword and stopped just as it was about to touch her white neck.

Moku lowered his sword and smirked.

Seeing that smirk Anna was getting more and more irritated, she threw away her sword and started cursing "One day I will chop off your dickhead, you sterile orc!"

Moku, who understood the meaning of Anna's words, felt a pang in his heart. He never expected a cute-faced girl like Anna to utter such dirty curses.

The other four girls who heard Anna's cursing giggled. But they fell silent again when Moku glanced at them with an angry face.

Moku ignored them, picked up the sword that Anna had thrown, and returned the two to where he usually kept them.

Anna had sat back down by the fire and started to undress. She knew what would happen next. She felt the reason Moku groping her body is to cure his sterile.

'Poor orc, so young but already sterile' thought Anna sadly.

Moku came back and saw Anna already lying naked beside the bonfire, once again her understanding made Moku's heart ache.

Moku forgot his heart and sat next to Anna, then the dragon prana rippled again looking at her naked body. But Moku was able to control his body easily.

He started doing breathing to control the dragon prana. During the experiment Moku managed to create a breathing technique specifically designed for dragon prana.

In martial arts, breathing technique is one of the important subjects.

With good breathing techniques, the practitioner can use the energy stored in the solar plexus to increase his strength during battle.

Moku after being reborn as an orc modifies his breathing technique so can be used more power in his new body.

The modification resulted in three forms of secret moves that he used against Goku in the Palaka match.

With his experience modifying breathing techniques for orc bodies, Moku created a new breathing technique which he named Dragon Breath Cultivation.

The first step is to activate the dragon prana then make it spin like a tornado. The dragon pranic tornado must keep spinning faster and faster.

The second stage, transmits.

Moku always gets to this stage, but the body parts he transmits can't store the dragon prana and always end up being pulled back into place after Moku turns his eyes away from Anna's naked body.

But with his new senses Moku finds the generator room.

To find the generator room required full concentration, therefore Moku used the spare energy in the solar plexus to sharpen his inner eye.

He also found the generator room. Two black spheres appeared to be spinning as he had seen before.

Dragon prana flowed into the two black spheres. The two black spheres reacted they spun faster and faster.

The black sphere on the right rotates clockwise, drawing in the dragon prana and channeling it into the black sphere on the left.

The black sphere on the left rotates counterclockwise absorbing the dragon prana from the black sphere on the right and channeling it to all corners of the generator room.

The two black spheres move on their own so Moku no longer needs to flow dragon prana into the generator room.

The generator room glowed with twinkling light receiving dragon prana energy from the black sphere on the left.

They kept spinning fast and faster. Until the generator room became bright and shone white light.

The generator room is getting brighter and brighter.

Moku saw the generator room was able to attract and store dragon prana on it own, he took his eyes off Anna's naked body and Moku became very happy.

Both the black sphere and the generator chamber still work even without stimulation, the dragon prana not be pulled back to its original place.

This continues until both balls grow one petal. The petals are similar to the petals of a lotus flower.

Then a second petal appears, not long after that a third petal appears.

Moku watched carefully, until he felt a danger like a call from his future self that said that he would regret if he just watched and do nothing.

Moku was surprised and started to find out if there was something wrong with the generator room activation procedure.

After looking back at the generator room more closely, Moku didn't see anything unusual, then he looked at the dragon prana.

Suddenly Moku's eyes widened, the hairs on his neck stood up, and cold sweat trickled down his back.

The dragon prana in his cock was getting less and less, now it was only 60% of its previous amount and was decreasing rapidly.

Dragon prana is the energy stored in the orc's genitals, it can be said that dragon prana is the orc's genital organ it self. 𝑓𝐫𝑒e𝒘𝚎𝘣𝚗𝘰𝘷𝐞𝑙.co𝑚

So if the dragon prana is completely absorbed or drastically reduced, it is very likely that Moku will be completely become really sterile.

Moku wants to become strong but not at the expense of his identity as a man and as an orc.

Even the immense power hidden within the orc's body came from its cock.

So if there is an orc that is sterile then he is the most defective product of the defective product. The only way to clear his name is to bang his head against tofu until he dies.

Moku channeled all the energy in his body and stored in his solar plexus to increase dragon prana.

However the generator room and the two black orbs absorb dragon prana faster than Moku added it. Moku panicked.

His body is getting thinner due to the energy that flows into the dragon prana, the energy reserves in his solar plexus are also getting depleted.

This will later cause side effects such as decreased regeneration ability and weight loss if Moku does not immediately restore the energy.

Until when the seventh petal opened, the two black sphere stopped absorbing dragon prana. The two black sphere now looked like two blooming lotuses.

Moku managed to save 50% of all his dragon prana.

But before Moku could breathe a sigh of relief, the two lotus flowers started to spin again and the generator room glowed again.

The light grew brighter and brighter until it surrounded Moku's entire body and enveloped him.

A white membrane began to appear and covered Moku's entire body, the cross-legged Moku curled up and was wrapped in a white membrane like a cocoon.

The five girls who were watching Moku perform his strange daily ritual, screamed in horror when they saw a bright white light emitting from Moku's body.

The light was so bright that they had to close their eyes. When they opened their eyes they saw Moku was already wrapped in a white membrane like a cocoon.

Anna who was closest to Moku screamed in horror, then crept away and gathered with the other four girls.

They were scared and hugged each other, they thought Moku was using forbidden magic to treat his infertility.

Moku who was in the cocoon didn't know what the girls were thinking. At this moment he felt his body being cleansed from within.

Moku is now in his subconscious.

There is no sky in this world, there is no sun, moon, or stars.

There is no time in this world, neither day nor night.

There is only a ladder that keeps going up until you can't see the end. To climb this ladder he must pass through a gate.

The gate in front of Moku.

This gate has a height of six meters with a white base color. It is supported by two large sturdy pillars.

This gate has two large doors in the middle of which there is a lotus flower that rotates in opposite directions.

The right lotus rotates clockwise and the left lotus rotates counterclockwise.

The gates, pillars, and doors are filled with beautiful carvings like the ones Moku had seen at Datuak nan Sabatang's house.

Carving of walking duck, symbolizing order.

Carving of bamboo shoots tip, symbolizing usefulness.

Carving of betel leaf, symbolizes thoughts and morals.

Carving of fern arch, symbolizing family.

Carving of spread nets, symbolizing the law.

Moku knew what he had to do. Moku stepped forward and placed his hands on the two doors.

Moku remembered the first door he opened himself. The door took Moku to see a different world.

At this time Moku will also open a door that takes him to step to see a different world.

A world full of violence and hardship.

However Moku wasn't as scared as before, he felt very excited with overflowing curiosity.

There is only one thing in common with both doors, determination will always be with him.

Moku pushed both doors and stepped forward.

The cocoon wrapped around Moku's body opened, expelling what was contained within.

Causing a burst of energy, making the wind churned and blowing violently throughout the tribe.

Moku stepped out of his cocoon. The cocoon was torn apart and carried away by the wind.

Moku changed.

The orc's massive body shrank and condensed. His muscles felt like they were getting harder and harder like steel plates.

Its height which is only 185 cm increases until it reaches 195 cm. His bones became hard like diamonds. His green skin became darker.

Not only his body, Moku's face also changed.

The orc's bare lower canines shrunk and became sharp.

His broad cheekbones shrunk to a slender shape. His bushy eyebrows turned curved and sharp like swords.

Grow thick black hair from his bald head. Moku's face became handsome, there was no fierce and brutal orc feature.

Moku's red eyes are so deep that they captivate anyone who looks at them.

He looked like a cold male model who could make a woman swoon with just a sinister smile.

The five girls looked at Moku with wide eyes and gaping mouths.

They were all stunned to see a handsome man with blackish green skin in front of them.

'Who is this handsome man!?' they shouted in their hearts.

Moku didn't care about the girls, he was busy feeling the power stored in his new body.

He felt he had the power to punch right through a boulder. Moku is getting closer to his dream.

In a little while he could jump as high as a flying bird, punch through mountains, and run as fast as sound.

As a result of the sudden evolution, Moku's clothes were torn apart and shattered along with his cocoon. So he currently naked.

On his waist was a white tattoo that wrapped around his body like a belt. The head of the belt is in the shape of an octagonal star.

The lower end of the star is longer than the rest. Moku named this belt Bhimasuta.

The lower end of the Bhimasuta represents the ladder being climbed, and the other seven ends represent the seven petals of the lotus flower.

The five girls looked at Moku's naked body, they swallowed hard because Moku's new body so perfect.

Hearing the girls gulp, Moku turned his head towards them. He smirked at Anna who was staring in awe.

'Now who are you calling dick head? It's time I cleared my name, you will see if this handsome orc is not sterile hehe'

"Do you like it?" Moku quipped at Anna.

Anna was surprised. Not because of Moku's question but because she understood what he was saying.

"You can talk?" Anna asked stuttering in disbelief.

"Of course I can talk, do you really think the monster is mute?" Moku asked back.

"Huh? That's not what I meant, you can understand human language?" hearing Moku's voice once again, Anna was sure that he was the one who spoke.

"I don't understand human language, but I use telepathy to convey my meaning to you. Look at other girls around you" Moku replied.

Apart from strengthening his body, the evolution also strengthened Moku's six senses, including the inner eye. He now can send messages via telepathy to someone.

Anna saw another girl beside her, they all looked at her strangely. They are surprised that Anna can understand monster language and Moku can understand human language.

"How? What kind monsters are you?" Anna was stunned.

"I'm an orc, don't you already know. Forget it, Anna you better start keeping your promise" Moku changed the subject.

"Promise?" Anna is confused.

"Yeah, we both have made a pact before fighting, if I lose then you can be free, but if I win you will be mine" Moku explained.

Anna was stunned, she did not expect that Moku really intended to free her. Anna just wanted to have a chance to behead this orc's dickhead.

Even though now Moku is handsome and doesn't have the head of a dick anymore.

"You're lying! There's no way the orcs will release the women they captured. You will definitely **** us until we die" Anna stood up and pointed at Moku.

Moku replied in a soft voice, "Anna, as a being who only has one gender, we are forced to look for partners from other species.

We just do it to stay alive. It's the same with humans who kill cows or chickens, cut down trees, and eradicate monsters.

Even so I give you the opportunity to determine your own destiny. The fight between me and you is a sacred battle.

As the strongest orc as well as the leader of this tribe, defeating me is a great achievement. 𝒇𝚛e𝘦wℯ𝑏𝓃𝑜νℯ𝒍.co𝗺

The other orcs will respect you and let you go freely. But unfortunately you lost." Moku spoke as he continued to walk towards Anna.

"So, keep your promise" Moku stood right in front of Anna, his tall body seemed to cover Anna's body, and his red eyes stared intently into Anna's eyes.

Anna was silent, she couldn't say anything, she was silent not because of Moku's reasonable argument but Moku's handsome face and burly body that was very close to her.

Anna even smelled a fragrant aroma that made her head dizzy and her eyes blurred from Moku's manhood.

Moku who saw Anna was silent, hugged her, carried her like a princess, and laid Anna close to the bonfire.

Their naked bodies pressed against each other. Moku hugged Anna and started licking her neck.

He was in no hurry to enjoy Anna's body. Moku is like a fisherman waiting for his catch to get tired while continuing to pull the fishing line.

Moku opened Anna's crotch and held her in his stomach. Moku gently squeezed the right chest and licked Anna's left chest with his right hand squeezing her buttocks.

Anna tried to fight back but her body seemed no longer in her control. Over time, Anna began to enjoy the play.

Moku who knew that Anna was enjoying this play more and more, moved towards her lower body. A small moan began to emerge from Anna's closed mouth.

Ah ah

Moku's hand that was squeezing Anna's buttocks moved up and stroked her back with fingertips. Anna felt electricity running through her body.


Moku's tongue which was licking Anna's breasts dropped slowly. Moku kissed Anna's flat white belly and licked her navel hole. Anna's moans grew louder.

Aah... ah..

After being satisfied with her stomach, Moku moved down again starting from Anna's waist circumference. Moku kissed and massaged the part slowly. Anna groaned again in a louder voice.

hmm.. Ahh.. aah..

Moku came back down and kissed Anna's clitoris. Then insert the tip of his tongue into her vagina with the upper lip still on the clitoris.

Moku moved his tongue up and down from the vaginal opening to Anna's clitoris. Anna's moans were heard following the rhythm of Moku's tongue.

Ahh... hm... Ahh...

Moku's hands were not silent, they squeezed and pinched Anna's nipples. Moku kept doing that until Anna's hips lifted and her back bent.

Ah... Ah. Ah!

When Anna almost reached the peak of satisfaction, Moku waited for the salty liquid to enter his mouth while speeding up his licking. Anna moaned in a sexy voice.


But what Moku felt on his tongue was a delicious liquid that was no less expensive than wine. Moku greedily drank Anna's orgasmic liquid.

Ahh.. hah.. ha.. hah..

Anna's chest heaved up and down after that intense orgasm. She never expected the orc to make her moan and orgasm like that.

Moku sat up straight and put the tip of his dick into Anna's vaginal opening.

Anna wanted to fight back but she seemed to lose energy after the orgasm. In the end, Anna just gave up her body.

Seeing Anna's body relax again, Moku slowly inserted his dick. His movements were very careful, back and forth slowly.

Moku slowly dug Anna's vaginal hole.

Moku is very focused because he doesn't want to hurt Anna. Until the tip of his penis touched her womb.


Anna groaned in surprise, she enjoyed Moku's cautious actions. Anna always thought the Orcs would fuck her cruelly.


Moku back and forth slowly, every time the tip of his cock touched her womb Anna let out a loud moan.

Moku kissed Anna's forehead and licked her tears. His right hand continued to gently squeeze Anna's buttocks.

Anna's neck and breasts did not escape Moku's kiss.

Anna started to move her buttocks to the rhythm of Moku's cock. Anna's moan was heard throughout the tent.

Four girls who saw Anna and Moku having sex, felt their pussy wet. Anna's sexy moans made them gulp.

They knew Anna was in pleasure, not pain.

A few minutes later Anna's body twitched again. Moku sped up his movements then her pussy oozed cum.

Moku let Anna's body relax again while continuing to kiss her face.

Moku's affectionate gesture made Anna's heart skip a beat. When her body relaxed again, Moku dug into Anna's vagina.

Their intimate relationship has lasted long enough, in the process Anna experienced multiple orgasms.

As Anna was about to have her sixth orgasm, Moku felt like he was going to come out too. Moku quickened his movement.

Anna looked exhausted and her moans were getting smaller. Anna's consciousness almost disappeared but her body continued to wants pleasure.

Urghhh... Aaahhh...

Moku groaned as his semen entered Anna's womb. Anna also had an orgasm.

Anna closed her tired eyes and fell asleep. Moku released his still standing penis from her pussy.

Moku closed her open crotch and took a cloth to cover Anna's body.

Moku then lay down beside Anna and used his arms to support her head.

Moku kissed her forehead, then her closed eyes, cheeks, and lips. Moku did it slowly not wanting to disturb Anna's sleep.

The girls saw Moku who handsome and gentle, they envied Anna. They had never been treated so gently by a man before.

But Moku ignored them and closed his eyes. He hadn't slept in more than a week.

But neither of them realized, the explosion of evolution caused the wind to blow violently.

The wind carried news to all corners of the continent.

Wake up those who should not be disturbed.

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