MTL - Rebirth in a Perfect Era

MTL - Rebirth in a Perfect Era


Authors : 公子不歌

Status : completed

Genres : Slice Of Life, School Life, Romance, Mature, Harem, Drama, Comedy, Adventure, Action

Chapters: 1836

Last update: 5 months ago

- MTL (Machine Translation Literature) refers to novels that have been translated using automated machine translation tools. This approach allows for quicker translations compared to human translators, but may result in less accurate and nuanced translations.
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Veteran programmer Li Mu was unfortunately kicked by fate into the year 2001, right before university entrance examinations. He happily shook his butt, got up, and inevitably stepped onto the road of being spectacular.As a person re-living his life Li Mu had his own goals and ambitions. Earning money was just the primary stage of becoming amazing.As for getting into the weekly publication of Times Magazine, becoming a master in the IT industry, and aiming for being on the Forbes Magazine list, they could all only be considered as his life's instermediate stage. As for what he considered the highest realm of being a phenomenal, Li Mu felt like there were the following three points: Becoming a rich man's idol. Becoming a celebrity's godfather. Becoming an extraordinary person's father. - Description from Novelupdates

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